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Course 2 end-of-course project

You will put everything you have learned about Python so far into practice with an end-of-course project. You will select a business problem from a list of options and use the given data to solve the problem. This project is an opportunity to demonstrate your skills and build a professional portfolio you can use to showcase your work to potential employers. 

Learning Objectives

  • Describe key findings for a relevant audience member
  • Implement a code-based solution with Python
  • Plan an approach to solving a new data science problem
  • Conduct analysis on a given dataset to determine potential options for tackling a problem
  • Formulate a problem statement to understand a dataset’s inputs and outputs

Apply your skills to a workplace scenario

Video: Welcome to module 5

Tiffany, from Google’s Responsible AI Program, guides you on building a Python portfolio project for your job search.

  • Purpose: Showcase your coding skills, develop interview skills, and prepare for data-driven tasks.
  • Project focus: Load, clean, and structure unstructured data into a tidy dataset using Python.
  • Benefits:
    • Demonstrate data manipulation skills.
    • Explain your problem-solving and thought process to employers.
    • Practice interview scenarios involving data cleaning and structuring.
    • Prepare for potential requests to build a database structure.
  • Instructions:
    • Choose a business case from provided options.
    • Follow instructions to complete your project in your PACE strategy document.
    • Aim for a tidy dataset: easy to manipulate, model, and visualize.
    • Document your steps for future reference and explanation.
  • Outcome:
    • A structured dataset for the next portfolio project.
    • Enhanced data manipulation skills and portfolio piece for your job search.

This summary highlights the key elements of the project, its benefits, and your goals as you move forward.

Hi. It’s great to
be with you again. You might recognize me
from the last course. I’m Tiffany and I lead the Responsible AI Program management team here at Google. I’m back to talk
more with you about your portfolio
projects and how you can use them in your job search. Now that we’ve had some
time to explore Python, I’m excited to help
you work on a project that you could add to your
professional portfolio. As we complete this
segment of the program, you’ll have the
opportunity to begin showcasing your coding skills. This portfolio project is a really valuable opportunity to develop your
interview skills. When potential employers
assess you as a candidate, they might ask for
specific examples of how you tackled coding
challenges in the past. You could use your
portfolio as a way to discuss a real problem
you have solved. Additionally, some employers
might ask you to load, clean, and structure data during an interview to prove
your proficiency. Getting some practice creating a database structure to address data-driven projects
means you’ll be prepared for that
type of situation. You’ve already learned about experiential
learning or the idea of understanding through doing. This portfolio project is a great opportunity to really
discover how organizations manage data with Python and practice the skills you’ve
been learning in this course. To complete the
portfolio project, you’ll be presented
with details about some business cases and some
unstructured data files. Choose one business scenario
and use the instructions to complete a new entry in
your pace strategy document. Based on the scenario, your task is to load, clean, and structure the data so that your end product
is a tidy dataset. Data tidying is structuring datasets to facilitate analysis. Tidy data sets are
easy to manipulate, model and visualize, and
have a specific structure. Each variable is a column, each observation is a row, and each type of observational
unit is a table. By the time you complete
this project, you’ll have a structured dataset
that you’ll use in the next course
portfolio project. In your PACE strategy
document, you’ll also have documentation of the steps
you took along the way. Which you can use to explain
your work and thought process to future
hiring managers. At this point, you’re almost
finished with this course, which means you’ve
learned everything you need to keep advancing
as a data professional. This part of the project will focus on demonstrating
mastery of data manipulation
and understanding how data professionals use Python to explore and extract information through
custom functions. Ready? Then let’s get started.

Video: Introduction to your Course 2 end-of-course portfolio project

Building your data portfolio with Python in this exciting next step!

  • Leverage previous learning: Apply your knowledge of basic Python, data structures, and communication skills to this project.
  • Tidy data is key: Clean and structure unstructured data into a clear, well-organized format targeting a specific business scenario.
  • Data career beyond this project: This is just the beginning! Dive deeper into data visualization, statistics, models, and machine learning in coming sections.
  • Strengthening skills for future success: Gaining proficiency in Python makes you a strong candidate for data professional roles.
  • Demonstrate your potential: Showcase your ability to transform data into valuable insights for business decisions, impressing potential employers.
  • Iterative learning: Continuously improve your data skills as you explore new ideas and technologies.

This summary captures the essence of the text: focusing on the current portfolio project, highlighting future learning opportunities, and emphasizing the value of applying data skills in real-world scenarios.

In this course, you’ve been
learning about the advantages and simplicity of python as well
as basic python, syntax loops, strings, data structures and
object oriented programming. Now it’s time for an exciting next
step putting all this to work for your portfolio project. In the previous course you learned about
the flexibility of a data professional career and the ways communication has
a direct impact on data driven work. You also practice thinking like a data
professional as you assess a business scenario and
recorded project considerations and your Pace strategy document. These skills will also be
applicable to this new project. In this part of the course you’ll
be presented with some unstructured data files. Your goal is to load clean and
structure their data in a tidy data set that is targeted towards
a specific business scenario. Coming up, you’ll begin to explore what it
means to be a data professional in other sections of this program, you’ll work
on developing additional skills to help you succeed in the data career space,
there’s so much more to learn about data visualization,
statistics, models and machine learning. The skills you learn and strengthen
through this program will help you be a better class later when
completing future data projects, learning how to use and navigate. Python will also make you
an ideal candidate for data professional roles
as a data professional. A large part of your job involves
engaging with data to help your team and others in your organization, develop critical insights that
ultimately drive business decisions. Often there’s so much data that tools like python are
needed to successful complete daily work. This part of the portfolio project is
a great opportunity to demonstrate to potential employers that you can do
exactly that take unstructured data and clean, organize and
manage it to achieve an actionable goal. And remember developing your skills as
a data professional is an iterative process so you can continue to improve as
you have new ideas or learn new things.

Reading: Explore your Course 2 workplace scenarios


Automatidata scenario

Reading: Course 2 end-of-course portfolio project overview: Automatidata


Practice Quiz: Activity: Create your Course 2 Automatidata project

Reading: Activity Exemplar: Create your Course 2 Automatidata project


Lab: Exemplar: Course 2 Automatidata project lab

TikTok scenario

Reading: Course 2 end-of-course portfolio project overview: TikTok


Practice Quiz: Activity: Create your Course 2 TikTok project

Reading: Activity Exemplar: Create your Course 2 TikTok project


Lab: Exemplar: Course 2 TikTok project lab

Waze scenario

Course 2 end-of-course portfolio project overview: Waze


Practice Quiz: Activity: Create your Course 2 Waze project

Reading: Activity Exemplars: Create your Course 2 Waze project


Lab: Exemplar: Course 2 Waze project lab

End-of-course portfolio project wrap-up

Video: End-of-course project wrap-up and tips for ongoing career success

Progress & Portfolio:

  • You’ve accomplished a lot, including building a tidy database in Python for a business scenario.
  • Highlight transferable skills in your portfolio, like problem-solving, communication, and data management, regardless of specific tools used.
  • Showcase your thought process and decision-making in the project to demonstrate your approach.

Communication & Audience:

  • Adjust your technical explanations to match the audience’s knowledge level (stakeholders, interviewers).
  • Consider interviewers’ business needs and tailor your information to help them fill the open position.

Next Steps:

  • Learn data storytelling and exploratory data analysis.
  • Create data visualizations for your portfolio.
  • Build a strong portfolio showcasing your skills and potential.

Overall Message:

  • Focus on transferable skills and effective communication while highlighting your project’s value to various audiences.
  • Utilize the upcoming lessons and data analysis practice to strengthen your portfolio and prepare for your career in data.

Hi there. Let’s take a moment to appreciate how far you’ve come at this point in the program. You’ve done a lot
of work already. You completed two entries in
your pace strategy document and began writing your own code. As you continue to work on
your portfolio projects, you’ll want to consider
how you can document your process and
explain what you’ve done to potential employers and hiring managers in
future interviews. First, it’s important to recognize that as a
data professional, you may be asked to learn
and adapt to new tools. There are a lot of great
options out there and different businesses have
their own preference depending on their needs. As you apply for the jobs, keep in mind that you
have learned a lot of transferable skills
that can be applied across organizations
and industries. For example, in the part of your portfolio of the project
you’ve just completed, you used Python to
build a tidy database focused on solving a
data-focused business scenario. Python is a great tool, and knowing how to use it
is a tremendous skill. But even more importantly, you’ve learned to consider how a data professionals work, contributes to business decisions,
and strategic insights. You’ve learned the
importance of communication, the value of tools
available to you, and how to use Python to
manage large data sets. These are skills worth
highlighting in job interviews, no matter what tools
the position requires. This portfolio project is
a great way to showcase these transferable
skills and give interviewers insight on
your approach to problems, your thought processes, and why you made certain decisions. In addition to making
sure you’re highlighting transferable skills when talking about your portfolio project, you’ll also want to make sure you’re considering
your audience. As you have been learning
throughout these courses, you will often work
with different kinds of stakeholders who have different levels of
technical knowledge. When you’re communicating with them about technical processes, you’ll want to keep in
mind who your audience is, what their goals are, what they already know, and what they need to know. This is just as true
when you’re discussing your portfolio project
with interviewers. Often, there will be
people conducting or joining your interview who aren’t necessarily
data professionals. For example, hiring
managers may not have the same detailed
understanding of data processes as you do. In order to keep your
presentation relevant to them, try to remember those key
questions about your audience. Your interviewers have
a business challenge, just like stakeholders
and data projects. They have an open job
position they need to fill. Think about what they
need to know about you to make a decision that
solves their challenge. Coming up, you’re going to learn all about how to tell
stories with data. Then you’ll have an
opportunity to perform some exploratory data analysis and create data visualizations. By the end of the program, you will have a
strong portfolio.

Course review: Get Started with Python

Reading: Course 2 glossary

Video: Course wrap-up

  • Achievement unlocked: Completion of the end-of-course project, showcasing your Python proficiency through a tangible product for employers.
  • Python skills mastered: Variable usage, data type conversion, function calls, operators, conditional statements, clean code writing, loops, string manipulation, data structures (lists, tuples, dictionaries, sets, arrays), and fundamental data analysis tools (NumPy and pandas).
  • Next steps: Dive into data presentation and communication to transform data into meaningful insights for decision-making.
  • Future outlook: A strong foundation in Python skills ready to be built upon in your data professional career.

This summary captures the essential elements of your progress and future focus, highlighting your accomplishments while leaving the audience excited for the next learning stage.

Congratulations! You have completed the
end-of-course project! You now have a tangible
product you can present to future employers that demonstrates
your Python proficiency. Wow, you’ve learned so
many new Python skills! First, you learned how
to use variables to store and label your data, and how to convert and
combine different data types such as integers and floats. Next, you learned how to call functions to perform useful actions on your data, and use operators to compare values. You also learned how to
write conditional statements to tell the computer how to make decisions based on your instructions. And you practiced writing
clean code that can be easily understood and reused
by other data professionals. Then you discovered how to use loops to automate repetitive tasks. You also learned how to manipulate strings by slicing, indexing, and formatting them. After that, you explored
fundamental data structures such as lists, tuples,
dictionaries, sets, and arrays. Lastly, you learned about
two of the most widely used and important Python tools for advanced data
analysis: NumPy and pandas. Coming up, you have even more
exciting discoveries to make. Now that you understand
how to create systems to prepare data for stakeholders, it’s time to start thinking
about how to present that data and make it useful for decision-making. You now have a strong
foundation of Python skills that you can continue to build on in your future career
as a data professional. So go get ready and continue
your learning journey.