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Home » University of Pennsylvania » AI For Business Specialization » AI Fundamentals for Non-Data Scientists

AI Fundamentals for Non-Data Scientists

“Unlock the power of Machine Learning and Big Data in this comprehensive course. You’ll delve into the world of algorithms, exploring the various methods and tools, such as Teachable Machine and TensorFlow, to create tailored solutions for your business.

Dive deeper into Machine Learning techniques, including Deep Learning, and learn how to overcome limitations to achieve high accuracy. You’ll also discover the best practices for training data and how to optimize your algorithms.

Next, you’ll venture into the realm of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and Variational Autoencoders (VAEs), and learn how to harness the power of AutoML to build customized algorithms that meet your business needs.

Gain insights from industry leaders who manage Big Data for global giants like McDonald’s and Visa through exclusive interviews. By the end of this course, you’ll be equipped with the skills to:

  • Code in multiple ways, including no-code tools
  • Master Deep Learning concepts
  • Identify and rectify errors in your algorithms
  • Leverage Big Data to protect customer privacy and drive business growth through strategic decision-making

Get ready to unlock the full potential of Machine Learning and Big Data to transform your business.”

Module 1Big Data and Artificial Intelligence
Module 2Training and Evaluating Machine Learning Algorithms
Module 3ML Application and Emerging Methods
Module 4Industry Interview

Home » University of Pennsylvania » AI For Business Specialization » AI Fundamentals for Non-Data Scientists