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Explore the cryptographic methods and standards used to protect data and secure communication.

Learning Objectives

  • Compare symmetric and asymmetric encryption
  • Explain the public/private key and hashing techniques
  • Compare and contrast different types of digital certificates
  • Discuss authentication and authorization methods
Table Of Contents
  1. Encryption
  2. Public/private key and hashing
  3. Digital signing and certificates
  4. Conclusion
  5. Authentication and authorization


Video: Introduction to encryption

  • Encryption is the process of encoding a message or data so that only authorized parties with the right key can access it.
  • Encryption has a long history and has evolved over time from simple techniques like the Caesar cipher to complex algorithms used today.
  • The Caesar cipher involves shifting each letter in the message by a certain number of spaces down the alphabet.
  • Modern encryption techniques are much more complex and use symmetric or asymmetric encryption.
  • Symmetric encryption uses a shared secret key to encrypt and decrypt data, while asymmetric encryption uses a pair of keys – a public key for encryption and a private key for decryption.
  • Other encryption techniques include hash functions, digital signatures, and key exchange protocols.
  • Encryption is used in various scenarios, such as securing online banking transactions and protecting sensitive information in industries like finance, healthcare, and government.
  • While no encryption is unbreakable, the goal is to make it difficult and time-consuming to break so that the encrypted data is no longer relevant by the time it’s decrypted.
Which of the following encryption techniques involves using a pair of public and private keys to encrypt and decrypt data?

Asymmetric encryption

That’s correct! Asymmetric encryption uses a pair of public and private keys to encrypt and decrypt data. The public key can be freely shared, but the private key must be kept secret.

Have you ever sent a private message to
a friend using a secret code that only the two of you knew? Maybe you created unique symbols for
each letter of the alphabet, making a key that can be used to write and decipher coded messages that only
those with the key can read them. Or perhaps you had a secret handshake or a
sign to signal something that only you and your friend would understand,
encryption works in a similar way. It’s the process of encoding a message or
data so that only authorised parties with
the right key can access it. In this video, you’ll be introduced
to encryption and learn about some of the fascinating techniques used to
protect data and secure communication. Encryption is an essential tool
in modern day communication and helps protect sensitive information
from being intercepted and read by unauthorized parties. Encryption has a long history and has
evolved over time from simple techniques like the Caesar cipher to
the complex algorithms used today. The Caesar cipher is one of the oldest and
simplest encryption techniques. It was named after Julius Caesar, who used this technique to
communicate with his generals. The Caesar cipher involves shifting each
letter in the message by a certain number of spaces down the alphabet, which is
also known as character substitution. For example, if the key was three, then A would become D,
B would become E and so on. The Caesar cipher technique is simple
to implement but is not secure, as the key can be guessed and
the message can be decrypted quite easily. In the modern day, encryption is much more
complex, and there are many different types of encryption techniques used
to protect data and communication. One such technique is
symmetric encryption, which uses a shared secret key
to encrypt and decrypt data, much like using a shared secret code
to send a message to your friend. But modern encryption keys
are a lot more complex and much less predictable than traditional
character substitution techniques. Symmetric encryption is often used in
situations where two parties need to communicate securely and
have agreed on a shared key beforehand. The same key that encrypts
the data is used to decrypt it, making symmetric encryption ideal for
bulk data encryption and secure communication
within closed systems. Another type of encryption
is asymmetric encryption. Unlike symmetric encryption, which relies
on a single shared key for encryption and decryption, asymmetric
encryption uses a pair of keys. This pair consists of a public key and
a private key. The public key is responsible for
encrypting the message and can be shared with anyone,
while the private key is responsible for decryption and must be kept secret. Asymmetric encryption uses End-To-End
encryption to protect the confidentiality and privacy of the user’s communications
and to authenticate users. Many other types of encryption techniques
are also used in modern day cryptography, such as hash functions, digital
signatures and key exchange protocols. These techniques are used
to protect data and communications in a variety
of different scenarios, from securing online banking transactions
to protecting military communications. You’ll explore more about encryption
techniques later, but they essentially all boil down to a more complex series of
numbers and calculations to encrypt data. In the end, no encryption is unbreakable
given enough time and resources. However, the aim of encryption is to make
it so difficult and time consuming to break that the encrypted data is no longer
relevant by the time it’s decrypted. Encryption is an important tool for
protecting data and communication, and it has a long and fascinating history. From the simple Caesar cipher to
the complex algorithms used today, encryption has evolved over time to play
an essential role in protecting data. In industries such as finance,
healthcare and government, where sensitive information
must be kept confidential. Without encryption, the online world
would be less secure, and the sensitive information shared by individuals would be
more vulnerable to interception and theft.

Reading: Evolution of encryption

Video: Modern encryptions

This video explores various encryption methods and their strengths and weaknesses:

Encryption Techniques:

  • AES: Symmetric, fast, uses shared secret key for high security.
  • RSA: Asymmetric, uses public and private keys for secure communication without shared key.
  • ECC: Public key encryption based on elliptical curves, smaller keys, faster, more efficient, higher security.

Choosing the Right Method:

  • Consider security level, data size, number of parties involved.
  • Symmetric (AES) offers speed and efficiency.
  • Asymmetric (RSA, ECC) provides versatility and security for multiple parties.

Key Management:

  • Crucial for maintaining data confidentiality and integrity.
  • Practices include generating, distributing, storing, revoking keys.
  • Key exchanges (like Diffie-Hellman) securely distribute keys without sharing them directly.


  • No encryption is foolproof, understand limitations and weaknesses.
  • Implement effective key management practices for better security.

Which of the following use asymmetric encryption? Select all that apply.


That’s correct! ECC is a public key encryption technique based on elliptic curve theory that can be used to create smaller and more efficient keys.

RSA encryption

That’s correct! RSA uses asymmetric encryption with public and private keys.

By now, you understand that
encryption is an essential tool for safeguarding sensitive information when
transacting and communicating online. You’ve learned quite a bit about some of
the most widely used encryption methods, like AES and RSA. But with so many different
encryption options available, how do you know which encryption
technology to use to protect your data? Not all encryption techniques are equal,
and understanding the strengths and weaknesses of different modern
encryption methods is crucial. In choosing the right technology
to provide the best security for your specific needs. That’s why, in this video, you’ll delve
deeper and explore the strengths and weaknesses of modern
encryption technologies and discover key management best practices. To begin, let’s reflect on what
you’ve learned about AES and RSA. AES is a symmetric encryption algorithm
that ensures high levels of security by encrypting data into
fixed sized blocks. In this method, each block is encrypted
with a secret key that is shared only between the sender and the receiver. RSA, on the other hand, uses two keys,
a public key and a private key. And can be used to communicate securely
between multiple parties without the need to share a secret key. In addition to AES and RSA, is another
popular encryption technique called Elliptical Curve Cryptography, or ECC. ECC is a type of public key encryption
that is based on the mathematical theory of elliptical curves and uses smaller,
faster, and more efficient keys. Instead of multiplying large prime numbers
like traditional methods, ECC uses an elliptical curve equation to link two
separate keys to encrypt and decrypt data. One is a public key and
the other is private. This approach offers a higher level of
security because the private key cannot be derived from the public key. ECC is an alternative to the RSA
cryptographic algorithm and is widely used in cryptocurrencies
such as, Bitcoin and Ethereum. And because it is so efficient, it works
well for wireless communication and the Internet of Things. The methods used in encryption
are designed to be highly secure, making it difficult for
anyone to break them. Advanced encryption algorithms like
AES are particularly strong and can withstand brute force attacks that
attempt to decode the encryption key. However, no encryption technique is
100% foolproof, which is why it’s also important to understand their
limitations and weaknesses. For example, managing the shared key
in AES can be challenging when multiple parties are involved. RSA’s complexity can slow down
the encryption process, and while ECC offers a higher
level of security, its complexity makes it vulnerable
to implementation errors. These issues can impact the overall
security of your data, and it’s crucial to address them by implementing
effective key management practices. Key management practices involve
procedures for generating, distributing, storing, and revoking encryption keys. And ensures that only authorized
parties have access to them. This is essential for
maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of encrypted data. One of the most popular key management
practices is the use of key exchanges. Key exchanges allow for the secure
distribution of encryption keys between parties without the need
to share the key itself. A popular key exchange protocol
is the Diffie-Hellman Protocol. Which allows two parties to independently
generate shared secret keys without actually sharing the key itself. This protocol is commonly used
in secure communications and e-commerce transactions. When it comes to choosing
the right encryption technology, various fact such as the level of security
required, the size of the data, and the number of parties involved
need to be taken into account. Symmetric encryption methods like AES
provide fast and efficient encryption. While asymmetric encryption methods like
RSA and ECC offer more versatility and security for multiple parties.

Reading: Encryption tools

Reading: Exercise: Initial protective measures


Practice Quiz: Self-review: Initial protective measures

Given Sam’s Scoops’ current security profile, a system failure can result in the loss of critical business data. Which security policy recommendation can help prevent such incidents?

Which infrastructure recommendation can help Sam’s Scoops protect against unauthorized access to their network?

Which infrastructure recommendation can help prevent unauthorized access to sensitive customer information?

Reading: Exemplar: Initial protective measures


Practice Quiz: Knowledge check: Encryption

What is the Caesar cipher encryption method?

What is the difference between AES and DES encryption methods?

What is SSL/TLS encryption used for?

How does VPN encryption help secure online communications?

How does blockchain technology use encryption to ensure security?

Reading: Additional resources: Encryption


Video: Private key and symmetric encryption

Summary of Private Key Encryption

This video covers private key encryption, also known as symmetric key encryption. Key points include:


  • Uses the same key for both encryption and decryption.
  • Key is generated as a sequence of bits (1s and 0s).
  • Crucial to keep the private key secure.


  • AES: Widely used, block cipher operating in various modes.
    • Offers different key sizes (128, 192, 256 bit) for security vs. performance trade-off.
    • Modes include ECB (simple but vulnerable), CBC (more secure).
  • Blowfish: Offers flexible key sizes (32-448 bit), faster encryption.
    • Good for speed, but AES may be better for high-security needs.

Key Management:

  • Crucial for security, as one key unlocks all encrypted data.
  • Options include:
    • Hardware security modules: Physical devices for secure key storage and operations.
    • Encrypted key storage services: Servers with encryption and security measures.
  • Regular backups and secure storage of backups are essential.


  • Understanding private key encryption algorithms and key management best practices is crucial for data security.

From uncovering the captivating
history of encryption and delving into the intricate tools
that uphold modern data security, you’ve come a long way to learn about
the role of cryptography in data security. In this video, you’ll zone in on private
keys and learn about how they are formed, used and stored securely. You will also touch on different private
key encryption, algorithms like AES and Blowfish. Uncovering their unique strengths and the key management challenges
that come with them. Private key encryption, also known as
symmetric key encryption, is a fundamental concept in cryptography that involves
using the same key to both encrypt and decrypt data. But how are these keys created? Private keys are created by generating
a sequence of bits, or 1s and 0s, that serve as the key itself. Once generated, the private key
is used to encrypt the data, and only the same private key can
decrypt the encrypted data. It is crucial to keep the private key
secure to prevent unauthorized access to the protected information. As you may recall,
the Advanced Encryption Standard, or AES, is a widely used symmetric
key encryption algorithm. It operates as a block cipher, dividing
data into fixed sized blocks of 128 bits. The encryption process involves applying
a series of mathematical operations, known as rounds, to the input data. The number of rounds depends on the key
size, for instance, 10 rounds for 128 bit keys, 12 rounds for 192 bit keys,
and 14 rounds for 256 bit keys. A larger key size generally
provides greater security, making it harder for
cyber criminals to crack the code. However, it’s essential to note that
the larger key sizes may result in slower encryption and decryption times. It’s a trade off between security and
performance, AES operates in various modes, each with
its unique characteristics and strengths. Let’s explore a few examples,
electronic codebook, or ECB, is the simplest and
most straightforward mode. In this mode, data is divided into blocks,
and each block is encrypted independently, however, this simplicity
comes with the downfall. ECB can be vulnerable to certain attacks,
making it the least secure option. On the other hand, cipher block chaining,
or CBC, encrypts each block of data using the previous block cipher text,
creating a chain of interconnected blocks. This creates an extra layer of protection,
making it more secure and commonly used in situations where
confidentiality is very important. Now that you’ve explored the different
modes of AES encryption, let’s shift your focus to another prominent symmetric
key encryption algorithm Blowfish. Blowfish is a symmetric key
encryption algorithm designed by Bruce Schneier in 1993. Just like AES, Blowfish is a block
cipher that operates in both ECB and CBC modes, but it offers a few
unique features that set it apart. One standout feature of Blowfish
is its flexible key size. With Blowfish, you can use variable-length
keys ranging between 32 and 448 bits,
making it a more efficient solution for scenarios that require swift
encryption and decryption. While Blowfish is ideal for
fast encryption, it’s important to note that alternative
methods like AES may be more suitable in situations where a high
level of security is required. Now let’s delve into the crucial aspect of
key management in private key encryption. Key management plays a vital role in
maintaining the security of private key encryption. Since the same key is used to encrypt and
decrypt data safeguarding, the key is essential to prevent
unauthorized access to encrypted data. One solution to address the key management
challenges is the use of hardware security modules. Hardware security modules are physical
devices specifically designed to provide secure key storage and
cryptographic operations. Their tamper resistant properties make
them resilient to physical attacks such as drilling, cutting, or heating. Hardware security modules are commonly
used in industries such as finance, healthcare, and government, where the security of cryptographic
keys is of utmost importance. Another option for storing private keys
is to use encrypted key storage services, these services use encryption to
protect keys stored on their servers. While access to the keys is typically
protected by multi-factor authentication and other security measures. It is also crucial to establish secure
backup and storage mechanisms for private keys. Regularly backing up keys helps mitigate
the risk of key loss in the event of hardware failure or
other unforeseen disasters. However, it is equally important to
store the backup securely to prevent unauthorized access. That wraps up your exploration of
private key encryption from the powerful algorithms like AES that provide robust
security to Blowfish that excels in speed and flexibility. Understanding both and the best practices
for key management is essential for ensuring robust data security.

Which of the following symmetric key encryption algorithms use a variable-length key?


That’s correct! Blowfish is a symmetric key encryption algorithm that uses a variable-length key ranging between 32 and 448 bits. 

Unlocking the Secrets: A Tutorial on Private Key Encryption

Welcome, cryptography enthusiasts! Today, we’ll delve into the world of private key encryption, a fundamental pillar of data security. Buckle up, as we explore how this method works, its key players, and best practices for securing your information.

Part 1: The Basics of Private Keys

Imagine a magic padlock that uses the same key to both lock and unlock. That’s the essence of private key encryption! Here’s the breakdown:

  • Same Key, Different Actions: Unlike its public key cousin, private key encryption uses a single secret key for both encrypting and decrypting data. This key, a string of bits (1s and 0s), acts like a password, granting access to the encrypted information.
  • Creating the Key: Generating a secure private key is crucial. This often involves complex algorithms producing random sequences of bits, ensuring uniqueness and difficulty to crack.
  • Keeping it Safe: Think of your private key as the crown jewels of data security. Keeping it secure is paramount. Avoid sharing it with anyone, store it securely (think hardware security modules or encrypted services), and regularly back it up.

Part 2: The Algorithm All-Stars

Now, let’s meet the champions of private key encryption:

  • AES (Advanced Encryption Standard): The king of the block, AES reigns supreme in many applications. It operates in various modes (ECB, CBC) and offers different key sizes (128, 192, 256 bit) for a security-performance trade-off.
  • Blowfish: This nimble fighter excels in speed. With its flexible key sizes (32-448 bit), it’s ideal for scenarios requiring fast encryption, but keep in mind, security may not be its strongest suit.

Part 3: The Key Management Challenge

One key, all the power. That’s why managing your private key is critical:

  • Hardware Security Modules (HSMs): These physical fortresses provide secure storage and operations for your key, making them ideal for high-security environments.
  • Encrypted Key Storage Services: Cloud-based solutions offer convenient key storage with encryption and security measures. Choose reputable providers and remember, even in the cloud, strong passwords and access controls are vital.
  • Backups & Secure Storage: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket! Regularly back up your key using secure methods and store backups safely, both physically and digitally.

Part 4: Putting it All Together

Private key encryption offers a powerful tool for data security, but remember:

  • Understand your needs: Choose an algorithm (AES, Blowfish) and key size that aligns with your security requirements and performance needs.
  • Key Management is King: Implement robust key management practices using HSMs, encrypted storage, and secure backups.
  • Stay informed: The world of cryptography is constantly evolving. Keep yourself updated on the latest advancements and best practices to ensure your data remains safe.


  • Explore online resources and tutorials to delve deeper into specific algorithms and key management techniques.
  • Experiment with different tools and libraries (e.g., OpenSSL, GPG) to put your knowledge into practice.

By mastering private key encryption, you’ll empower yourself to protect your valuable data and navigate the ever-changing digital landscape with confidence. Remember, knowledge is power, and in the realm of cryptography, it’s the key to unlocking a secure future!

Reading: The formation of symmetric standards

Public/private key and hashing

Video: Public key and asymmetric encryption

Demystifying Public Key Encryption: Your Guide to Secure Communication

This video delves into the world of public key encryption, a crucial piece of the data security puzzle.

Key Concepts:

  • Public Key: Shared publicly, allows anyone to encrypt messages for you.
  • Private Key: Kept secret, only you can decrypt messages encrypted with your public key.
  • Synergy: Public and private keys work together to ensure secure communication.

Public Key Encryption Explained:

  • Imagine: Sending a secret letter to a friend. You use a lockbox with two keys: a public key (shared with your friend) and a private key (only your friend has).
  • Security: Even if someone steals the box and the public key, they can’t open it without the private key.


  • RSA: Widely used for secure communication, relies on prime numbers for key generation.
  • Diffie-Hellman: Establishes shared secrets for secure communication over unsecure channels.
  • Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC): Offers enhanced security, smaller key sizes, and faster computation.

Choosing the Right Algorithm:

  • Each algorithm has its strengths and weaknesses (security, scalability, performance, etc.).
  • Consider your specific needs when making a decision.


  • Public key encryption is essential for secure communication online.
  • Understanding different algorithms empowers you to choose the best fit for your needs.

Further Exploration:

  • Continue learning about encryption and data security.
  • Dive deeper into specific algorithms and their applications.

Which of the following is a key exchange algorithm used to establish a shared secret key between two parties over an unsecure communication channel?


That’s correct! Diffie-Hellman is a key exchange algorithm used to establish a shared secret between two parties over an unsecure communication channel. The shared secret can then be used to encrypt and decrypt messages using symmetric key encryption.

You become well-versed in the world of private
key encryption. Understanding its
inner workings and significance in
safeguarding data. However, there’s
another vital piece of the puzzle, public keys. So let’s dive deeper
into their role. Imagine you have a
top secret letter destined for your
friend’s eyes only. To keep it safe
from prying eyes, you put the letter inside a special lockbox that only you and your friend
have the keys to. What if someone tries to
steal the lockbox and the keys while it’s
being delivered? To prevent this from happening, you add an extra
layer of protection. You use unique lock
equipped with two keys, a public key and a private key. A public key is shared
between you and your friend, while the private key is
exclusively held by your friend. You lock the box
with public key, only your friend possessing the private key can unlock
and read the letter within. Even if someone manages to get their hands on the box
and the public key, they won’t be able to unlock
it without the private key. In this video, you’ll explore the significance of public
keys and explore how they synergize with
asymmetric key encryption algorithms like RSA, Diffie-Hellman, and ECC to
bolster cryptographic systems. Let’s start by refreshing your memory on what
public key encryption is. Public key encryption, also known as asymmetric
key encryption, is a technique that
uses a pair of keys, one public and one private, to encrypt and decrypt data. The public key can be freely shared while the private
key is kept secret. When a sender wants to send
a message to a receiver, the sender uses the
receiver’s public key to encrypt the message. The receiver then uses their private key to
decrypt the message. Public key encryption
is used for secure communication over unsecured networks,
such as the Internet. There are different types of asymmetric key
encryption algorithms such as RSA,
Diffie-Hellman, and ECC. As you may recall, RSA is a public key encryption
algorithm widely used for secure communication and data transmission
over networks. The RSA algorithm is based on the mathematical properties
of prime numbers, generating two large
prime numbers, P and Q, and calculating
their products. The resulting number is used as the modulus for the encryption
and decryption process. The term modulus or
modulo maybe a new one. It’s a mathematical term used to describe the remainder after
division is carried out. For example, if you divide 10/3, there is one leftover. This is the modulo value. To decrypt the
message using RSA, the receiver uses
the private modulo as part of an
equation that allows the message to be divided by their private key to obtain
the original message. Don’t worry if this
sounds complicated. For now, all you need to
know is that the RSA uses prime numbers to generate
encryption and decryption keys. You’ll learn more about the
key generation process later. The RSA encryption process
involves key generation, message encryption, and
message transmission. RSA offer several advantages, including security,
scalability, and efficiency. However, it also
comes with challenges related to key management
and performance. Now let’s shift your focus to the Diffie-Hellman algorithm. The Diffie-Hellman algorithm is a key exchange algorithm
used to establish a shared secret between two parties over an unsecure
communication channel. It is used for sharing the
keys for symmetric encryption. The Diffie-Hellman
key exchange process involves key generation, key exchange, shared
secret generation, and encryption and decryption. The algorithm offers
benefits such as security, scalability,
and efficiency. However, it is
important to be aware of potential
vulnerabilities such as man-in-the-middle attacks and challenges related
to key distribution. Finally, let’s discuss ECC, the elliptical curve
cryptography algorithm. You may recall that ECC is a public key encryption
algorithm that uses elliptical curves over specific fields to perform
cryptographic operations. The ECC encryption process involves key generation
and message encryption. ECC brings advantages such
as enhanced security, smaller key sizes, and
faster computation. However, like any algorithm, it also has its
share of challenges, including key management
and patent issues. Exploring the
different asymmetric algorithms in this video has provided you with
valuable insights into the methods behind
public key encryption. You’ve learned that algorithms
like RSA, Diffie-Hellman, and elliptical
curve cryptography have different capabilities, providing security,
scalability, and efficiency. But they also face certain challenges
like key management, and distribution, and
performance, and patent issues. By understanding
these asymmetric key encryption algorithms, organizations can make
informed decisions about the most suitable approach
for their specific needs. As you continue to explore
encryption and data security, remember the critical role
of public key encryption and its algorithms play in safeguarding digital

Reading: The formation of digital signatures


Video: Hashing

Hashing: Securing Your Data with Unbreakable Codes

This video explains how hashing protects your data, especially passwords, from unauthorized access.

Key Points:

  • Hashing: Transforms data (like passwords) into unique, unreadable codes (hashes).
  • Benefits:
    • Prevents attackers from seeing original data even if they access the database.
    • Ensures data integrity by verifying if it’s been tampered with.
  • Types of hashing algorithms:
    • MD5 (older, not recommended for sensitive data)
    • SHA256 (stronger, widely used for security applications)
  • Salting: Adds a random value to data before hashing, making it even harder to crack.

Additional Notes:

  • Hashing is essential for secure password storage, digital signatures, and data integrity checks.
  • Different algorithms offer varying levels of security.
  • Salting significantly enhances password security by preventing pre-computed attacks.

Overall, understanding hashing is crucial for protecting your data in today’s digital world.

Tutorial: Hashing – Your Data’s Secret Shield

Ever wondered how websites remember your password without storing it in plain text? It’s all thanks to a powerful tool called hashing, the magician that transforms your data into unbreakable codes. This tutorial dives into the world of hashing and its crucial role in data security.

Step 1: Unveiling the Magic Trick

Imagine you have a secret message. Hashing takes that message and scrambles it into a unique string of characters, like a fingerprint, impossible to guess back to the original. This string, called a hash, acts as your data’s guardian, ensuring its safety.

Step 2: Why Hashing Matters

Think of passwords. Storing them as plain text is a disaster waiting to happen. Hackers could easily access them if they breach the system. Hashing solves this by turning passwords into unreadable codes, making them useless even if stolen.

Step 3: Exploring the Algorithm Zoo

Hashing algorithms are the chefs in this kitchen, each with their own recipe for creating unique codes. Popular ones include:

  • MD5: An oldie but not-so-goodie, vulnerable to attacks. Avoid using it for sensitive data.
  • SHA256: Stronger and more secure, widely used for password hashing and digital signatures.

Step 4: Adding Spice with Salting

Salting is like adding a secret ingredient to your hash. It involves combining your data with a random value before hashing. This makes it even harder for attackers to crack the code, as even the same password with different salts will have different hashes.

Step 5: Beyond Passwords: Hashing’s Versatility

Hashing isn’t just for passwords. It’s also used for:

  • Data Integrity: Verifying if files haven’t been tampered with during transfer.
  • Digital Signatures: Ensuring the authenticity and integrity of documents.

Step 6: Remember, Hashing Isn’t Foolproof

While powerful, hashing isn’t invincible. Brute-force attacks and rainbow tables can pose threats. So:

  • Use strong passwords and never reuse them.
  • Choose robust hashing algorithms like SHA256.
  • Enable two-factor authentication for added security.

Step 7: Practice Makes Perfect

Experiment with online hashing tools to see how different algorithms and salts work. Remember, understanding hashing empowers you to protect your data in a digital world.

Bonus Tip: Consider using password managers that store your passwords securely using hashing and salting techniques.

What is the primary purpose of adding salt to a password before hashing it?

To ensure unique hashes for the same passwords.

That’s correct! Adding a salt to a password before hashing it helps create unique hashes for the same passwords, making it more difficult for attackers to crack the hashes using precomputed tables (e.g., rainbow tables) or other techniques.

Have you ever wondered what happens when
you enter your password in something like your banking app, social media, or email? How do service providers securely match
the password you provide with the one you initially signed up with? And if this information is saved
somewhere, like a database, how do they ensure that your password remains out
of the reach of malicious actors? Well, this is where
hashing comes into play. A powerful technique that transforms your
password into a string of characters that’s almost impossible to decipher. In this video, you’ll explore hashing and
its vital role in data security. You’ll also be introduced to different
types of hashing algorithms like MD5 and SHA256. And discuss a technique called Salting
that enhances the security of hashes. Hashing is a process that takes input like
your password or any other information and turns it into a fix string of bytes,
typically in the form of letters and numbers. This output is called a hash or
a digest and is unique for each input. So even a slight change in the input will
result in a completely different hash. This makes it extremely difficult to
reverse engineer the original input from the hash, making it a crucial
technique in data security. So storing passwords as hashes rather
than plain text ensures that even if the database is compromised, attackers cannot easily extract
the original passwords. But hashing is not limited
to password storage. It also plays a crucial role
in ensuring data integrity and enabling digital signatures. For data integrity, hashing helps
verify the integrity of files and messages by allowing recipients
to confirm that the content has not been tampered
with during transmission. Hashes are also used to create digital
signatures, which can be used to authenticate the sender and ensure
the integrity of the transmitted data. There are different types
of hashing algorithms. MD5 is a widely used algorithm that
produces a 128-bit hash value, but it is no longer considered secure for sensitive
applications due to its vulnerability to collision attacks where two
different inputs produce the same hash. However, can still be used for noncritical
tasks like generating unique IDs or verifying the integrity of non-sensitive
files during data transfer. It is widely adopted for
its strong security properties and performance efficiency. For instance, SHA256 is extensively
used in applications such as digital signatures, password hashing,
and blockchain technology. When it comes to password security, hashing algorithms play a vital role
in protecting your sensitive data. But even these robust algorithms can be
vulnerable to certain types of attacks, such as brute force and
dictionary attacks. So to bolster the security
of hash passwords, a technique called
salting comes into play. A salt is a randomly generated unique
value that is combined with your password before hashing. This technique guarantees that even if you
and another user share the same password, the respective hashes will be
different due to the distinct salts. This mitigates the risk of identifying
users with the same password by simply comparing hashes,
making it harder for attackers to exploit common or
weak passwords. Salts are stored in the database
alongside the hashes, which is crucial when you try
to log into your account. So when you enter your password,
the system retrieves the associated salt, which is then combined
with the entered password. The resulting value is then hashed and
compared to the stored hash. If the newly generated hash
matches the one in the database, you’re granted access. This approach not only enhances
the security of hashes but also prevents attackers from
using precomputed hash tables, such as rainbow tables,
to crack passwords. By implementing unique salts for
each user, the attacker’s task of matching hashes
become significantly more difficult and time-consuming, as they would have to
recompute hash tables for each salt value. So now you know. Hashing is fundamental to ensure
data security and integrity. It forms the basis of many security
systems with algorithms like MD5 and SHA256 being widely used
in various applications. And remember, adding salt to the mix
makes data even more secure.

Reading: List of hashing and encryption techniques and algorithms


Video: The power of encryption

Summary: The Power of Encryption in the Digital Age

This piece highlights the importance of encryption in protecting information in today’s digital world.

Key Points:

  • Encryption safeguards data by rendering it unreadable to unauthorized individuals, acting like a digital vault.
  • Two main types of encryption:
    • Symmetric: Uses a single shared key for both encryption and decryption, similar to a shared lockbox key.
    • Asymmetric: Employs a public/private key pair. Public key encrypts, while only the private key can decrypt, offering greater security.
  • Real-world example: Bailey loses her invention idea due to an unencrypted email intercepted by a hacker.
  • Benefits of encryption:
    • Protects businesses from significant financial losses in data breaches. (e.g., saving up to $1.4 million per attack)
    • Ensures privacy and security for everyone, individuals and corporations alike.
  • Encryption’s role:
    • Safeguards sensitive information.
    • Protects privacy in online communication.
    • Enables secure online interactions.

Overall message: Encryption plays a crucial role in safeguarding information and ensuring secure communication in the digital world. Remember to use it when sending personal messages, making online purchases, and sharing sensitive information.

Tutorial: Understanding and Utilizing Encryption in the Digital Age


In the ever-evolving digital landscape, securing your data is paramount. This tutorial delves into encryption, a powerful tool safeguarding information and ensuring privacy in our online world.

What is Encryption?

Imagine a virtual vault protecting your valuable digital assets. That’s the essence of encryption! It utilizes mathematical algorithms to transform plain text, images, or files into a scrambled code, unreadable to anyone without the necessary “key.”

Types of Encryption:

  • Symmetric Encryption:
    • Similar to a shared lockbox key, both parties (sender and receiver) use the same secret key to encrypt and decrypt information.
    • Offers efficient transmission but requires secure key exchange beforehand.
  • Asymmetric Encryption:
    • Employs a public/private key pair:
      • Public Key: Widely distributed for anyone to encrypt messages.
      • Private Key: Kept secret by the intended recipient, used to decrypt messages.
    • Enhances security as the private key remains confidential.

Protecting Your Data with Encryption:

  • Securing Personal Communication:
    • Utilize encrypted messaging apps or email services to ensure private conversations remain confidential.
    • Look for features like “end-to-end encryption” for added security.
  • Safeguarding Online Transactions:
    • Verify that websites use HTTPS protocol (indicated by a lock symbol) to encrypt sensitive information like credit card details during online purchases.
  • Securing Your Devices:
    • Set strong passwords or PINs to protect access to your devices.
    • Enable encryption features on your computer, smartphone, or external storage drives to safeguard data at rest.

Benefits of Encryption:

  • Enhanced Security: Encryption acts as a shield, protecting your data from unauthorized access by hackers or prying eyes.
  • Increased Privacy: Allows you to control who can access your information, ensuring your online activities and communications remain confidential.
  • Reduced Risk of Data Breaches: Strong encryption minimizes losses in the event of a data breach, protecting your sensitive information and potentially mitigating financial losses.


  • Encryption is not foolproof, but it significantly increases the difficulty of data decryption by unauthorized individuals.
  • Stay informed about the latest encryption technologies and best practices to stay ahead of evolving threats.

By understanding and utilizing encryption, you can take control of your online security and privacy, creating a safer digital environment for yourself and others.

Imagine if every message, every piece
of information you share online were accessible to anyone who desires it. It sounds like a nightmare, doesn’t it? Fortunately, in an era where life
intertwines with technology, lies a powerful force that stops
this from becoming a reality. It’s a force that holds the key
to your privacy, security, and the protection of your
most valuable information. And by now,
you’ve become quite familiar with it. It’s the incredible power of encryption. Encryption is like a vault,
protecting your data from prying eyes. It works by transforming your messages and
files into a secret code, rendering them unreadable to anyone but
the intended recipient. And it all starts with a dynamic duo
of symmetric and asymmetric encryption. Symmetric encryption is like locking
valuable information in a secure lockbox using a secret key that is shared between
you and the recipient, while asymmetric encryption adds an additional layer
of security by using two keys, a public key to lock the box and
a private key to unlock it. It’s a combination so potent that it
ensures only the intended recipients can unlock and read the message. Meet Bailey, she has an idea for
an invention. Bailey has spent a lot of time and
effort on her invention, and is now ready to apply for a patent. But before that, she wants to share
the design with an old friend. So she writes an email and
includes her design for a friend to see. Unfortunately for Bailey, she didn’t use
an encrypted communication channel, and her email was intercepted. The hacker gets her design and sells it
to a nasty character, who then resells the design to a multinational company and,
in turn, makes loads of money. Poor Bailey should have
encrypted that email. In an era filled with cyber threats and
constant data breaches, encryption stands as a fearless
guardian in the digital landscape. In fact, a recent study found that
businesses that implement strong encryption are less likely to suffer
huge financial losses in the event of a data breach. They can save up to $1.4 million for
each attack, to be exact. It’s a staggering statistic highlighting
encryption’s power in safeguarding sensitive information. Encryption doesn’t discriminate,
it’s for everyone. From individuals sharing personal messages
to multinational corporations safeguarding trade secrets, encryption is the unsung
hero that keeps the digital little world spinning securely. So, next time you send a private message,
make an online purchase, or share sensitive information,
remember the vital role encryption plays. It’s the lock that keeps your secrets
safe, the shield that defends your privacy, and the key that unlocks
a world of secure communication.

Practice Quiz: Knowledge check: Public/private and key hashing

Which of the following is an example of a public key cryptography algorithm?

What is the main difference between a digital signature and a message authentication code (MAC)?

Which of the following is an example of a hash function?

Which of the following is an example of a digital signature algorithm?

Which of the following is an example of a key exchange algorithm?

Reading: Additional resources: Public/private key and hashing


Digital signing and certificates

Video: Digital signing

Summary of Digital Signing and Signatures:


  • Digital signing is analogous to handwritten signatures for verifying the authenticity and integrity of digital documents.

How it works:

  • Cryptographic techniques create a unique “fingerprint” of the document and encrypt it with the sender’s private key.
  • The recipient uses the sender’s public key to decrypt and verify the signature, ensuring:
    • Authenticity: verifies the sender’s identity.
    • Integrity: guarantees the document hasn’t been tampered with.
    • Non-repudiation: proves the sender cannot deny signing the document.

Use cases:

  • Online banking: secures transactions and protects sensitive information.
  • E-commerce: ensures authenticity of invoices, receipts, and prevents fraud.
  • Legal documents: streamlines processes and eliminates reliance on paper.
  • Healthcare: safeguards patient privacy and data security in electronic records.
  • Government agencies: enhances efficiency, reduces fraud, and improves security for public services.

Digital signatures:

  • Unique strings generated during the signing process.
  • Serve two purposes:
    • Authenticity: verifies the sender’s identity.
    • Integrity: ensures the document hasn’t been altered.

Best practices:

  • Stay informed: keep up-to-date with the latest developments and best practices.
  • Choose the right software: consider ease of use, cost, and compatibility.
  • Implement strong security: secure storage of private keys and robust security protocols.
  • Educate your team: ensure colleagues understand the benefits and use of digital signatures.
  • Be future-ready: adapt to evolving technologies and their impact on business processes.


Digital signing and signatures offer significant benefits for secure transactions, efficient document management, and innovation across various industries. By adopting these technologies effectively and staying future-oriented, you can unlock their full potential and embrace the advancements they offer.

Digital Signing and Signatures: A Comprehensive Tutorial

In today’s digital world, ensuring the authenticity and integrity of online documents is crucial. This is where digital signing and signatures come in, playing a vital role in verifying the sender, preventing tampering, and fostering trust in various electronic processes.

What is Digital Signing?

Digital signing is a process that uses cryptography to electronically sign documents. It’s similar to signing a paper document physically, but with added security benefits. Here’s how it works:

  1. Hashing: A unique digital fingerprint (hash) is created of the document using a mathematical algorithm.
  2. Encryption: The sender’s private key encrypts the document’s hash.
  3. Signature Generation: The encrypted hash becomes the digital signature, attached to the document.

Recipient Verification:

When the recipient receives the signed document:

  1. They use the sender’s public key (widely available) to decrypt the signature.
  2. The decrypted signature is compared to the recalculated hash of the received document.
  3. If both match, it verifies:
    • Authenticity: The document originated from the claimed sender.
    • Integrity: The document hasn’t been altered since signing.

Benefits of Digital Signing:

  • Enhanced security: Prevents unauthorized modifications and ensures document integrity.
  • Improved efficiency: Streamlines workflows by eliminating the need for physical documents.
  • Increased trust: Provides a reliable method for verifying sender identity and document authenticity.
  • Non-repudiation: Prevents the sender from denying they signed the document.

Use Cases of Digital Signing:

  • E-commerce: Secure online transactions, invoices, and receipts.
  • Legal documents: Streamline contracts, agreements, and other legal paperwork.
  • Healthcare: Safeguard patient records, prescriptions, and medical reports.
  • Financial Services: Secure online banking, loan applications, and other financial transactions.
  • Government Agencies: Enhance security and efficiency in document management and communication.

Creating Digital Signatures:

Several software solutions offer digital signing capabilities. The specific process may vary, but generally involves:

  1. Choosing a digital certificate: This electronic document identifies you and contains your public key.
  2. Importing the certificate: This allows the signing software to access your private key.
  3. Selecting the document: Choose the electronic document you want to sign.
  4. Placing the signature: Specify where on the document you want the signature to appear.
  5. Signing the document: Use your private key to digitally sign the document.

Best Practices:

  • Stay informed: Keep updated with the latest advancements and best practices in digital signing.
  • Choose reliable software: Select a reputable provider that offers robust security features.
  • Secure your private key: Store your private key securely using strong passwords and encryption.
  • Verify recipient certificates: Before accepting a digitally signed document, verify the sender’s certificate.
  • Educate your team: Ensure colleagues understand the importance of digital signatures and their proper use.


Digital signing and signatures offer a secure and efficient way to verify the authenticity and integrity of electronic documents. By understanding how they work, their benefits, and best practices, you can leverage these technologies to enhance trust and security in your digital interactions. Remember, staying informed and using reliable solutions are key to ensuring the effectiveness of digital signing in your specific needs.

What is the primary purpose of digital signing in online banking transactions?

To provide secure and genuine communication between the bank and the customer.

That’s correct! Digital signing plays a crucial role in authenticating and securing online banking transactions. It protects sensitive information, such as account numbers and balances, from fraud and identity theft.

When it comes to verifying the
authenticity of paper-based documents like contracts, essays, or
even heartfelt letters, a simple ink signature
serves as a trusted seal. But what about the files and
documents you share online? How can you ensure the same
level of trust and integrity? Digital signing and signatures provide a
solution to ensure trust and authenticity. And over the next few minutes,
you’ll learn all about their vital role. You’ll explore their use cases and familiarize yourself with the best
practices for implementing them. But before you do,
let’s start with what digital signing is. Digital signing is the process of using
cryptographic techniques such as RSA and ECDSA to authenticate digital documents or
messages. Here’s how it works when you send a
document, a unique digital fingerprint or hash of the document is created, which is then encrypted using your private
key to generate the digital signature. The recipients can then use your public
key to decrypt the signature and verify the document’s hash. This process ensures the document’s
authenticity, integrity and nonrepudiation, and
verifies your identity. Now, let’s review the role digital signing
plays in various industries where secure communication and
document verification is essential. In online banking, digital signing
is crucial in authenticating and securing your transactions. It protects sensitive information such as
your account numbers and balances from fraud and identity theft by ensuring
that the communication between you and the bank is secure and genuine. Then, when it comes to online shopping,
digital signing is employed to ensure the integrity of electronic invoices,
receipts and other transactional documents, protecting you from counterfeit
products or fraudulent transactions. It enhances the overall experience and
trust in ecommerce platforms. Digital signing is also revolutionizing
the way legal documents are signed, streamlining the process and reducing
the reliance on paper-based documentation. This not only saves time and resources,
but also ensures the authenticity and integrity of the signed documents. The healthcare industry is no exception. It is also experiencing a transformative
shift with the help of digital signing. Electronic health records and prescriptions can now be authenticated
with digital signatures. This ensures patient privacy and
data security and improves efficiency when sharing
information between healthcare providers. Finally, government agencies
widely adopt digital signing for secure communication and
document verification. This technology has been crucial in
improving efficiency, reducing the risk of fraud, and enhancing overall security
in the provision of public services. Now, that you’ve explored the various
applications of digital signing, let’s delve into digital
signatures themselves. Digital signatures are the unique
string of characters generated during the digital signing process. They are created using the sender’s
private key and the signed data. Digital signatures serve two primary
functions, authenticity and integrity. Authenticity means that the recipient
can verify the sender’s identity, or in other words, the document really
came from whom it claims to be from. And integrity means that the recipient can
check if the document has been tampered with since it was signed. If a company deals with digitally signed
services, it likely involves handling and verifying these digital signatures and
documents or messages. This could include making sure
the signatures are valid and that they match the corresponding
public key of the signer, thereby ensuring the document
is authentic and unaltered. Now, that you have a foundational
understanding of digital signing and signatures, what are some
best practices for effectively utilizing
this powerful technology? Well, the first step is to stay
informed of the latest developments and best practices in digital signing and
digital signatures. By staying up to date, you can adapt to
new security measures and advancements, ensuring that you use these
technologies effectively and securely. Another important aspect is choosing
the right digital signature software for your specific needs while
considering ease of use, cost, and compatibility with your existing systems. It’s also crucial to implement
strong security measures when using digital signatures. This means that you should ensure that
your private keys are securely stored and that you have robust security protocols
to protect your sensitive data. And if you’re working within a team,
ensure that your peers are well versed in the use and benefits of digital
signing and digital signatures so they can effectively incorporate these
technologies into their workflows. Finally, as digital signing and
signatures evolve, it’s essential to consider how these
technologies may impact your industry and business processes and
be prepared to adapt accordingly. Digital signing and digital signatures
are transformative technologies that have the potential to revolutionize
various aspects of the modern world. From secure online transactions to
efficient document management, these technologies offer numerous benefits and
opportunities for growth and innovation. By staying informed, choosing the right
tools, implementing strong security measures, educating your team, and
being future ready, you can harness the full potential of digital signing and
digital signatures in your industry. Embrace the future of technology, and unlock the countless possibilities
these advancements offer.

Video: Certificates and certificate authorities

Digital Certificates: Building Trust and Security Online

This video explores the role of digital certificates in cybersecurity:

What are digital certificates?

  • Electronic documents issued by trusted organizations (Certificate Authorities) to verify the identity of entities online.
  • Act as “stamps of authenticity” for websites and other online entities.

How do they work?

  • Contain key information like the entity’s name, public key for encryption, and CA’s signature.
  • Websites install certificates on their servers to establish secure connections with clients.
  • Clients (e.g., web browsers) verify the certificate’s validity and authenticity before establishing an encrypted connection.


  • Ensure secure communication and protect sensitive data from eavesdropping and tampering.
  • Build trust with users by verifying the legitimacy of websites and online entities.

Types of certificates:

  • SSL/TLS: Most common, used to secure communication on the internet (e.g., online shopping, email).
  • S/MIME: Used to encrypt email content and verify sender identity.


  • Securing online transactions (e.g., e-commerce)
  • Protecting email communication
  • Securing internal communications within organizations
  • Protecting data transmission for IoT devices


Digital certificates are essential for building trust and ensuring secure communication online. They play a crucial role in protecting sensitive information and creating a safe online environment for businesses and individuals like Sam’s Scoops.

Tutorial: Digital Certificates: Building Trust and Security Online


In today’s digital world, securing communication and guaranteeing online safety are crucial. This tutorial delves into the fascinating realm of digital certificates, exploring their role in building trust and ensuring online security.

What are Digital Certificates?

Imagine digital certificates as electronic passports verifying the identity of individuals or websites online. They are issued by trusted organizations called Certificate Authorities (CAs), acting as an impartial third party. These certificates contain essential information, including:

  • Entity Name: This can be the website address (e.g., “[invalid URL removed]”) or an individual’s name.
  • Public Key: Used for secure communication through encryption.
  • CA’s Digital Signature: This verifies the certificate’s authenticity, similar to a signed passport.
  • Validity Period: Certificates have a limited lifespan, ensuring regular verification and renewal.

How Do They Work?

  1. Website Requests a Certificate: Imagine Sam’s Scoops requesting a certificate from a CA.
  2. CA Verification: The CA rigorously verifies Sam’s Scoops’ identity through strict protocols.
  3. Issuing the Certificate: Upon successful verification, the CA issues a signed digital certificate to Sam’s Scoops.
  4. Website Installation: Sam’s Scoops installs the certificate on its server.
  5. Establishing Secure Connection: When you visit Sam’s Scoops website, your browser checks the certificate’s validity and authenticity.
  6. Encrypted Communication: If valid, your browser establishes a secure, encrypted connection with the website using the public key, protecting your data from eavesdroppers.

Benefits of Digital Certificates:

  • Confidentiality: Encrypted data ensures only authorized parties can access sensitive information.
  • Integrity: Guarantees data remains unaltered during transmission, preventing tampering.
  • Authentication: Verifies the identity of websites and individuals, preventing impersonation and scams.
  • Trust Building: Creates a safe online environment for users and businesses like Sam’s Scoops.

Types of Digital Certificates:

  • Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) / Transport Layer Security (TLS): Widely used for securing communication on the internet, including online shopping and email.
  • S/MIME (Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions): Encrypts email content and verifies sender identity.

Applications of Digital Certificates:

  • **Securing online transactions (e.g., e-commerce websites)
  • **Protecting email communication
  • **Securing internal communications within organizations
  • Enhancing security for IoT devices


Digital certificates play a pivotal role in building trust and safeguarding online interactions. By understanding their functionality and diverse applications, you can confidently navigate the digital world, ensuring a safer and more secure online experience.

Additional Resources:

This tutorial provides a fundamental understanding of digital certificates. Remember, cybersecurity is an ever-evolving field, so consistently exploring and learning is essential for staying informed and protected online.

What is the primary function of digital certificates in online communication?

Verifying the identity of entities and securing communications.

That’s correct! Digital certificates serve as electronic documents that verify the identity of entities, such as websites, and secure communications over the internet. 

Throughout your
cybersecurity journey, you’ve explored various
technologies to safeguard sensitive information and
ensure secure communication. From everything like
encryption algorithms, keys, and hashing to the fascinating concept of digital signing, you’ve covered a lot of
ground about cryptography. Now, it’s time to expand
your knowledge further by learning how certificates
fit into the picture. In this video, you’ll explore what digital certificates are, discover the role of
certificate authorities, and get to know different
types of certificates, including the widely used
SSL and TLS certificates. To begin, let’s
consider the following. As a startup business, Sam’s Scoops has made great strides towards
expanding the business. As part of Sam’s endeavor, she sets up a website. Now, put yourself in
her customer’s shoes. They want to explore
Sam’s Scoops’ online offerings but they may have concerns about
the legitimacy and the security of the website
they’re about to visit. This is where
digital certificates fulfill an essential role. They act as electronic
credentials that validate the identity of
entities and ensure secure communication
over the Internet. In Sam’s case, a
digital certificate serves as a stamp
of authenticity, assuring her customers that they are indeed visiting
the right website. Digital certificates are electronic documents
that are issued by trusted organizations known as Certificate Authorities or CAs. Certificate Authorities play
a crucial role in verifying an entity’s identity
by following strict protocols and adhering
to industry standards. Digital certificates
guarantee that the certificate holder
is who they claim to be. They contain key information including the website’s name, like Sam’s Scoops, the certificate holder’s name, a public key for
secure communication, the CA’s digital signature, and the certificate’s
validity period. Digital certificates are
an essential component of secure online transactions
and communications, ensuring that sensitive data remains confidential
and tamper-proof. The process to obtain a digital certificate
involves several key steps. First, the entity. For example, Sam’s Scoops requests a certificate
from a CA then the CA verifies the entity’s identity following
stringent guidelines. Once the entity is verified, the CA issues a signed
digital certificate containing the
entity’s public key. The certificate is then installed
on the entity’s server, and the server uses it to establish secure
connections with clients. When a user views the website, the client, in this case, the web browser, checks the server certificate
for validity. Then the client verifies the CA’s digital signature
on the certificate, ensuring the certificate’s
authenticity. Finally, if the
certificate is valid, the client establishes a
secure encrypted connection with the server using
the public key. This process ensures
secure communication between clients and servers, protecting sensitive information from eavesdroppers
and tampering. Now, let’s review the
different certificate types. Secure Socket Layer and Transport Layer
Security certificates, or SSL and TLS for short, are two common types of
digital certificates used to secure communications
on the Internet. SSL is the predecessor to TLS. While SSL is still
used in some contexts, TLS is the newer and
more secure protocol. Both SSL and TLS
certificates use asymmetric encryption to secure data transmission between
a client and a server. By encrypting data and verifying the identity of the
communicating parties, SSL and TLS certificates provide confidentiality, integrity,
and authentication. SSL and TLS certificates
have a wide range of applications including
securing web transactions, email communications, remote
access, and IoT devices. E-commerce websites rely on
SSL and TLS certificates to protect customer data and ensure secure online
transactions. These certificates encrypt
sensitive information such as credit card numbers and login details providing a secure shopping
experience for customers. Certificates can also be
used to encrypt emails, protecting sensitive data
from unauthorized access. Email Encryption certificates, also known as S/MIME
certificates, verify the sender’s
identity and ensure the email content
remains confidential. Organizations can use
SSL and TLS certificates to secure their internal
communication channels, such as intranets, VPNs,
and messaging applications. This helps protect
sensitive data and maintain confidentiality
within the organization. IoT devices can use SSL or
TLS certificates to ensure secure communication
between devices and servers protecting
sensitive data from eavesdropping
and tampering. Digital certificates and
certificate authorities are crucial elements in ensuring trust and security
on the Internet. They serve as electronic
credentials that validate the identity of entities and facilitate secure
communications. For Sam’s Scoops, digital certificates
will be instrumental in building trust and ensuring secure online interactions
with her customers.

Reading: Secure certificates


Video: Signed URLs

Signed URLs: Securing Access to Your Resources

This video explores signed URLs, a mechanism to ensure secure access to online resources like streaming services, ebooks, and online courses.

How it Works:

  1. Resource owner (e.g., service provider) creates a secret key to sign URLs.
  2. A signed URL is generated by combining:
    • Resource URL
    • Secret key
    • Optional parameters (expiration time, access level)
  3. The signed URL is shared with the authorized user.
  4. User requests the resource using the signed URL.
  5. Server validates the signature using the same secret key.
    • If valid and not expired, access is granted.
    • If invalid or expired, access is denied.


  • Increased security: Only valid signatures grant access, preventing unauthorized access.
  • Temporary access: URLs can expire, enabling time-bound access to resources.
  • Fine-grained control: Different access levels can be granted through unique URLs.
  • Reduced complexity: Users don’t need to log in repeatedly for secured resources.


  • Secure file sharing: Share confidential documents, images, and videos securely.
  • API protection: Control access to specific API endpoints or resources.
  • Temporary access for third-party services: Grant temporary access for tasks like file conversion or analysis.

Underlying Technologies:

  • HMAC (Hash-based Message Authentication Code): Generates unique signatures for data integrity and sender authenticity.
  • JWT (JSON Web Token): Securely shares information between parties in a JSON format with a digital signature.
  • Public key cryptography: Provides an additional security layer using private keys for signing and public keys for verification.


Signed URLs offer a versatile security mechanism for various applications, safeguarding sensitive resources and granting controlled access to authorized users.

Signed URLs: Securing Access to Your Resources


In today’s digital world, protecting online resources is crucial. Signed URLs offer a powerful and versatile solution for securing access to various content, including streaming services, ebooks, and online courses. This tutorial will guide you through understanding how signed URLs work, their benefits, practical applications, and the underlying technologies that power them.

What are Signed URLs?

Signed URLs are a security mechanism that utilizes cryptography to ensure only authorized users can access specific resources. They function like unique keys that unlock access to protected content.

How Do Signed URLs Work?

  1. Generating a Signed URL:
    • The resource owner, such as a service provider, generates a secret key used to sign the URLs.
    • They then combine several elements to create a signed URL:
      • The resource URL (the address of the content)
      • The secret key
      • Optional parameters (e.g., expiration time, access level)
  2. Accessing the Resource:
    • The signed URL is shared with the authorized user.
    • When the user attempts to access the resource using the signed URL, it is sent to the server.
  3. Signature Validation:
    • The server receives the request and validates the signature using the same secret key.
    • If the signature is valid and the URL hasn’t expired, the user is granted access to the resource.
    • If the signature is invalid or the URL is expired, access is denied.

Benefits of Signed URLs:

  • Increased Security: Only users possessing valid signed URLs can access the resource, preventing unauthorized access and protecting sensitive data.
  • Temporary Access: URLs can be set to expire after a specific time, granting temporary access for a limited duration.
  • Fine-Grained Control: Different signed URLs can be created with varying access levels, allowing for granular control over resource access.
  • Reduced Complexity: Users don’t need to repeatedly log in or authenticate themselves to access secured resources with valid signed URLs.

Applications of Signed URLs:

  • Secure File Sharing: Share confidential documents, images, and videos securely with authorized individuals or groups.
  • API Protection: Control access to specific endpoints or functionalities within an API by implementing signed URLs for authorized users or applications.
  • Temporary Access for Third-Party Services: Grant temporary access to specific resources for external services like file conversion tools or analysis platforms.

Underlying Technologies:

  • HMAC (Hash-based Message Authentication Code): Generates a unique signature based on the secret key and the URL, ensuring data integrity and sender authenticity.
  • JWT (JSON Web Token): A secure and compact format for sharing information between two parties, often used in conjunction with signed URLs to store additional user information or access permissions within the URL itself.
  • Public Key Cryptography: Provides an extra layer of security by using a private key for signing the URL and a public key for verification. This keeps the private key confidential, further enhancing security.


Signed URLs offer a robust and flexible approach to securing access to online resources. By understanding their functionality, benefits, and applications, you can leverage this powerful tool to safeguard your valuable content and control access effectively.

Additional Resources:

This tutorial provides a comprehensive overview of signed URLs, equipping you with the knowledge to utilize this valuable security technique in various applications.

What is a unique feature of signed URLs compared to traditional URLs?

Requiring a valid signature for access.

That’s correct! Signed URLs are unique because they require a valid signature for you to access certain resources, ensuring that only authorized users can access protected content.

If you’ve ever subscribed to something
like a streaming service, a game pass, ebooks, or even webinars or online
courses, then you’ve already experienced the convenience of accessing
premium content with signed URLs, perhaps without even realizing it. In this video, you’ll come to know how
signed URLs work to grant you access to this exclusive content. You will also discover their role and advantages across different applications
like file sharing and access control, and learn about the underlying
technologies that power them. So let’s dive in. Signed URLs ensure that only authorized
users can access certain resources, such as files or APIs, requiring users to have a valid
signature before accessing the resource. But how does this work? To answer the question, let’s explore
the process of generating and validating signed URLs. First, the resource owner,
like a streaming service provider, creates a key to sign the URLs. Then, the resource owner creates a signed
URL by combining a few essential elements including the resources URL,
the secret key, and optional parameters like
an expiration time or access level. The signed URL is then shared
with the authorized user. Then, when the user makes a request using
the signed URL, the server receives the request and validates the signature
using the same secret key. If the signature is valid and
the URL has not expired, the server grants access
to the requested resource. If the signature is invalid or the URL
has expired, the server denies access. But why go through all that trouble? Well, there are several key
benefits of using signed URLs, including increased security,
the ability to grant temporary access, having fine grained control of access, and
reducing the complexity for the end user. For instance,
by requiring a valid signature, signed URLs help prevent unauthorized
access to protected resources, improving the overall security of
sensitive data or confidential documents. Then, when it comes to enabling access for
a period of time, signed URLs can be used to grant users
temporary access to a given resource. This feature is especially useful for
sharing timesensitive information or granting temporary access
to premium content. For example, if you’ve only
subscribed to an online service for a month, signed URLs can ensure that your
access expires automatically at the end of the subscription period. Signed URLs also provide resource
owners with fine grained control. This means they can control access to
specific resources by generating different signed URLs with different
access levels or permissions. This allows for a highly customizable and
flexible access management system. Finally, signed URLs make the process
of accessing resources easier by reducing the need for users to log in or otherwise authenticate themselves
to access secured resources. You now know about the benefits
of using signed URLs and that they can be used to control
access to premium content. But signed URLs go beyond paywalls and
subscriptionbased content. In fact, they offer a versatile solution
for a wide range of applications. Signed URLs can be used to securely
share files with specific users, like confidential documents,
images and videos. This is especially important in
industries like healthcare and finance, where sensitive data
must be securely shared. APIs can be protected using signed URLs
to ensure that only authorized users or applications can access specific
endpoints or resources. This is crucial for
maintaining the security of APIs and preventing unauthorized
access to sensitive data. Signed URLs can also be used to grant
temporary access to resources for thirdparty services such as file
conversion or analysis tools. This enables secure collaboration with
external partners while maintaining control over sensitive data. Now, what about the technologies that
make all of what you’ve covered so far possible? Let’s begin with the hash-based
message authentication code or HMAC. HMAC is a widely used algorithm for
generating a unique signature based on a secret key and a
message, which is, in this case, the URL. It provides a way to verify the data’s
integrity and the sender’s authenticity. Then there’s JSON Web Token,
or JWT for short. JWT is a secure and compact way to share information
between two parties over the Web. This information is in
a special format called JSON, and it’s safely signed digitally. In Web development, cookies are used
to remember things about you, like your preferences and
whether you’ve already signed in. So a JWT cookie is a special kind
of cookie that carries a JWT. This is how it works,
when you log into a website, the server creates a JWT with your
information and puts it in a cookie. This cookie is sent back and
forth between your browser and server, letting you stay logged in so you don’t
need to enter your password again. Finally, public key cryptography, or
asymmetric cryptography as you’ve come to know it, can be used to generate
signed URLs by using a private key to sign the URL and
a public key to verify the signature. This approach provides an additional layer
of security, as the private key is not shared with the end user or
the server validating the signature. Having gained insights into the workings,
benefits, use cases, and underlying technologies of signed URLs, you should
now have a better understanding of this powerful security mechanism and its role
in safeguarding sensitive resources. Whether you need to securely share files,
control API access, manage paywall or subscription based content, or provide
temporary access for thirdparty services, signed URLs offer a versatile solution
that empowers individuals and organizations alike.

Reading: Secure communication using SSL and HTTPS


Practice Quiz: Knowledge check: Digital signing and certificates

What is the primary purpose of digital signatures?

In the context of digital certificates, what is the main function of a public key?

What is the primary purpose of a Certificate Authority (CA) in the context of digital certificates?

Which of the following algorithms are typically used for generating digital signatures? Select all that apply.

Imagine that Riley prepares to send a confidential document to Morgan over a secure digital network. She wants to assure Morgan that the document is genuinely from her and hasn’t been tampered with during transmission. In the digital signature scheme they’re using, what does Riley use to create the digital signature attached to the document?

Reading: Additional resources: Digital signing and certificates


Authentication and authorization

Video: Centralized authentication and authorization systems

Centralized Authentication and Authorization: Simplifying Access Management

This summary explains the importance of centralized authentication and authorization (AA) systems, especially for organizations with diverse user roles and access needs.

The Challenge:

  • Managing individual access controls across multiple users, platforms, and locations becomes complex and time-consuming.

Centralized AA as a Solution:

  • Provides a single point of control for managing user access across various systems.
  • Enforces consistent access policies and simplifies administration.
  • Enables Single Sign-On (SSO): users authenticate once for multiple services, improving convenience and security.


  • Increased Efficiency: Manage access controls from one central location, saving time and effort.
  • Enhanced Consistency: Ensures the same access rules are applied across all platforms.
  • Improved Security: Easier monitoring for suspicious activity and centralized implementation of security measures.
  • Better Scalability: Easily accommodate new users, roles, and locations as the organization grows.

Overall Importance:

  • Robust AA systems are essential for securing data, streamlining operations, and adapting to a growing digital environment.
  • Centralized AA offers efficient and secure access management, laying the groundwork for smooth business operations.

Additional Points:

  • SSO reduces the risk of phishing attacks and password theft.
  • Centralized data allows for easier auditing and monitoring of user activity.

Centralized Authentication and Authorization: Simplifying Access Management

In today’s digital world, organizations need to control access to their data and resources while ensuring a smooth user experience. This is where centralized authentication and authorization (AA) systems come in, offering a powerful solution for managing user access across various platforms and applications.

What is Centralized AA?

Imagine a company with multiple employees, each needing access to different resources based on their roles. Managing individual logins and permissions for each user on every system can be a tedious and error-prone process.

Centralized AA simplifies this by consolidating access control into a single system. This system acts as a central hub, acting as the single source of truth for user identities, roles, and permissions.

Here’s how it works:

  1. User Registration: Users register and create an account in the centralized AA system.
  2. Authentication: When a user tries to access a system, they authenticate with the centralized AA system using their login credentials (e.g., username and password).
  3. Authorization: The centralized AA system checks the user’s identity and role against its database and determines whether they have the necessary permissions to access the requested resource.
  4. Access Granted/Denied: Based on the authorization decision, the user is either granted or denied access to the resource.

Benefits of Centralized AA:

  • Increased Efficiency: Manage access controls from a single platform, reducing administrative overhead and saving time.
  • Enhanced Security: Centralized management allows for stronger security measures and easier detection of suspicious activities.
  • Improved User Experience: Single Sign-On (SSO) allows users to access multiple platforms with a single login, enhancing convenience.
  • Greater Scalability: Easily accommodate new users, roles, and applications as the organization grows.
  • Consistent Access Policies: Ensure the same access rules are applied across all systems, promoting fairness and control.

Examples of Centralized AA Systems:

  • Active Directory (AD): Widely used in Windows environments.
  • Azure Active Directory (AAD): Microsoft’s cloud-based AA platform.
  • Okta, Auth0: Cloud-based identity management platforms.

Implementing Centralized AA:

Choosing and implementing a centralized AA system requires careful consideration of several factors, including:

  • Organization size and needs: Choose a system that scales with your organization’s growth.
  • Security requirements: Ensure the system offers robust security features to protect user data.
  • Integration with existing infrastructure: Ensure compatibility with your existing systems and applications.


Centralized AA is a powerful tool for simplifying access management, improving security, and enhancing user experience. By implementing a centralized system, organizations can streamline user access control, ensure consistent policies, and adapt to evolving digital needs.

Sam is considering how to improve the systems should she decide to open a second storefront. Which option best describes the benefit of implementing a centralized authentication and authorization system? 

It will enhance efficiency, consistency, security, and scalability. 

That’s correct! A centralized authentication and authorization system enhances efficiency by allowing Sam to manage access controls from a single place, promotes consistency by ensuring the same rules of access are applied across all shops, improves security by centralizing the monitoring and management of the system, and supports scalability by easily adapting to the growth and changes in Sam’s business.

Authentication and authorization
are two concepts you’ve come to know. They form the cornerstone of
security across multiple online and computer services. They allow organizations to control and grant access to data based on
an individual’s rights and privileges. But managing access across multiple
platforms can become quite complex, especially if many employees are involved. So how can organizations efficiently
manage authentication and authorization across their workforce? This video will introduce you to
centralized authentication and authorization, which offers
a solution to this challenge. Sam’s Scoops is a lively ice cream parlor,
filled with a diverse team of individuals, each with their own roles and
responsibilities. Among them are cashiers,
who handle transactions, ice cream makers, who create delicious treats, suppliers,
who deliver the ingredients, and managers, who oversee all operations. Each role requires access to
specific areas of the shop or specific sets of data to carry
out their duties efficiently. Now let’s examine the importance of
implementing centralized authentication and authorization systems in more detail. The challenge of efficiently
managing network access for a variety of users is a struggle for
organizations of all sizes. Centralized authentication and authorization systems
are integral to this task. Across multiple machines, servers,
mobile users, and data centers, they provide an efficient solution for
managing network access. Such a system consolidates access control,
simplifies management, and enhances control. By having a single point of
authentication, organizations can enforce consistent access policies across
various networks and services. This reduces the administrative workload
associated with managing numerous access protocols and bolsters security
by minimizing the potential for access violations and inconsistencies. Moreover, centralized authentication and authorization systems facilitate
single sign on or SSO capabilities, a feature that significantly
improves the user experience. With SSO, users authenticate themselves
just once to gain access to multiple services or applications, eliminating
the need to remember multiple passwords or repeatedly prove their identity. This is not just for convenience,
it also improves security. By reducing the number of times users must
enter their credentials, the likelihood of phishing attacks, password theft, and
other security breaches decreases. In essence, SSO simplifies and
secures user access, an increasingly critical requirement
in today’s digital landscape. Now, let’s imagine that Sam’s
business flourishes and she wants to open multiple
new ice cream shops. With each new shop, there are more
employees, more roles, more data, and consequently, more access
controls are required. Managing all of this for each shop
individually would take a monumental task. That’s where centralization
fulfills an important role. Sam can manage all the access
controls from a single place by having a centralized
authentication and authorization system. Such a centralized system comes
packed with numerous benefits. Let’s examine these in more detail. Firstly, a centralized authentication and
authorization system increases efficiency. Instead of Sam having to
travel to each shop and set up the access controls individually,
she can manage it all from one place. It saves time, reduces effort, and
streamlines the process significantly. Secondly, a centralized
system ensures consistency. It ensures that the same rules and standards of access control
are applied across all shops. This provides uniformity and fair
treatment in how access is granted and controlled. Thirdly, a centralized system
helps to enhance security. It’s easier to monitor and
manage the system from one place, making it simpler to detect any suspicious
activities and act on them quickly. Security measures can be
implemented more efficiently and effectively with all the access
controls in one place. Lastly, a centralized system allows for
better scalability. As Sam’s business grows,
adding new users, creating new roles, or even adding entirely new shops can
be easily managed within the system. It can grow and adapt according to
the requirements of the business. Remember, implementing
robust authentication and authorization systems isn’t just
a nice to have in today’s digital age. It’s an absolute must to safeguard
data and ensure seamless operations. As digital and business environments
become more interconnected, the role of these systems
becomes even more significant. Investing in a centralized system to
manage these processes can revolutionize business operations. By ensuring consistency and
security, it provides a backbone for seamless operations,
even as the business scales. For Sam, it means she can focus on
perfecting her ice cream recipes and expanding her business, knowing that her
system will adapt and grow with her. Adopting a centralized authentication and
authorization approach lays the groundwork for an
efficient and secure network environment. By offering precise control over who
can access what resources and when, this system ensures that critical data and services are only available
to authorized users. This minimizes the risk of data breaches,
a crucial advantage in an era where cyber threats are ever evolving and
increasingly sophisticated. Furthermore, by consolidating user data
in one place, the system allows for easy auditing and monitoring, helping organizations spot suspicious
activities and respond swiftly. A centralized authentication and authorization system is not just
about convenience or efficiency, it is about protecting an organization’s
most valuable assets in the digital age.

Reading: Centralized authentication and authorization systems examples


Video: Authentication and authorization methods

Summary of Authentication and Authorization Methods

This video explores authentication and authorization methods for securing systems and data:

Key Points:

  • Authentication: Verifies user identity (e.g., passwords).
  • Authorization: Grants access based on user permissions.

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA):

  • Requires two or more verification factors for stronger security.
  • Common factors:
    • Something you know: Passwords (strong and unique)
    • Something you have: Physical object (e.g., smartphone)
    • Something you are: Biometric (e.g., fingerprint, facial recognition)
    • Somewhere you are: Location (e.g., GPS)
    • Something you do: Behavioral patterns (less common)

Password Storage:

  • Password hashing:
    • Converts passwords to unrecognizable strings using encryption algorithms.
    • Protects passwords from being directly accessed in case of breaches.
  • Salting:
    • Adds randomness to password hashes, making them unique even for identical passwords.
    • Further strengthens password security.


  • MFAC and secure password storage are crucial for robust security in today’s digital landscape.
  • Understanding different authentication and authorization methods empowers you to make informed decisions about online security practices.

Securing Your Data: A Guide to Authentication and Authorization Methods

In today’s digital world, protecting our data and systems is crucial. This tutorial explores two fundamental concepts essential for online security: authentication and authorization.

Authentication: Who Are You?

Imagine entering a building; a security guard (authentication) verifies your identity (e.g., through an ID card) before granting access. Similarly, in the digital world, authentication methods verify the claimed identity of a user attempting to access a system or resource. Common methods include:

  • Passwords: Traditional method requiring users to enter a secret combination of characters. However, strong and unique passwords are crucial to avoid security vulnerabilities.
  • Biometrics: Utilizes unique physical characteristics like fingerprints, facial recognition, or iris scans for stronger authentication.
  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Requires multiple verification factors, significantly enhancing security. This could involve a combination of:
    • Something you know: Password, PIN.
    • Something you have: Phone, security token.
    • Something you are: Fingerprint, facial recognition.

Authorization: What Can You Do?

Even after verifying your identity, not everyone deserves complete access. This is where authorization comes in. It determines the permissions a user has within a system based on their role or assigned access level. For example, an employee might have access to view company documents, while a manager might have additional permissions to edit or delete them.

Choosing the Right Method:

The choice of authentication and authorization methods depends on several factors, including:

  • Security requirements: Higher security risks warrant stronger methods like MFA or biometrics.
  • User experience: Balancing security with user convenience is important.
  • Cost and complexity: Implementing more complex methods might require additional resources.

Additional Security Measures:

  • Password best practices: Encourage users to create strong, unique passwords and change them regularly.
  • Regular security audits: Identify and address potential vulnerabilities in your systems.
  • Stay informed: Keep up-to-date with evolving security threats and best practices.

By understanding and implementing appropriate authentication and authorization methods, you can significantly enhance the security of your data and systems.

Remember: Security is an ongoing process, not a one-time fix. Regularly review and update your security measures to stay ahead of evolving threats.

In the context of multi-factor authentication (MFA), which factor is related to the user's behavior or actions?

Something you do

That’s correct. This factor is related to your behavior or actions, such as the speed and pattern of your typing, your mouse movements, or the way you interact with the system. While this factor is less commonly used in authentication methods due to its complexity and potential for false positives, it can still provide an additional layer of security when combined with other factors in MFA. 

Previously, you learned that
authentication is the process of verifying the identity of a user, device or system, while authorization is the process
of granting access to a resource or system based on the authenticated
user’s permissions. In this video, you will explore
different authentication and authorization methods,
including passwords, biometrics and multifactor authentication and
their use cases. You will also gain insight into how
passwords are stored using common encryption methods. First, let’s look at
multifactor authentication. Traditionally, authentication
has been done using passwords. Think of a website where you enter a
unique combination of characters to prove your identity. However, with the rise in cyber threats
and hacking attempts, passwords alone are no longer enough to ensure
the security of systems and networks. This is where multifactor
authentication comes in. Multifactor authentication is a security
process that requires you to provide two or more forms of authentication
to verify your identity. The most common types of factors are
something you know, something you have, something you are, somewhere you are,
and something you do. Let’s discuss each of these
factors in more detail. Firstly, something you know is a factor
that refers to information that only you should know, such as a password or PIN. Passwords should be complex, long,
and include a combination of upper and lowercase letters, numbers and
special characters. Something you know is commonly used
in authentication methods, and it’s essential to choose
strong passwords and change them regularly to ensure
the security of the system. Something you have is a physical
object that you possess, such as a smartphone or a security token. For example, you might log into
a system using your password and then receive a verification
code on your smartphone, which you must enter to complete
the authentication process. This is becoming increasingly popular,
particularly in the age of mobile devices, and it is often used as a second factor
of authentication with a password. The third factor, something you are,
is a physical characteristic unique to you alone, such as your fingerprint or
facial recognition. For example, some laptops use fingerprint
readers to log into the system and some smartphones use facial
recognition to unlock the device. This is known as biometric authentication,
and it provides a high level of security because it is difficult to replicate or
steal someone’s physical characteristics. This is becoming more common
as technology advances. The next factor, somewhere you are,
refers to your location, which can be determined by GPS or
other location tracking technologies. This requires you to provide something
you have, such as a smartphone and your current location. For example, you might log into
a system using your password and then receive a notification on your
smartphone asking you to confirm that you are in a specific location. This is commonly used in
two factor authentication. Finally, something you do refers
to your behavior or actions. This can include things like the speed and
pattern of your typing, your mouse movements, or
the way you interact with the system. However, due to its complexity and
potential for false positives, this is less commonly
used in authentication. Now that you have covered the various
multifactor authentication methods, let’s revisit passwords and
how they are stored. Password hashing takes your password or
any other piece of data and uses an encryption algorithm to turn it into
a short string of letters and numbers. If a website is hacked, cybercriminals
don’t get access to your password. Instead, they just get access to the
encrypted hash created by your password. When you create an account or change your
password, you provide a password as input. The system processes the password using
a hash function, such as SHA-256. The function takes the password and
converts it into a fixed length hash, which consists of a series of
seemingly random characters. A random value called
a salt is generated and combined with the password before hashing. This ensures that even if two
users have the same password, their hashes will differ. The salt is stored alongside
the hash in the database so that it can be used during
the password verification process. The original password is not saved, reducing the risk of unauthorized
access to your account. When you attempt to Login,
the system retrieves the stored hash and salt from the database, combines
the input password with the salt, and applies the same hash function. If the resulting hash matches the stored
hash, the password is considered correct, and you are granted access. In this video,
you learned how authentication and authorization play crucial roles in
safeguarding sensitive data and resources. Traditional password-based
authentication has its limitations, and the increasing prevalence of cyber threats
calls for more robust methods, such as multifactor authentication and biometric
authentication to enhance security. You learned about the elements of
multifactor authentication something you know, something you have,
something you are, somewhere you are, and something you do to create a more
secure authentication process. Finally, you gained insight into how
securely storing passwords using hashing and salting techniques further strengthens
the security of your accounts by minimizing the risk of
unauthorized access.

Practice Quiz: Knowledge check: Authentication and authorization

Which of the following statements best describes the difference between authentication and authorization?

Which authentication system uses digital certificates to verify the identity of a user, device, or application?

Imagine you’re the head of IT at a growing tech company. Your company has been experiencing security breaches due to weak user passwords. You have been tasked with implementing multi-factor authentication to enhance security. When considering your options, which of the following is a common factor used in multi-factor authentication? Select all that apply.

In the context of password storage, what is the purpose of a salt?

You’re working as the IT manager for a rapidly growing tech startup. Your company is adding new internal software and tools constantly. Your employees struggle to remember their various login credentials and the IT department is flooded with password reset requests. Which of the following benefits of a centralized authentication and authorization system could be a solution to your problem?

Video: Module summary: Cryptography

Encryption Fundamentals

  • Symmetric Encryption: Uses a single shared key for both encryption and decryption (e.g., AES, Blowfish).
  • Asymmetric Encryption: Uses public/private key pairs, ensuring only the intended recipient can decrypt (e.g., RSA, Diffie-Hellman).
  • Tools: PGP for email, BitLocker/FileVault for disk encryption, VPNs to secure internet traffic, and end-to-end encryption for messaging.


  • Turns input into a fixed-size string (the hash). Even small changes in the input create totally different hashes.
  • Important for checking data integrity.
  • Common algorithms: SHA, MD5, Blake2.

Digital Signatures & Certificates

  • Signatures: Use cryptography to prove a document’s authenticity, integrity, and who signed it.
  • Certificates: Digitally signed documents verifying the identity of websites, individuals, or organizations, essential for secure online communication.

Authentication & Authorization

  • Authentication: Verifying user identity (passwords, multifactor authentication).
  • Password Hashing + Salting: Protects stored passwords, making them harder to crack.
  • Authorization: Controlling what actions authenticated users can perform.

Key Takeaways

  • Cryptography is essential for modern data security.
  • Understand the tools and techniques at your disposal to protect sensitive information.

Preparing for the Quiz

  • Review the core concepts listed above.
  • Re-attempt practice exercises to reinforce your understanding.

Well done and congratulations on
making it through another week. You’ve been working hard and
now understand encryption and the techniques used to protect data,
private key encryption and how they are formed, used and stored,
the fundamentals of digital signing and signatures, and centralized
authentication and authorization. This week’s content is probably
fresh in your memory, but it’s always a good idea to revisit
the most important points. So let’s look back on week to make
sure you are prepared for the quiz. You started your learning on cryptography
by working through the fundamentals of encryption, learning about how it
evolved from simple techniques like the Caesar cipher to the advanced
algorithms used today. You learned how symmetric encryption
uses a shared secret key to encrypt and decrypt data, while asymmetric encryption
uses a pair of public and private keys. Next, you explored some common
encryption tools, including PGP, which offers intuitive interfaces
that enable secure communication. Full disk encryption tools
like BitLocker and File Vault. VPNs, which create secure and private
network connection over the Internet. And you learned that end to end encrypted
messaging secures messages between sender and recipient by making it challenging for
cyber attackers to intercept and read the messages. You followed this by taking a deeper
dive into private and public keys, discovering that private keys are
generated by creating a sequence of bits, or ones and zeros,
which serve as the key itself. You also zoned in on the advanced
encryption standard, or AES, and learned how AES supports key
sizes of 128192 and 256 bits. You were also introduced to Blowfish,
a symmetric key encryption that uses variable length keys ranging
between 32 and 448 bits, offering more flexibility than AES. You learn that public key encryption,
also known as asymmetric key encryption, uses a pair of keys, one public and
one private to encrypt and decrypt data. RSA is an example of
public key encryption. It’s based on a mathematical
property of prime numbers, generating two large prime numbers and
calculating their product. The resulting number is used as
the modulus for the encryption and decryption process. You also discovered that the Diffie
Hellman key exchange process involves key generation, key exchange, shared secret
generation, and encryption and decryption. You then gain technical knowledge
of how hashing algorithms operate. Learning that hashing is
a process that takes input and turns it into a fixed
sized string of bytes. This output is called a hash and
is unique for each input. So even a slight change in the input
results in a completely different hash. This makes it challenging for malicious
actors to reverse engineer the original input from the hash, making it
a crucial technique in data security. You also got to know a few commonly
used hashing techniques and algorithms, including SHA, MD5 and Blake2. Thereafter, you learned that digital
signing and digital signatures use cryptographic techniques like RSA and
ECDSA to ensure the authenticity, integrity and
nonrepudiation of electronic documents. You followed this learning by gaining
insight into digital certificates, which are in electronic credentials that
validate the identity of entities to ensure secure communication. These certificates are issued by trusted
organizations known as certificate authorities or CAS that guarantee that the certificate
holder is who they claim to be. You also learned that secure socket layer
and transport layer security certificates, or SSL and TLS for short,
are the two most common types of digital certificates used and now
understand the differences between them. You then moved on to learn that signed
URLs ensure that only authorized users can access certain resources and that they
offer a versatile solution for a wide range of applications, including secure
file sharing, API access control, paywalls and subscription based content, and
temporary access for third party services. Through this examination, you uncovered
that signed URLs offer several benefits, including increased security,
granular control over access, and reduced complexity. In the final part of the week, you
delved deeper into the vital aspects of centralized authentication and
authorization. You walked through the multifactor
authentication process which is a security process that
requires you to provide two or more forms of authentication
to verify your identity. Then you turned your attention
to password hashing and learned that it takes your password or any
other piece of data and uses an encryption algorithm to turn it into a short
string of letters and numbers. Remember, securely storing passwords using
hashing and salting techniques, strengthens the security of your accounts and
minimizes the risk of unauthorized access. To reinforce your learning,
you participated in in-video questions, knowledge checks, and an exercise
on initial protective measures. You’ve learned a lot about cryptography,
and as you approach the module quiz, consider going through some of the key
learning material again to reinforce your understanding. Looking ahead you will expand your
knowledge of security controls and applications by diving into network and
device based threats, where you will learn all about safeguarding systems and
data from potential vulnerabilities. Best of luck.

Graded Assignment: Module quiz: Cryptography

Which of the following encryption techniques did Julius Caesar use to communicate with his generals?

What is the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), and how does it secure data transmission?

Sam’s Scoops stores customer data. Sam wants to ensure that only authorized parties can access this data, even if someone has physical access to the company’s computers. Which encryption tool should Sam use to encrypt the entire hard drive of the business’ computers, including the operating system and all user data?

Ashley and Tim are communicating over an insecure network. They want to establish a shared secret key without exposing it to potential eavesdroppers. Which asymmetric key encryption algorithm should they primarily consider for this purpose?

A company stores user passwords in plaintext in their database. After a data breach, the company decides to enhance the security of their password storage. Which technique should they implement to ensure that even if two users have the same password, their hashes stored in the database will be different?

What is the primary purpose of Digital signing?

True or False: SSL certificates are used exclusively for securing web transactions on e-commerce websites.
1 point



What is one of the key benefits of using signed URLs?

Sam has opened multiple branches and is finding it difficult to manage access controls for each branch individually. Which solution should she adopt to manage access controls more efficiently across all branches?

Microsoft’s Identity Platform, as an IDaaS, does not support single sign-on (SSO) which allows users to authenticate once and gain access to multiple applications and resources.

Reading: Additional resources: Authentication and authorization
