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Home » META » Meta Front-End Developer Professional Certificate » Introduction to Front-End Development » Week 1: Get started with web development

Week 1: Get started with web development

In this module, you will learn about the different types of web developers and the roles and responsibilities of front-end, back-end, and full-stack developers. You will take a first look at the core technologies of HTML, CSS, and Javascript and explore the concepts that underpin how the internet works.

Learning Objectives

  • Describe the web developer job role
  • Distinguish between front-end, back-end, and full-stack developers
  • Explain how data moves through the internet
  • Describe the technologies that underpin the internet

Introduction to the Professional Ceritificate

Video: Introduction to the Program

The digital space is a world of connection and opportunity. This professional certificate program can help you become a creator of digital experiences, even if you have no background in tech.

By completing this program, you will learn how to:

  • Build job-ready skills for a front-end development role
  • Earn a credential from Meta
  • Collaborate with Meta developers
  • Create and test responsive, high-performance websites and applications
  • Use the Bootstrap framework
  • Dive into the world of React
  • Build beautiful, professional websites with interactivity
  • Collaborate with other developers using Git and GitHub
  • Research user needs and create wireframes
  • Design interactivity
  • Prepare for the coding interview

Once you complete the program, you’ll get access to the Meta Career Programs job board, which connects you with over 200 employers who have committed to sourcing talent through Meta certificate programs.


This professional certificate program is a great way to learn the skills you need to become a front-end developer, even if you have no prior experience. The program is self-paced, and you’ll learn from Meta developers who will share their insights and expertise. After completing the program, you’ll be ready to start your career as a front-end developer and help create the future of connection.

The digital space is a world
of connection and opportunity. Take this moment for example, the web has
made it possible for you to enroll in this program where you will learn from the
personal stories of developers at meta. Isn’t that exciting? By the time you have completed
this professional certificate, you can become a creator
of digital experiences. Connection is evolving and so are you. You might not have a background
in tech at all and that’s okay. Even if you have no experience, this program can get your job
ready within a single year. So, how can this professional
certificate prepare you for a job at an organization like meta? The front end developer professional
certificate will help you build job ready skills for a front end development role
while earning a credential from meta. From meta developers you will learn
about how they collaborated, create and test responsive, high performance
websites and applications. You’ll also discuss interesting
topics with other aspiring front end developers and complete a range of
coding exercises to improve your skills. It’s important to complete
all the courses in the certificate in order as each
course will build on your skills. Although we have a recommended
schedule for each course, the program is entirely self paced, which
means your time is your own to manage. As you make your way through the first
four courses in the certificate, you’ll learn how to code interactive web
pages using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. You’ll also learn how to use the bootstrap
framework before diving into the world of React, a widely used JavaScript
library that was created here at meta. Websites built using React are fast,
scalable, secure and allow for rich user experience. It’s no wonder it’s the choice
of leading companies. For your final project you will complete
a beautiful professional website for your portfolio, complete with interactivity
to showcase during your job search. You’ll also be ready to collaborate
with other developers as you will have learned to use GIT and
GIT hub for version control. If you’re hoping to operate independently
or in a smaller team, not to worry. We’ve also got you covered when it
comes to the basics of user experience. You’ll learn how to research
a user’s needs, create wire frames using popular industry tools like
Figma and design interactivity. In the final course, you will prepare for
the coding interview. You’ll practice your interview skills,
refine your resume and tackle some common coding challenges that typically
form part of technical job interviews. Once you complete the program, you’ll get access to
the meta career programs job board. A job search platform that connects you
with over 200 employers who have committed to sourcing talent through
meta certificate programs. Who knows where you’ll end up? Whatever the future of connection looks
like, you’ll be part of its creation. Let’s get started.

Video: Introduction to the course

This course provides you with an introduction to web development. It will teach you the basics of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, and Bootstrap. You will also learn about web accessibility, responsive design, and single-page applications.

The course is divided into four modules:

  1. Introduction to the Web
  2. HTML5 and CSS
  3. Frameworks and Libraries
  4. Build Your Own Web Page

In each module, you will watch videos, read readings, and complete exercises. You will also have the opportunity to participate in discussion prompts to connect with your classmates and share knowledge.

To be successful in the course, it is important to develop a schedule for your learning regime. Ideally, commit yourself to a regular time slot and duration for your study.

Here is a brief overview of what you will learn in each module:

Module 1: Introduction to the Web

  • What is the web and how does it work?
  • What are web pages, web servers, and web browsers?
  • Core Internet technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Module 2: HTML5 and CSS

  • What are HTML and CSS?
  • How to use HTML to structure a web page
  • How to use CSS to style a web page
  • Web accessibility best practices

Module 3: Frameworks and Libraries

  • What are frameworks and libraries?
  • How to use the Bootstrap library to create responsive web pages
  • UI design and common UI components
  • Introduction to React

Module 4: Build Your Own Web Page

  • Edit your very own biographical web page

By the end of this course, you will have a solid understanding of the basics of web development. You will be able to build and style web pages, use frameworks and libraries, and create responsive and accessible web applications.

Many of the activities
you do every day can be entirely
performed online. You can use applications on
your phone, computer, tablet, or other devices
to access the web and perform tasks
such as shopping, reserving hotels, and chatting with friends
and work colleagues. With remote working
becoming more popular. You can work, engage
with your colleagues and be productive all from
the comfort of your home. All of that is possible with
a combination of Internet, infrastructure and
technologies and skilled professionals who
build the apps that you use. Just to mention that when you
come across the term app, it could refer to an
app on your phone or to a web app that runs on a website or by some
other online method. In this course, starting
with module one, you will cover an introduction
to how the web works, including an exploration
of web-pages, web servers, and web browsers. You will learn what
each is and what their role is in bringing
the Internet to you. You will also get
hands-on practice using core Internet technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You will learn how developers bring these technologies
together and build functional and
interactive websites and web applications. As you progress, you
will explore some of the tools used by
professional developers, and you will learn
the fundamentals of coding using best
practices and standards. For example, you will learn
how to use the web browsers built-in developer tools and code using industry
standard software, known as an integrated
development environment or IDE. Professionals use IDEs to
write code more efficiently. In Module 2, you will begin your
coding journey with an introduction
to HTML5 and CSS. You will learn the
basics of each of these languages and how they compliment each other to layout and style
elements on a web page. This includes text, images and multimedia
elements like video. Additionally, to make sure that your web-page is
accessible to everyone, you will learn how to code
for web accessibility. In module three,
you will learn how developers use frameworks
and libraries. This module will focus
on responsive design. You will learn how to implement the Bootstrap library
so that web-page is can offer a great
browsing experience no matter what type
of devices used. You will also learn
about user interface or UI design and how to work with common UI components and position them using the
flexible Bootstrap grid. Next, you’ll be
introduced to react, a free and open source JavaScript
library that developers use to build user interfaces
based on UI components. You will then learn about
the difference between static and dynamic content and the benefits of using
single-page applications. Speaking of content in Module 4, you will have an opportunity
to put your new skills into practice by editing your very
own biographical web-page. In summary, this course provides you with an
introduction to web development. It is part of a program
of courses that lead you towards a career in
software development. There are many videos
in your course that will gradually guide
you toward that goal. Watch, pause, rewind, and re-watch the videos until you are confident
in your skills. Then consolidate your
knowledge by consulting the course readings
and put your skills into practice during
the course exercises. Along the way, you’ll
encounter several knowledge quizzes where you can
self-check your progress. You’re not alone in considering a career as a web developer. The course discussion prompts enable you to connect
with your classmates, is a great way to
share knowledge, discuss difficulties,
and make new friends. To be successful in the course, you should try to develop a schedule for your
learning regime. Ideally, commit yourself to a regular time slot and
duration for your study. You’ve probably encountered
many new technical words and terminology in this video. Don’t worry if you don’t fully understand all these
terms right now, everything will become clearer as you progress
through the course.

Video: Front-end, back-end and full-stack developer roles

This video discusses the different roles and responsibilities of web developers, as well as the technologies that they use.

Web Developer Roles

There are three main types of web developers: front-end, back-end, and full-stack.

  • Front-end developers work on the parts of a website or web app that users see and interact with. This includes the design, layout, and functionality of the user interface. Front-end developers typically use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build and style web pages.
  • Back-end developers work on the parts of a website or web app that users don’t see. This includes the server-side code and databases that power the website. Back-end developers typically use programming languages such as Python, Java, and PHP.
  • Full-stack developers have skills and knowledge in both front-end and back-end development. They can work on all aspects of a web development project, from design to deployment.

Web Development Technologies

Web developers use a variety of technologies to build and maintain websites and web apps. Some of the most common technologies include:

  • HTML (Hypertext Markup Language): HTML is used to structure the content of a web page.
  • CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): CSS is used to style the content of a web page, including the fonts, colors, and layout.
  • JavaScript: JavaScript is a programming language that is used to add interactivity to web pages.
  • Python: Python is a general-purpose programming language that is often used for back-end development.
  • Java: Java is a general-purpose programming language that is often used for enterprise applications.
  • PHP: PHP is a scripting language that is often used for back-end development.
  • Databases: Databases are used to store and retrieve data for websites and web apps.
  • Web servers: Web servers are responsible for delivering web pages to users.


Web development is a complex and ever-evolving field. However, with the right skills and knowledge, you can become a successful web developer. If you are interested in a career in web development, I recommend starting by learning the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Once you have a good foundation in these technologies, you can then start to explore more advanced topics such as back-end development and full-stack development.

Tutorial on Front-End, Back-End, and Full-Stack Developer Roles


Web developers play a vital role in the creation and maintenance of the websites and web applications that we use every day. From the design and layout of the user interface to the functionality behind the scenes, web developers are responsible for making the web a more user-friendly and enjoyable experience.

There are three main types of web developers: front-end, back-end, and full-stack. Each type of developer plays a different role in the web development process, and each has its own unique set of skills and responsibilities.

Front-End Developers

Front-end developers are responsible for the user interface of a website or web application. This includes the design, layout, and functionality of the elements that users see and interact with, such as buttons, menus, and text boxes.

Front-end developers use a variety of technologies to build and style web pages, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. HTML is used to structure the content of a web page, CSS is used to style the content of a web page, and JavaScript is used to add interactivity to web pages.

Back-End Developers

Back-end developers are responsible for the server-side logic and functionality of a website or web application. This includes the databases, servers, and programming languages that power the website.

Back-end developers use a variety of technologies to build and maintain back-end systems, including programming languages such as Python, Java, and PHP, as well as databases such as MySQL and PostgreSQL.

Full-Stack Developers

Full-stack developers have skills and knowledge in both front-end and back-end development. They can work on all aspects of a web development project, from design to deployment.

Full-stack developers are in high demand, as they can be a one-stop shop for all of a company’s web development needs. However, it takes time and effort to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to become a full-stack developer.


If you are interested in a career in web development, it is important to understand the different roles and responsibilities of front-end, back-end, and full-stack developers. Once you have a good understanding of each role, you can start to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to pursue the career path that is right for you.

Here are some additional tips for getting started in web development:

  • Start by learning the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Once you have a good foundation in these technologies, you can start to explore more advanced topics such as back-end development and full-stack development.
  • Build a portfolio of your work. This will help you to showcase your skills and experience to potential employers.
  • Network with other web developers. This is a great way to learn new things and find job opportunities.

With hard work and dedication, you can build a successful career in web development.

when you eat at a restaurant, there are often many cooks preparing
different parts of your meal. Similarly for the websites and
applications you use every day. Many roles are involved in
delivering these projects to users. If you were to look up a list of high
paying it jobs, web developer roles would certainly feature prominently and
with good reason the digital world that we all live in would not be possible without
developers creating architect ng and maintaining the technology that
we use every day on our devices. But it can be confusing for
aspiring developers to understand some of the terminology
associated with web development. Finding the right area for you will
depend on a greater understanding of web developers roles, responsibilities and
technologies for example, suppose you are a visual person in that
case you might want to design a stunning website that offers an excellent
experience for its end users. Or if you’re more analytical,
you might be interested in working with the technologies that power,
a high performing e commerce site. Likewise, if your interest
is mobile devices, your passion may lie in creating
the next big social media app. While job roles and titles may vary,
web developer roles are usually split into front end, back end and
full stack in this video. You will learn about each of these,
their differences and the skills required to
gain a job in these areas. A front end developer is someone that
works on all parts of a website or web app that users will interact with. This can be anything from the style
colors, buttons, menus or user interactions as they click swipe and
interact with the site. The skills of a front end
developer can vary, but they will always focus on
three leading technologies. Html CSS and javascript for example, suppose you are a front end developer
assigned the task of adding a newsletter, sign up option to the home
page of a website. In this case you would use html to build
the display elements such as the input area for the user to type their email address and
then the button to click to send it. You can then use CSS to position, color
and style these elements on the page. And finally, you can use javascript to process the
activity when the user clicks the button. This could be something like checking the
email address is valid and then sending that email address to the website for
storage under newsletter members. While html and CSS skills are essential. The most critical skill
is usually javascript. It is the powerhouse of
front end technology. This is mainly because of its versatility
and the fact that it is paired with powerful libraries and
frameworks such as react by meta. These can be used to build rich user
interface driven enterprise websites and web apps that are fast,
secure and highly scalable. The salary of front end
developers are competitive and can vary based on experience. Generally. Front and
developer roles will be available for junior intermediate and
senior level professionals. As an aspiring developer, this is a great area to get started
in entry into the job market. For a junior position is possible
with some fundamental demonstrations of core concepts and skills and
an eye catching sample portfolio. A back end developer works
on the parts of a website or web app that the end users don’t see. These activities occur behind the scenes,
particularly on the web server in the database or
in constructing the architecture. Back end developers are responsible for
creating and maintaining functionality when
users request information or when the website needs to communicate to
another part of the web architecture. For processing for example,
performing an account, log in or completing an online purchase
using a credit card. A back end developer will facilitate
the interaction of the website and the content stored in database. As a result, back end development requires
different languages, skills and tools. While these can vary, they generally
consist of knowledge relating to back end programming language, database management
systems, API’s and web servers, salaries are similar to front end
developers and depend on experience. Still the salary may be higher in
some instances, especially for entry and senior level positions. This is because getting started
with back end technologies requires more set up configuration resources and
general it structural knowledge. This is in contrast to the front end where
you can start learning some elements using only a web browser. The road to back end development
is generally long as you must have a proficient understanding
of the needs of front end technologies. This can include things like the inner
workings of the Internet networks and servers. It’s pretty common for aspiring developers
to first start with the front end and then move to the back end. Once they have acquired
specialist knowledge. A full stack developer is someone equally
comfortable working with front end and back end technologies. Full stack developers have skills and knowledge in all areas of the web
development project cycle. For example they have relevant
expertise in the planning architecture, design, development, deployment and
maintenance of the website or web. Full stack developer positions
are generally at a more senior level. It can take some time to gain
the knowledge, professional experience and skills to become a full stack developer. As a result roles in this
area are in high demand and are some of the best paid
jobs in the IT Industry.

Video: A day in the life of a front-end developer

  • Front-end engineering is different from other engineering disciplines because it is highly collaborative. Front-end engineers work with designers and product managers to build products that are both usable and performant.
  • Benedict started his journey into front-end engineering by building a fan website for the game EverQuest. He later realized that he was excited about the practicality of solving problems with software and decided to pursue a career in front-end engineering.
  • A typical day for Benedict involves working on code, meeting with designers and product managers, and supporting other engineers. He enjoys the variety of work and the challenge of solving hard problems.
  • Benedict believes that it is important for front-end engineers to have empathy for the different perspectives of other stakeholders, such as designers and product managers. This allows them to collaborate effectively and build products that meet the needs of users.
  • He also believes that it is important for front-end engineers to be lifelong learners and to adopt a growth mindset. The industry is constantly evolving, and new technologies and products are being developed all the time. Front-end engineers who are willing to learn and grow will be more successful in the long run.
  • Benedict is excited about the future of front-end engineering. He believes that there are many new and exciting technologies that will be used to build new and innovative products in the years to come. He encourages aspiring front-end engineers to find opportunities to solve new problems and to be a part of this exciting industry.

Soft skills for front-end engineers:

  • Empathy
  • Communication
  • Collaboration
  • Problem-solving
  • Growth mindset

Advice for aspiring front-end engineers:

  • Go easy on yourself.
  • Adopt a growth mindset.
  • Find time for yourself.
  • Be willing to learn new technologies.
  • Look for opportunities to solve new problems.

I think why front-end
development is different is you have to work
with designers, you’ve got to work
with product managers. It’s fundamentally
very collaborative. It’s got the right-brain
algorithmic thinking and how to make
things performant and work and then it’s
got the left-brain. How do you make things
usable and enjoyable to use? I found my way into
front-end engineering and now it’s like I couldn’t
imagine leaving it. Hello, I’m Benedict Hobart. People call me Benny. I’m a
software engineer at Meta. I think a lot of people that get into
front-end engineering, they think about
front-end engineering as an engineering problem
and you’re building stuff, you’re solving a problem. When you’re doing is
building products for people and you’re helping people solve their own problems. There’s a lot of collaboration
that comes with that, working with designers,
working with PMs. You’re not some
programmer slouched over a desk typing away all day. It’s highly collaborative environment
you’re stepping into. I started when I
was fairly young with building a fan website
for a game called EverQuest. I first started making
websites around that time, but I never really considered
it as a career path. I actually left
building websites and came back to it
later in university. I think where I really actually
started treating it like a career was in my second
year of university, I had a cool cousin who was a programmer then he was like, “You should
do this subject.” What helped me
initially was that I was building something
I was excited by. I think it’s the practicality of solving problems
with software, that was really appealing. A typical day is I’ll start off working from home or getting into the office
and reviewing code, helping, giving advice on how things could
be built better. I often have meetings
with designers and product managers on the
things that we want to build. I support a lot of engineers solving the
problems they have. It’s wide and varied
and I think that’s the exciting thing about getting into
software in general. There’s a lot of space to be a different type of engineer. You could get excited
about solving these really hard technical
challenging problems. But if you’re doing it without a purpose, I lose motivation. It’s like knowing that there’s someone at the
end of the day I’m hoping helps me focus my energy
on the problems that do need to be solved versus
problems that don’t. I’ve been working on
encrypted messaging, which is seriously important
for a number of reasons. You take it very seriously when you’re
building those products that allow people to communicate
safely and privately. When you’re solving a
really hard problem, it’s easy to think you’re
not making any progress. I think everyone talks about imposter syndrome
in the industry. If you’re not making progress and you
putting in these hours, you start to think,
should I even be there? Can I solve this problem? That’s a hard thing to get over and that’s probably
the worst part of the job. Technically, I think
you’re going to learn a lot of what I do
in this course, going through how to write code, how to make it work, how to make it accessible, and to shipping it to people. Javascript, HTML CSS, Git, these are all
foundational that you’ll find across every web
development company. When it comes to soft skills, there’s a lot of empathy trying to understand other
people’s perspectives. Engineers, we care
about performance, we care about accessibility, we care about things
being correct. It usually takes engineers
a long time to understand designer’s perspective or
product manager’s perspective because you think
so algorithmically, you need to solve every problem versus that 80
percent user problem. I work with a fantastic designer who actually jumps
in on the diffs and I can ask him questions in the code and he can code a bit. I was talking about empathy, he has an understanding
of the work I do and I’ve got an understanding
of the work he does. At the end of the day, it’s
good to recognize that you’re a software engineering
and your job is to bring a lot of their
vision to life. Likewise, a designer when get into your code and tell you how you should best to architect and structure your code, you need to give advice and
you’re there to support him. When you find an issue
it’s highly collaborative. A good front-end engineer will actually dip their
toes into back-end. Problem-solving is
consistently hard. Whenever you’re learning
and pushing yourself, you’re going to run
into roadblocks. Best advice is go
easy on yourself. Going with the mentality
that your goal is to grow and become a software
engineer or a better person. Adopting a growth mindset to developing is going
to be critical. Find time for yourself. I mean, it’s not my place to talk about the psychology
of being easy on yourself, but that’s just as
important as any of the engineering
stuff you learn. For me personally,
the role grows. As you build things and
you solve problems, you get perspective
into other problems and it’s this idea of
growing your scope. As an engineer yourself,
how do you sort a list and how do you
drop a list on a page? How do you make a button work? By the end of it, you’re working on
encrypted messaging. I think we’re at a really exciting point in the industry, there are a lot of new
exciting technologies. There are a lot of new ways and new products that
are going to be built in the next coming
years and finding those opportunities and solving new problems is
deeply satisfying.

How the web works

Video: How the internet works

The video explains the basics of how the Internet works. It starts by describing the concept of a network, which is a group of devices connected together. The video then introduces the network switch, which allows devices on a network to communicate with each other. The video then explains how networks can be interconnected to form the Internet.

The video also discusses the client-server model, which is the way that websites and video streaming services are provided on the Internet. The video concludes by mentioning that there are many technical details that go into making the Internet possible, but the main idea is that it is a vast network of interconnected networks.

Overall message:

The Internet is a vast network of interconnected networks that allows devices all over the world to communicate with each other. It is made possible by a variety of technologies, including network switches and undersea cables.

How the Internet Works

The internet is a vast network of interconnected networks that allows devices all over the world to communicate with each other. It is made possible by a variety of technologies, including network switches, routers, and undersea cables.

Here is a simplified overview of how the internet works:

  1. When you connect your device to the internet, it is assigned a unique IP address. This IP address is like a mailing address for your device on the internet.
  2. When you want to visit a website, your device sends a request to the website’s server. The server’s IP address is stored in a database called the Domain Name System (DNS).
  3. Your device’s router forwards the request to the DNS server. The DNS server looks up the IP address of the website’s server and returns it to your device.
  4. Your device’s router then forwards the request to the website’s server.
  5. The website’s server sends the requested web page back to your device.
  6. Your device’s router forwards the web page to your device.

This process happens very quickly, so you can usually see the web page within seconds of clicking on a link.

Network Switches

Network switches are devices that connect multiple devices together on a network. They allow devices to communicate with each other by forwarding packets of data.


Routers are devices that connect different networks together. They forward packets of data to the correct network based on the IP address of the destination device.

Undersea Cables

Undersea cables are large cables that connect the world’s networks. They allow data to be transferred between continents at very high speeds.

Other Technologies

There are many other technologies that are involved in making the internet work, such as firewalls, web servers, and email servers. However, the basics of how the internet works are relatively simple.


The internet is a complex system, but it is essential to our modern world. It allows us to communicate with each other, access information, and entertain ourselves. By understanding the basics of how the internet works, we can appreciate its importance and use it more effectively.

A network is made up of at least two devices that connect and communicate via a wired or wireless connection. One network switch can connect to another switch to link two networks.


That’s correct! Not only can two network switches be connected, but multiple ones can be connected to form an interconnected network like the internet.

Hello and welcome. Did you ever find yourself searching for something online? How long does it take to get
a response from your search? You search for
something and you get a response back in no time. That’s really
something, isn’t it? But did you ever think
about how it all happens? In this video, I will
guide you through the basics of how
the Internet works. Let’s start at the beginning. You open your favorite
app on your device and you’re instantly
connected to the world. This is all made possible
because two devices connect and communicate via a wired
or wireless connection, forming something
called a network. You can connect multiple
devices to this network. But this becomes very
complicated very quickly, as each device
needs to connect to every other device to
communicate effectively. This problem is solved by something called a
network switch that connects multiple devices and allows them to communicate
with each other. The network switch can connect to other network switches, and now two networks
can connect. These network switches
then connect to more network switches
until you have something called an
interconnected network. This interconnected network has another name that you
might be familiar with. It’s called the Internet. When we use websites or video streaming services
on the Internet, these are provided by
computers called servers. Our devices are called clients. This is known as the
client-server model. Internet connects
the entire world. Have you ever had
a video call with someone on another continent? That video data travel through large undersea cables connecting
the world’s networks. These cables can transfer huge volumes of data per second. There are a lot more
technical details that go into making
the Internet possible. But this is the main idea. Hopefully, this gave you the big picture of how
the Internet works.

Video: What is a web server and how does it work?

A server is a computer that runs applications and services for clients. Servers are typically stored in data centers, which have systems in place to ensure that servers have continuous power, internet connection, and cooling. Data centers are located all over the world to allow users to access content quickly.

Servers are built with specific purposes in mind. For example, a server used to store images might have a lot of hard drive space, while a server used for complex calculations might have a fast processor and a lot of memory.

The hardware (physical components) of a server runs software (code). Software is easier to change than hardware, as you can simply replace the code running on the server.

One type of service software that runs on servers is a web server. A web server has many functions, including website storage and administration, data storage, security, and managing email. Its primary function is to handle web requests, which are sent by clients when they open a browser and type the name of a website.

Web servers are designed to respond to thousands of requests per second.

In conclusion, web servers are an important part of the internet. They consist of hardware and software, and their primary role is to respond to web requests from clients.

What is a web server?

A web server is a computer that stores and delivers files to browsers, making your website accessible to users. It also processes files for emails and data storage using Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and File Transfer Protocol (FTP).

Web servers are essential for the internet to function. They are responsible for delivering the content that we see on our screens when we visit websites.

How does a web server work?

When you type a URL into your browser, your computer sends a request to the web server that hosts the website. The web server then retrieves the requested files and sends them back to your computer. Your browser then displays the files on your screen.

This process is known as the request-response cycle.

Here is a diagram of the request-response cycle:

  1. The user types a URL into their browser.
  2. The browser sends a request to the web server.
  3. The web server retrieves the requested files.
  4. The web server sends the files back to the browser.
  5. The browser displays the files on the user’s screen.

Different types of web servers

There are many different types of web servers available, but the most popular ones are Apache and Nginx.

Apache is a free and open-source web server that is used by many popular websites, such as Wikipedia and Nginx is another popular web server that is known for its speed and scalability.

Benefits of using a web server

There are many benefits to using a web server, including:

  • Performance: Web servers are designed to handle a large number of requests simultaneously, which can improve the performance of your website.
  • Security: Web servers can be configured to improve the security of your website. For example, you can use a web server to implement firewalls and access control lists.
  • Scalability: Web servers can be scaled up or down to meet the needs of your website. For example, you can add more servers if you are experiencing high traffic volumes.


Web servers are an essential part of the internet. They are responsible for delivering the content that we see on our screens when we visit websites. Web servers can improve the performance, security, and scalability of your website.

If you are interested in learning more about web servers, there are many resources available online. You can also find many tutorials on how to set up and manage your own web server.

A server is a computer that runs applications and services, ranging from websites to instant messaging. You have just learned about a web server which is a specific type of server. Which of the following statements are true? Choose all that apply.

A web server can handle security.

That’s correct! Web servers have multiple functions and this is just one of them. They can also function as website storage and administration and manage emails.

A web server can function as website storage and administration.

That’s correct! Web servers have multiple functions and this is just two of them. They can also handle security and manage emails.

Web servers can handle thousands of requests from clients per second.

That’s correct! Web servers have to be able to handle high volumes of web requests.

A server is a computer
that runs applications and services ranging from websites
to instant messaging. It’s called a server because it provides
a service to another computer and its user also known as the client. Is typically stored in something called a
data center with hundreds or thousands of other servers, all running different
services connected to the internet. There are many different systems in
data centers to ensure that servers have continuous power,
continuous internet connection and are kept called 24 hours per day. Did you know that there are data
centers located all around the world. Many websites use these to allow you to
access your content quickly from the data center nearest to you. The data center servers are built
based on the service purpose. For example,
if the server is only to be used for storing images,
it might have a lot of hard drive space. Whereas a server computing complex
calculations might need a fast processor and a lot of memory. This is usually referred
to as a server hardware. The physical components of a server. Once the server hardware is
installed in the data center, a piece of code can now run. The code that runs on the hardware
is commonly known as software. One way I like to remember this is to
think of hardware as something you can physically touch and is difficult to change as you need
to physically replace components. Software is soft or easy to change. You just replace the code
running on the server. The surface is a server
can run can vary but in this video you will learn about a type
of service software known as a web server. A web server has many functions
which includes website storage and administration, data storage,
security and managing email. Another primary function is to handle
something known as a web request. When you open a browser on your device and
type the name of the website, it’s the job of the web server to send
you back to that website’s content. This process is known as
the request response cycle and you will learn more about it later. Web servers are also designed to respond
to thousands of requests from clients per second. In this video,
you learned about web servers and how they consist of hardware and software. You also learned that one of the primary
roles of a web server is to respond to web requests from the client.

Video: What are websites and webpages?

The video explains the difference between a web page and a website. A web page is a single document that is displayed in a web browser, while a website is a collection of web pages that are linked together.

The video then discusses the three core technologies that are used to create web pages: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

  • HTML (HyperText Markup Language) structures the content of a web page.
  • CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) controls the appearance of the content on a web page.
  • JavaScript is a programming language that adds interactivity to web pages.

The video concludes by explaining how a web page is rendered in a web browser. The browser processes the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code line by line to create the visual representation of the web page.

Overall message:

Web pages are made up of three core technologies: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. These technologies work together to create the visual and interactive experience that we see on the web.

What are websites and webpages?

A website is a collection of web pages that are linked together. A web page is a single document that is displayed in a web browser. Web pages are typically written in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is used to structure the content of a web page. HTML tags are used to define the different elements of a web page, such as headings, paragraphs, images, and links.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is used to control the appearance of the content on a web page. CSS properties are used to specify the fonts, colors, and layout of the different elements on a web page.

JavaScript is a programming language that is used to add interactivity to web pages. JavaScript can be used to create animations, validate forms, and send and receive data from a web server.

How websites and webpages work

When you visit a website, your web browser sends a request to the web server that hosts the website. The web server then sends a copy of the requested web page to your web browser. The web browser then parses the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code on the web page and renders the page on your screen.


Here is an example of a simple web page:


<!DOCTYPE <strong>html</strong>>
  <title>My Website</title>
  <h1>This is my website!</h1>
  <p>This is the content of my website.</p>

This web page has three elements: a heading, a paragraph, and a closing tag. The heading element is used to display the title of the web page. The paragraph element is used to display the content of the web page. The closing tag is used to indicate the end of the web page.

When you visit this web page in a web browser, the browser will parse the HTML code and render the page on your screen. You will see a heading that says “This is my website!” and a paragraph that says “This is the content of my website.”


Websites and webpages are the basic building blocks of the internet. By understanding how websites and webpages work, you can better appreciate the complexity and power of the web.

Which of the following technologies is used to structure content on a webpage?


That’s correct. HTML is used to structure content on a webpage.

You may have heard the terms webpages and
websites, but what’s the difference? A web page is a document that displays
images, texts, videos and other content in the web browser, a website is a collection
of webpages that link together. You’ve likely visited
many websites this week, in fact you’re watching
a video on one right now, let’s explore an example where you visit
your favorite encyclopedia website. When you arrive at the homepage, it
contains many links to different articles clicking on one of those links brings
you to a new webpage article and that article links to even more
articles and other web pages. If all these webpages have a similar
address in the web browser’s address, it can be safe to assume that
they belong to the same website. However, the links on the page do not
all have to link to the same website, they can also link to other websites. For example, when you visit
your favorite search engine and search for a phrase, the search results
are a list of links to other websites. Did you know that as I’m talking to you, thousands of websites are being
launched to the internet. Every day, hundreds of thousands of
websites are launched, to put things into perspective the Great Pyramid of Giza
has 2.3 million blocks of stone. So think about it, in one week there are as many new
webpages as stones in the Great Pyramid. With current internet speeds, it would
take three million years to download all the webpages on the internet and all of these billions of varied webpages
rely on the same core technologies. Most people interact with
websites in some form daily, but few know how webpage actually works. I mean, what’s it made up of and just how
does that webpage get from the web server to what you see on your screen or device? Well, let’s explore that now. In its most basic form,
a webpage is just a text document, you can open and
edit with any text editor, but developers usually use more sophisticated
tools for working with webpages. If you want to work with a webpage, you
need to know about three technologies and understand how they interact,
their HTML, CSS and JavaScript. HTML structures the content you see,
CSS controls the colors and style and JavaScript is responsible for
the user interaction. As a web developer you will work with
these technologies every day and understand how they work together. I always like to imagine it like this,
think of a shot, HTML is the actual building, the structure,
CSS is the interior decoration and landscaping outside and
JavaScript is just like the business, the services offered and
the people coming in and out. Let me give you a brief overview
of each of these technologies now. HTML stands for hypertext markup language, it works by using something
called markup tags. These tags describe the content that
is displayed in the browser window, this content can be things like headings,
paragraphs, images and even multimedia elements such as audio and
video, the way html describes
the content is known as markup. CSS is short for cascading style sheets
and adds visual enhancements like colors and layout to the web page,
this is commonly known as styling. It works by enhancing the HTML elements
and telling them how to display. Have you ever noticed a friend changed
their color or style of their hair? Well, your friend’s hair is like
the HTML and the color and style is CSS. The last technology is JavaScript, which is a programming language
built into the browser. JavaScript provides web developers with
tools for interactivity, data processing, control and action. Have you ever tried to log to a website
only to be told that the information you provided was incorrect or browse your
favorite video streaming site and seen content update in real time? Well, that’s JavaScript in action, JavaScript is the powerhouse
of a web page. It has the ability to manipulate
the content that you see on the screen as you interact with it. In fact, without JavaScript websites
would be kind of boring and very limited in terms of what you can do,
okay, you now know about the essential
technologies of web page contains. But how exactly does this code get
translated to display the content that you see on your screen? When a copy of that webpage is sent
from the web server to your browser, each line of code is processed in
sequential order from first to last. As each line is interpreted,
the browser creates the building blocks, which is the visual representation
you see on the screen. This creation process is known as page
rendering, the response from the web server must be a complete web page
in order to fulfill the request, to show the page in the browser. You will learn more about page rendering
from the additional reading at the end of this lesson. And there you have it, you now have joined the exclusive group of
developers who know how web page works. You learned about the technologies
that make up a web page and how they interact with each other. You also learned the page is rendered by
the web browser to display what the end user sees on the screen. In the time since you
started watching this video, another few 1000 websites launched, every
one of them is another example of modern web developers building and
adding to the ever growing internet. Are you ready to become one of them?

Video: What is a web browser and how does it work?

A web browser is a software application that allows you to browse the internet. It works by sending requests to web servers and receiving responses containing the content to be displayed on your screen.

The request-response cycle is the process by which the browser and server communicate. The browser sends a request to the server, and the server sends back a response containing the content to be displayed.

This cycle is used for all sorts of online activities, such as searching the web, chatting with friends, watching videos, and sharing files.


When you search the web, you type the name of a search engine into the address bar of your browser. The browser sends a request to the search engine’s web server, which responds by sending back a webpage containing search results.

When you click on a link in the search results, the browser sends another request to the web server for the page that you want to visit. The web server responds by sending back the page, which is then displayed in your browser.


The request-response cycle is the essential process that powers the internet. It allows us to access all sorts of content and services from all over the world.

What is a web browser?

A web browser is a software application that allows you to browse the internet. It is used to access websites, which are collections of web pages.

How does a web browser work?

When you open a web browser and type in a URL, the browser sends a request to the web server that hosts the website. The web server then sends back a copy of the requested web page to the browser. The browser then parses the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code on the web page and renders the page on your screen.

Here is a step-by-step explanation of how a web browser works:

  1. You open a web browser and type in a URL.
  2. The browser sends a request to the web server that hosts the website.
  3. The web server sends back a copy of the requested web page to the browser.
  4. The browser parses the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code on the web page.
  5. The browser renders the page on your screen.


Parsing is the process of breaking down the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code on a web page into its component parts. The browser does this so that it can understand the structure of the page and how to display it on your screen.


Rendering is the process of converting the parsed HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code into a visual representation of the web page. The browser does this by creating a DOM (Document Object Model), which is a tree-like structure that represents the different elements on the web page. The browser then uses the CSS code to style the elements on the page and the JavaScript code to add interactivity.


Web browsers are essential tools for accessing the internet. They allow us to view websites, read articles, watch videos, and interact with online services. By understanding how web browsers work, we can better appreciate the complexity and power of the web.

True or false: A web browser is a software application that you use to browse the world wide web.


That’s correct. A web browser is a software application that you use to browse the world wide web.

You use a web browser
every day on your devices and you probably have one open right now watching this video. But do you really
know how they work? In this video, you will learn
what a web browser is and describe how it
receives and displays content. Let’s get started. A web browser, or
browser for short, is a software
application that you use to browse the
World Wide Web. It works by sending a request
to a web server and then receives a response
containing the content that is to be displayed on the
screen of your device. Once the browser is
open on your device, there is the address
bar where you input the address of the website
that you want to visit. The address is commonly known as the Uniform Resource
Locator or URL for short. The URL contains the protocol or the HTTP, the domain name, usually the name of the website, and the file path, or the path to the page
that is displayed. When you make a request
using this URL, the browser and server
communicate using a protocol known as the Hypertext
Transfer Protocol or HTTP. Once the web browser
receives the content, it displays it on the
screen of your device. This exchange of information
is made possible by something known as the
request response cycle. Now, let me
demonstrate this using an example many of us are familiar with,
searching the web. First, you open a web browser, which is a software application. Next, you type the name of
your favorite search engine. The name you type contains something called a domain name. Then when you press Enter, the web browser sends a
request across a network and connects to another computer on the Internet called
a web server. The web server is a special
type of computer that allows other computers to
make requests for data. The web server responds by sending a webpage
back to the browser. Once the browser receives all
the response information, the search engine
webpage is made visible. The web page is a coded
document that is rendered by the browser and then presented visually to you, the end-user. Now that the search
engine webpage is loaded in the browser, you interact with that page to search for what
you want to find. For example, type
restaurants near me in the search bar and
press the search button. Once again, the browser
prepares and sends a request to the same
search engine web server. This time, the request contains the added instructions
to search for the phrase restaurants near me. The search engine web server
processes the request by taking the keyword and using it to find
the requested data. This data is stored in
something called a database, which is connected
to the web server. The web server then picks up that data and sends it
back to the browser. When the web browser receives the full response
from the web server, it again renders
a visible webpage with links to some restaurants, a map showing nearby
locations and more related information
such as reviews, lists, and even reservations. Success, and all made possible by computers
having a conversation. You now learned how the
request response cycle works. This web requests cycle
is very similar for a number of other
activities we do online, via chatting with friends, watching our favorite movie, or sharing files with
our work colleagues. That is just a brief summary
of how the Internet works. The next time you search
for something online, think of all the steps
and data that gets exchanged to complete
your request.

Video: Web hosting

Web hosting is a service where you place your website and files on a hosting company’s web server. There are four main types of web hosting services: shared hosting, virtual private hosting (VPS), dedicated hosting, and cloud hosting.

  • Shared hosting is the cheapest form of web hosting, but you share the server’s resources with other websites, which can impact your performance.
  • VPS is a virtual server with dedicated CPU, memory, and bandwidth resources. It is more expensive than shared hosting, but it is also more reliable and performant.
  • Dedicated hosting gives you your own physical server, which is the most expensive option but also the most reliable and performant.
  • Cloud hosting is a scalable and flexible hosting solution that uses multiple servers to host your website. It is more expensive than shared hosting, but it is also more reliable and scalable.

The best type of web hosting for you will depend on your needs and budget. If you are just starting out with a small website, shared hosting is a good option. If you have a larger website with more traffic, you may want to consider VPS or dedicated hosting. If you need a scalable and flexible solution, cloud hosting is a good option.

What is web hosting?

Web hosting is a service that provides storage space and internet connectivity for websites. When you create a website, you need to store your website’s files on a server. A server is a computer that is connected to the internet and that can serve files to web browsers.

Web hosting companies provide servers that you can rent to store your website’s files. They also provide internet connectivity so that people from all over the world can access your website.

Types of web hosting

There are many different types of web hosting available, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The most common types of web hosting are:

  • Shared hosting: Shared hosting is the most affordable type of web hosting. You share a server with other websites, and your website’s resources (such as CPU, memory, and bandwidth) are limited. Shared hosting is a good option for small websites with low traffic.
  • VPS hosting: VPS hosting is a more expensive type of web hosting, but it offers more resources and control than shared hosting. A VPS is a virtual server, which means that it is a portion of a physical server that has been partitioned off to create a separate server environment. VPS hosting is a good option for websites with medium traffic or that need more control over their server environment.
  • Dedicated hosting: Dedicated hosting is the most expensive type of web hosting, but it offers the most resources and control. With dedicated hosting, you get your own physical server that you don’t have to share with any other websites. Dedicated hosting is a good option for websites with high traffic or that need a lot of control over their server environment.
  • Cloud hosting: Cloud hosting is a type of web hosting that uses a network of servers to host your website. This makes cloud hosting very scalable and reliable. Cloud hosting is a good option for websites with high traffic or that need a scalable and reliable hosting solution.

How to choose a web hosting provider

When choosing a web hosting provider, there are a few things you should consider:

  • Price: Web hosting providers offer a variety of pricing plans. Choose a plan that fits your budget and your website’s needs.
  • Features: Different web hosting providers offer different features. Choose a provider that offers the features you need, such as enough storage space, bandwidth, and email accounts.
  • Support: Choose a web hosting provider that offers good customer support. You should be able to get help quickly and easily if you have any problems with your hosting service.

How to set up web hosting

Once you have chosen a web hosting provider, you will need to set up your web hosting account. This usually involves creating an account on the web hosting provider’s website and choosing a hosting plan. Once you have set up your account, you can upload your website’s files to the server.


Web hosting is an essential part of creating a website. By choosing the right web hosting provider and setting up your web hosting account correctly, you can ensure that your website is accessible to people from all over the world.

Additional tips

  • When choosing a web hosting provider, read reviews from other customers. This can help you to choose a provider that has a good reputation.
  • Be sure to back up your website’s files regularly. This way, you can restore your website if something happens to your web hosting account.
  • If you are not sure how to set up your web hosting account or upload your website’s files, you can usually get help from your web hosting provider.
True or false: Cloud hosting uses a combination of physical and virtual servers?


That’s correct. Cloud hosting uses a combination of physical and virtual servers.

By now, you know that
websites and files are stored on web servers
located in datacenters. But what if you wanted to
create your own website? Do you really need
your own datacenter with specialized
hardware and software? Thankfully, the answer is no. Developers can
launch websites to the Internet using something
known as web hosting. Web hosting is a
service where you place your website and files on the hosting companies
web server. You’re essentially
renting the space in return for stable
and secure storage. You don’t need to be
accompanied to use a web host. Individuals can rent space too. In this video, you will learn about the different
types of web hosting services that you can use for your websites and
web applications. First, let me share
with you some of the different hosting
options available. These can include
shared hosting, virtual private hosting, dedicated hosting,
and Cloud hosting. Let’s explore each of these hosting types in a
little more detail now. The cheapest form of web hosting is known as shared hosting. You pay for a location
on a web server containing many web hosting
accounts with shared hosting. This means that you also share the service processing power, memory, and bandwidth with other websites that might
slow your performance. This option is best for a small website with a
small number of visitors. Many developers also use this as a low-cost sandbox
environment to practice deploying or hosting
their personal websites. Some companies offer
free shared hosting, but with limitations and often have advertisements
embedded in the webpages. Sites with more
considerable demands use virtual private surface or VPS. A VPS is a virtual server
with dedicated CPU, memory, and bandwidth resources. It will be running on
a hardware server with other VPS instances but as the resources are fixed
per VPS instance, your website is unlikely
to be impacted by the performance of
other VPS instances. A VPS instance will be more expensive than
shared hosting. The next option up is to
use dedicated hosting. This will be a hardware server that is dedicated to you only. All hardware, CPU, memory, and bandwidth resources
are yours to use. Generally, this option is more expensive than a VPS hosting. The last type of web hosting is something you may have heard of. Cloud hosting and the Cloud
has grown in popularity over the last decade and is often mentioned in various news
and services you use. With Cloud hosting, your website is run in something called
a Cloud environment, which spans across multiple
physical and virtual servers. If a physical or
virtual server fails, your website will run on a different server
and stay online. The main advantage of Cloud
hosting is that you can use as many resources as you need without hardware
limitations. However, you pay based
on resource use. For example, if you transfer a file from the Cloud
to a web browser, you’ll pay for the
bandwidth used for that transfer at a fractional
cent cost per megabyte. While this can quickly
become more expensive, is allows websites
and web applications to scale their costs
as popularity grows. This is how many of the major
web applications operate. In this video, you learned
about web hosting and the different hosting options available to individuals
and companies. Soon you will build your
very first website. Are you excited to get it hosted so you can share
it with the world? For more information on
web hosting and Services, please see the
additional reading at the end of this lesson.

Practice Quiz: Knowledge Check – How the web works

In the client/server model, your device is a ________.

The website address that you type in your web browser to navigate to a website is called a ________.

Servers are typically stored in a building called a ________.

The physical components of a server are called the ________.

The purpose of a web server is to ________.

True or False. A website can consist of multiple web pages linked together.

The links you click on in your web browser are known as ________.

Which of these are the 3 main technologies of the web browser? Select all that apply.

When you run a website on the cloud, the website is restricted to one physical server.

Reading: Additional Resources


Core internet technologies

Video: Introduction to Internet Protocols

  • IP addresses are like addresses in a postal system that make it possible for packets of information to be delivered to you.
  • Computers send data across the internet as a series of messages called IP packets.
  • IP packets contain a header and a payload.
  • The header contains the destination IP address, source IP address, and other information to help deliver the packet.
  • The payload contains the data of the packet and other protocols.
  • The two most common protocols in the payload are TCP and UDP.
  • TCP solves the problems of packets arriving out of order, being corrupted, or being dropped.
  • UDP solves the problem of packets being corrupted, but packets can still arrive out of order or not arrive at all.


IP addresses and other protocols work together to ensure that data arrives correctly across the internet.

Introduction to Internet Protocols

Internet protocols are a set of rules that define how data is transmitted and received over the internet. These protocols are essential for ensuring that data is delivered correctly and efficiently.

There are many different internet protocols, each with its own specific purpose. Some of the most common internet protocols include:

  • Internet Protocol (IP): IP is the foundation of the internet. It is responsible for routing packets of data between different devices.
  • Transmission Control Protocol (TCP): TCP ensures that data is delivered correctly and in order. It is used for applications such as web browsing, email, and file transfers.
  • User Datagram Protocol (UDP): UDP is a simpler protocol than TCP that does not guarantee delivery of data. It is used for applications such as streaming video and voice over IP (VoIP).

How internet protocols work

When you send data over the internet, it is broken down into packets of data. These packets are then routed through a network of devices until they reach their destination.

Internet protocols are used to control how these packets are routed and delivered. For example, IP is used to ensure that packets are sent to the correct destination, while TCP is used to ensure that packets are delivered in order and without corruption.

Benefits of using internet protocols

Internet protocols offer a number of benefits, including:

  • Reliability: Internet protocols help to ensure that data is delivered correctly and efficiently.
  • Scalability: Internet protocols can support a large number of devices and applications.
  • Flexibility: Internet protocols can be adapted to meet the needs of different applications.


Internet protocols are essential for the operation of the internet. They provide a reliable and efficient way to transmit and receive data over the internet.

Additional tips

  • There are many different resources available online to learn more about internet protocols.
  • If you are interested in a career in networking, it is important to have a good understanding of internet protocols.
  • Many companies offer certifications in networking that can help you demonstrate your skills and knowledge of internet protocols.
Is the following statement true or false? The payload part of IP packets supports multiple protocols to make sure that information arrives as expected. Two of these are Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP). UDP is used to send data that must arrive correctly and in order.


That is correct! TCP is used for data that must arrive correctly and in order. This is because TCP can deal with data packets arriving out of order, becoming damaged or corrupted, or dropped or lost albeit at the cost of a small delay.

Email is a common communication
method that we all know about. But before existed the alternative was
to send mail to one another through the postal system. There is a surprising parallel
between the postal system and how the computer sends and receives
data across the internet every day. Let’s compare how they both work. Data sent across the internet
is quite an important part of our everyday lives and it wouldn’t be possible without Internet
Protocol addresses or IP addresses. A useful way to think of IP addresses
is that they function much like addresses in a postal system
that make it possible for packets of information
to be delivered to you. And like with the postal
system things can go wrong. But let’s first go over how things work. Before we think about how they can go
wrong in this video you will learn what IP addresses are and explore how
computers send data across the internet. You probably learned how computers connect
to each other to form networks and how these networks connect to
each other to form the internet. When you send data between
computers across the internet, a common way of understanding that
data is needed by the computers and networks that the data travels across. What makes that possible
is the Internet Protocol. Version four and version six
are currently the two most widely used standards of internet protocol. Think of the old fashioned postal system
again when you send a letter to a friend you need their address otherwise
they won’t receive your letter. Computers work in a similar way. Every computer on a network
is assigned an IP address. In protocol version four an IP
address contains four octet. It’s separated by periods or dots. For example In protocol version six. An IP address contains eight groups of
hexadecimal digits separated by a colon. For example 4527:0a00:1567:0200:ff00:0042:8329. When you send data across a network, you send the data as a series
of messages called IP packets. Also known as data grams
at a high level IP packets contain a header and
a payload or the data. Think of that old fashioned postal
system again, when you send a letter. You not only include
the recipient’s address but also your own address in case
a return location is needed. IP packets are the same. They include the destination IP
address and source IP address. These addresses are in the header along
with some additional information to help deliver the packet. And the payload contains
the data of the packet and some of the other protocols
which will cover in a moment. Earlier I mentioned that things can
go wrong with the postal system. When sending multiple letters to a friend
it’s possible they may arrive out of order. It’s possible that a package
will get damaged or if you’re really unlucky
a letter could get lost. These issues can happen to IP packets
too they can arrive out of order, become damaged or corrupted to in transit
or be dropped or lost during transit. To solve these problems, the payload part of the packets
contains other protocols too. You can think of them as another message
inside the payload of the IP packet. The two most common protocols
are the Transmission Control Protocol referred to as TCP and the User
Datagram Protocol, also known as UDP. TCP can solve all three of
the previously mentioned issues but at the cost of a small delay
when sending the data. This protocol is used for sending
the data that must arrive correctly and in order such as a text or image files. UDP solves the corrupt packet issue but packets can still arrive out of order or
not arrive at all. This protocol is used for sending data
that can tolerate some data loss such as voice calls or live video streaming. Both of these protocols contain payloads
that contain further protocols inside of them and there you have it. The internet uses internet protocols much
like an old fashioned postal system. These protocols can help
to make sure that data arrives in order does not become corrupted
or lost or dropped during transit. Now you’re able to explain
how IP addresses work and how computers send data
across the internet.

Video: Introduction to HTTP

HTTP is a protocol used by web clients and web servers to transfer web resources such as HTML files. It is the foundation of any data exchanges on the web.

HTTPS is the secure version of HTTP and uses encryption to protect the information being sent and received.

HTTP requests are sent by the client and responses are sent by the server. Requests and responses have a syntax that includes method, path, version, and headers.

HTTP status codes indicate whether the HTTP requests successfully completed. The status code is a three-digit number that corresponds with groups representing different types of results.

Here is a table of the different groups of HTTP status codes:

GroupStatus codeDescription
Informational100-199Provisional responses sent by the server
Successful200-299The request was successfully processed by the web server
Redirection300-399The requested resource has been moved to a different path
Client error400-499The request contained bad syntax or content and cannot be processed by the web server
Server error500-599A failure occurred on the web server while trying to process the request

Here are some examples of HTTP status codes:

  • 200 OK: The request was successfully processed and the response body contains the requested resource.
  • 301 Moved Permanently: The requested resource has been moved to a different path permanently.
  • 400 Bad Request: The request contained bad syntax or content and cannot be processed by the web server.
  • 404 Not Found: The requested resource was not found on the web server.
  • 500 Internal Server Error: A failure occurred on the web server while trying to process the request.
Introduction to HTTP

HTTP, or Hypertext Transfer Protocol, is the foundation of the World Wide Web. It is a protocol that allows web browsers to communicate with web servers to retrieve and display web pages.

How HTTP works

HTTP is a client-server protocol, which means that the web browser (client) initiates a request to the web server and the web server responds with the requested resource.

An HTTP request is made up of four parts:

  • Method: The HTTP method specifies the action that the client wants the server to take. The most common methods are GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE.
  • Path: The path is the location of the resource that the client is requesting. For example, the path for the Google homepage is /.
  • Version: The HTTP version specifies the version of the protocol that the client is using. The most common version is HTTP/1.1.
  • Headers: The headers contain additional information about the request, such as the type of content that the client is requesting and the language that the client prefers.

The web server responds to the client’s request with an HTTP response. An HTTP response is also made up of four parts:

  • Status code: The status code indicates whether the request was successful. The most common status code is 200 OK, which means that the request was successful and the response body contains the requested resource.
  • Reason phrase: The reason phrase is a human-readable explanation of the status code.
  • Headers: The headers contain additional information about the response, such as the type of content that the server is sending and the length of the response body.
  • Body: The body of the response contains the requested resource, such as an HTML document or an image file.

Examples of HTTP requests and responses

Here is an example of an HTTP request to retrieve the Google homepage:

GET / HTTP/1.1

Here is an example of an HTTP response to the above request:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 12345

<!DOCTYPE html>


HTTPS is a secure version of HTTP that uses encryption to protect the data that is being transmitted between the client and the server. HTTPS is used by most websites today, especially for websites that handle sensitive data, such as credit card information and passwords.


HTTP is a fundamental protocol of the World Wide Web. It allows web browsers to communicate with web servers to retrieve and display web pages. HTTP is a client-server protocol that uses a request-response cycle. The most common HTTP methods are GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. The most common HTTP status code is 200 OK. HTTPS is a secure version of HTTP that uses encryption to protect the data that is being transmitted between the client and the server.

Which of the following web resources can be transferred using HTTP? Select all that apply.

HTML Documents

Correct! HTML Documents are transferred from the web server to the web browser using HTTP.


Correct! Images are transferred to and from the web server using HTTP.


Correct! Files are transferred to and from the web server using HTTP.

Have you ever noticed
the lock icon beside the URL in
your web browser? This means that HTTPS, the secure version of
HTTP is being used. HTTP is a core
operational protocol of the world wide web. It is what enables
your web browser to communicate with a web
server that hosts a website. HTTP is the
communication protocol you use whenever
you browse the web. HTTP stands for Hypertext
Transfer Protocol. It is a protocol used
for transferring web resources such
as HTML documents, images, styles, and other files. HTTP is a request
response based protocol. A web browser or client
sends an HTTP request to a server and the
web server sends the HTTP response
back to the browser. Next, let’s start exploring the makeup of an HTTP request. An HTTP requests
consists of a method, path, version and headers. The HTTP method describes the type of action that
the client must performed. The primary or the most
commonly used HTTP methods are, GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. The GET method is used to retrieve information
from the given server. The POST request is used to
send data to the server. The PUT method updates whatever currently exists on the web
server with something else. The DELETE method
removes the resource. The path is the
representation of where the resource is
stored on the web server, for example if you wanted to request an image from
a page in a website, then the URL in the
address bar would need to contain the full path to that particular file
on the web server, such as example dot com, forward slash images,
forward slash image dot jpg. There are multiple versions
of the HTTP protocol. I won’t explore these right now, but I want you to be
aware that Versions 1.1 and 2.0 are the most used. Finally, there are the headers. Headers contain additional
information about the request and the client
that is making the request. For certain requests methods, the request will also contain a body of content that
the client is sending. Now, let’s cover some details about the makeup of
an HTTP response. HTTP responses follow a format similar to the request format. Following the
header, the response will optionally contain a message body consisting of the response contents such
as the HTML document, the image file and so forth. HTTP status codes contained
within the header indicate if the HTTP request
successfully completed. The code values are
in the range of 100-599 and are
grouped by purpose. The status message is a text representation
of the status code. During your web browsing, have you ever encountered
pages that display 404 error not found
or 500 errors? Server is not responding. These are HTTP status codes. I want to briefly explain to you about the status codes
and their grouping. There are five groups
of status codes. They are grouped by the first
digit of the error number. Informational is
grouped 100-199. Successful responses are
grouped from 200-299. Redirection message are 300-399. Client error responses
range from 400-499, and server error
responses are 500-599. Information responses are provisional responses
sent by the server. These responses are interim
before the actual response. The most common information
response is 100 continue, which indicates that the web
client should continue to request or ignore the response if the request is
already finished. Successful responses
indicate that the request was successfully
processed by the web server, with the most common
success response being 200 OK. You’re receiving these
responses every day when you receive content successfully
from a website. The meaning of OK, depends on the HTTP method. If the method is GET, it means that the
resource is found and is included in the body
of the HTTP response. If it’s POST, it means
that the resource was successfully transmitted to the web server and if it’s PUT, the resource was successfully transmitted to the web server. Finally, if the
method is DELETE, it means the resource
was deleted. Redirection responses
indicate to the web client that the requested resource has been moved to
a different path. The most common
response codes used are 301 moved permanently
and 302 found. The difference between
the redirection messages 301 and 302 is that 302 indicates a temporary redirection.The resource
has been temporarily moved. When web browsers
receive these responses, they will automatically submit the request for the
resource at the new path. Client error responses indicate that the requests contained bad syntax or content and cannot be processed
by the web server. The most common codes
used are 400 is used when the web browser or client submitted bad
data to the web server, 401 is used to
indicate that the user must log into an account before the request
can be processed, 403 is used to indicate
the request was valid, but that the web server is
refusing to process it. This is often used to indicate
that a user does not have sufficient permissions
to execute an action in a web application, 404 is used to indicate that the request resource was not
found on the web server. Server error responses
indicate that a failure occurred on the web server while trying to
process the request. The most common code used is
500 internal server error, which is a generic error status indicating that the server
failed to process the request. Now, have you ever
bought something online and needed to enter
your credit card information? You wouldn’t want
someone else to get this information from
the HTTP request. This is where HTTPS is involved. HTTPS is the secure
version of HTTP. It is used for secure communication
between two computers so that nobody else can see the information being
sent and received. It does this by using
something called encryption. We won’t cover
encryption right now. Like in HTTP, the
requests and responses still behave in the same way
and have the same content. The big difference is that
before the content is sent, it is turned into a secret code. Only the other computer can turn the secret code back into
its original content. If someone else was
to look at the code, it wouldn’t be understandable.You
use HTTPS every day. This is the lock icon you see beside the URL in
your web browser. Before I finish, I
want to leave you with a brief summary of HTTP. Firstly, it is a protocol used by web clients
and web servers. It works to transfer web
resources such as HTML files, and is the foundation of any
data exchanges on the web. Also, remember that
by using HTTPS, we send the
information securely. Requests are sent by the client, usually a web browser, and the server replies with
responses which may be the return of an image
or an HTML page. HTTPS requests have a syntax
that includes method, path, versions and headers. HTTP responses follow a
similar format to the request. HTTP status codes
indicate whether the HTTP requests
successfully completed. The status code is a
three-digit number that corresponds with
groups representing different types of results. Well, now you know how the HTTP protocol request
and response cycle works. You know about its methods
and the elements that make up an HTTP request. Good job.

Reading: HTTP examples


Video: Intro to HTML, CSS and Javascript

The video teaches viewers how to create two simple web applications using the three core web technologies: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

The first example is a digital clock. The HTML file defines the content of the clock, the CSS file styles the clock, and the JavaScript file updates the clock every second.

The second example is a video player. The HTML file defines the content of the video player, the CSS file styles the video player, and the JavaScript file implements the core functions of the video player, such as playing and pausing the video.

The video concludes by explaining how the three core files link and work together:

  • The HTML file references the CSS and JavaScript files.
  • The CSS file formats and styles the application.
  • The JavaScript file implements the core functions of the app and user interactivity.

Here are some key takeaways from the video:

  • HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are the three core web technologies.
  • The HTML file defines the content of a web page.
  • The CSS file styles the content of a web page.
  • The JavaScript file implements the core functions of a web page and user interactivity.
  • HTML files reference CSS and JavaScript files.
  • CSS files format and style web pages.
  • JavaScript files implement the core functions of web pages and user interactivity.

Intro to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are the three core technologies that power the web. HTML defines the structure of a web page, CSS styles the content of a web page, and JavaScript adds interactivity to web pages.


HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It is a markup language used to create web pages. HTML elements define the structure of a web page, such as headings, paragraphs, images, and links.

To create an HTML element, you use a start tag and an end tag. The start tag tells the browser where the element begins, and the end tag tells the browser where the element ends. For example, to create a paragraph element, you would use the following HTML code:


<p>This is a paragraph.</p>

The browser would then display the text “This is a paragraph.” on the web page.


CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. It is a style sheet language used to style the content of a web page. CSS allows you to control the appearance of HTML elements, such as their font, color, and size.

To style an HTML element, you use a CSS selector. A CSS selector is a pattern that matches HTML elements. For example, the following CSS selector matches all <p> elements:


p {
  font-family: Arial;
  font-size: 16px;

This CSS code would set the font family and font size of all <p> elements to Arial and 16px, respectively.


JavaScript is a programming language used to add interactivity to web pages. JavaScript allows you to create dynamic and interactive web pages, such as web pages with menus, forms, and games.

To add JavaScript to a web page, you use the <script> tag. The <script> tag tells the browser to execute the JavaScript code that is contained within the tag. For example, the following JavaScript code would display an alert message when the user clicks on a button:


document.querySelector("button").addEventListener("click", function() {
  alert("Hello, world!");

This JavaScript code would first select the button element on the web page. Then, it would add an event listener to the button element. An event listener is a function that is executed when a certain event occurs, such as a click event. In this case, the function would display an alert message when the user clicks on the button.


HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are the three core technologies that power the web. HTML defines the structure of a web page, CSS styles the content of a web page, and JavaScript adds interactivity to web pages.

If you are interested in learning more about HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, there are many resources available online and in libraries. You can also find many tutorials and courses that can teach you the basics of these technologies.

In the first example of a digital clock, which type of file ensured that the display updated with the correct time?

The JavaScript file

Correct. When referenced by the HTML file, the JavaScript code controls the functioning of the clock.

The web pages you
visit every day are based on three
core technologies, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Together, they enable you
to create web pages and applications so you can offer any content you
have seen online. In this video, I
will demonstrate two examples you can create
using these technologies. This is to help you understand how they interact
with one another. Don’t worry, you won’t
need to deal with the details of the three
languages just yet. In the first example, I’m building a web page that
displays a digital clock. It shows the hour,
minutes, and seconds. The time is updated
every second. I will work with three files, an HTML, a CSS, and a JavaScript file and you will explore the purpose
of each one of them. To create the clock element, Let’s first define our HTML code in a file called clock.html. The HTML code has
an element that describes the content in
hours, minutes, and seconds. If I only use the HTML file, the content would be
shown without any style positioning or sizing, just simply as a display
of six zeros representing time in the format of
hours: minutes: seconds. To apply styles to
the HTML element, the HTML code references a
CSS file called styles.css. The web browser retrieves the styles.css file
and processes it. The CSS code provides
styling for the clock. It tells the browser the
position, size, color, background, and font type, and size of each
element on the screen. With that information, the browser updates
the content and the sequence of zeros and colons now display
a digital clock. Finally, we need to ensure the clock updates with
the correct time. This is where
JavaScript comes in. The HTML references a JavaScript
file called clock.js. The browser will retrieve
clock.js and process it. The JavaScript file
contains code that every second updates the
content of the hour, minute, and second elements. With the three files created
and linked together, your clock is fully functional. The clock example demonstrates JavaScript dynamically
updating content. JavaScript can also be
used for interaction. The next example
demonstrates how JavaScript can be
used interactively. It’s a web page
that plays a video. Below the video, there is a button that plays
or pauses the video. The button contains a play icon. My HTML page describes
the content, which is the video element
and the Play button element. The HTML code references a CSS file that the
browser retrieves. It applies the styling
to the video and button. The code in the HTML file also references a
JavaScript file. The browser will retrieve the videoplayer.js file
and process it. In our example, the code in the JavaScript file
performs four actions. Firstly, it registers
a listener on the button that will execute some code when the
button is clicked. The second function is
that when the code runs, it checks the current
state of the video. The result of that check is, if the video is
currently stopped, it begins playing the video and changes the buttons
icon to a stop icon. Or if the video is
currently playing, it stops playing the video and changes the buttons
icon to a play icon. Using the three files you create a fully
interactive video player. A summary of your functioning
video player application is when the user
first sees a page, the video will be
stopped by default. When they click the Play button, the button will change to a stop icon and the video
will begin playing. When they click
the button again, it will change back
to a play button and the video will stop playing. I hope those examples
give you an idea of how the three core files
link and work together. In both the clock and video examples the HTML
file references the CSS and the
JavaScript files. The CSS file is called on to format and style
your application, and the code in the
JavaScript file implements the core functions of the
app and user interactivity.

Reading: Other Internet Protocols


Video: Webpages, Websites and Web Apps

  • A web page is a single page that consists of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • A website is a collection of web pages that link together under one domain name.
  • A web application is a software program that is accessed through a web browser.

Web applications are more interactive and dynamic than websites. For example, when you order food online, the web application displays content that is specific to your user account and location. When you visit a company website, the content is the same for everyone who visits the website.

Here is a table that summarizes the key differences between web pages, websites, and web applications:

FeatureWeb pageWebsiteWeb application
Number of pagesSingle pageCollection of pagesSoftware program
Level of interactivityLowMediumHigh
Dynamic contentLowMediumHigh
ExamplesWikipedia article, product pageNews website, e-commerce websiteGmail, Google Docs, Facebook

Practice Quiz: Knowledge Check – The Web and the Internet

When sending a message to another computer, the source and destination are specified using ____.

Which of the following are valid IP addresses? Select all that apply.

When using TCP, data can arrive out of order.

Which of the following are valid HTTP methods? Select all that apply.

HTML describes the structure and content of a web page.

When you type a website address (for example, in your web browser, which protocol is used to find the IP address of the website?

A web application is more ________________ compared to a website.

What is a webpage?

A webpage is a single document that is written using hypertext markup language (HTML) and is accessible via the web through the internet. To access a webpage, you need a web browser. Some popular web browsers include Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Safari.

What is a website?

A website is a collection of related web pages that are linked together under one domain name. A domain name is the unique address of a website on the internet. For example, the domain name of Google is

What is a web app?

A web app is a software program that is accessed through a web browser. Web apps are typically more interactive and dynamic than websites. For example, when you use a web app like Gmail, you can send and receive emails, create and edit documents, and chat with other people.

Differences between webpages, websites, and web apps

The main difference between webpages, websites, and web apps is the level of interactivity and dynamic content. Webpages are typically static, meaning that the content on the page does not change unless the page is refreshed. Websites can be static or dynamic. Static websites have content that does not change unless the webmaster manually updates the pages. Dynamic websites have content that changes based on user input or other factors. Web apps are typically dynamic, meaning that the content on the page can change without the page being refreshed.

Another difference between webpages, websites, and web apps is the purpose. Webpages are typically used to display information, such as articles, product descriptions, and news stories. Websites are often used to provide information about a business or organization, or to sell products or services. Web apps are often used to provide tools and services to users, such as email, document editing, and social networking.

Examples of webpages, websites, and web apps

Here are some examples of webpages, websites, and web apps:

  • Webpages: Wikipedia article, product page, blog post
  • Websites: News website, e-commerce website, company website
  • Web apps: Gmail, Google Docs, Facebook, Twitter, Netflix

How to choose between creating a webpage, website, or web app

When deciding whether to create a webpage, website, or web app, you should consider the following factors:

  • Purpose: What is the purpose of your online presence? Do you want to simply display information, or do you need to provide users with tools and services?
  • Audience: Who is your target audience? What kind of online experience do they expect?
  • Budget: How much money do you have to spend on your online presence? Web apps can be more expensive to develop and maintain than websites and webpages.

If you are not sure which type of online presence is right for you, it is a good idea to consult with a web developer.

Think of your favorite interactive map, social media site or video content site. What features and functionality do you think web applications provide to their users?  Select all that apply.

Personalized content.

Yes, in comparison to a standard website a web application is more dynamic, interactive, and personalized.

A high level of interactivity.

Yes, in comparison to a standard website a web application is more dynamic, interactive, and personalized.

Dynamically updated content.

Yes, in comparison to a standard website a web application is more dynamic, interactive, and personalized.

When you do something online, you are likely to
encounter web pages, websites, and web applications. But how do they differ?
As a developer, how do you decide
which one to create? Let’s explore the main
features of each one. A typical web page is
one single page that consists of HTML,
CSS, and JavaScript. It displays images, text, videos, and other content
in the web browser. If a web page is one single
page then a website is a collection of web
pages that link together under one domain name. You’ve likely visited
many websites this week. You know, when you visit your favorite
encyclopedia website and the homepage has a lot of links to different articles, clicking on one of
those links brings you to an article on a new web page, and that article links
to more articles, and other web pages. Well, since all of these web pages exist under
the same domain name, they are a website. The technical term for a link, you click on a hyperlink. This is because they link
to hypertext content. Remember that HTML is
Hypertext Markup Language. However, links themselves, don’t have to link
to the same website. They can also link
to other websites. For example when you go to your favorite search engine
and search for a phrase, the search results are a list
of links to other websites. You’ll explore more
about hyperlinks later. By now, you should probably know the difference between a
web page and the websites, but what about a
web application? This is where the definitions
gets a little more blurred. The terms website and web application are often
used interchangeably. The key difference
between a website, and web application
is the level of interactivity, and
dynamic content. The easy way to remember
this is that a website is more informative and a web application is
more interactive. Think of ordering food online. Let’s say you would
like to order some food and you go
to your favorite site, the browser then
displays a web page, you select some food from the
menu and submit your order. Compare this to for example, a company website that
displays information about themselves and the
services they provide. In the food ordering example, the content displayed
is specific to your user account
and location, the web application
displays content based on the user’s
input and interaction. Whereas with the
company website, the user simply views
the content and this content is the same for everyone who visits the website. You should now be able to
distinguish between web pages, websites, and web applications. You know that web pages at a particular domain
make up a website, and that the key difference
between websites, and web applications
is the level of interactivity, and
dynamic content.

Video: Developer tools

Web browser developer tools are a set of tools that developers can use to inspect and debug their code. They can also be used to trace HTTP requests, investigate performance issues, and review web page security.

To open the developer tools in Chrome, press F12 on your keyboard for PC or Command + Option + J on a Mac.

Some of the most used developer tools include:

  • Console: This tab outputs JavaScript logs and errors from your web application.
  • Sources: This tab shows all content resolved for the current page, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, images, and videos.
  • Network: This tab allows you to inspect the timeline and details of HTTP requests and responses for the web page.
  • Performance: This tab shows what the web browser is doing over time, and can be used to pinpoint functions that are taking the most time.
  • Memory: This tab displays the parts of your code that are consuming the most resources.
  • Elements: This tab allows you to inspect the document’s HTML elements and their properties.

You can double-click on HTML elements in the Elements tab to edit them in the web browser. This does not change the content on the web server, but only updates it for you while the web page is open.

Web browser developer tools are a valuable tool for developers to help them investigate and diagnose problems.

Developer tools in front-end development

Developer tools are a set of tools built into web browsers that allow developers to inspect and debug their code. They can also be used to trace HTTP requests, investigate performance issues, and review web page security.

Developer tools are essential for front-end developers, as they allow them to:

  • Inspect and edit HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code
  • Debug JavaScript code
  • Trace HTTP requests to see what data is being sent and received
  • Investigate performance issues to identify bottlenecks
  • Review web page security to identify potential vulnerabilities

Accessing developer tools

To access developer tools in Chrome, press F12 on your keyboard. In Firefox, press Ctrl+Shift+I on your keyboard. In Edge, press F12 on your keyboard. In Safari, press Command+Option+I on your keyboard.

Using developer tools

Once you have opened developer tools, you will see a number of tabs. The most commonly used tabs are:

  • Elements: This tab shows the HTML structure of the web page and allows you to inspect and edit HTML elements.
  • Console: This tab outputs JavaScript logs and errors from the web page. You can also use the console to execute JavaScript code.
  • Sources: This tab shows all of the resources that are loaded on the web page, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, images, and videos. You can use this tab to debug JavaScript code and to view the source code of third-party libraries.
  • Network: This tab shows all of the HTTP requests that are made by the web page. You can use this tab to trace HTTP requests and to investigate performance issues.
  • Performance: This tab shows how the web browser is rendering the web page and how long it is taking to load. You can use this tab to identify performance bottlenecks.

Tips for using developer tools

Here are a few tips for using developer tools:

  • Use the Elements tab to inspect and edit HTML elements.
  • Use the Console tab to log JavaScript messages and to execute JavaScript code.
  • Use the Sources tab to debug JavaScript code and to view the source code of third-party libraries.
  • Use the Network tab to trace HTTP requests and to investigate performance issues.
  • Use the Performance tab to identify performance bottlenecks.
  • Experiment with the different tabs and features of developer tools to learn more about how they work.


Developer tools are a powerful tool that can be used to improve the quality and performance of web applications. Front-end developers should learn how to use developer tools effectively in order to debug their code, identify and fix performance issues, and review web page security.

As a developer, there are several web browser developer tools available to you. For example, there is a console tab that outputs JavaScript logs and errors from a web application. Which of the following statements are true? Choose all that apply.

The Sources tab shows all content resolved for the current page.

That’s correct! The Sources tab includes HTML, CSS, JavaScript, images and videos.

The Network tab allows you to inspect the timeline and details of HTTP requests and responses for a webpage.

That’s correct! The Network tab is an important and useful developer tool.

The Memory tab displays the parts of your code that are consuming the most resources.

That’s correct! This feature helps you to identify if and where your code needs improvement.

If a car breaks down, you can open
the hood to examine the engine and to find out what’s gone wrong. As a developer, if your front
end isn’t working as expected, you can also open the hood
to check what’s going wrong. In fact, it’s not just your own
code that you can investigate. How about viewing other people’s code. By the end of this video
you’ll be able to access and make use of common web
browser developer tools. Most web browsers come equipped with a set
of developer tools that allow developers to inspect their HTML,
CSS and Javascript code. Also, to trace http request to the web
server, investigate performance issues and review web page security. Let’s find out more by exploring
the homepage of the Little Lemon Cafe. To begin, I’ve just opened the Little
Lemon Cafes web page on my chrome browser. On the homepage, I can view their menu. But I want to explore the HTML
structure of this menu. To do that,
I need to open the developer tools. To open the developer tools in chrome, press the F12 key on your keyboard for
PC or command option J on Mac. Alternatively, you can right click
on the web page and select inspect. There are various tabs on the top
row of developer tools that provide different functionality. In this video, I’ll give you a high level explanation
of some of the most used tools. 1st, let’s open the console tab. This tab outputs, javascript logs and
errors from your web application. The sources tab shows all content
resolved for the current page. It includes HTML, CSS,
Javascript, images and videos. With the network tab,
you can inspect the timeline and details of http requests and
responses for the web page. The performance tab shows what
the web browser is doing over time. It is useful if your web application is
running slow because you can pinpoint the functions that
are taking the most time. The memory tab displays the parts of
your code that are consuming the most resources. Finally, let’s check the most
used tab the elements tab. You can use this tab to inspect
the documents, HTML elements and their properties. For example, when I hover over
an element in the elements tab, it highlights that element
in the browser pane. On the right side of the panel,
there are tabs for inspecting the details
of the elements further. This panel shows us what CSS
is applied to an element and the result of the element
displayed in the browser. We will explore these
details in a later lesson. For now, you just need to know that
if you click on an HTML element, then the information for
that element will appear in the tab. Now, I’m going to demonstrate a fun trick. If you double click the HTML,
you can edit it in the web browser. For example, if I select the Our Menu body
element, then I can change the first item in the menu from chicken Burger,
to Turkey Burger. This doesn’t change
the content on the web server. It only updates it for
me while the web pages open. If I open the web page again,
it will reset. The Web browser developer tools are a
valuable part of your development toolkit to help you investigate and diagnose problems and you now know
how to access and make use of them. Great work.

Reading: Exercise: Examine a web page

Reading: Exercise: Edit a website using a browser developer tools

Video: Frameworks and libraries

Frameworks and libraries are reusable pieces of code that can be used to speed up software development.

  • Libraries: Provide specific functionality, such as validating email addresses or handling HTTP requests.
  • Frameworks: Provide a structure for developers to build with, handling common tasks such as receiving HTTP requests and sending HTTP responses.

Libraries are unopinionated, meaning that they give developers the freedom to choose how to code a feature. Frameworks are opinionated, meaning that they enforce a structure on how code is written.

When to use a framework versus a library:

  • Use a framework if you want to reduce development time and enforce a structure on how code is written.
  • Use a library if you need more flexibility and control over how code is written.

Advantages and disadvantages of frameworks and libraries:


  • Advantages: Reduce development time, enforce a structure on code, contain many best practices, and contain most of what is needed to develop an application.
  • Disadvantages: Can be difficult to customize, and may conflict with other libraries.


  • Advantages: Flexible and give developers control over how code is written.
  • Disadvantages: Can be difficult to choose the right libraries for a project, and libraries may not work well together.

Overall, frameworks and libraries are powerful tools that can help developers build software more quickly and efficiently. By understanding the difference between frameworks and libraries, and when to use each, developers can choose the right tools for their project and improve their productivity.


Front-end development frameworks are software development frameworks that provide a set of tools and libraries to help developers build user interfaces (UIs) for websites and web applications. Frameworks come with a variety of features, such as:

  • Component-based development: Frameworks allow developers to build UIs using reusable components, which makes code more modular and easier to maintain.
  • Routing: Frameworks handle routing between different pages or views in a web application.
  • State management: Frameworks provide a way to manage the state of a web application, such as the data that is displayed on the page.
  • Templating: Frameworks provide templating engines that allow developers to generate HTML dynamically from data.

Some popular front-end development frameworks include:

  • React
  • Angular
  • Vue.js


Front-end development libraries are collections of reusable code that developers can use to add specific features or functionality to their web applications. Libraries are typically more focused on a specific task than frameworks, and they can be used with or without a framework.

Some popular front-end development libraries include:

  • jQuery
  • Bootstrap
  • Axios
  • Moment.js

Benefits of using frameworks and libraries

There are many benefits to using frameworks and libraries in front-end development, including:

  • Increased productivity: Frameworks and libraries can help developers to build web applications more quickly and efficiently by providing pre-built code and features.
  • Improved code quality: Frameworks and libraries are typically well-tested and well-maintained, which can help to improve the quality of the code that developers write.
  • Reduced development costs: Using frameworks and libraries can help to reduce the development costs of web applications by reducing the amount of code that developers need to write from scratch.

How to choose the right framework or library

When choosing a framework or library for a front-end development project, it is important to consider the following factors:

  • The project requirements: What features and functionality does the web application need to have?
  • The developer’s experience: Does the developer have experience with the framework or library?
  • The community support: How active is the community around the framework or library? Is there good documentation and support available?
  • The license: Is the framework or library released under a license that is compatible with the project’s needs?

Getting started with frameworks and libraries

If you are new to using frameworks and libraries in front-end development, there are a few things you can do to get started:

  • Choose a framework or library: Start by choosing a framework or library that is appropriate for your project requirements and skill level.
  • Learn the basics: Read the documentation and tutorials for the framework or library you have chosen. This will help you to learn how to use the basic features and functionality.
  • Start building: Once you have a basic understanding of the framework or library, start building your web application. Don’t be afraid to experiment and try new things.
  • Get help: If you get stuck, there are many resources available to help you, such as online forums and chat rooms.


Frameworks and libraries are powerful tools that can help developers to build web applications more quickly, efficiently, and reliably. By understanding the benefits of using frameworks and libraries, and how to choose the right ones for your project, you can improve your productivity and code quality.

To reduce development time, developers use libraries in their application development. What’s the main feature of a library? 

Reusable pieces of code.

That’s right! A library supplies reusable pieces of code that you can use in your application instead of you having to re-create the required code.

You are developing
solutions but you need to save some time
and build faster. What if some of
your build problems have already been
solved for you? Well it’s true someone
has already figured out many key development processes
and they’re contained in frameworks and
libraries that are used every day in software
development, so what exactly are
frameworks and libraries? Let’s say you are
not a developer, but instead you work
as a carpenter. You make chairs and
sell them online. As a carpenter you don’t design a new hammer for
every chair you make. It makes much more sense
to use an existing hammer, but of course you
are a developer. As such it’s
important for you to know that to speed
up development, developers use already
developed frameworks and libraries in their
application development. These might be open source, meaning that the source code is freely-available for anyone
to modify and build from. There are thousands of
open source libraries and frameworks available or
there might be proprietary, ones that are licensed
or developed internally. Many developers use
the terms framework and library interchangeably, so what’s the difference
between them? Libraries are reusable pieces of code that can be used
by your application. They are purpose-built to provide a specific
functionality. To give a more
technical example, you’re building a small
e-commerce website. When a user wants
to register they need to provide
their email address. Email addresses while easy to read can be complicated
to validate. In fact email addresses are defined across several
technical specifications. That’s a lot of reading
just to validate an email. Even if you do read through
all the specification, there’s no point
in spending hours or even days implementing
their standards because you have access to so many readily-available
libraries to validate email addresses. It is for specific
functionality like validating an email address
that libraries are useful. A developers simply
uses the library to access the functionality
they require, as a result they can
have more time to continue focusing on the development of
their application. Frameworks on the
other hand provide a structure for
developers to build with. Consider this in the context
of our carpenter analogy. As a carpenter you create
a lot of different chairs, therefore there would be a blueprint for each chair
to speed up building them. You can decide the
type of wood to use, but the dimensions and style of the chair
are always the same. Frameworks act as a structure
where the developer provides their own code that the framework
interacts with. For example, there are many frameworks for
developing web applications. These frameworks
handle functionality that is common to
all web applications such as receiving HTTP requests and sending HTTP responses. The developer then adds
their own code that implements the functionality
of the web application. For instance with the
e-commerce website example, a framework would handle
receiving HTTP requests. The developer would implement code that processes the
request and returns a response from
which the framework would send a response over HTTP. Now let’s compare how the
frameworks relate to libraries. Most frameworks use
many libraries. The libraries that
the framework uses can be used for
your application. If you wish, your application can also use other libraries. You also need to
consider when to use a framework and when
to use a library. Frameworks are
considered opinionated and libraries are
considered unopinionated. This is defined as
the degree of freedom available to the developer to choose how to code a feature. The opinionatedness will
vary between frameworks, but by definition
they will always be more opinionated
than a library. The benefit of this
is that they can replace libraries as needed. For example when new
technologies become available frameworks to find the libraries flow and
control of an application, whereas with the libraries those are left to the
developer to decide. As with everything there are advantages and
disadvantages to both. Frameworks are a
great way to reduce development time and to enforce a structure on how
code is written. They have many best practices
already in place and contain most of what is needed to develop an application, however, sometimes you may
find that the way you need to code something doesn’t fit into the structure
of the framework. Other times you may
find that some of the libraries the
framework uses may conflict with a library
that you are required to use and cause
compatibility issues. If an application is built
without a framework, the developer will need to
decide on the set of libraries they wish to use to achieve the functionality
they must deliver. They will also need
to take care that the selected libraries
can work together. The upside to this
is that they can replace libraries as needed. For example, if a new
better library is released, the developer can replace the
usage of the old library. This is much easier than
replacing a framework. Frameworks and libraries
give you the opportunity to reuse existing
web app functions. This can result in faster
development, fewer errors, and more time for
you to spend on the essential features
of your application. Instead of reinventing
the wheel, you can use frameworks and
libraries that are designed specifically to help your web
app development processes.

Video: APIs and services

API types

  • Browser API: Built into the browser and extends its functionality. Examples: DOM API, Geolocation API, Fetch API, Canvas API, History API, Web Storage API.
  • REST API: Provides data for popular web and mobile apps. Examples: Twitter API, Facebook API, Google Maps API.
  • Sensor-Based API: Allows web applications to interact with physical devices. Examples: Philips Hue API, Node-RED API.

API functionality

APIs typically provide the following functionality:

  • Getting data (GET): Retrieve data from the API.
  • Creating data (POST): Add new data to the API.
  • Updating data (PUT): Modify existing data in the API.
  • Deleting data (DELETE): Remove data from the API.

API endpoints

APIs use endpoints to specify how different resources can be accessed. Endpoints are built into the URL when accessing the API. For example, the following URL endpoint would be used to get a list of all users from the Twitter API:

API responses

APIs typically return responses in one of two formats:

  • Full web pages: The API returns a complete web page, which can then be rendered by the browser.
  • Data formats: The API returns data in a structured format, such as JSON or XML. This data can then be parsed and used by the web application.


APIs are a powerful tool for web development. By understanding the different types of APIs and how they work, you can extend the capabilities of your web applications and build more powerful and efficient systems.

What are APIs and services?

APIs and services are two important concepts in front-end development. An API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of rules and specifications that define how applications can communicate with each other. A service is a piece of software that provides a specific functionality, such as authentication, authorization, or data storage.

Why are APIs and services important in front-end development?

APIs and services are important in front-end development because they allow developers to build more complex and feature-rich web applications. For example, a developer could use an API to fetch data from a backend server, or use a service to authenticate users.

Some examples of APIs and services that are commonly used in front-end development include:

  • APIs:
    • Google Maps API
    • OpenWeatherMap API
    • Twitter API
    • Facebook API
  • Services:
    • Auth0
    • Firebase
    • Netlify

How to use APIs and services in front-end development

To use APIs and services in front-end development, you will need to make HTTP requests to them. HTTP requests are messages that are sent between web servers and browsers.

There are a number of different ways to make HTTP requests in front-end development. One popular way is to use the Fetch API. The Fetch API is a JavaScript API that provides a simple and efficient way to make HTTP requests.

Once you have made an HTTP request to an API or service, you will receive a response. The response will typically contain the data that you requested. You can then parse the response and use the data in your web application.

Here is a simple example of how to use the Fetch API to make an HTTP request to the Google Maps API:


const url = ',+Mountain+View,+CA+94043';

  .then(response => response.json())
  .then(data => {
    // Do something with the data


APIs and services are a powerful tool for front-end development. By understanding how to use APIs and services, you can build more complex and feature-rich web applications.

Additional tips for using APIs and services in front-end development

  • Use a cache: Caching can help to improve the performance of your web application by storing frequently accessed data in memory.
  • Use error handling: It is important to handle errors that may occur when making HTTP requests to APIs and services.
  • Use documentation: Most APIs and services provide documentation that explains how to use them. Be sure to read the documentation before using an API or service.
You are building a website with a team of developers. The team lead refers to APIs as gateways. Is this a correct use of terminology?


Yes, APIs are also known as gateways or middleware because they act as a bridge between systems.

Every day you access information on your
phone, like reading the news, purchasing goods and services or communicating
with friends over social media. But how is all this information
transferred behind the scenes? Your favorite websites and apps. Probably use API’s and as a web developer,
you’ll discover that API’s developer friendly, easily accessible and a very
valuable and useful development tool. A PI is the acronym for
application programming interface. An API is a set of functions and
procedures for creating applications that access the
features or data of an operating system, application or other service. If this still sounds a bit vague,
just remember that the term API, is intentionally open too many
applications and use cases. As a web developer, a lot of the day
to day job involves working with API’s. Some common API’s that web developers
work with include Browser, API REST API and Sensor-Based API. Over the next few minutes,
you’ll explore each of these API types and review a few specific examples. To begin with, here’s a brief outline
of how a piecewise functions. In Software development, API’s are often the bridge between
different components or systems. This earns them names like gateway or
middleware. The term is used widely to represent
many different tools and systems. Let’s consider some examples
of different API use cases. One common type of API,
is Browser or Web APIs, which are built into the browser itself. They extend the functionality of
the browser by adding new services and are designed to simplify complex
functions and provide easy syntax for building advanced features. A good example, is the DOM API. The DOM API turns the html
document into a tree of nodes that are represented as JavaScript objects. Another example, is the geolocation
API that returns coordinates of where the browser is located. There are also other API’s available for
fetching data known as Fetch API drawing, graphics or Canvas API keeping history or
history API. And client side storage also
known as Web Storage API. Another critical type of API for web
development is the RESTful or REST API. This kind of API provides data for
popular web and mobile apps. These are also called web servers. Let’s explore REST in a bit more detail. REST or representational state transfer, is a set of principles that help
build highly efficient API’s. One of the main responsibilities of
these kinds of API’s is sending and receiving data to and
from a centralized database. We can query our own REST API or
third party ones. One last type of API, that you might encounter as a web
developer is a Sensor-Based API. This is what the internet of things
also known as IOT is based on. These are actual physical senses that
are interconnected with each other. The sensors can communicate through API
and track and respond to physical data. Some examples are Philips hue,
smart lights and node bots. That’s a lot of API to think about. Fortunately, for web developers the most
common data API is a RESTtful API which as you’ve learned is a web server
that provides responses to requests. These API web servers are designed
to provide the data backbone for a web client like a web page or
mobile app. This means that these API’s must be able
to accomplish things like getting data or get, creating data. Also referred to as post updating data or
put and deleting data or delete. API issues, REST principles and good design practices to create
discoverable interfaces. This helps us get the exact
response expected. But exactly how do they work? Here’s a closer description
of their activity. These API’s use endpoints to specify how
different resources can be accessed. The endpoint is built into
the URL when accessing the API. Once the endpoint is hit,
the API performs whatever service side processing is needed
to build the response. Two common forms of response are, full
web pages and data form based on JavaScript called Jason. In this video, you explored some API’s and
as a web developer, you will frequently work with
many different types of API’s. You will often use API’s to extend
the abilities of systems or to act as a bridge between
different components.

Video: What is a an IDE?

An IDE (integrated development environment) is a software application that provides comprehensive facilities to computer programmers for software development. An IDE typically combines a text editor, a compiler, an interpreter, and a debugger into a single graphical user interface environment.

Benefits of using an IDE:

  • Syntax highlighting: IDEs highlight the syntax of your code in different colors to make it easier to read and understand.
  • Error highlighting: IDEs can highlight mistakes you make in your programming code.
  • Autocomplete: IDEs can suggest words and variables as you type, based on the programming language you are using.
  • IntelliSense: IDEs can offer suggestions to autocomplete words as you start typing them, and can even detect variables and functions and offer them as suggestions.
  • Refactoring: IDEs can help you change the structure of your code without changing the functionality.
  • Debugging: IDEs provide a debugger to help you locate and diagnose errors and bugs in your code.
  • Collaboration: IDEs can help you collaborate with other developers by providing features such as code review and version control.

Other features of IDEs:

  • Code formatting: IDEs can automatically format your code according to a specific style guide.
  • Code analysis: IDEs can analyze your code for potential errors, bugs, performance issues, security vulnerabilities, and code smells.
  • Testing: IDEs provide a testing framework to allow you to write and run automated tests for your code.
  • Code coverage: IDEs can measure how much of your code is executed by your tests.

IDEs are essential tools for software developers, and can help you to write code more quickly, efficiently, and accurately.

What is an IDE in Front-end development?

An IDE, or integrated development environment, is a software application that provides comprehensive facilities for software development. An IDE typically combines a text editor, a compiler, an interpreter, and a debugger into a single graphical user interface environment.

In front-end development, an IDE can be used to write, edit, debug, and deploy HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code. IDEs can also provide features such as syntax highlighting, code completion, and code refactoring.

Some popular IDEs for front-end development include:

  • Visual Studio Code
  • Sublime Text
  • WebStorm
  • Atom
  • Brackets
Benefits of using an IDE for front-end development

There are many benefits to using an IDE for front-end development. Some of the key benefits include:

  • Increased productivity: IDEs can help you to be more productive by providing features such as syntax highlighting, code completion, and code refactoring. These features can help you to write code more quickly and accurately.
  • Reduced errors: IDEs can help you to reduce errors in your code by providing features such as error checking and code linting. These features can help you to identify and fix errors early on, before they cause problems.
  • Improved code quality: IDEs can help you to improve the quality of your code by providing features such as code analysis and code formatting. These features can help you to write code that is more readable, maintainable, and efficient.
How to choose an IDE for front-end development

When choosing an IDE for front-end development, there are a few factors to consider:

  • Features: Make sure that the IDE has the features that you need, such as syntax highlighting, code completion, code refactoring, error checking, code linting, code analysis, and code formatting.
  • Platform support: Make sure that the IDE is available for the platform that you use, such as Windows, macOS, or Linux.
  • Ease of use: Choose an IDE that is easy to use and navigate.
  • Cost: Some IDEs are free and open source, while others are commercial. Choose an IDE that fits your budget.
Getting started with an IDE for front-end development

Once you have chosen an IDE, you can start using it to write, edit, debug, and deploy HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code. Here are some tips:

  • Start by creating a new project: When you create a new project, the IDE will create the necessary files and folders for your project.
  • Write your code: Use the IDE’s features to help you write code more quickly and accurately.
  • Debug your code: Use the IDE’s debugger to identify and fix errors in your code.
  • Deploy your code: Once your code is ready, you can deploy it to a production server using the IDE’s deployment features.

IDEs are powerful tools that can help you to be more productive and write better code. If you are a front-end developer, I encourage you to use an IDE.

An integrated development environment, or IDE, is software for building applications. This kind of software application has many different features to help you as a developer. Which of the following statements are true? Choose all that apply.
  • Special keywords of the programming language are highlighted in different colors to make the code easier to read.
  • IDEs have a feature called Error Highlighting.
  • IDEs have a feature that can detect variables and functions and offer them as suggestions during autocomplete.

Think of a group of construction workers, every worker has a toolbox that
helps them get their job done. As a developer,
you’ll also use many tools. One of the main tools in your toolbox
is the integrated development environment or IDE. By the end of this video you’ll
be able to identify an IDE and explain the benefits of using
an IDE during development. An integrated development environment or
IDE is software for building applications. An IDE is just like a text editor
except instead of writing documents you’re writing code. There are many IDEs available,
some are specific to one programming language while others support
many languages in one IDE. Let’s explore some common IDE features. Here I am working within an IDE. First let’s cover syntax highlighting. To improve readability for developers,
IEDs have syntax highlighting. What this means, is that special
keywords of the programming language are highlighted in different colors so
that the developer can quickly differentiate these
keywords from other texts. For example, if you’re writing JavaScript
code without syntax highlighting, it could be harder to identify
keywords from other texts. With syntax highlighting, that gets much
easier because the JavaScript keywords and variables are colored differently. Now, let’s explore error highlighting. Just like checking spelling
in a text document, IDEs can highlight mistakes you
make in your programming code. For example, if I delete the equal
symbol where it’s needed, my IDE will highlight the error. Another feature of IDEs is also complete. When you’re typing a message on your
phone, it suggests words as you type. An IDE’s autocomplete
is a similar feature. Since programming languages
have special keywords, IDEs can offer suggestions to autocomplete
words as you start typing them. Additionally, another feature called
IntelliSense can make IEDs very smart and even able to understand your code. They can detect variables and
functions and offer them as suggestions
during autocomplete. For example, if I have a JavaScript
function named myFunction defined at the top of the JavaScript file, then as
soon as I start typing the letter m my IDE suggest this function
as an autocompletion. Then there is refactoring. Since IEDs understand your code, they
can help you if you need to change it. To demonstrate how refactoring works, let’s continue with the myFunction
function that I defined a moment ago. In the code, the function is
then called multiple times. It can also be called in
the code of other files too. But what if you need to
rename this function? You would need to rename it in every file
that uses the function ensuring that you update those files to use the new name. This process is known as refactoring, changing the structure of the code
without changing the functionality. Doing this manually is very time
consuming and prone to error. If you mistyped the new function name in
one place, the application will break. Since the IDE understand your code,
it can assist with refactoring and automatically update the function
name across all files. That saves a lot of time. Let’s rename our function now. I just right click on the function and
select rename symbol. Then I change it from
myFunction to ourFunction. The IED then updates all
references of that function name. IDEs come with a lot of other
features to help investigate bugs and collaborate with other developers. Many even allow you to extend their
functionality using plugins and extensions, but
that’s beyond the scope of this lesson. We have explored some features
of IDEs in this video. You now know how IDEs operate as part of
the developers toolbox to write code more effectively. Well done.

Reading: Setting up your local development environment

Reading: Visual Studio Code on Coursera

Practice Quiz: Knowledge Check – Core Internet Technologies

Which of the following can be done using the developer tools in your browser? Select all that apply.

In software development, a library provides _________________________.

In software development, an API is _________________________.

Which of the following are benefits of using an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) such as Visual Studio Code? Select all that apply.

Video: Module Summary – Get started with Web Development

Key skills gained:

  • Understand how the web works and the basics of web pages, web servers, and web browsers.
  • Differentiate between a website and a web page and identify the key elements of each.
  • Outline the purpose of HTML and CSS and explain how they work.
  • Identify the benefits that JavaScript provides to a web page.
  • Explain how a data center provides storage and power for web servers.
  • Differentiate between the key functions of web server hardware and software and outline how a web server handles requests through HTTP.
  • Explain what a web browser is and describe how a web browser receives content from a web server and displays it for users.
  • Outline the request-response cycle.
  • Explain the concept of IP addresses and how they facilitate the transfer of data across the internet.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of how HTTP functions and identify common HTTP methods.
  • Outline how HTML, CSS, and JavaScript interact with one another.
  • Generate web pages and differentiate between a web page, website, and web app.
  • Identify the front end and back end of a web app and list common web browser developer tools.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of libraries and frameworks along with their advantages and disadvantages.
  • Identify an application programming interface (API) and explain how it’s utilized in application development.
  • Explain the purpose and benefits of an integrated development environment (IDE).


This module has given you a solid foundation in the basics of web development and core internet technologies. You’re now well-positioned to continue your learning journey and build your skills in this exciting field.

You’ve reached the end of this
module on web development. Over the course of this module, you’ve
explored the basics of how the web works and familiarize yourself with key
concepts in core internet technologies. Let’s recap the key skills
that you gained along the way. You started the module with
an overview of how the web works and explored the basics of web pages,
web servers and web browsers. In terms of web pages,
you should now be able to, differentiate between a website and a web page by
outlining the key elements of each. Outline the purpose of html and CSS and
provide an explanation of how they work. And identify the benefits that
Javascript provides to a web page like interactivity and data processing. You’ve also explored the basics of
web servers, and should be able to explain how a data center provides
storage and power for web servers. Differentiate between the key
functions of web server hardware and software and outline how a web server
handles requests through HTTP or hypertext transfer protocol. And you explored the third key technology
of the web, which is web browsers. Following this exploration, you should now
be able to, explain what a web browser is, describe how a web browser receives
content from a web server and displays it for users and
outline the request response cycle. After your study of how the web works, you
investigated core internet technologies. You should now be able to explain
the concept of IP addresses and how they facilitate the transfer of
data across the internet, demonstrate an understanding of how HTTP functions and
identify common HTTP methods and outline how HTMl, CSS and
Javascript interact with one another. To generate web pages, differentiate
between a web page, website and web app, identify the front end and
back end of a web app and list common web browser developer tools. And finally, you should be able to
demonstrate an understanding of libraries and frameworks along with
their advantages and disadvantages, identify an application
programming interface or API and explain how its utilized in application
development and explained the purpose and benefits of an IDE or
integrated development environment. Now that you have completed this module,
you should be able to demonstrate your knowledge of the basic
concepts of how the web works. And you’ve also demonstrated your
understanding of core Internet technologies. You’ve made a great start
on your learning journey. Excellent work.

Quiz: Module Quiz: Get started with Web Development

When two computers connect directly to each other, this forms ______________.

The programs that run on a computer are called the ______________.

The structure of a web page is defined using ______________.

The style of a web page is defined using ______________ .

Computers communicate with each other using which protocol?

To communicate with another computer on a network, your computer sends a message called an __________________.

The web browser and web server use which protocol to transfer data?

In software development, a framework provides a structure for developers to build an application.

As a developer, it is best to use a _____________ to write and maintain code.

In software development, an API is a set of functions that an application component or service can provide.

Reading: Additional Resources
