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In this end-of-course project, you’ll practice using Python to perform EDA on a workplace scenario dataset. Then, you’ll use Python and Tableau to visualize the data.

Learning Objectives

  • Describe key findings for a relelvant audience member
  • Create accessible visualizations with Tableau to summarize key insights from the practice of EDA
  • Conduct Exploratory Data Analysis on a data science problem
  • Analyze a given dataset to share the story, or key insights, for a given data science problem
  • Demonstrate how to share stories with data by completing a portfolio project

Apply your skills to a workplace scenario

Video: Welcome to module 5

Summary of “Your Portfolio Project and Job Search”:

Key points for data professionals seeking job opportunities through portfolio projects:

  • Showcase data-driven story telling: Your portfolio should demonstrate your ability to use data to tell compelling stories and communicate insights effectively. This is a crucial skill for data professionals.
  • Address potential interview questions: Use your portfolio to address common interview questions about data cleaning, structuring, and validation by showcasing real-world challenges you’ve tackled and presented insights from.
  • Prepare for data visualization presentations: Hone your skills and build confidence for interview presentations by creating visualizations based on provided datasets using the skills you learned in Python and Tableau.
  • Experiential learning: Actively creating visualizations yourself strengthens your understanding and presentation skills compared to passively observing.
  • Demonstrate industry relevance: Show potential employers how you stay current with data analytics trends and your ability to apply them to real-world scenarios.
  • Project details: You’ll work with a database and business scenario, performing EDA in Python and creating 3-5 Tableau visualizations to answer the scenario’s questions.
  • Outcome: A comprehensive portfolio presentation and documented workflow using the PACE strategy for explaining your work to hiring managers.

Overall message: This project is an excellent opportunity to practice and showcase the skills learned throughout the course, positioning you well for success in your job search as a data professional.

Hi, I’m Tiffany, and it’s
great to be with you again. You’ve made a lot of
progress in the program. I’m back to tell you more about your portfolio projects
and how you can use them in your
future job search. Remember, your portfolio will be a collection
of materials you can use to showcase your approach to solving
data-oriented problems. In the portfolio project
for this course, you will demonstrate
your knowledge of telling stories using data. It’s an incredibly
important skill for a data professional
to know on the job but it’s also critical for success
in an interview. As potential employees
assess you as a candidate, they might ask you
for specific examples of how you approach cleaning, structuring, and validating
data in the past. You can use your portfolio
as a way to discuss actual data challenges you have resolved and real stories
you have presented. Additionally, some
employers might ask you to create a presentation based
on a dataset they provide. The skills you’ve learned in
Python and Tableau to create data visualizations
will help you feel more comfortable and prepare
for those interviews, as well as build
out your portfolio. You already learned about
experiential learning, which is when people gain
understanding through doing. Watching an instructor create a visualization is one thing. Creating a
visualization yourself to expand your understanding of the concepts and
improve your skills at presenting to
stakeholders is another. This portfolio project is also a great opportunity to
discover how organizations are using data analytics
every day and show off your knowledge of how to
tell data-driven stories. To complete the
portfolio project, you’ll be working
with a database and an accompanying
business scenario. You’ll use instructions
to complete a Jupyter Notebook showing your EDA work and
3-5 visualizations in Tableau in response
to the scenario. By the time you
complete this project, you have a comprehensive
presentation you can add to your data
professional portfolio. In your PACE strategy document, you’ll also have
documentation of the steps you took
along the way, which you can use to explain your work to future
hiring managers. You’re almost finished
with this course, which means you’re advancing
your understanding of what it means to be
a data professional. Now it’s time to demonstrate
what you’ve learned. This portfolio project
will help you practice and demonstrate
the skills you’ve learned throughout the course. For example, you’ll be
able to show how to perform the practices
of EDA in Python. Using Tableau, you’ll
demonstrate how to create data visualizations
that accurately detail a dataset story, and you’ll be able
to demonstrate how to prepare and document a comprehensive workflows
strategy using PACE. Ready? Let’s go.

Video: Introduction to your Course 3 end-of-course portfolio project

Summary: Portfolio Project and Data Storytelling Journey

Key points:

  • You’ve learned the 6-step EDA process for data storytelling.
  • Apply these steps in a portfolio project: clean, analyze, and present data for various audiences.
  • Refine your data cleaning and reframing skills to create compelling stories.
  • Develop a document presenting key findings and showcasing your analysis.
  • Learn additional skills to succeed in your data career.
  • Data professionals transform messy data into clear stories for business decisions.
  • This project shows employers your ability to create such stories from raw data.
  • Data skill development is iterative, so continuous learning is crucial.

Overall message:

This project is your chance to apply your EDA skills, create impactful data stories, and demonstrate your potential as a data professional to employers. Embrace the ongoing learning journey to further your data expertise.

In this course, you’ve been learning
about using the six steps of the EDA process to tell stories with data. Now it’s time for an exciting next
step putting all this to work for your portfolio project. In the previous course you learn
the basic formatting and structure for writing code in python. These coding skills will be
critical to the completion of your next portfolio project which
will require you to clean, analyze and present data to technical and
non technical audiences. Not that you have some practice completing
portfolio projects, think about how to reframe the data, you’re analyzing and
cleaning it into a well thought out story. In this part of the course
you’ll take a data set and apply the six steps of EDA to formulate
a useful document that can help you present key findings to stakeholders
in other sections of this program. You will work to develop additional
skills to help you thrive in the data career space. There’s so much more to learn about telling stories
with data as a data professional. A large part of your job is focused on
transforming messy data into an organized, clear story that meets business schools
and help stakeholders understand important details needed for
making business decisions. This portfolio project is a great
opportunity to demonstrate to potential employers that you can do exactly that
turn messy data into a logical story. And remember developing your skills as a
data professional is an iterative process. So you can continue to improve as you
have new ideas or learn new things

Reading: Explore your Course 3 workplace scenarios


Automatidata scenario

Reading: Course 3 end-of-course portfolio project overview: Automatidata


Practice Quiz: Activity: Create your Course 3 Automatidata project

Lab: Activity: Course 3 Automatidata project lab


Reading: Activity Exemplar: Create your Course 3 Automatidata project


TikTok scenario

Reading: Course 3 end-of-course portfolio project overview: TikTok


Practice Quiz: Activity: Create your Course 3 TikTok project

Lab: Activity: Course 3 TikTok project lab


Reading: Activity Exemplar: Create your Course 3 TikTok project


Lab: Exemplar: Course 3 TikTok project lab

Waze scenario

Reading: Course 3 end-of-course portfolio project overview: Waze


Practice Quiz: Activity: Create your Course 3 Waze project

Lab: Activity: Course 3 Waze project lab


Reading: Activity Exemplar: Create your Course 3 Waze project


Lab: Exemplar: Course 3 Waze project lab

End-of-course portfolio project wrap-up

Video: End-of-course project wrap-up and tips for ongoing career success

This course prepares you for data careers by emphasizing transferable skills and portfolio building:

Key Learnings:

  • Data analysis process: cleaning, organizing, and storytelling with data.
  • Python for data manipulation.
  • Importance of audience awareness in data communication.
  • Highlighting transferable skills in job interviews.

Portfolio Projects:

  • Demonstrate your work process and achievements to potential employers.
  • Help you answer common interview questions about data skills and tools.
  • Provide tangible examples of your ability to clean, analyze, and visualize data.

Future Steps:

  • Learn about statistics and data-driven work.
  • Practice AB testing simulations.
  • Expand your portfolio with more data-related projects.


  • Document your learning process and skills effectively.
  • Practice communicating your data insights clearly, considering your audience.
  • Your portfolio is a key tool for showcasing your capabilities in data careers.

By following these steps, you can confidently present your data skills and knowledge to potential employers and increase your chances of success in data-related job interviews.

At this point in the program,
you’ve done a lot of work towards better understanding data and how it can be
useful for enacting change in a business. You completed a Jupyter notebook, created
visualizations to support your work and refine your presentation to meet
the needs of your particular audience. As you continue to make progress in this
program, remember that documenting your learning process and skills will help
you communicate what you’ve done to potential employers and
hiring managers in future interviews. You may recall from previous sections
of this course that audience awareness is essential. During the interview process, knowing
how to talk about your work process, transferable skills and other achievements
will lead to much greater success. In this course, you learned the importance of following
the pay structure in a data career. You practice using Python to manipulate
data and you demonstrated how to organize and analyze a set of
data to tell a compelling story. The portfolio projects were designed to
help you thrive on the job market and that transferable skills you applied
contributed to the tangible artifacts you created. As you begin preparing for
future interviews, you should be ready to answer questions like what is
your process for cleaning data? What tool do you use for
creating data visualizations? How and why do data visualizations
enhance the stories, data tells? And what considerations are top
of mind when sharing data stories with non technical stakeholders. Of course there may be many other
questions that you are asked as you interview for a data professional role. Each portfolio project will
help you prepare responses. For example in the portfolio
project you just completed, you use the EDA process to clean,
organize and analyze the data set. Then you turn your data into
a presentation full of visualizations that will help stakeholders understand insights
from the data story you discovered. Don’t forget that you recorded all
of your considerations, questions, process notes and more in your
pay strategy document as well. Coming up, you’re going to learn all
about the power of statistics and data driven work. Then you’ll have an opportunity
to use statistical analysis to simulate an AB test. By the end of these courses, you will
have lots of artifacts in your portfolio.

Reading: Course 3 glossary

Course review: Go Beyond the Numbers: Translate Data into Insights

Course Summary: Data Exploration and Visualization

This course transformed your initial excitement for data exploration into the confidence of a true data storyteller, just like an archaeologist uncovering hidden stories.

Key Learnings:

  • Six Practices of EDA: Learn to structure, clean, discover, join, validate, and present your data to reveal its stories.
  • Data Cleaning: Handle missing data, outliers, and categorical data using techniques like label encoding.
  • Visualization Design: Create impactful visualizations using Tableau and consider best practices for different audiences.
  • Workplace Skills: Develop communication, ethical, accessibility, and PACE workflow skills for your data career.

Future Steps:

  • Build on this foundation with integral concepts in statistics, regression, and machine learning.
  • Apply your data storytelling skills throughout your career as a data professional.

Instructor’s Message:

  • The instructor encourages your continued journey as a data explorer and storyteller, wishing you success in revealing insights from data.

Do you remember
imagining yourself as an archaeologist at the
beginning of this course? You stood in front of an
ancient river bed at dawn, excited at the possibilities of what you might
find under the rock. What stories would you uncover? What long-lost mysteries
might you reveal? After learning the content
in this course, hopefully, you’ve had the same level of
excitement an archaeologist feels when it comes to
EDA and visualizations. As you’ve learned,
the six practices of EDA help find the stories that need to be told
from data sets. As you’re discovering,
structuring, and cleaning in your career, I hope that you are digging through the data
with determination, gathering your major
finds together, questioning your perspective, and researching more
about your discoveries. Then, I hope you remember the other three
practices of joining, validating, and presenting
to complete your EDA work. In this course, you’ve
had the chance to explore how data professionals take care of the
stories that have plot holes or puzzling scenes, or that is missing
data and outliers. You also learn how to change
categorical data into numerical data using the
label encoding technique. Finally, you considered
how to design visualizations and
present your data in really impactful ways. You learn the
advanced concepts of visualizing and you
started using Tableau. Throughout these
lessons, you learned some workplace skills like communicating to
different audiences, the importance of ethics, the need for accessibility, and the importance of
following the PACE workflow. These are the types
of skills which will serve you throughout
your career, from entry-level
data professional to senior data professional
and beyond. In the upcoming courses, you’ll be learning some integral
concepts in statistics, regression, and
machine learning. The knowledge you gained
in our course will be foundational to your progression through these next courses, as well as through
your career as a professional in
data analytics. It has been my pleasure
instructing you the practices of EDA and data visualization are
close to my heart, and I’m always excited to meet future data professionals
learning these principles. Great job on completing
this course. You have the makings of a solid storytelling
data professional. May you always
find excitement in exploring and telling
stories using data.

Reading: Get started on the next course
