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Home » META » Meta iOS Developer Professional Certificate » Introduction to iOS Mobile Application Development » Introduction to Mobile Application Development

Introduction to Mobile Application Development

In this module, you will learn the general principles of mobile apps and the iOS platform ecosystem.

Learning Objectives

  • Describe mobile apps and their benefits from the perspective of a mobile developer
  • Discuss the iOS Operating System (OS) including its development and supported programming languages, Objective-C and Swift
  • Describe key features of the Xcode Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
  • Demonstrate how to launch an iOS app and describe its components

Course Introduction

Video: Introduction to the program

Meta’s iOS Dev Course: From Beginner to Job-Ready in 1 Year

Tired of just consuming online content? This Meta-backed professional certificate unlocks your potential to become a creator. Learn mobile app development in 1 year, even with no tech background.

Build skills for a cross-platform mobile developer role:

  • Learn from Meta engineers about collaboration, building responsive, high-performance apps.
  • Master HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, React Native, and Swift.
  • Design interactive interfaces, work with data, use Xcode for efficiency.
  • Create a portfolio-worthy iOS app with interactivity.
  • Collaborate with Git and GitHub for version control.
  • Master user experience basics: research, wireframing, interactivity design.
  • Ace coding interviews: practice, refine your resume, tackle common challenges.

Get job-ready with Meta Career Programs Job Board: access 200+ employers seeking Meta certificate talent.

Shape the future of connection. Let’s build something amazing together.

Key takeaways:

  • No prior tech experience needed.
  • Self-paced program, manage your time.
  • Build a portfolio-worthy mobile app.
  • Prepare for technical job interviews.
  • Access exclusive job board with 200+ employers.

The digital space is a world
of connection and opportunity. Take this moment for example. >> The web has made it possible for you
to enroll in this program where you will learn from the personal
stories of developers of meta. >> By the time you have completed
this professional certificate, you can become a creator of experiences. Connection is evolving and so are you. >> You might not have a background
in tech at all and that’s okay. Even if you have no experience, this program can get you job
ready within a single year. >> So how can this professional
certificate prepare you for a job at an organization like meta. >> The IOS developer Professional
certificate will help you build job ready skills for a cross platform mobile development role
while earning a credential from meta. >> From meta engineers you will learn
about how they collaborate to create and test responsive,
high performance mobile applications. >> You’ll also discuss interesting topics
with other aspiring mobile developers and complete a range of coding
exercises to improve your skills. >> It’s important to complete all the
courses in this professional certificate in order as each course
will build on your skills. >> Although we have a recommended
schedule for each course, the program is entirely self paced, which
means your time is your own to manage. >> As you make your way through
the courses in this program, you’ll learn how to code interactive
interfaces using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. You’ll then dive into the world of react. >> A widely used JavaScript library
that was created here in meta and its mobile version react native. >> Next you will learn to code in swift,
the programming language created by Apple and the open source community
to develop applications for Apple’s operating systems. You’ll get comfortable working with data
and learn to use the X code integrated development environment to
speed up your workflow. >> For your final project you
will create a well designed, high performance IOS mobile
application for your portfolio, complete with interactivity to
showcase during your job search. >> You’ll also be ready to collaborate
with other developers as you will have learned to use git and
GitHub for version control. >> If you’re hoping to operate
independently or in a smaller team, not to worry. We’ve also got you covered when it
comes to the basics of user experience. >> You’ll learn how to research a user’s
needs, create wire frames using popular industry tools like Fig MMA and
design interactivity. >> In the final course you will
prepare for the coding interview, you’ll practice your interview skills,
refine your resume and tackle some common coding challenges that typically form
part of technical job interviews. >> Once you complete the program, you’ll get access to
the Meta career programs Job board. >> A job search platform that connects you
with over 200 employers who have committed to sourcing talent through
Meta certificate programs. >> Who knows where you’ll end up
whatever the future of connection looks like you’ll be part of its creation. Let’s get started.

Video: Introduction to the course

Summary of iOS Mobile App Development Course Introduction:

Mobile technology’s growing role and iOS popularity:

  • Mobile technology is ubiquitous, from phones and tablets to wearables and appliances.
  • Apple’s iOS is a major mobile OS with millions of users.
  • Learning iOS app development can be valuable for your career.

Course overview:

  • Introduction to iOS development tools and resources.
  • Learn key features of Xcode (development tool) and Swift (programming language).
  • Explore app concepts, mobile OS, and iOS platform.
  • Gain insights into Xcode simulators and operating system images.
  • Understand the iOS app build system and project structure.
  • Learn about setting up an app project, including requirements and templates.
  • Build a video player app project with Swift.

Learning approach:

  • Video lessons, readings, and quizzes.
  • Watch, pause, and rewind videos as needed.
  • Readings and quizzes for knowledge consolidation and self-assessment.
  • Course exercise to put your skills into practice.

Success tips:

  • Commit to a regular and disciplined learning schedule.
  • Map out a study schedule if possible.


This course provides a comprehensive introduction to iOS mobile app development, preparing you for professional certification and a career in the field. Explore other courses in the learning path for further advancement.

Hello and welcome
to this course on iOS mobile application
or app development. Mobile technology is everywhere. Almost all of us
have encountered and interacted with mobile
technology at some point. From cell phones and tablets to wearables like watches and
even household appliances. As the use of mobile technology
increases worldwide, so too, does the demand
for mobile apps. Apple’s iOS is one of the world’s most popular
mobile operating systems, with millions of users using Apple devices powered by iOS. As such,= a popular
and powerful platform, iOS is integral to mobile
software development. This means that learning how to program for Apple
devices and develop iOS apps may be invaluable for you in
your development journey. In this course,
you’ll learn about the tools and
resources available to you with iOS and how to use them to develop your
own mobile apps. Now that you’ve been
introduced to the program and have more insight into the
role of a mobile developer. You’ll consider what you hope
to learn in this course. Review the course syllabus, and receive some tips
for successful learning, set up Xcode, the developer tool set, an environment that
you will use to create iOS apps and explore the
concepts of mobile apps, mobile operating systems,
and iOS platforms. Then you’ll gain
insight into some of the fundamental components of
iOS mobile PP development. This includes the key
features and functions of the development
tool iOS Xcode, programming languages
supported by Xcode with an emphasis on Swift, the language you
will use to create your own project
for this course. Xcode project templates and the project structure of
iOS apps created in Xcode. Next, you will enrich your iOS development knowledge
through learning about tools in Xcode called simulators and operating
system images, which are an important part of mobile app development
and testing. You’ll also gain insight into
the build system used to create the project structure
of an iOS app in Xcode, and the folders and files within that structure that
are fundamental to creating a successful app. After that, you’ll learn about the important components of setting up an app
project in Xcode, such as outlining
the requirements of an app and selecting an
appropriate template. Lastly, you’ll learn
about starting and building an app project with Swift and get the
chance to create an operational video app player. If you’ve encountered
new technical words and terminology in this video, don’t worry if you don’t
fully understand them now. Everything you need will be covered during
your learning with each lesson made up of video content,
readings, and quizzes. There are many videos in
your course that will gradually guide you
through your learning. Feel free to watch,
pause, rewind, and re-watch the videos until you are confident
in your skills. The course readings will help you consolidate your knowledge. You will be able to self-check your learning progress
with knowledge quizzes along the way and
put your skills into practice with a course exercise. To be successful in this course, it’s helpful to
commit to a regular and disciplined
approach to learning. Although it is an online
self-paced course, you need to be serious about your studies and if possible, map out a study
schedule with dates and times that you can devote
to attending the course. In summary, this course provides you with a
complete introduction to iOS mobile app development
and will set you on your way toward professional
certification and a career in iOS development. Be sure to also check out the other courses in
this learning path. Looking forward to working with you on your
learning journey.

Reading: Course syllabus


Video: The mobile developer role

Mobile Developer’s Role Explained: Summary


  • Design, build, and maintain mobile apps (UI, functionality, animations)
  • Integrate APIs
  • Write tests and release app updates
  • Collaborate with teams (developers, designers, QA)
  • Use version control systems (e.g., GitHub)
  • Plan projects and attend meetings
  • Research trends and OS-specific languages (e.g., Swift, Objective-C)

Valuable Skills:

  • Design and user experience (UX)
  • Server technology
  • Continuous integration (CI)

Where They Work:

  • Large companies (e.g., Meta)
  • Small companies and startups
  • Freelance
  • Own development company


  • High demand and job opportunities
  • Diverse career paths
  • Direct impact on products and user experience

Key Takeaway: Mobile development offers a rewarding career with varied tasks, collaboration, and the ability to bring your ideas to life.

Mobile Developer’s Role Explained: A Hands-On Tutorial

Welcome to the fascinating world of mobile development! This tutorial will demystify the role of a mobile developer, equipping you with a clear understanding of their responsibilities, skills, and career paths.

Let’s dive in!

1. What does a Mobile Developer do?

Imagine building the next must-have app! Mobile developers do exactly that. They are software engineers specializing in creating applications for smartphones and tablets. Their tasks are diverse and exciting, covering:

  • Designing and Building the App: This involves crafting a user-friendly interface, implementing functionalities, and weaving in animation magic for a smooth experience.
  • Breathing Life into Functionality: Code is their paintbrush. They write code to make features work, connect to external services, and ensure everything runs smoothly.
  • Polishing the Experience: Animations, transitions, and visual effects are their playground. They bring the app to life, making it a joy to use.
  • Collaborating and Integrating: Teamwork is key. They work with designers, testers, and other developers to build a cohesive app and integrate with external APIs.
  • Testing and Releasing: Quality is paramount. They write tests to ensure everything works flawlessly and prepare the app for release on app stores.

2. The Skills Arsenal of a Mobile Developer:

  • Programming Languages: Mastering languages like Java/Kotlin for Android and Swift/Objective-C for iOS is essential.
  • UI/UX Design: Understanding design principles and user experience is crucial for building beautiful and intuitive apps.
  • Version Control Systems: Tools like Git are essential for managing code changes and collaborating effectively.
  • APIs and Databases: Connecting apps to external services and managing data requires knowledge of APIs and databases.
  • Testing and Debugging: Identifying and fixing bugs is part of the job. Learning testing tools and techniques is key.

3. Where do Mobile Developers Work?

The opportunities are endless! You can find them in:

  • Tech giants: Google, Meta, Apple – building the next big app for millions of users.
  • Startups and small companies: Developing innovative apps for niche markets and fostering rapid growth.
  • Freelance: Setting your own schedule and taking on diverse projects.
  • Building your own app: Becoming the entrepreneur and bringing your own ideas to life.

4. Your Mobile Development Journey:

  • Start with the basics: Choose your platform (Android or iOS) and learn the foundational languages.
  • Build sample projects: Get your hands dirty and experiment with building real apps, no matter how small.
  • Expand your skillset: Explore UI/UX design, testing, and other relevant areas to become a well-rounded developer.
  • Connect with the community: Join online forums, attend workshops, and network with other developers to learn and grow.
  • Keep learning: Technology is constantly evolving, so stay updated with trends and emerging tools.

Remember: Passion and dedication are essential ingredients for success. Embrace the challenges, explore different avenues, and enjoy the journey of building amazing mobile apps!


  • Check out online resources like Coursera, Udemy, and Udacity for beginner-friendly mobile development courses.
  • Download free IDEs like Android Studio or Xcode to start coding your first app.
  • Participate in hackathons or coding challenges to test your skills and learn from others.

There are many steps involved in the development of a mobile app. Which of these are usually specific to the mobile developer role? Choose all that apply.

Writing app code

That is correct! Mobile developers are responsible for writing the code that determines how an app will behave and function.

Writing tests to assess performance

That is correct! Mobile developers write tests to ensure that apps run as expected.

Updating the app after it has been released

That is correct! Mobile developers often continue to support a completed app by adding new content or fixes for bugs and errors.

Developing app programming interfaces (APIs)

That is correct! Mobile developers integrate third-party APIs to connect their apps with other technologies or code. This supports mobile functionality.

Over the past few decades, the number of applications or apps being built
has grown rapidly. But have you ever wondered who is responsible for
developing such apps? Well, they’re referred
to as mobile developers. With the demand for mobile
developers projected to grow exponentially
in the next few years, I’m sure you’re
interested to know more about the role of
a mobile developer. In this video, you’ll
learn all about that, including the responsibilities
of a mobile developer, the kinds of languages and
skills mobile developers have, and where mobile developers
work and their job roles. What things does a
mobile developer do? While no two roles are the same, there are many common tasks and responsibilities shared
by all mobile developers. First is designing, building, and maintaining mobile apps. This includes tasks
like building a user interface or UI based
on design specifications, writing code to support
functionality and building animations and transitions to provide an engaging
user experience. Other common tasks
include integrating third party application
programming interfaces or APIs to connect the app with
other technologies or code, writing tests and releasing apps and updates to the
Apple and Google Stores. Apart from the
many coding tasks, developers often work as part of a team which can include
other developers, project managers,
quality assurance or QA professionals, and designers. In fact, as a mobile developer, you may find yourself
working with multiple teams. As teams and development
projects become larger, version control becomes
increasingly important. Version control is a system that allows the
development team or teams to track and manage changes made to
the software code. Version control also
allows your team or teams to work simultaneously and collaboratively on
projects by enabling access to the most recent
version of the software code. GitHub is one online platform that can assist you
with version control. Amongst other things, GitHub makes it easy for
you to keep track of your work and others
work and review code changes and
collaborative projects. It allows you to
access and navigate between different
versions of online files. Mobile developers also often play a role in
planning projects and participate in the
project progression by attending regular
team meetings. In addition, you’ll find that almost all mobile
developers spend some time researching their projects
and keeping up-to-date with emerging trends regarding
their operation system. Because many of them, and while developers tasks and
responsibilities involve coding, it’s essential for them
to know the language that their apps operating system or OS software development
kit is built upon. Swift and Objective-C are programming languages
for iOS app development. Being proficient in these
programming languages can make you more capable as a mobile developer and can expand your choice of
job roles and projects. Other valuable skills for any
mobile developer who builds the user interface or
UI for mobile apps are design and user
experience or UX, as well as knowledge
of server technology and continuous
integration or CI. This is the practice of
automating the integration of code changes from
multiple contributors into a single software project. Let’s say that you’ve mastered your mobile development skills, where in the job market
do you find work? Well, because mobile development
skills are in demand, there are many roles available. For instance, there are many developer roles in a
large company such as Meta. As the creators of React Native, mobile development is
very important to Meta. Anyone considering a position at Meta will understand
that knowledge of the React Native framework is a common requirement for
their software engineers. Now, let’s explore some of
the available job options. Mobile development is popular
with small companies and startups who understand how
apps can aid their growth. It is equally useful
to large companies. For instance, they may
want to build apps that help them gain a slight
competitive advantage, foster engagement
with their user-base, or allow their customers to quickly access their
products and services. You can also use your skills to work as a freelance
mobile app developer. If you’re not attracted by any of the many job offers
available to you, you may prefer to start your
own development company. With mobile development,
you can take your own ideas directly
to the market. You should now have a
clearer understanding of the role of a
mobile developer, their responsibilities and
the skills they require.

Video: A day in the life of an iOS developer

Summary of Being an iOS Developer at Meta:


  • Collaboration with designers, product managers, and engineers.
  • Writing code and building features.
  • Coaching junior engineers and interns.
  • Participating in innovation and planning meetings.


  • Seeing your work used by millions of people.
  • Fixing bugs and ensuring smooth operation.
  • Mentorship and helping others grow.

Key Skills:

  • Problem-solving, coding, and design.
  • Communication and collaboration.
  • Planning and scoping projects.
  • Mentorship and coaching.


  • Learn from existing apps and patterns.
  • Try replicating features and animations.
  • Go beyond courses and explore on your own.


Being an iOS developer at Meta offers a rewarding career with challenges, collaboration, and a chance to impact millions of users. The key is to focus on your skills, work with others, and enjoy the process of building amazing products.

IOS is unique in that it’s really,
really a clean and slick system and once you have built it, you have the power
to get your work out into over a billion people’s hands and that is something
that’s really exciting with a little bit of effort,
you can just have that level of impact. [MUSIC] My name is Ara Nava and
I am an IOS developer at meta. You may have used some of
the products that I have worked on, including Messenger, facebook live
facebook search among many others. Right now for me as a product engineer,
I spend a considerable amount of time in meetings with managers, product managers,
designers in the innovation process of how we want products to look, designing,
and coming up with new features. Depending on the projects I’m working on,
I also spend a considerable amount of time writing the code that we send out and
building those features. I also spend a lot of time coaching junior
engineers and new engineers or when I have interns helping them, helping the interns
kind of find their own footing and build whatever they’re working on. And of course, I also spend a lot of
time just having fun with my team, organizing game nights or
just going out and having fun with them. At Meta when you finally complete
a project after so much toil and hard work and consideration and deliberation and
debates and you see it really going out into the hands of the users and you hear
back saying that they found it useful or people are using it or they’ve come to
rely on it or even if it was just fun, I think that’s definitely the most
rewarding part of the job. It’s lots of little things
like checking for data and making sure things don’t go down,
monitoring bugs, fixing bugs, which may not be as glamorous
as writing shiny new features, but as with any glamorous job, this job
is not immune to those things as well. Technical skills that are most
key to being an IOS developer. As with any software engineer, honestly would be problem
solving coding and design. Problem solving is key to figuring out how
to tackle these gargantuan issues that you have a lot of the problems that
we solve our things that no one in the world had
history has tackled before. So to be able to kind of labor
through that work with everyone and figure out what we’re going to do. That requires a lot of
problem solving skills, coding is almost the language
of how you do that. Coding is a medium through which
you actually really finalize and get those solutions to the problems
out there into your product. While there’s a stereotypical image of
engineers just coding away all day. The truth is that in engineering, you
need a lot of working with other people, talking to your teammates,
other stakeholders, sometimes across teams to make
sure everyone is aware and the whole process moves efficiently and
smoothly for planning. You don’t want to know that you’re
committing the right dates, you’re solving the right problems
because there’s so many things to solve. Sometimes you miss the forest for
the trees. So there is that issue of making sure
you’re planning the right thing, scoping, making sure you have the right
dates on the schedule. That’s very important to make sure
you function correctly as well. Lastly mentorship as you grow more senior,
all these technical skills as well as soft skills, it becomes your responsibility
to pass that on to that next generation. So being it’s a good mentor and having
that ability to coach other people also comes really in handy as you
grow more senior in your career. I always is a really, really cool and
versatile platform to build on and it really gives you great output as well. So try looking at some of the existing
patterns and existing really cool apps and designs that you may enjoy
yourself on your device and try to replicate some of those. How does this gesture work? How does this animation work? I think some of those really give you
things beyond any course as well and give you the building blocks with
which you can deliver really, really cool products yourself as well.

Video: Setting up Xcode

Summary of Xcode Download and Project Creation:

Downloading Xcode:

  • Two options: official website (requires Apple developer account) or Mac App Store (requires Apple ID).
  • Choose latest stable version (avoid Betas for beginners).
  • Download Xcode.xip file and extract it to Applications folder.

Creating a New Project:

  • Choose App template for iOS.
  • Name your project (e.g., hello_world).
  • Select Swift and Storyboard options.
  • Choose a location on your computer and uncheck Source Control.
  • Click Create.

Exploring the Environment:

  • Project pane on the left shows project files.
  • Play button runs the app in a simulator.
  • Simulator window displays the running app.

Next Steps:

  • Learn more about configuring and using simulators.
  • Start building your own iOS app projects!

Key Takeaways:

  • Xcode is the essential development environment for iOS apps.
  • Downloading and creating projects are simple steps to get started.
  • Xcode offers various options and tools for your app development journey.
A new developer wants to download Xcode to create an iOS app.
True or false: the developer must download the latest version of Xcode from the website?


That’s right! Although developers may choose to download and use the latest available version of Xcode, they may also opt to download other versions. For example, they may use the latest stable version in favor of the latest version which is in Beta (in development).

As you progress
through this course, you’ll have the
opportunity to create your own project in the development
environment called Xcode. Let’s take a moment to
download and install Xcode now and briefly
explore project creation. In this video, I’m going
to demonstrate how to download and install
Xcode on macOS. First, visit the official
webpage for Xcode, forward
slash Xcode forward slash. Note that you will need an
Apple developer account to download from the website. Click the Download
button on the top right. To download Xcode from the
website, click “Website”. You could also
choose to download Xcode directly from
the App Store. An Apple ID will be needed to download from the Mac App Store. The downloads page you are
taken to after choosing Website has different
tools apart from Xcode. However, they are beyond
the scope of this video. You will notice that there are different versions
of Xcode available. Currently, the latest
version is Xcode 14 Beta. Beta means that this version
is still in development. Although you can
use this version, I’d recommend that you pick
the latest stable version of the Integrated Development
Environment or IDE. To select Xcode 13.4.1, click on “View Details”. You can then download
the Xcode dot xip file. This may take some time depending
on your internet speed. Once downloaded, click on the
dot xip file to extract it. Then you’ll be prompted to move Xcode to your
applications folder. Your last step is to
open this version from the Applications
folder and follow any installation
instructions that follow. Now that you’ve downloaded
and installed the IDE, let’s preview the
environment and how to create your own
project in Xcode. On the welcome page for Xcode, you have three options. You can create a
new Xcode project. You can clone an
existing project and you can open it and
existing project or file. For this video, let’s click
Create a new Xcode project. In this window, you
are presented with different templates
for your project. This allows you to get started
with projects quickly. Select the App template for iOS, and then click “Next”. On this page, you are
required to provide a name for the product
you are building. Let’s call it hello
underscore world. The team option
enables you to add any team members to the project, which means developers will
be able to collaborate. You can do this by clicking
the “Add Account” button. The next fields are the Organization and
Bundle Identifiers. These are used to
uniquely identify you or your team and your
application in the App Store. After that, you
can choose between Swift UI or Storyboard
for your interface. Let’s select Storyboard for now. Finally, you can choose between two languages, Swift
and Objective-C. Select Swift as this is the
language you’ll be using throughout this course
and click “Next”. A window will open in
which you can choose a location on your computer
to create your new project. An important step here is unchecking the Source
Control option, as you won’t require
source control at this stage of your learning. Then click “Create”. The environment for your hello underscore world
app is displayed. The project pane,
which gives you access to the project files, is on the left. In the top bar is a Play button. The button is used
to run a simulator. This will be important
for you when you create your
own project later, as it allows you to
simulate your app without needing to install it on
an actual physical device. You can click on the button to run the current test project. Another window will open
with the simulator. In later videos, you’ll
learn more about how to configure simulators and how
to use them efficiently. With Xcode installed and some insight into
project creation, you’re ready to jump into
iOS app development.

Reading: Additional resources


Module Platforms

Video: What is a mobile app?

Mobile Apps vs. Mobile Websites: Understanding the Difference

This video explores the growing importance of mobile apps and compares them to mobile websites.

Key Points:

  • Mobile Users Rising: With more users accessing information on mobile devices than ever, businesses need to adapt.
  • Mobile Apps vs. Websites:
    • Websites: Designed for mobile browsers, requiring internet access, and limited functionality.
    • Apps: Installed software, utilizing device features, offering faster performance and offline capabilities.
  • Choosing an App: Consider user actions and hardware access needed.
  • App Advantages: Speed, offline use, device feature access.
  • App Disadvantages: Cost, maintenance, platform-specific development, app store approval hurdles.


Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of both mobile apps and websites helps businesses make informed decisions for reaching their target audience. This video equips learners with the knowledge to navigate the world of mobile development and create their own apps.

Mobile Apps vs. Mobile Websites: Choosing the Right Path for Your Users


The mobile landscape is booming, and users expect seamless digital experiences. Businesses often face a crucial decision: develop a mobile app or a mobile website? This tutorial delves into the key differences between these options, empowering you to make the best choice for your audience and goals.

Understanding the Landscape:

  • Mobile users surpass desktop users: Reaching your target audience requires a mobile-first approach.
  • Mobile websites vs. mobile apps: Both serve different purposes and offer unique advantages.

Mobile Websites:

  • Pros:
    • Faster and cheaper to develop and maintain.
    • Accessible across all devices and platforms.
    • No app store approval needed.
  • Cons:
    • Limited functionality compared to apps.
    • Reliant on internet connection.
    • Doesn’t utilize device-specific features (camera, GPS).

Mobile Apps:

  • Pros:
    • Offer richer, more interactive experiences.
    • Can work offline (partially or fully).
    • Leverage device features for enhanced functionality.
    • Provide push notifications for better engagement.
  • Cons:
    • Higher development and maintenance costs.
    • Requires separate development for different platforms (iOS, Android).
    • App store approval process can be challenging.

Making the Right Choice:

  • Consider user needs and expectations: What actions do you want users to perform? Do they need offline access?
  • Evaluate your budget and resources: Can you afford app development and ongoing maintenance?
  • Analyze your goals and target audience: Where does your audience spend their time? What devices do they use?

Additional Considerations:

  • Hybrid apps: Combine website and app elements, offering some offline functionality without full native app development.
  • Progressive web apps (PWAs): Offer app-like experiences within a web browser, but may have limited functionality on some devices.


By understanding the strengths and weaknesses of both mobile apps and websites, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your business goals and user needs. Remember, the key is to prioritize creating a seamless and engaging experience for your mobile audience.

Bonus Tips:

  • Conduct user research to understand your target audience’s preferences and mobile usage habits.
  • Start with a minimum viable product (MVP) to test your app or website concept before investing heavily.
  • Utilize analytics tools to track user behavior and measure the success of your mobile strategy.

In which of the following scenarios is developing a mobile app more suitable than developing a mobile website?

The developer needs access to the device’s hardware and software components.

That’s right! A mobile app can access specific device hardware and software components.

Billions of mobile
users across the globe, mobile apps play a more
significant role in the way people access information
than ever before. While many businesses
distribute software products on multiple platforms such
as web and mobile, not everyone has the resources needed to build
multiple solutions. In such circumstances
and with the number of mobile users now
surpassing desktop users, businesses may
understandably choose mobile apps to reach
their target audience. With the demand for
mobile apps increasing, it’s important to understand
what mobile apps are. In this video, you’ll learn more about mobile websites and apps, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of
developing mobile apps. A mobile website is
a website designed, developed, an optimized
for mobile devices only. While mobile websites
are designed to display and work
on major browsers, they still require an internet
connection and don’t take advantage of the unique
functionality of a mobile device. That’s where mobile
apps come in. A mobile app is
installable software that runs on mobile devices. Mobile apps user devices hardware and software features and usually provide
an efficient, more intuitive and
seamless user experience. When choosing to develop a mobile app instead
of a mobile website, one way to decide is to ask
yourself this question. What specific actions do you expect your product to perform? For example, if you don’t
meet your users to perform any operations and your product is mainly content-driven, then you may opt for
a mobile website. But if you want users to perform actions that will require
the devices hardware, you will need a mobile app. It’s also helpful to
understand the pros and cons of mobile apps when
deciding whether to create one. The first advantage
of mobile apps is that they are faster
than mobile websites. They can also access the
device or system resources, such as the location
or Bluetooth, and can work without
Internet access. That said, mobile apps
can be quite expensive to build and more difficult to maintain when compared
to mobile websites. Another disadvantage is
that for a mobile app to be compatible with different
platforms like iOS and Android, it is often required that
it be built from scratch. It may also be difficult to
have your app approved by the App Store if it does not
meet specific requirements. You’ve now been introduced to mobile apps and
the advantages and disadvantages of
developing a mobile app compared to a mobile website. As you learned earlier,
mobile apps are vital in the mobile
development space. So I hope you’re looking
forward to creating your own app as you progress
with your learning.

Video: Mobile apps at Meta

Meta’s iOS Development Process: Collaboration, Experimentation, and User Focus

This summary highlights key aspects of iOS development at Meta:

1. Open-source frameworks and libraries: Meta utilizes and contributes to open-source tools like Component Kit to expedite development.

2. Collaborative team structure: Teams are organized by app (e.g., Instagram), product (e.g., feed), and feature (e.g., live video) with engineers from various platforms (iOS, Android, web) ensuring consistency.

3. Goal-oriented development: Projects begin with defining goals (growth, awareness, improvement, etc.) through brainstorming sessions involving multiple stakeholders.

4. Iterative and data-driven approach: Ideas are evaluated, and roadmaps are formed. Features are built, tested, and rolled out as experiments, with continuous monitoring and adaptation based on user response.

5. Learning from both successes and failures: Unsuccessful experiments provide valuable insights and inform future iterations.

6. User-centricity: Ultimately, decisions are driven by user feedback and preferences within established technical and design principles.

7. Team support and collaboration: Continuous learning and collaboration are emphasized, ensuring no one works in isolation.

Remember: This summary provides a brief overview. Consider exploring the full video for a more detailed understanding.

Mastering the Meta Way: Collaborative iOS Development with Experimentation and User Focus

This tutorial delves into the heart of Meta’s iOS development process, renowned for its collaborative spirit, data-driven approach, and unwavering focus on user experience.

Building Apps Together:

  • Structure & Synergy: Understand Meta’s organization by app, product, and feature, where engineers from iOS, Android, and web work hand-in-hand to ensure platform-agnostic consistency.
  • Open-Source Advantage: Leverage and contribute to Meta’s open-source frameworks like Component Kit, accelerating development while fostering community engagement.

From Vision to Reality:

  • Goal-Oriented Approach: Before writing a single line of code, establish clear goals for your project. What do you want to achieve? Grow user base? Increase engagement? Enhance functionality?
  • Brainstorming Blitz: Collaborate in intense brainstorming sessions with product managers, engineers, and cross-functional partners to generate a wealth of ideas.
  • Roadmapping the Journey: Evaluate ideas based on feasibility, impact, and alignment with your goals. Craft a roadmap that prioritizes the most promising features.

Experimentation: Learning Through Iteration:

  • Privacy, Reviews, and Planning: Before diving in, consider privacy implications, user reviews, and meticulously plan the project’s scope and architecture.
  • Milestones & Testing: Break down development into achievable milestones, continuously testing and fixing bugs along the way.
  • The Experimentation Engine: Once ready, roll out your feature as a controlled experiment, closely monitoring user response and collecting valuable data.
  • Adapting to Feedback: Analyze experiment results. If performance falls short, identify reasons (clarity, functionality, bugs) and iterate with improvements. Repeat until you’re confident you’ve delivered the best possible experience.
  • Learning from Success and Failure: Even unsuccessful experiments offer valuable insights. Document learnings and leverage them for future endeavors.

User-Centricity: The Guiding Light:

  • Metrics & Preferences: Ultimately, user data, feedback, and preferences guide decision-making. Success is measured by exceeding user expectations.
  • Principles & Freedom: While adhering to established tech stack and design principles, encourage creative solutions and embrace calculated risks.

Collaboration is Key:

  • Teamwork Makes the Dream Work: Remember, you’re never alone. Meta fosters a culture of collaboration and support, ensuring everyone has the resources and guidance they need.
  • Continuous Learning: Embrace a growth mindset and actively seek opportunities to learn from your team and the broader developer community.

By following these principles and immersing yourself in Meta’s unique development culture, you can unlock your potential as an iOS developer and contribute to creating groundbreaking user experiences.

Bonus Tips:

  • Explore Meta’s open-source projects and contribute to the community.
  • Participate in online forums and discussions with other iOS developers.
  • Stay updated on the latest trends and technologies in the mobile development landscape.
  • Actively seek feedback from users and incorporate their insights into your work.

Remember, the journey to becoming a master iOS developer at Meta is a continuous learning process. Embrace the collaborative spirit, experiment fearlessly, and always prioritize the user experience. Good luck!

at meta. We have a lot of in house developed
frameworks and libraries for IOS development such as component
kit that make developing these IOS apps much quicker, much faster and easier. And in fact these are open
source as well so you can use them even
if you’re not a meta. [MUSIC] My name is Ara Nava and I am an IOS
developer at meta at the company, we usually have organizations broken down
first at the app level, for example, Instagram, Messenger, WhatsApp, Facebook
and then it’s by greater product level, for example, feed versus videos and
then the specific team level. So live video or instagram stories
player within these teams, we have IOS android web engineers because we want
to maintain consistency across platforms. Everyone works very tightly together and with the cross functional partners as
well towards a common goal or mission. So when we want to build something new or
work on a new project at first we set goals for what we want to do for the
app or the feature, do we want to grow it? Do we want to spread awareness
about it and improve it? Do we want to change how it looks and
feels? Do we want to make it more reliable? That’s important in knowing
what we actually want to do. Once we have that goal set, we have a
brainstorming session sometimes the whole day long where we have not just all
the engineers, but product managers, engineering managers, all the cross
functional partners coming into the same room and just spending
some time in work shopping and coming up with these ideas and
anyone can come up with these ideas. Once you have all these ideas out there,
we usually vote on which one’s the most feasible, which one is
the most impactful and we filter out the ones that make
the most sense that make the road map. Once we have this road map, we start
other things like privacy, reviews, scoping and planning for the project and
what it’s going to look like and then once execution starts, we have
milestones which we hit along the way and fixing bugs and testing it along the way. Now, once execution is complete, what
we do is we roll out the experiment and in the experiment we monitor how
users are responding to this feature. If we see that the experiment
is not performing as well. We ask ourselves the questions
why is it not performing as well? Is it not clear to use,
can we make it better? Is it not working the way we intend to? Is there a bug somewhere? If the answer to any of those is yes,
then we go back iterate on that and then launch another experiment
with those fixes and improvements. We keep doing this as many times as needed
until we have confidence that we’ve done all the best that we can if it still
does not work out or doesn’t fit or users don’t like it,
then we sometimes abandon that experiment. However, we record the learnings
because sometimes even an experiment or a test that doesn’t launch but gives us good learnings is considered
a success on the flip side. If we do see that the experiment was
a success and we got good metrics and achieved our goals. That’s where the fun part starts because
then we start rolling out the feature slowly but steadily to users across
the world and wait in anticipation for how they feel about it. One of the challenges that comes with
working on these new apps is that you don’t really know what a good answer
is because no one has answered it for you before. There’s no playbook, established
playbook is such that you can follow so often we have to come up with the answers
on our own and sometimes the answers we have are wrong, even if they seem
like they are the right answer. So that is a process that we can sometimes
have to get accustomed to assuming that we have good intent, but
we don’t have all the answers. If someone says we should make the light
**** green to someone that might sound ridiculous, but to someone that
might sound like a great idea, ultimately it’s what the users want and
like that give us the answers. Of course we have some principles and
our tech stack has its own guidance that we have to follow and
we have our design principles as well, but outside of that we want to give
the best product possible to our users. Even if we fail, we fail fast and then we
keep going until we find the right answers as a team as you get into IOS development,
remember that if you join the team, whether it’s a small team, a big team,
you always have that team to support you. Nobody in this company works in isolation,
and the key is always to believe your team and work together as
we do in building our products.

Reading: How does a mobile OS work?


Reading: iOS platforms


Video: What kind of careers are there in iOS development?

Summary of iOS Development Career Paths

This video by Ara Nava, an iOS engineer at Meta, explores the diverse career paths available within iOS development. Here are the key takeaways:

Variety of Options:

  • iOS development offers numerous specializations beyond just coding, catering to diverse interests.
  • Consider factors like geographic demand, company size, and project type when choosing a path.

Specialization vs. Generalization:

  • Specialists hone deep expertise in a specific skillset, becoming valuable consultants.
  • Generalists work across various technical and product areas, impacting different aspects.
  • Fixers possess specialized skills and troubleshoot across different systems, offering quick solutions.

Role Focus:

  • Media Playback Specialist: Optimizes video performance and user experience.
  • Finance/Media Tech Specialist: Focuses on specific technical needs within these industries.
  • Infrastructure Builder: Supplements coding with building infrastructure and mentoring junior engineers (at smaller companies).
  • Framework Expert: Leverages company-specific frameworks for faster development (at larger companies).

Career Progression:

  • Junior engineers learn through diverse projects and iterate their skills.
  • Senior engineers become leaders, guiding others and expanding their impact.

Finding Your Strength:

  • Explore different roles and identify the ones you enjoy and excel in.
  • Strengths are not just skills, but also what motivates and energizes you.

Continuous Learning:

  • Experiment with various paths and projects throughout your career.
  • Identify what resonates with you and refine your strengths over time.


  • This is just a starting point. Explore your interests and discover the fulfilling path for you in the vast world of iOS development.

1. Self-Assessment:

  • Skills and Interests: Introspect on your technical strengths, areas for improvement, and what truly excites you within iOS development (e.g., UI/UX, performance optimization, specific app categories).
  • Goals and Values: Consider your career aspirations – stability, high-impact projects, leadership roles, etc. – and identify values like innovation, collaboration, or autonomy that guide your choices.

2. Research and Exploration:

  • Path Research: Utilize online resources like Meta’s video you summarized, official Apple documentation, and developer blogs to gain insights into various specializations:
    • Technical Paths: Front-end development, back-end development, game development, AR/VR, security, etc.
    • Industry-Specific Paths: Healthcare, finance, education, entertainment, etc.
    • Company-Specific Paths: Explore specializations offered by your dream companies.
  • Network and Connect: Talk to experienced iOS developers, attend industry events, join online communities (e.g., forums, Slack groups) to gain firsthand perspectives and discover opportunities.

3. Skill Development and Experimentation:

  • Upskilling: Focus on areas aligned with your chosen path. Take online courses, participate in hackathons, contribute to open-source projects to gain practical experience.
  • Personal Projects: Build apps that showcase your skills and interests. This creates a compelling portfolio and demonstrates your passion.
  • Internships or Freelance Work: Gain real-world experience through internships or freelance projects in your chosen area. This helps you test your fit and build your network.

4. Continuous Learning and Growth:

  • Stay updated with the latest iOS technologies and trends by following industry publications, attending conferences, and participating in online communities.
  • Seek mentorship from experienced developers who can guide your career journey and offer valuable advice.
  • Network actively and build relationships with professionals in your chosen path. This opens doors to potential opportunities.


  • Finding your ideal career path is a journey, not a destination. Explore different options, experiment, and be open to learning new things.
  • Your strengths, interests, and values should guide your choices.
  • Don’t be afraid to adjust your path as you gain experience and your priorities evolve.

While IOS development
might sound monolithic or just like one thing, it can be very, very depending on where you
want to take your career and your specific interests,
not just technically, but outside your technical
interest as well. Hey, my name is Ara Nava. I’m an IOS engineer at meta and I’ve built a lot of the products that you
might have used, including messenger, facebook live and facebook search
within these different platforms. There are some differences. For example,
android has more phones globally, but IOS has much more of a presence
in US europe, among other places. Many companies also find IOS to be a key
part of their strategy because it brings in a lot more revenue. It also depends on the geographic location
of where you are, whether there’s more demand for IOS or android, but if you’re
looking for a longer career in mobile development, most companies are going
to look for IOS or android specialists. The reason behind this is while cross
platform development is super useful, it’s often very difficult to get
the level of customize ability or performance out of it
as a specialist could. So that’s why if you’re looking for
more of a career at a larger company or even sometimes startups, they will ask for
having an android or IOS specialization. What exactly you do can differ based on
which context and what kind of company or what kind of project you’re working on. For example, an app or feature that
focuses on videos might focus more on media playback and how that whole
performance works, how to get it quicker, whereas if you’re working on a finance
company or a media company in the technical side, they may have smaller
scope based on what they want to work on. Working at a large company and
small company also has its differences. At a smaller company, you may need to supplement your coding
skills with building infrastructure and ramping up other younger engineers in
trying to hire and grow your company, whereas at a larger company you may
be able to zone in more and focus on a particular set of your technical
skills that you find most rewarding. Sometimes larger companies also
have a lot of frameworks and libraries that make things
much faster at meta. For example, we have lots of plug ins and frameworks including component kit that
makes things just a lot smoother for us, where smaller companies may rely
more on building with the bare blocks. Initially, when you start out as a junior
engineer, you turn out a lot of code, learn different projects how to build on
those, how to iterate those, the whole system and then as you grow more senior
you transition into being more of a leader and teaching other engineers how to do
those things, showing them the ropes and increasing the scope and influence
that you have the way you do this can depend on what your interests are,
You may want to be a generalist, which is someone who works on
a broad variety of things, both product and technical and
have impact all around the board. You can choose to be a specialist where
you deep dive into a very specific skill set and focus on being an expert in
that and go around consulting people on whenever they want to use
something in that skill set. You can choose to be a fixer, which is
somewhat similar to a specialist, but you build this specific skill set and it’s
almost a freelancer type role where you go around different systems, delivering winds
all across them and even fixing some things for them along the way that no
one else might have been able to do. If you’re interested in product, you could
work a lot more with product managers, designers as a product hybrid and be in
the room when there’s a lot of innovation going on and planning going on and
be a part of that as well, you can also be a coding expert and focus on churning out
thousands of lines of high quality code, You won’t be involved as much
in the planning or scoping, but if you do enjoy coding, you get to do that
all day every day as much as you want and keep churning out the volume of code. Maybe no one else could have
the possibilities honestly are practically endless and it depends more on where
you want to take your career at meta. We use the term strengths a lot, not only
to mean something that you’re skillful add, but something that you enjoy
a new derive strength from. So what is your strength? You don’t need to have the answer right
now, but as you go through your career, you will often be thrust
into different roles and different projects that give you
exposure to these different things. Sometimes you’ll be building the building
blocks that other engineers used to build larger products. Sometimes you’ll be building the product
itself, that the end ends up going into the user’s hands, try all of these
different things out and over time. Over the years, you will learn
which ones you enjoy the most and which are your strengths. I hope this video gave you a bit of
understanding of all the different roles that you can go into with these skills and perhaps some of them would be
interesting to you as well. Once you start this amazing career
that you have in IOS, development

Practice Quiz: Knowledge check: Mobile platforms

You are traveling to a location with no mobile reception. Which is likely to work in this place?

How many people use mobile apps across the globe/world?

Which is true about a mobile website?

Which of the following statements is true for mobile apps:
Select all that apply.

Which hardware devices will iOS applications run on?

Reading: Additional resources


Introduction to iOS Development

Video: iOS languages: Objective-C vs Swift

  • This page introduces two programming languages used for iOS development: Objective-C and Swift.
  • Objective-C was the original language used for iOS development, but Swift was developed to be more modern and complement the features of Objective-C.
  • Swift is a general-purpose, multi-paradigm language that supports both object-oriented and functional programming.
  • Swift has become the preferred language for building iOS apps because it is fast, scalable, and safer than Objective-C.
  • Some benefits of using Swift include improved performance, easier code modification, and better support from Apple.
  • In this course, you will be working with Swift to build your own iOS app project.
Imagine you are creating an iOS mobile app. Which iOS language will help reduce code crashes and errors in production?


You are correct! One reason that Swift code has become the preferred language for iOS mobile app development is that it is more secure. Its strong typing system and error handling prevent code crashes and errors in production.

If you’re looking to build
IOS applications or apps and position yourself in the mobile technology
industry, then it’s essential that you’re familiar with the different programming
languages you can use in this video, you’ll be introduced to two IOS languages,
objective C and Swift. You’ll also learn about
the benefits of using Swift, the language you will use in this
course in the world of IOS development, objective C and Swift are both extremely
popular programming languages, objective C was originally developed by brad cox and
Tom Love in the early 19 eighties. For a long time,
IOS developers used objective C to develop IOS apps because it was
the only supported language. However, IOS eventually
needed a more modern language to complement the features of objective C. This need inspired
the development of Swift. Swift is a general purpose multi paradigm
that was introduced by Apple in 2014 and is now a supported language in X code,
the development environment for Apple’s operating system multi
paradigm means Swift supports multiple programming paradigms, for example, object oriented programming as
well as functional programming. In fact, since it was announced
as the official language for IOS, Swift has become the preferred
language for building IOS apps. That’s one of the reasons you’ll be
working with Swift in this program. Now, let’s take a moment to discuss some
of the reasons Swift is the preferred language. First, Swift is fast. This comes as no surprise considering
it was developed to tackle performance according to Apple dot com. Swift is almost three times
faster than objective C and just over eight times faster than python. Another benefit of Swift
is its scalability. This means you can easily and
effectively modify swift code. Apple is also more likely
to provide more support for Swift than objective C in the future. Lastly, Swift is safer. Unlike objective C. Swift has a strong typing system and
error handling, which prevents occurrence of code
crashes and errors in production. You have now been introduced to to IOS
programming languages objective C and Swift, and should have greater insight into why Swift
has become the preferred language for IOS. Keeping in mind the benefits
of using Swift, I hope you’re looking forward to
working with this programming language when creating your own project for
this course.

Reading: The iOS OS


Practice Quiz: Knowledge check: iOS OS and languages

Which languages are officially supported to develop iOS apps in?

True or False: Swift is faster than Python.

True or False: Swift is a strongly typed language.

True or False: Swift is faster than Objective-C.

Which is true about Swift?
Select all that apply.

Video: Project templates

Xcode Project Templates for Faster iOS Development:

This video introduces Xcode project templates, pre-built code structures that accelerate iOS app development.

Key points:

  • Benefits:
    • Clear structure: Templates follow platform best practices, providing a well-organized starting point.
    • Platform preview: Understand how the platform works before diving deep into development.
    • Fast development: Get started quickly with ready-made code, saving time and effort.
  • Available templates:
    • App template: Basic project for various platforms like iOS and watchOS.
    • Game template: Create games using Apple’s game SDKs like SpriteKit or Metal.
    • Sticker/iMessage App template: Develop add-ons for existing apps with helpful configurations.
    • Additional templates: Frameworks, Metal libraries, etc. for reusable components.

Remember: Xcode offers a variety of templates to suit your specific needs. By utilizing them, you can streamline your development process and create high-quality iOS apps efficiently.

Xcode Project Templates for Faster iOS Development


Leverage the power of Xcode project templates to streamline your iOS development workflow, saving time and ensuring consistency. By effectively creating and employing custom templates, you can:

  • Reduce setup time: Eliminate repetitive boilerplate code and configurations.
  • Maintain consistency: Enforce project structure, naming conventions, and coding style.
  • Enhance collaboration: Share templates with teams for collaborative development.

This tutorial guides you through creating and using these valuable tools, covering both template file structures and code generation.


  • Basic understanding of Swift and iOS development
  • Xcode installed on your Mac

Creating Custom Xcode Project Templates

  1. Choose a Template Type:
    • Project Template: For complete app structures with settings, resources, and initial files.
    • File Template: For specific file types (view controllers, custom cells, etc.).
  2. Structure the Template Files:
    • Create a folder for your template within ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Templates/File Templates or ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Templates/Project Templates.
    • Subfolders for different elements (code, assets, settings) are optional but recommended.
  3. Template Content:
    • Pre-written code: Include commonly used code snippets or boilerplate logic.
    • Placeholders: Use $VARIABLE_NAME$ for values to be customized during creation.
    • Configurations: Preset build settings, entitlements, and other project properties.
  4. Template Info.plist:
    • This file (required for both types) defines metadata and customization options.
    • Key properties include:
      • CFBundleIdentifier: Unique identifier for your template.
      • DefaultProperties: Key-value pairs for customizable values in placeholders.
      • Description: User-friendly template description.

Example: Basic View Controller Template

  1. Create a folder named MyViewControllerTemplate under ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Templates/File Templates.
  2. Add two files:
    • MyViewController.swift: Basic view controller class
    • TemplateInfo.plist: Contains metadata and placeholder customization
  3. MyViewController.swift:
import UIKit

class MyViewController: UIViewController {
    @IBOutlet weak var myLabel: UILabel!

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        // Customize placeholder with actual label text
        myLabel.text = "$LABEL_TEXT$"
  1. TemplateInfo.plist:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
        <string>Creates a basic view controller with a label.</string>
            <string>Hello, world!</string>

Using Custom Templates in Xcode

  1. In Xcode, click File > New > File.
  2. Search for your template name or category.
  3. Enter values for customizable placeholders when prompted.
  4. Click Create.

Advanced Techniques

  • Code generation logic: Use #if statements or template engines for complex content.
  • Sharing templates: Share folders containing your templates with others.
  • External resources: Refer to Xcode templates documentation for more details and examples.

Benefits and Considerations

  • Efficiency: Templates significantly reduce manual setup and boilerplate code.
  • Consistency: Enforce coding style and project structure within a team.
  • Collaboration: Sharing templates facilitates consistent development across team members.
  • Complexity: Creating sophisticated templates may require time and effort.
  • Maintenance: Keep templates updated as your coding style or project structure evolves.

By mastering Xcode project templates, you can streamline your iOS development process, maintain consistent quality, and work more efficiently. Get started today and experience the benefits!

You are developing an iOS mobile app. What do you think are the benefits of using a project template?

Check all that apply.

Your app will be aligned with specific design principles and coding best practices.

That’s right! Amongst other benefits, a project template will provide you with a structure that meets the best practices recommended by the operating system (OS) manufacturer.

You can start building your app quickly.

That’s right! Amongst other benefits, project templates can be used to quickly create new app modules, activities or other specific components of your project.

Project templates will give you a sneak peek at what a particular language or platform has to offer.

That’s right! Amongst other benefits, by previewing what a platform has to offer, project templates give you insight into the development environment and a basic understanding of how a programming language is meant to be used.

When you start creating your
own mobile applications, being aware of ways to create effective apps efficiently
will become invaluable. One way to speed up development is by using project templates. In this video, you’ll be
introduced to the Xcode project templates
that can be used to quickly create new
iOS app modules, activities, or other specific components
of your project. As you can imagine,
the ability to get started quickly with
app development is one of the things developers
look out for when choosing a development
environment for writing code. The industry standard
way of developing any application
is to use an IDE, Integrated Development
Environment, which is capable of supplying all the tools and features needed to
speed up development. These programming
environments also supply a codebase or starter code for several types
of app development, which can also give a sneak peek at what the language
has to offer. Xcode, an IDE used for developing applications
for Apple devices, provides starter code for various basic implementations
of the iOS platform. You can select from
the wide range of templates that follow specific design
principles and coding best practices to quickly
create functional apps. Let’s explore a few
of the templates available on Xcode IDE, namely, the app template,
the game template, and the sticker or
iMessage App Template. The app template
allows you to create a basic app project
for various platforms, such as iOS and watchOS. With the game template,
you can create games in less time using Apple’s game
software development kit, or SDK, such as
SpriteKit or Metal. The sticker in iMessage
apps aren’t apps as such. They are more like
plugins that can be used within existing apps. It’s more efficient to use
these apps because they usually come with special
and helpful configurations. Apart from these templates, you can select other
templates such as Framework, Metal Library, and more. Although these are not
complete app projects like the templates
mentioned earlier, you can use them to create
an exportable library or framework that can be used in multiple projects, including
open-source projects. Now that you know more
about project templates, let’s outline some of the
benefits of using them. The first advantage of using
project templates is that they offer a clear understanding of the project structure. The templates provide you
with a structure that meets the best practices
recommended by the operating system
or OS manufacturer. Next, as mentioned earlier, project templates give you a preview of what the
platform has to offer. This way, you can get insight
into how things work behind the scenes before
investing your time in learning how to build
apps for that platform. Last but certainly not least, project templates allow
you to build quickly. You can start building
apps in minutes by using inbuilt
project templates. You should now understand
what project templates are and be able to list
some of their benefits. You’ve also been
given a sneak peek at the kinds of templates
available in the Xcode and can look forward to
learning more about what this IDE has to offer you
as a future developer.

Video: iOS X Code: Take a Tour

iOS App Development with Xcode: A Summary

This video introduces Xcode, Apple’s official development environment for building iOS apps.

Key Points:

  • Growing mobile market: App development is a lucrative business with a projected market value exceeding $300 billion.
  • Xcode as the preferred tool: Launched in 2003, Xcode is a popular choice for iOS development offering various features and functionalities.
  • Supported languages: Objective-C, Swift, C++, and more.
  • Key features:
    • Build system: Compiles and builds iOS apps.
    • Fast emulator: Tests apps on different Apple devices.
    • Project templates: Speeds up development with pre-built structures.
    • Third-party integrations: Extends functionality with plugins.
    • Essential tools:
      • Toolbar: Actions like running the app.
      • Navigation area: Manages project files.
      • Editor window: Codes and edits files.
      • Utility area: Inspects file details and code elements.
      • Debug bar: Displays project status, warnings, and messages.

In conclusion: Xcode provides a comprehensive environment for iOS app development, supporting various languages and offering tools for efficient coding, testing, and debugging.

iOS App Development with Xcode: A Beginner’s Tutorial

Are you excited to start developing your own iOS apps? Look no further! This tutorial will guide you through the basics of using Xcode, Apple’s official integrated development environment (IDE) for building apps for iPhones, iPads, and other Apple devices.


  • A Mac computer with macOS Catalina (10.15) or later installed.
  • An Apple Developer account (free for personal use).
  • Download and install Xcode from the Mac App Store.

Step 1: Create your first project:

  1. Open Xcode and choose “Create a new Xcode project.”
  2. Select “App” as the template and “App Name” as the language.
  3. Give your app a name and identifier (e.g., “MyFirstApp”).
  4. Choose a device (e.g., iPhone) and click “Next.”
  5. Select “Single View App” as the user interface and click “Next.”
  6. Click “Create.”

Step 2: Explore the Xcode interface:

  • Toolbar: Run the app, switch between editor and storyboard, use debugging tools.
  • Navigation area: View and manage project files.
  • Editor: Write and edit code for your app’s functionality.
  • Storyboard: Design the visual layout of your app’s screens.
  • Utility area: Inspect properties of objects and code elements.
  • Debug area: View app logs, breakpoints, and debugging information.

Step 3: Build a simple user interface:

  1. In the storyboard, drag and drop UI elements like labels, buttons, and text fields.
  2. Connect these elements to your code in the editor using outlets and actions.
  3. Write code to respond to user interactions (e.g., button taps) and update the UI.

Step 4: Run your app on a simulator:

  1. Click the “Run” button in the toolbar.
  2. Choose a simulator device that matches your target device.
  3. Interact with your app on the simulator to test its functionality.

Step 5: Learn more and dive deeper:


  • This is just a starting point. There’s much more to learn about Xcode and iOS development!
  • Don’t be afraid to experiment, make mistakes, and learn from them.
  • There are plenty of resources available to help you on your journey.

Additional Tips:

  • Start with small, achievable projects to build your skills gradually.
  • Use descriptive names for your variables and functions for better code readability.
  • Comment your code to explain what it does and why.
  • Test your app on different devices and iOS versions to ensure compatibility.

By following these steps and exploring the resources available, you’ll be well on your way to becoming an iOS app developer!

iOS Xcode provides functions that enable developers to deliver high-quality apps within a single environment. Which of the following are functions available in iOS Xcode?

Select all that apply.

A toolbar

That’s correct. The toolbar function provides a wide range of actions such as running your app on an emulator or physical device.

A debug bar

That is correct. The debug bar displays the status of your project and the IDE itself, as well as any warnings or messages.

Navigation area

That’s correct. The navigation area allows you to navigate and access project files. It gives a sleeker view of the structure visible in the Project window.

An editor area

That’s correct. The editor area allows you to make changes to your code.

As the mobile market continues to grow and
with the demand for apps increasing app development
has become a lucrative business. In fact, it is anticipated
that this market will soon be worth over $300 billion dollars to
successfully join this industry. As an IOS mobile app developer,
you need an understanding of the tools and technologies required to
create apps efficiently. Over the next few minutes. You’ll be introduced to one of
these mobile development tools. I OS X code,
Apple launched X code in 2003. Since its launch, many developers have
chosen it as the preferred environment for app development. X code is Apple’s official integrated
development environment or ID. For building apps that run on IOS and
other Apple IOS apps. It provides developers with features that
improve the development of their apps and the overall quality of work. X code supports various languages for app development such as objective C,
swift C plus plus and more. Some of its key features include
a complete build system which will allow you to compile and
build your Apple Os apps. A fast emulator used for
testing apps, developing apps for different types of apple devices,
free project templates for quick development and support for
third party integrations. X code enables developers to deliver
high quality apps within a single environment with its essential tools. These key functions of X code
include the toolbar navigation area, editor area, utility area and debug area. Let’s explore each of these key functions
by taking a tour of I OS X code. The toolbar provides a wide range
of actions such as running your app on a simulator or physical device. The navigation area allows you to
navigate an access project files. It gives a sleeker view of the structure
visible in the project window. The editor window allows you
to make changes to code. This is dependent on
the existing file type. The utility area has a variety of
inspectors to view the details of the file element or
piece of code that you’re working on. Finally, the debug bar displays
the status of your project and the I D E itself,
as well as any warnings or messages. In this video, you learned that IOS X code
not only supports various languages for mobile app development, but
also includes features and functions that will aid you as you
start developing your own apps.

Video: Starting a project

Creating your first iOS project in Xcode: A summary

This video serves as a guide for beginners to create their first iOS project in Xcode. Here are the key takeaways:

What is Xcode?

  • An Integrated Development Environment (IDE) used to build and develop iOS apps.
  • Contains essential tools for coding, designing, and testing your app.

Creating a new project:

  1. Launch Xcode and click “Create a new Xcode project”.
  2. Choose iOS as the platform and App as the template.
  3. Define your project details:
    • Name: Choose a name for your app (e.g., Hello World).
    • Team: Skip for now unless you have a development team.
    • Organization Identifier: Use your organization’s domain name (optional).
    • Bundle Identifier: Unique identifier for your app in the App Store.
    • Interface: Choose Storyboard for visual UI design.
    • Language: Select Swift as the programming language.
  4. Click Next to create your project.

What you get:

  • A project with various folders and files for app development.
  • Understanding of how to launch new projects in Xcode, a crucial first step for building iOS apps.

Next steps:

  • Explore the generated project files and their purpose.
  • Start building your own iOS app!

Creating your First iOS Project in Xcode: A Step-by-Step Guide

Welcome to the exciting world of iOS development! This tutorial will take you through the essential steps of creating your first iOS project using Xcode, Apple’s development environment for building apps. By the end, you’ll have a basic understanding of Xcode’s layout and be ready to start exploring your own app ideas.


  • A Mac computer with the latest macOS version
  • Xcode installed (downloadable from the App Store)

Let’s dive in!

  1. Launch Xcode: Open Xcode from your Applications folder. You might be greeted with a welcome screen; just close it.
  2. Create a new project:
    • In the menu bar, click File > New > Project.
    • In the new window, choose iOS under “Platforms” and App under “Templates”.
    • Click Next.
  3. Project details:
    • Product Name: Enter a name for your app (e.g., MyFirstApp).
    • Organization Identifier: This is optional; leave it blank if you don’t have a team.
    • Bundle Identifier: This is your app’s unique ID (e.g., com.yourdomain.MyFirstApp). You can customize it later.
    • Interface: Choose Storyboard for a visual UI design approach.
    • Language: Select Swift as the programming language.
    • Click Next.
  4. Choose a location: Select where you want to save your project and click Create.

Congratulations! You’ve now created your first iOS project in Xcode. Let’s take a quick tour of the interface:

  • Project navigator: This panel on the left side shows all the files and folders in your project.
  • Editor: This is where you’ll write and edit your code.
  • Toolbox: This contains various tools for designing your app’s interface.
  • Debug area: This displays logs and information while running your app.

Next steps:

  • Explore the project files: Open some files in the project navigator to see their contents. For example, the ViewController.swift file contains the code for your app’s main screen.
  • Run your app: Click the “play” button on the top bar to run your app on the iOS Simulator. You’ll see a basic app with a blank screen.
  • Start building! Now that you have a basic project setup, you can start adding features and building your app’s functionality using Swift code and the storyboard editor.

Additional resources:

Remember, the journey of app development is exciting and ongoing. Keep practicing, exploring, and don’t be afraid to experiment!

You are creating an iOS app in Xcode. Which of the following aspects of your project do you need to define when creating your project? Select all that apply.


Yes! During project creation, you need to define the language you want to use to develop your app. You have two options: Swift or Objective-C ++.

Product name

Yes! The first field you need to define when choosing options for your project is the name of your project.

Organization identifier

Yes! During project creation, you need to define the organization identifier. This combined with the product name will be used as a unique identifier called the bundle identifier, which is used to identify your app in the App Store.


Yes! You are given the option to define which interface you’d like to use, either SwiftUI or Storyboard

When starting your career
as an iOS developer, one area you will need
to understand is how iOS projects are
created in Xcode. To help you to get started, this video will serve
as a quick guide to creating your
first iOS project. Although this Integrated
Development Environment, or IDE, is designed to perform several operations beyond
just creating projects, the focus of this video is how to use Xcode to
start your project. An iOS project contains
all the files that your IDE will need to build
and generate your iOS app. With the Xcode Software
Development Kit or SDK tools, it’s easy to start a
new iOS project with a set of default project
directories and files. Keeping that in mind, let’s explore how to create
a project in Xcode. To start a new project, click on Create a
new Xcode project in the welcome to Xcode window. Another window pops up, giving you the option of various platforms and templates
for your new project. For example, you can choose
between multiplatform iOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS,
driver kit, and more. I’ll leave the
selection of iOS as this platform is the
focus of this course. You can also choose between various templates for
your iOS project, from app and game to iMessage
and Safari extension app. Let’s select App
as a template by clicking on App,
then click Next. You now need to define various
aspects of your project, starting with a
name for your app. Let’s name the
project Hello World. Then the creation of a
Team account is offered. You can omit this for now
because there is no team, but in the future, you can add an existing account if you have one for
your development team. Next, you can add an
organization identifier. You can use your
organization’s domain name for the organization identifier
to ensure it is unique, I’ll accept the
default entry for now. Following this is the
bundle identifier, which is the
organization identifier combined with the project name. This functions as a
unique identifier for your app and is assigned to your project in the App Store. After that, you can define the
interface you want to use. You could choose between
Swift UI and storyboard. Swift UI is a
simple way to build user interfaces across
all Apple platforms. Storyboard allows you
to layout and design the UI of your application by adding views such as buttons. Let’s select Storyboard for
the purpose of this video. Finally, you can
choose your language. Choose Swift as this is the language that you
will use in this course. Once you have defined all
the necessary fields, you can click on Next
to create your project. The project Hello World
is now displayed. The project pane is on
the left-hand side with project files and folders
for app development. You now know the steps for
creating a project in Xcode. Why don’t you give
it a go on your own? You should now know how to
launch a new project in Xcode, a fundamental first
step in creating your own iOS apps in the future. You are now ready to move on to exploring all the project
files generated by the Xcode environment
and how you can use them when creating
your very own project.

Reading: iOS app cheat sheet


Video: Anatomy of an iOS App

Summary of iOS App Anatomy:

An iOS app consists of four major components:

  • UIApplication: Responsible for initializing and displaying the app window and loading the first view.
  • UIApplicationDelegate: Manages communication with the operating system, handles app lifecycle events, and configures services like notifications.
  • UIDocument: Facilitates storing and managing local files and integrating with iCloud.
  • UIViewController: Manages user interfaces, animations, interaction, and navigation within app screens.

Additional details covered:

  • Xcode IDE structure and configuration options.
  • Project folder organization and key files like AppDelegate and ViewController.
  • Introduction to unit testing with Hello_worldTests folder.

Overall, this provides a foundational understanding of iOS app components and structure, preparing you for further development in Xcode.

Tutorial: Demystifying the Anatomy of an iOS App

Welcome to the world of iOS development! Before diving into code, let’s understand the building blocks of your future masterpieces: iOS apps. Buckle up, and let’s dissect their anatomy!

The Big Four:

Imagine an iOS app as a complex organism. It has four essential organs—components—that work together to bring your app to life:

  1. UIApplication: The brain and heart of your app. It initializes everything, displays the app window, and loads the first screen you see. This is the boss controlling the show!
  2. UIApplicationDelegate: The app’s communicator and manager. It interacts with the operating system, handles app events like launching and closing, and even sets up notifications—like your personal assistant for the app world.
  3. UIDocument: The organizer and storage expert. It helps manage local files your app uses, keeping things tidy and even connecting with iCloud for seamless data access. Think of it as your app’s filing cabinet with superpowers.
  4. UIViewController: The stage manager for each screen. It controls what you see and interact with on each screen, handling animations, user interactions, and even navigation between screens. Each screen in your app has its own UIViewController, like actors on a stage.

Exploring the Structure:

Now, let’s peek inside the app’s code, using Xcode as our guide:

  1. Project Pane: This displays all the folders and files that make up your app. Think of it as a map to your app’s internal workings.
  2. Main Project Folder: This houses the core logic of your app, the functions that make it tick. Imagine this as the kitchen where the app’s magic happens.
  3. AppDelegate and ViewController Files: These are the key players you met earlier. AppDelegate is the manager, and ViewController controls each screen.
  4. Hello_worldTests Folder: This is where you’ll test your app later, ensuring everything works smoothly. Consider it the quality assurance department for your app.


This is just the beginning of your exploration. As you progress, you’ll delve deeper into each component, understand how they interact, and learn to use them like a pro.

Ready to Code?

With this basic understanding of iOS app anatomy, you’re equipped to start building your own creations! Remember, practice is key. Experiment, explore, and don’t be afraid to ask questions. The exciting world of iOS development awaits!

Bonus Tips:

  • Check out Apple’s official documentation for in-depth details on each component.
  • Explore sample apps provided by Apple to see how they’re structured.
  • Join online communities and forums to connect with other iOS developers and learn from their experiences.

You created an iOS app where you are required to save data from the app to a file locally. Which major component of your iOS app will help you with the process of storing files on iCloud?


That is correct! UIDocuments is designed to provide an easy-to-use interface to create and manage documents and content. Its primary purpose is to ease the process of storing files using iCloud.

Mobile apps have become integral to everyday
life for most of us. In fact, there are
millions of iOS apps with wide-ranging purposes available
for users to download. But as an aspiring
mobile developer, you may be wondering what are the different components that go into making these iOS apps. Let’s find out by
exploring the anatomy or structure of an iOS app. An iOS app is made up of
four major components that serve as the
building blocks of any iOS app in the market. Each component has its own
purpose and unique behavior. These major components
are UIApplication, UIApplicationDelegate, UserDefaults, and
ViewController. Let’s unpack each of these
major components in turn. The UIApplication is
an iOS application starting point and
is responsible for initializing and displaying your applications
window.It is also responsible for loading
your applications first view into the window. Every iOS app project comes with a UIApplication component. During app launch, once the initial setup
such as locating and loading app binary code and linking necessary
frameworks is completed, the system must call into the binary code to
start it running. Every iOS app has only one
instance of UIApplication, and without this component, it’s impossible for an iOS
app to run successfully. The UIApplicationDelegate
is a set of methods to maintain the overall
shared behavior of your app. This delegate can be referred
to as the root of an app. It works in conjunction
with the UIApplication to manage every communication
with the operating system. Imagine you need to configure your app to receive
notifications. This delegate allows
you to register for any required services
at launch time, such as Apple Push
Notification Service. There are cases where
you are required to save data from the
app to file locally. This is where the
UIDocument comes in handy. The iOS UIDocument class
is designed to provide an easy to use interface to create and manage
documents and content. While UIDocument is used for
handling local file systems, such as a read and write operation of data in
the app background, it’s purpose is
primarily to ease the process of storing
files using iCloud. The UIViewController is
the basic building block of your iOS app. This component oversees
the activities that happen on screen, from user interfaces
to animation, from interaction to
navigation, and more. In simple terms, the UIViewController defines
the shared behavior and properties for all types of ViewController that are used
in the iOS application. A ViewController is
a container on which the content views are drawn
to create an iOS app. Now, let’s examine the anatomy
of an iOS application. I’m going to demonstrate the structure or
different parts of an iOS app by using a previously created a
project called HelloWorld. The Integrated
Development Environment, or IDE, is currently
displayed on screen. On the left-hand side, the project pane
display the folders and files available for the
HelloWorld project. Within the app project, there is the main project folder and two folders for tests. You can click on the app project “Hello_world” at the top of the project pane to
configure your up. The configuration options are displayed in the IDE as tabs. For example, the
first tab,” General”, is related to general
configuration. There are many things
that you can specify in this environment to ensure
your app runs seamlessly. For example, the display name, bundle identifier, version
number, and build. The next configuration tab is
“Signing and capabilities.” When you deploy your
application to the App Store, you will have to
configure these things. You’ll learn more about this and the other tabs available for configuration while
you are developing your application
in later lessons. Within the app project,”Hello_ world” there are other
folders and files. The first folder is the
main project itself. This is where you write the business logic
for your project. In other words, the
functions you want to build. When you expand this folder, it displays several
files that you were introduced to
earlier in this video, like AppDelegate
and ViewController. The main file is the view where you can create the
components for your app. The view controller
is used to control the behavior and
interactions on this view. The next folder is
called Hello_worldTests. This folder is used
for unit testing, meaning this is where you test your application end to end. You will learn more about
testing at a later stage. That’s a brief overview
of the structure of an iOS app in Xcode. As you progress, you will learn more about structuring
and developing a project in Xcode and why the different
features are useful, and how to use them. You now know more about the major components
that make up iOS apps. Well done. You’re making
great progress towards creating your very
own project in Xcode.

Practice Quiz: Knowledge check: Introduction to iOS Development

What are standard features supplied in an integrated development environment (IDE)?
Select all that apply.

What is the standard IDE for developing applications for Apple devices?

What are standard app templates in Xcode for iOS development?

What are standard frameworks and libraries in Xcode for iOS development?
Select all that apply.

What languages does Xcode support for app development?

What does the navigation area in Xcode allow you to do?

Video: Module summary: Introduction to Mobile Application Development

iOS Introduction Module Recap: Key Learnings and Skills Gained

This module provided a foundation for your iOS development journey, covering:

Mobile Development Landscape:

  • Roles and responsibilities of mobile developers
  • Mobile app vs. mobile website advantages and disadvantages
  • Real-world mobile app examples

Mobile Platforms:

  • Key characteristics of mobile platforms like iOS
  • Different iOS platform versions
  • Career opportunities in iOS development

iOS Mobile App Development:

  • Introduction to iOS programming languages (Objective-C and Swift)
  • Benefits of using Swift
  • Xcode project templates and their uses
  • Key features and functions of Xcode
  • Launching and navigating projects in Xcode
  • High-level overview of iOS app structure

Overall, you now have a basic understanding of:

  • The mobile development landscape
  • iOS platforms and development process
  • Xcode development environment and app structure

Congratulations on completing this module! This foundational knowledge sets you on the path to becoming an iOS developer.

You’ve reached the end of this module on
introduction to iOS. In this module, you’ve been introduced to the role
of an iOS developer, discovered the basics of
mobile apps and platforms, received an intro to iOS
mobile app development, exploring iOS languages, project templates,
and app structure. It’s now time to recap
the key points and concepts you learned and
skills that you gained. You began the module with an introduction to this
iOS development course. During this lesson, you learned about the
responsibilities, skills, and job roles
of mobile developers. Downloading and installing the iOS development environment, Xcode and creating
projects in Xcode. You were then introduced
to mobile platforms. The lesson focused on the
basics of mobile apps, mobile operating systems,
and iOS platforms. Following the completion
of this lesson, you should now be able to
explain what a mobile app is, outline the advantages
and disadvantages of developing mobile apps
compared to mobile websites, and discuss real-world examples
of mobile apps at Meta. You can now also provide a high-level overview of how mobile operating
systems like iOS work, identify different
iOS platforms, and outline the careers
available in iOS development. In the final lesson
of this module, you explored iOS mobile
app development. Now that you’ve reached
the end of this lesson, you can briefly describe the
iOS programming languages, Objective-C and Swift, and the advantages of
using Swift and discuss Xcode project
templates and their benefits in
mobile app development. You should also be
able to outline the key features and
functions of iOS Xcode, a mobile development tool. Demonstrate how to
select and launch a project in iOS Xcode and provide a high-level overview of the structure of an iOS
app created in Xcode, and the role of its
various major components. You’re now familiar
with the basics of iOS mobile app development. You can explain what
mobile developers do and what mobile apps are, and have a knowledge of different iOS platforms
and project templates, as well as the iOS operating
system and languages. You know more about iOS Xcode, and can outline the
basic structure of an iOS app created in Xcode. That’s a great start to your iOS development
journey. Well done.

Quiz: Module quiz: Introduction to Mobile Application Development

True or False: A mobile website is optimized for all devices that you may use when travelling.

Which is true about mobile apps when compared to mobile websites?

Which is the fastest programming language?

True or False: Swift is a weakly typed language.

Which is true about Swift?

True or False: Eclipse is the standard Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for developing applications for Apple devices.

What are standard app templates in Xcode for iOS development?

Which of the following are components that serve as building blocks of any iOS app? Select all that apply.

Reading: Additional resources
