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Home » META » Meta Front-End Developer Professional Certificate » Advanced React » Week 1: Components

Week 1: Components

Learn how to render list and form components efficiently in React, and learn how to lift a shared state up when several components need the updated data.

Learning Objectives

  • Render and transform lists with keys in React.
  • Distinguish between controlled and uncontrolled React components.
  • Create a controlled form component in React.
  • Share component state by lifting state up to the closest common ancestor
  • Share global state using React Context

Course Introduction

Video: Introduction to the course

This course is an advanced React course that builds on the concepts learned in the React Basics course. It covers topics such as:

  • Rendering and transforming lists in React
  • Working with forms
  • Controlled components
  • React Context
  • Hooks
  • JSX
  • Component composition
  • Higher-order components
  • Render props
  • Performance
  • Testing and debugging
  • Writing integration tests using the React testing library

The course also includes a lab project where you will code your own portfolio app.

Here are some of the key skills you will learn in this course:

  • How to render and transform lists in React
  • How to work with forms
  • How to create controlled components
  • How to use React Context
  • How to use hooks
  • How to use JSX
  • How to compose components
  • How to create higher-order components
  • How to use render props
  • How to improve the performance of your React apps
  • How to test and debug your React apps

I hope you are excited to learn more about React in this advanced course!

Here are some additional details about the topics covered in the course:

  • Rendering and transforming lists in React: This topic covers how to use the map() method to render and transform lists of components. You will also learn about the importance of using keys to uniquely identify elements in a list.
  • Working with forms: This topic covers how to create and handle forms in React. You will learn about the difference between controlled and uncontrolled components, and how to use React Context to share state between multiple form components.
  • Controlled components: Controlled components are components that use a value prop to bind the input value to a variable in the component. This is the recommended way to handle form input in React, as it provides more control over the input value.
  • React Context: React Context is a way to share global state between components. This is a good way to share state between components that are not related to each other.
  • Hooks: Hooks are a new feature in React that allow you to use state and other React features without writing a class component. This makes your code more concise and easier to read.
  • JSX: JSX is a syntax extension that allows you to write React components in JavaScript. This makes it easier to write React code that looks like HTML.
  • Component composition: Component composition is the process of combining multiple components to create a new component. This is a powerful way to reuse code and create complex UIs.
  • Higher-order components: Higher-order components are functions that take a component as an input and return a new component. This is a powerful way to add functionality to components without modifying the original component.
  • Render props: Render props are a way to pass a function to a component as a prop. This function is then called by the component to render its children. This is a powerful way to customize the rendering of a component.
  • Performance: React apps can be made more performant by using techniques such as memoization and lazy loading.
  • Testing and debugging: It is important to test and debug your React apps to ensure that they work correctly. This can be done using tools such as Jest and React Developer Tools.

Hello and welcome to this
advanced React course that continues from the
React basics course in this specialization. Throughout this
course, you’ll learn more advanced React concepts. Let’s take a moment
to review some of the key concepts and
skills that you’ll learn. In the first module, you’ll start by learning
how to render and transform lists in React and
work with forms. In this process, you will be introduced to the map method to perform transformation
operations and rendered lists of components. Then, you’ll learn about
identifiers called keys, which are an integral component, enlists transformation in React. You’ll dive into
controlled components with a focus on creating a controlled form
component in React and implementing your
own feedback form. You will revise what you
know about props and state. Exploring React Context as a viable alternative to local state in
certain situations. You can also look forward to working with practical
examples using the Context Application
Programming Interface or API to manage global
state in your React apps. In module two, you will gain an in-depth
understanding of hooks. This includes learning the use and purpose of React hooks, the rules for using
hooks in React, and how to build
custom hooks in React. For example, you will learn about the purpose
of the useState, useEffect, and useReducer
hooks and how to use them. In the third module, you’ll be introduced
to a variety of more advanced concepts related
to JSX as used in React, such as components and elements. You’ll explore the types
of children within JSX, discovering the importance of component composition
and the children prop, how to manipulate
children in JSX, and the spread
operator in React. You will also be introduced
to the process and purpose of creating higher-order
components and render props. Starting with an introduction
to crosscutting concerns. Another important
topic that will be covered is performance
in your React apps, as well as testing and
debugging your application. Plus, you’ll learn about writing integration tests using the
React testing library with a focus on testing
the behavior of forums and exploring practical
applications of tests. During these modules,
you’ll work through practical examples of
theoretical concepts based on a restaurant called
Little lemon and encounter activities to test
your knowledge and skills. In the last module, you’ll have the opportunity to demonstrate some of
your learning and your practical advanced
React skill set in a lab project where you code
your own portfolio app. You will also demonstrate
your knowledge of these topics in a
graded assessment. Well, I hope you’re
as excited as I’m to work through this
React advanced course. Let’s get started.

Video: React and your career opportunities

React is a popular JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. It is used by many large companies, including Meta, Netflix, and Airbnb. React is known for its simplicity, performance, and scalability.

Murtadha is a software engineer at Meta who has used React to build many of the company’s products. He says that React makes building web applications much easier and less error-prone.

React is used to create components, which are reusable pieces of code that can be used to build complex user interfaces. Components can be written in JavaScript, and there are different flavors of JavaScript that can be used with React.

In addition to web applications, React can also be used to build mobile and VR applications. React is a versatile framework that can be used to build a wide variety of applications.

Murtadha’s advice to anyone learning React is to stay consistent and not give up. It may seem complicated at first, but it will become easier with practice. React is a valuable skill to have, and it will make you more marketable to employers.

Here are some additional details about React:

  • React is a declarative framework, which means that you describe what you want the UI to look like, rather than how to render it. This makes React code more concise and easier to read.
  • React is highly performant, making it a good choice for building high-traffic applications.
  • React is scalable, making it a good choice for building large and complex applications.
  • React is versatile, making it a good choice for building a wide variety of applications.

If you are interested in learning React, there are many resources available online. You can also find many tutorials and courses on YouTube.

The keyword React is
more popular than words like orange juice and
renewable energy. It has been a framework that is very widely popular
and it’s something that a lot of jobs now require when they’re hiring
new engineers. My name is Murtadha.
I’m a software engineer at Meta based in Seattle office. Just about everything
I’ve built in my career at Meta has
been built in React. If you’re using any
of the Meta products, whether you’re using
Facebook or Instagram, most likely the buttons in the menus and the clicks
that you’re making are all events and components handled by via React framework. My career at Meta, has been developing
these components. Whether you’re using
it when a web, if you’re going and
posting a photo or if you’re making a comment, all of those interactions are powered by React components
behind the scene. Well, I think personally when
I first discovered React, I was like, “Oh, my God, this is so cool,”
and it just made building web applications
so much easier. It really simplified my
job as an engineer to write using this framework
and it’s very intuitive, it’s much less error-prone. If we look at the
trends we see in 2018, React actually rose up and exceeded what previously was the most popular web framework, which was known as jQuery, and React became the
most search keyword. It makes sense for it
to replace some of these older frameworks
that are not keeping up with the
speed of the industry. The main language
that’s used to create React components
it’s JavaScript, and there are actually
different flavors of JavaScript that can
be used with React. At Meta, we use a flow
flavor of JavaScript, and that allows us to
ensure type safety through the use of
developing React components. But there are other ways that React components can be built. Perhaps a popular way that is common in the industry
is using TypeScript. Besides these different ways to use React components on web, you can actually use
React to develop mobile components
on Android and iOS. Most recently, React
is releasing a way for developing VR components
like virtual reality, where people can use these same frameworks
consistently that are used in web and mobile to develop virtual
reality applications. The idea is to
simplify it and allow developers to create complex virtual
reality applications, but leverage the simplicity
and friendliness of React. That’s what has given
the motivation to create these different
frameworks of React across different segments
of the industry. At this point, it’s an
integral skill that just about every job and every application you build
will probably require. Having this knowledge will really help you through your
career and it’s going to also make your life easier to learn how to
use such framework. My advice to you as you
venture into this world of React is to stay consistent. It may at first seem a little complicated or overwhelming or some things may not make sense, but just power through it,
it will make your life a lot easier to learn
these principles. They’ll make you
much more attractive to employers in the future. Your ability to produce scalable web applications will be much better with the
use of this framework. Keep going and don’t let some of these confusing parts
of React slow you down.


React is a popular JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. It is used by many large companies, including Meta, Netflix, and Airbnb. React is known for its simplicity, performance, and scalability.

If you are a JavaScript developer, learning React can open up many career opportunities. There are many jobs available for React developers, and the demand for React skills is only growing.

In this tutorial, we will discuss the benefits of learning React and the career opportunities that are available to React developers. We will also provide some tips for getting started with React.

Benefits of Learning React

There are many benefits to learning React. Here are a few of the most important benefits:

  • High demand: There is a high demand for React developers. Many companies are looking for React developers to build their user interfaces.
  • Simplicity: React is a relatively simple framework to learn. This makes it a good choice for beginners and experienced developers alike.
  • Performance: React is a highly performant framework. This makes it a good choice for building high-traffic applications.
  • Scalability: React is a scalable framework. This makes it a good choice for building large and complex applications.
  • Versatile: React is a versatile framework. It can be used to build a wide variety of applications, including web applications, mobile applications, and VR applications.

Career Opportunities for React Developers

There are many career opportunities available for React developers. Here are a few of the most common career paths for React developers:

  • Front-end developer: Front-end developers are responsible for building the user interfaces of web applications. React is a popular choice for front-end development, as it is a simple and performant framework.
  • Full-stack developer: Full-stack developers are responsible for building the entire stack of a web application, including the front-end, back-end, and database. React is a good choice for full-stack developers, as it can be used to build both the front-end and back-end of an application.
  • Mobile developer: Mobile developers are responsible for building mobile applications. React Native is a framework that allows you to build mobile applications using React.
  • VR developer: VR developers are responsible for building virtual reality applications. React can be used to build VR applications, as it is a versatile framework that can be used to build a wide variety of applications.

Tips for Getting Started with React

If you are interested in learning React, here are a few tips to help you get started:

  • Start with the basics: There are many resources available online that can teach you the basics of React. Once you have a good understanding of the basics, you can start building your own React projects.
  • Find a mentor: A mentor can help you learn React and troubleshoot any problems you encounter. There are many React mentors available online.
  • Join a community: There are many React communities online where you can ask questions and get help from other React developers.
  • Attend conferences: There are many React conferences held throughout the year. Attending a conference is a great way to learn about the latest React news and trends.


Learning React can open up many career opportunities for you. If you are a JavaScript developer, I encourage you to learn React. It is a simple, performant, and versatile framework that can be used to build a wide variety of applications.

Reading: Course syllabus


Video: Grid layouts

  • Benedict Hobart is a frontend engineer at Meta.
  • He talks about CSS grids, a CSS layout spec that allows you to lay items out in a grid.
  • CSS grids are a powerful tool that can be used to create responsive and flexible layouts.
  • CSS grids can be used to solve a wide range of layout problems, including:
    • Laying out images and text in a grid
    • Creating responsive layouts that adapt to different screen sizes
    • Building complex layouts with multiple columns and rows
  • CSS grids are easy to learn and use, and they can be used in conjunction with other layout techniques, such as flexbox.
  • Benedict encourages developers to learn how to use CSS grids to build more powerful and flexible web applications.

Here are some additional details about CSS grids:

  • CSS grids are a relatively new layout spec, but they have quickly become popular due to their flexibility and power.
  • CSS grids are based on the concept of rows and columns. You can define the number of rows and columns in your grid, as well as the size and alignment of each row and column.
  • CSS grids are responsive, meaning that they will automatically adapt to different screen sizes. This makes them ideal for building mobile-friendly websites and applications.
  • CSS grids are easy to learn and use. There are many resources available online to help you get started with CSS grids.

You need to lay things out. That’s very difficult
if you don’t have CSS grids, take one and. I’m having fun now. I’m Benedict Hobart. I’m a frontend engineer at Meta. Bootstrap is a very
popular CSS framework. CSS library used to help
quickly build websites. It has a lot of primitives
that you’ll commonly need when styling buttons or styling rows
or styling grids. Then there’s grids, which
is a CSS layout spec that allows you to lay
items out in a grid, which was previously a
very complicated task. I know it sounds simple,
but you can say, I want this item to
be at this part of the grid and in this
row and this row, and helps you make more
responsive apps as well. I learned about it years ago, I think probably
in 2017 or 2016. There is a whole class of layouts that are much more
easily solved by grids. Then by previous
layout approaches, you need to do a lot of
computation in JavaScript to know the widths and heights of
images and where to put them and how to get them
to lay out at the screen. But if you’ve got CSS grids,
it’s just one line of code to then get things to lay out in a performant way that’s
responsive and reliable. Generally, you put a bunch
of different layouts together when you’re
building a website. You might use a grid spec
in one spot, say in a table based layout that you
want to be responsive. But then you might use
another layout that contains a grid and wraps it. It’s important to
learn how to lay out items so you can build an app and define its
layout in a flexible way. Being able to say, I want this to appear at the bottom
of the screen when it’s a photo or appear as a tab
bar at the top of the screen. I think there’s a number of reasons you want to
learn how to do it. I think most websites can
be reduced to a grid. Knowing one layout and how one layout works
in detail allows you to take that knowledge to easily learn future layouts that
you might want to build. Starting off with one, getting
a good grasp of that is a really good
foundation to let you learn other layout and engines. If you ever want to move beyond
web into iOS and Android, they’ve probably got
their own layout engines that they use. I hope you develop a good
understanding of how to use grids in your app and
how it can be useful. I hope you understand
that it’s just one thing in a broader set of layout specs that you
can use in the browser. I guess more importantly, I hope you develop
a strong foundation here that you can take
into your grid career and learn other layout specs and how to build the
next generation of apps.


A grid layout is a way of organizing elements on a page in a rectangular grid. This can be useful for creating layouts that are both visually appealing and functional. Grid layouts can be used to create a variety of layouts, including:

  • A two-column layout with a sidebar and main content area
  • A three-column layout with a header, main content area, and footer
  • A grid of images or text
  • A complex layout with multiple columns and rows

Benefits of using grid layouts

There are several benefits to using grid layouts:

  • Flexibility: Grid layouts are very flexible and can be used to create a variety of layouts.
  • Responsiveness: Grid layouts are responsive, meaning that they will automatically adapt to different screen sizes. This makes them ideal for building mobile-friendly websites and applications.
  • Simplicity: Grid layouts are relatively simple to learn and use.
  • Accessibility: Grid layouts can be made accessible to users with disabilities by using semantic HTML elements and CSS.

How to create a grid layout

To create a grid layout, you will need to use the grid property in CSS. The grid property allows you to define the number of rows and columns in your grid, as well as the size and alignment of each row and column.

Here is an example of how to create a two-column grid layout:


.container {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;

This code will create a grid with two columns of equal width.

You can also use the grid-template-rows property to define the number of rows in your grid. For example, the following code will create a grid with three rows:


.container {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-rows: 1fr 1fr 1fr;

You can also use the grid-template-areas property to define the specific areas of your grid. For example, the following code will create a grid with two columns and three rows, and will assign the first column and first row to the header area, the second column and first row to the main area, and the second column and second row to the footer area:


.container {
  display: grid;
    "header header"
    "main main"
    "footer footer";


Grid layouts are a powerful tool that can be used to create a variety of layouts. They are flexible, responsive, and easy to learn and use. If you are looking for a way to organize the elements on your page in a visually appealing and functional way, then grid layouts are a great option.

Rendering Lists in React

Video: Transforming lists in JavaScript

  • The map method in JavaScript is used to transform lists of data.
  • The map method takes a function as an argument and applies that function to each element in the array.
  • The function that is passed to the map method can be used to transform the data in any way that you want.
  • In the example in the video, the map method is used to transform a list of desserts into a new list that only contains the title, description, and price of each dessert.
  • The map method is a powerful tool that can be used to manipulate data in JavaScript.

Here are some additional points that are mentioned in the video:

  • The map method always returns a new array.
  • The map method can be used to transform data of any type.
  • The map method is often used to handle data that is fetched from an external provider.
  • The map method is a simple but powerful tool that can be used to make your code more efficient and readable.

How many times have you found
yourself browsing apps? Maybe you’ve used an
app to order food, scrolling through
different menus hoping to find what you’d like. Well, lists like this are
common to almost every app, which is why it’s
important that you know how to manipulate
them in JavaScript. Chances are you’ll
need to transform various elements
before displaying the final list to your users. In this video, you’ll
learn how to use the map method in JavaScript
to transform lists of data. Let’s imagine that a
restaurant called Little Lemon would like to display a list
of its popular desserts. Remember that a list is a simple collection
of elements which, translated to JavaScript
terms, represents an array. These arrays can contain
any type of data. But the most common
type you’ll encounter per element is an object. Now, say Little Lemon uses
an external service to query a list of its most
requested desserts by users. However, when fetching data
from a third party like this, you are generally provided
with more data than you need. The data will be
provided in a format or shape that is determined
by the third party. This means that you may need
to write more code to handle the data in order to retrieve just the information you need. That’s where the
map method comes in as a way to ignore
everything that you do not want displayed on screen and extract only the data that
your users care about. Let’s explore how to
transform this list of dessert items using the
map method in JavaScript. In JavaScript,
when you deal with lists of items of any kind, you need to use the array type. JavaScript offers different
methods that you can use with arrays to perform
various operations. In order to perform a
transformation operation, you must use the map method. Coming back to Little Lemon, imagine you have a list
of its top requested desserts encompassed in
a variable called data. Each dessert has the
following properties: id, title, image,
description, and price. In this case, you
would like to show a very simple list of desserts with a property
called content, which you can create by
merging together the title and description and the price
of the delicious dish. First, I’m going to
define a new variable since the map method always
returns a new array. Let’s call this new
array top desserts. Next, I’m going to apply the map method to the
original data array. For now, I’ll return
the data as it is. You can examine the
basic structure of a map transformation. I would like the new items
to have two properties. The first is content, which is going to
be a combination of title and description. Let’s use a dash character
to separate the two. Secondly, there’s the price
which I will pass as it is. Last, I will console log the results to demonstrate
that the new list I have created
contains the shape or format that I
originally intended, and here’s your
transformed list. You just learned
how to transform data in JavaScript
with a map method. This is a simple yet powerful
tool you will find yourself using quite often when dealing with data from an
external provider. Your users will thank you when they experience
how easy it is to navigate and consume
information in your apps.


Lists are a common data structure in JavaScript. They can be used to store a collection of data, such as numbers, strings, or objects. Lists can be manipulated in a variety of ways, including adding, removing, and sorting elements.

One way to manipulate lists is to transform them. Transformation is the process of changing the data in a list in some way. For example, you could transform a list of numbers to a list of strings, or you could transform a list of objects to a list of their property values.

The map method

The map() method is a JavaScript method that can be used to transform lists. The map() method takes a function as an argument and applies that function to each element in the array. The function that is passed to the map() method can be used to transform the data in any way that you want.

The following code shows how to use the map() method to transform a list of numbers to a list of strings:


const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const strings = => number.toString());
console.log(strings); // ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"]

In this code, the map() method is used to transform the list of numbers to a list of strings. The function that is passed to the map() method takes a number as an argument and returns the string representation of that number.

The filter method

The filter() method is another JavaScript method that can be used to transform lists. The filter() method takes a function as an argument and returns a new array that contains only the elements in the original array that satisfy the function.

The following code shows how to use the filter() method to transform a list of numbers to a list of even numbers:


const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const evenNumbers = numbers.filter(number => number % 2 === 0);
console.log(evenNumbers); // [2, 4]

In this code, the filter() method is used to transform the list of numbers to a list of even numbers. The function that is passed to the filter() method takes a number as an argument and returns true if the number is even and false otherwise.

The reduce method

The reduce() method is a JavaScript method that can be used to transform lists into a single value. The reduce() method takes a function as an argument and applies that function to each element in the array, starting with the first element and moving to the last element. The function that is passed to the reduce() method can be used to combine the elements in the array into a single value.

The following code shows how to use the reduce() method to calculate the sum of a list of numbers:


const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const sum = numbers.reduce((accumulator, currentValue) => accumulator + currentValue, 0);
console.log(sum); // 15

In this code, the reduce() method is used to calculate the sum of the numbers in the numbers array. The function that is passed to the reduce() method takes two arguments: the accumulator and the current value. The accumulator is the running total of the sum, and the current value is the current element in the array. The function returns the new accumulator value.


These are just a few ways to transform lists in JavaScript. There are many other ways to transform lists, and the best way to transform a list will depend on the specific task that you are trying to accomplish.

Which of the following is true about the map() method in JavaScript. Select all that apply.

The map() method is a transformation operation.

That’s correct. The map() method in JavaScript is used to transform lists of data.

The map() method is useful for handling third party data.

That’s correct. Using the map() method in JavaScript to display data fetched from a third party or external provider differently in your app is a common use case of the map() method.

The map() method returns a new array.

That’s correct. When using the map() method, you will need to define a new variable, as it always returns a new array.

Video: Render a simple list component

This video shows how to display a collection of elements with React by using the map function in JSX syntax. The example uses the list of little lemons’ best desserts to display a simpler version of the collection by displaying just the title and price.

The first step is to create a new variable called listItems to store the result of the transformation. Then, a loop is used to iterate through the array of desserts using the JavaScript map function. Inside the map function, a React component is returned as the transformation applied to each element. This allows the results to be embedded directly into the return JSX.

To display the title of the dessert and its price, a new variable called itemText is created. This variable uses a dash to separate the title and price, and the dot notation to access the needed properties from the dessert object.

The last step is to embed the listItems variable into the HTML list wrapper component, unordered list or UL. This will display the desserts in a simple and concise way.

This technique can be used to display any collection of elements with React, making it a powerful tool for building user interfaces.

Did you know that with React, you can transform
any list of items into a collection of
React components? Drawing upon the
previous example of little lemons
list of deserts, imagine the restaurant
would like to go one step further by providing
its online visitors with a sneak peek at
the best desserts in a dedicated section to
encourage them to order. In this video, you
will learn how to display a collection
of elements like this with React by using the
map function in JSX syntax. Recall that JSX is a
special syntax extension to JavaScript that React uses to describe user
interfaces or UIs, and that a component is a
function that returns JSX. Now, let’s explore how to render a list of
elements with React. In this demonstration,
I will use the list of little lemons
best desserts again, each one having the
following properties, ID, title, image,
description, and price. The aim is to display a simpler version of
this collection of top desserts by displaying
just the title and the price. The first step is to create
a new variable called list items to store the result of the transformation
I’m going to perform. For that, I’m going to
loop through the array of deserts using the
JavaScript math function. You may be wondering
what it should return inside the map function. Traditionally in JavaScript, you would return any datatype. When you are working
with lists in JSX, you can also return
a React component as the transformation
applied to each element. You will discover how
that’s useful later on, since it will be able
to embed the results directly into the return JSX. Recall also that all HTML tags
are components by default. You can leverage all
the semantic tags you already know from HTML. For list items,
your best choice is the list item or
LI semantic tag. I’m going to return an
empty list item for now. Because the goal is to display the title of the
desert and its price, I’m first going to
create a new variable for the text named item text. I will use a dash to
separate title and price, as well as the dot
notation to access the needed properties
from the desert object, which are title and price. Since this is a
JSX transformation that will be part of the render method of this component, you have to use curly braces to wrap your data, in this case, the text for each list item, which is the value of
our variable item text. The last step is to go to
the render method and embed list items into the HTML
list wrapper component, unordered list or
UL and that’s it. The deserts are displayed in
a simple and concise way. This addition will
certainly help little lemon
restaurants to increase its orders. Well done. You have learned
how to transform collections of
elements with React by using a combination of the map function in
JSX curly braces. With lists being one of the core building blocks
of app development, you’re now one step further in your journey to
creating great apps.

Tutorial: Render a simple list component in React

To render a simple list component in React, you can use the following steps:

  1. Create a new React component.
  2. In the render() method, return a list of list items.
  3. Each list item can be a simple string or a more complex component.

Here is an example of a simple list component in React:


import React from "react";

const ListComponent = () => {
  return (
      <li>Item 1</li>
      <li>Item 2</li>
      <li>Item 3</li>

export default ListComponent;

This component will render a simple list with three list items: “Item 1”, “Item 2”, and “Item 3”.

You can also use the map() function to render a list of list items from an array of data. For example, the following component will render a list of the numbers from 1 to 10:


import React from "react";

const ListComponent = () => {
  const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];

  return (
      { => (
        <li key={number}>{number}</li>

export default ListComponent;

This component will render a list with ten list items, each containing a number from 1 to 10.

You can use list components in a variety of ways to build user interfaces. For example, you could use a list component to display a list of products, a list of users, or a list of tasks.

Here are some additional tips for using list components in React:

  • Use list components to organize your data in a logical way.
  • Use list items to display individual pieces of data.
  • Use the map() function to render a list of list items from an array of data.
  • Use CSS to style your list components to match your overall design.

By following these tips, you can use list components to create user interfaces that are efficient, user-friendly, and visually appealing.

When you are working with lists in JSX, you can return a React component. What is the purpose of curly braces in this process?

To access the content of the variable that represents your list item.

That’s correct. When a JSX transformation will be part of the render method of components, you need to use curly braces to wrap your dynamic data so it can be accessed.

Lab: Exercise: Create a basic List component

Reading: Solution: Create a basic List component


Practice Quiz: Self-review: Create a basic List component

When using the filter operator from arrays in JavaScript, what type should you return from the predicate function to determine if the element should be filtered out or not?

When chaining the three array operators required to complete the exercise, map, filter and sort; in which order should they be applied to

When using the map function to transform an array item into a
element, what of the following code snippets should be inside the
tag to render the list item correctly in the following format: Ice Cream – 200 cal

Video: What are Keys in React?

  • React is a JavaScript library that is used to build user interfaces. It is known for its performance and its ability to automatically optimize updates in the UI.
  • Keys are a special attribute that can be used with lists of elements in React. They help React to identify which elements have changed, been added, or removed.
  • When keys are used correctly, they can improve the performance of React apps. However, if they are used incorrectly, they can have the opposite effect.
  • The best way to choose a key for a list element is to use a unique identifier that is guaranteed to be unique among its siblings. This could be a unique ID from your data, or it could be a generated ID.
  • You should avoid using the index of an element as a key, unless you are sure that the order of the elements will never change.

Here are some additional key points from the passage:

  • React’s diffing algorithm is very efficient, but it can’t always make the optimal decisions when updating lists.
  • Keys can help React make better decisions about how to update lists, which can improve performance.
  • The wrong key can actually make performance worse, so it’s important to choose keys carefully.

One important advantage of
using React is its ability to automatically
optimize updates in your user interfaces or UIs. If React was a plane, it would use autopilot
mode in most cases, letting you relax in
the driver’s seat. But even with autopilot, you’ll need to take action
sometimes like for example, performing a specific
maneuver to land the plane. The same is true
for React as there are scenarios where
you as the developer, we need to take extra
steps to specify how React should behave
when your UI changes. In this video, you will
explore how to use keys as a way to do so when dealing
with lists of elements, you will learn how
to use keys to identify and distinguish
elements in a list, how to determine the right
key for your list items, as well as what using keys incorrectly means for
your app’s performance. Because React is
fast by default and designed with out-of-the-box
performance in mind, you usually don’t have to think about updates in your UIs. When computing a change, React applies it’s stiffening algorithm to calculate
the minimum number of changes that are
necessary to perform an update in your
tree of components. Although this algorithm
works perfectly most of the time, as
mentioned earlier, there are some cases
where React can’t make important assumptions to find the most optimal
path for an update, which means the developer
will need to step in. Let’s explore one such example. Imagine the drink section in the little lemon
online menu where restaurant managers can add new drinks depending
on the season. When they add a new element
at the end of the list, the different
algorithm works well, since React will match
the two beer trees, match the two wine trees, and then insert the cider tree. However, when inserting a new element at the
beginning of the list, the algorithm offers
worse performance because React will mutate every child instead
of realizing it can keep the beer and wine
sub trees intact. This inefficiency
can be a problem. To solve this issue, React supports a key
attribute. What are keys? Keys are identifier’s that
help React to determine which items have changed
or added or are removed. They also instruct how to treat a specific
element when an update occurs and whether
its internal state should be preserved or not. To illustrate, adding a key to the last example can make the
tree conversion efficient. That’s because react now
knows that the element with the key cider is the new one and the elements
with the keys, beer and wine have just moved. The general rule of thumb
with keys is to use a stable identifier that is
unique among its siblings. This allows React to reuse as many elements from
the list as possible, avoiding unnecessary
recreations, especially when their content is exactly the same and
the only thing that has changed is their
position in the list. The key used most often is a unique ID that
comes from your data. Those IDs typically
mirror a database ID, which has an ID
given to an item in a database that by nature
is guaranteed to be unique. But what happens in cases
where your data doesn’t have any suitable ID or
you are rendering a list that is not dependent
on any server data? In these scenarios,
you may think that generating your own
unique IDs is sufficient, whether you do so via an external library or with
a randomizer function, like the built-in
math.random function. However, why that approach will indeed avoid any
collisions in your keys, meaning that it will not produce two keys
that are the same, it will not preserve the internal state
of your list items. This is because when a
re-rendering occurs, those keys will be different, resulting in React having to recreate your list from scratch. As a last resort, you may use the item index. Since it determines the position of each element in the list, it guarantees the
absence of duplicates, but indexes are not
recommended for keys if the order of
items may change, for example, in cases
where your list has sorting capabilities or users can either add or remove items. When used incorrectly,
keys can negatively impact performance and may cause unexpected glitches in your
UI when updating your list. That’s why it is very
important to make a conscious decision about
your key’s implementation. You have now been
introduced to keys in React and how to use them when dealing with
lists of items, such as using keys to distinguish
between list elements, choosing the right key, and the effects of incorrect usage of keys
on app performance. A primary takeaway is
to always use a key that is guaranteed to be
unique among its siblings. Use unique IDs from your
data when possible. You can use indexes as a last resort but
don’t forget that this approach will not work when the order of your list
items is prone to change. Next up, you’ll have the
opportunity to explore using keys within list components
in practice. Bye for now.

What are keys in React?

Keys are a special attribute that can be used with lists of elements in React. They help React to identify which elements have changed, been added, or removed.

When keys are used correctly, they can improve the performance of React apps. However, if they are used incorrectly, they can have the opposite effect.

How to use keys in React

To use keys in React, you need to add the key attribute to each element in the list. The value of the key attribute should be a unique identifier for that element.

For example, if you have a list of users, you could use the user’s ID as the key.

const users = [
  { id: 1, name: "John Doe" },
  { id: 2, name: "Jane Doe" },

const App = () => {
  return (
      {, index) => (
        <li key={}>

The importance of keys

Keys are important because they help React to identify which elements have changed, been added, or removed. This is important because React uses a diffing algorithm to update the UI when the state of the app changes. The diffing algorithm compares the old and new state of the app, and only updates the elements that have changed.

If keys are not used, React will have to re-render the entire list, even if only one element has changed. This can be inefficient and can lead to performance problems.

Choosing the right key

The best way to choose a key for a list element is to use a unique identifier that is guaranteed to be unique among its siblings. This could be a unique ID from your data, or it could be a generated ID.

You should avoid using the index of an element as a key, unless you are sure that the order of the elements will never change.


Keys are a powerful tool that can help you improve the performance of your React apps. However, it’s important to use them correctly. By choosing the right keys and using them consistently, you can ensure that React is able to update your lists efficiently.

Which of the following statements about keys in React are true? Select all that apply.
  • Keys help React determine which items have changed, are added or are removed. 
  • Keys instruct React about whether a specific element’s internal state should be preserved or not.
  • Keys instruct React how to treat a specific element when an update occurs. 

Video: Using Keys Within List Components


This video teaches how to use keys correctly within list components and React.

A key is a unique identifier for each item in a list. It is used by React to track the identity of elements and update the UI efficiently.

When using indexes as keys, the order of the list items is prone to change. This can cause problems, such as the text inputs not moving when the order of the todos is reversed.

To fix this, you can use a unique identifier, such as the id property from the data model, as the key.


By choosing the right keys in your React code, you can ensure that your lists are updated efficiently and that your users have a good experience.

In this video, you will learn how to use
keys correctly within list components and react through a practical example. Imagine that little lemon restaurant
managers would like a separate application that keeps record of
the tasks they need to do. In order to do that, I have built a very
simple todo list app with two different editable todos that
are represented via text inputs as well as a button that will
reverse the order of the todos. I will start by walking you through
the code example I created previously with Create React App. The todo component is basically
a table row which has an id, a text input to type a value and
a date of creation. Both id and createdAt are passed as props whereas the
input value state lives in the dom node. In other words, the text input
is an uncontrolled component. The main app component encompasses the
whole interface displayed on the screen. The todos data model is a piece of state
which is essentially an array of objects where each object contains an id and
a date of creation. Then there is the reverse order function
which effectively changes the order of the todo’s. The reverse method from arrays
is a mutated operation. That means that it modifies
the original array rather than a copy. To avoid mutating the react state which
is something you should never do, it’s important to make
a copy of the array first, which I’m doing by using
the ES6 spread operator. Finally, when it comes to the jsx for
the user interface, there is a wrapping div, a button to
reverse the order of the todos and a table where each table
row is a todo task. Each todo instance receives an id and createdAt as props which we
are passing from the data model. Now coming back to the app, the first thing I’m going to do
is to open the browser console. A warning in red is displayed. When you’re running your
application in development mode, React does a great job of providing
solutions to potential problems in your applications via contextual
warnings as console errors. The warning clearly states that each child
in the list should have a unique key prop and that I need to check the render
method of the app component. The index position of the todo item
fulfills the requirement that the React warning is asking about. So I’m going to use that. Okay, now when I reload the application,
the warning disappears. However, I haven’t tested
the application yet. So let’s type some todos and explore
what happens when I reverse the order. For the first one, I will type stock take
and for the second one, process payroll. Now I would like to reverse the order
because the managers should do payroll first. That didn’t work now, did it? The text inputs have not moved but
everything else has. Well, you have just discovered one of the
main problems when using indexes as keys when the order of your list
items is prone to change. So what exactly is happening? If I go back to the code and
take a look at the jsx for each todo, when I reverse the order of the todos,
the id and createdAt prop have changed. But the key is still the same
because I’m using the index. Since it’s the same, React is instructed
to keep the internal state of that node. That’s why the input state
from the todo is preserved. Now how do you fix that? Coming back to the key requirement,
it has to be something unique but that correctly identifies each todo, no
matter what its position is in the list. In this case, I can definitely use the id
property from the data model as my key. After all,
that is guaranteed to be unique per todo. So now I’m going to
implement that change and I will run the previous test again by
clicking the button one more time. Great, this time it worked as intended. You have learned about choosing
keys in your React code. You will come across collections
of elements quite frequently. And with your knowledge of keys,
allowing your users to do the tasks they want to complete first
won’t be a problem anymore.

Using Keys Within List Components in React

Keys are a unique identifier for each item in a list. They are used by React to track the identity of elements and update the UI efficiently.

When to use keys

You should use keys whenever you are rendering a list of elements in React. This is especially important if the order of the list items is prone to change.

How to choose a key

The key should be something unique that identifies each item in the list. It is often a good idea to use the ID of the item from your data model.


Here is an example of how to use keys in a list component:


const App = () => {
  const todos = [
    { id: 1, text: 'Stock take' },
    { id: 2, text: 'Process payroll' },

  return (
        { => (
          <li key={}>{todo.text}</li>

In this example, we are using the id property of each todo item as the key. This ensures that each todo item has a unique identifier, even if the order of the list changes.

Benefits of using keys

Using keys has a number of benefits, including:

  • Improved performance: React can update the UI more efficiently when it knows which items have changed and which items have stayed the same.
  • Reduced bugs: Using keys can help to prevent bugs, such as text inputs not moving when the order of the list changes.
  • Better developer experience: Using keys can make your code more readable and maintainable.


Using keys is an important part of developing React applications. By using keys correctly, you can improve the performance, reduce bugs, and create a better developer experience.

True or false: It is recommended to use item indexes as keys when selecting keys for rendered list items.


That’s correct. Although item indexes can be used as keys, using indexes as keys can create problems if the order of your list of items is prone to change and can negatively affect performance. Using unique and stable identifiers, such as item IDs, is recommended instead.

Practice Quiz: Knowledge check: Rendering Lists in React

Imagine you have an array with one object that represents a dessert. You would like to apply some transformation to the item to output a different structure using the map function as per the code below. What would be the value of the newDesserts variable?

How do you access dynamic data inside the JSX from the render function?

What could be a potential problem of using a randomiser function that generates an integer number from 0 to 10 as a key for your list items, having a list of only eight items? Select all that apply

The todos array contains a list of todo objects, where each object has an id property that is unique. Which of the following code snippets will throw a React warning when opening up the browser console? Select all that apply

What are the potential problems of using indexes as keys?

Reading: Additional resources


Forms in React

Video: What are controlled components?

Summary of the video on controlled components in React:

  • Controlled components are React components that give you full control over the state of form elements.
  • Instead of relying on the native state of DOM elements, controlled components use React state as the single source of truth for the displayed value of form elements.
  • To create a controlled component, you need to use a combination of local state and the value prop.
  • The value prop is a special property that React has added to most form elements to determine the input content at any point in time during the render life cycle.
  • To get updates from any new text character entered in the input, you need to use the onChange callback.
  • The onChange callback receives an event parameter, which is an event object representing the action that just took place.
  • To get the new value from every keystroke, you need to access the target property from the event and grab the value from that object.
  • To have control over the form values whenever the form is submitted, you can use the onSubmit prop in the form HTML element.
  • The onSubmit callback also receives a DOM-like event as a parameter.
  • To prevent the default HTML form behavior, you need to call event.preventDefault inside your onSubmit callback.

Example of a controlled component in React:

import React, { useState } from "react";

const ControlledInput = () => {
  const [inputValue, setInputValue] = useState("");

  const handleChange = (event) => {

  return (

export default ControlledInput;

This example shows a controlled input component that uses React state to manage the value of the input field. The handleChange function is called whenever the user changes the value of the input field, and it updates the inputValue state variable accordingly. The value prop of the input field is set to the inputValue state variable, so that the input field always displays the current value of the state variable.

Benefits of using controlled components:

  • Controlled components give you more control over the behavior of your forms.
  • Controlled components make it easier to validate form data.
  • Controlled components make it easier to implement custom form behavior.


Controlled components are a powerful tool for creating forms in React. By using controlled components, you can have full control over the state of your form elements and implement custom form behavior.

When browsing the Internet, there’s a big chance that
you’ll land on a form, even without you realizing it. From simple email inputs and
subscribing to newsletters, to more complex forms such
as creating an account on your favorite social
media platform , forums are everywhere. You’ll probably find
yourself implementing them in your
applications regularly. In this video, you’ll
learn the concept of controlled components
in React and how they are used in
foreign processes. The fundamental
concepts of HTML forms and how forums can be
created as React components. When it comes to
React applications, HTML forms work differently
to other DOM elements. You may recall that the DOM is a logical tree-like structure representing the HTML document, and it uses nodes to describe the various
parts of the document. Traditional HTML forms
keep some internal state inside the DOM and have some default behavior
when submitting them. That’s normally done via
the action attribute, which points to the endpoint that will handle the request. But what if you
would like a more granular level of control? For example, customers of the little lemon
restaurant can reserve a table on the
website using a form. Imagine if there was a function that could
handle the submission of the form and access the data that the
user entered into it. That’s where controlled
components come in. Controlled components are a
set of components that offer a declarative application
programming interface or API to enable full
control of the state of form elements at any point
in time using React state. Rather than relying on the native state
from DOM elements, the React state is made the
single source of truth, controlling the
displayed value of your form elements at all times. The way you perform
this state delegation is via the value prop. Value is a special property, the React added to most of the
form elements to determine the input content
at any point in time during the
render life cycle. In order to create a
controlled component, you need to use a combination of local state and the value prop. Initially, you will assign the local stage to
the value property. But how do you get updates from any new text character
entered in the input? Well for that, you need a second prop to
complete the design of your controlled component,
the onChange callback. The onChange callback
receives an event parameter, which is an event object representing the
action that just took place similar to
events on DOM elements. To get the new value
from every keystroke, you need to access the
target property from the event and grab the value from that object,
which is a string. Finally, to have control over the form values whenever
the form is submitted, you can use the onSubmit prop
in the form HTML element. The onSubmit callback also receives a DOM-like
event as a parameter. There you can access your
form values to perform any desired logic that must
take place before submission, for example validating
your input values. Also, if you would
like to prevent the default HTML form behavior, you need to call
event.preventDefault inside your onSubmit callback. Well, there you have it. You have discovered a technique called controlled
components that enables react to be the source of truth for the state
of your form inputs. React offers controlled versions of the majority of input types and recommends using
controlled components for the implementation
of forums. However, keep in mind
that there’s still some form elements that remain uncontrolled similar to
their DOM counterparts. As you move forward
with your learning, you will gain more insight into both controlled and
uncontrolled form elements. In this video, you have
learned about the concept of controlled components
and React and how they are used in
foreign processes. You also explored the
fundamental concepts of HTML forms and how forms can be created as
React components.

What are controlled components in React?

Controlled components are React components that give you full control over the state of form elements. Instead of relying on the native state of DOM elements, controlled components use React state as the single source of truth for the displayed value of form elements.

How to create a controlled component

To create a controlled component, you need to use a combination of local state and the value prop. The value prop is a special property that React has added to most form elements to determine the input content at any point in time during the render life cycle.

For example, the following code shows a controlled input component:


import React, { useState } from "react";

const ControlledInput = () => {
  const [inputValue, setInputValue] = useState("");

  const handleChange = (event) => {

  return (

export default ControlledInput;

This component uses the useState hook to manage the state of the input field. The handleChange function is called whenever the user changes the value of the input field, and it updates the inputValue state variable accordingly. The value prop of the input field is set to the inputValue state variable, so that the input field always displays the current value of the state variable.

Benefits of using controlled components

There are several benefits to using controlled components:

  • More control over form behavior: Controlled components give you more control over the behavior of your forms. For example, you can use controlled components to implement custom validation logic or to disable form elements based on the state of other form elements.
  • Easier to validate form data: Controlled components make it easier to validate form data. For example, you can use controlled components to check if all required fields have been filled in or to check if the values of two fields match.
  • Easier to implement custom form behavior: Controlled components make it easier to implement custom form behavior. For example, you can use controlled components to implement a custom autocomplete feature or to implement a form that automatically submits when all required fields have been filled in.

When to use controlled components

It is generally recommended to use controlled components for all form elements in React applications. This is because controlled components give you more control over the behavior of your forms and make it easier to validate form data and implement custom form behavior.

However, there are some cases where you may want to use uncontrolled components instead. For example, you may want to use an uncontrolled component if you need to access the DOM node of the form element or if you need to use the default HTML behavior of the form element.


Controlled components are a powerful tool for creating forms in React. By using controlled components, you can have full control over the state of your form elements and implement custom form behavior.

You are using controlled components in React in order to have more control over the forms in an application you are creating. 
Which of the following props is used to perform state delegation? 


That’s correct. State delegation is performed via the value prop. A combination of local state and the value prop is needed to create a controlled component.

Reading: Controlled components vs. Uncontrolled components

Video: Creating a Form component in React

A controlled component is a React component in which the form data is handled by the component’s state. This is in contrast to an uncontrolled component, in which the form data is handled by the DOM itself.

To create a controlled component in React, you need to:

  1. Create local state for the form inputs.
  2. Hook up the state to the form inputs using the value and onChange props.
  3. Use the onSubmit prop to control the submission of the form.

Some of the benefits of using controlled components include:

  • You can prevent the default behavior of the form submit event.
  • You can disable the Submit button when the form is not valid.
  • You can easily clear out the form inputs after submission.
  • You can perform validation on the form data before submitting it.

To make your controlled components more accessible, you can connect the labels with the inputs using the htmlFor prop.


Controlled components are a powerful way to create forms in React. They give you more control over the form data and behavior, which can lead to better user experiences.

Forms may look simple, but there are many
different features and functionality to forms. For developers, there is an
art to constructing forms. React makes constructing and customizing forms much
easier for developers, and that’s why it’s
such a popular choice. Would you like to master the art of building forms with react? Well, there are
some key concepts and features that you
will need to learn to truly unlock the versatility
and effectiveness of controlled components
and forms using React. The little lemon
restaurant online web page was created some time ago. While little lemon were happy with the results for some time, they started realizing
their users were having issues with
their old contact form. After receiving some advice, they concluded that
it needs to be rebuilt and they
have chosen React as the most suitable
framework for the task due to the ability to
easily apply the features, functionality, and control that they require from the form. In this video, you’ll learn
how to help little lemon by creating a
controlled component in React using local state and the onChange event to
update form inputs, avoiding the default
behavior of the form submit event and disabling
the Submit button when the form is not valid. Recall the controlled components
in React are those in which form data is handled
by the component’s state. Whereas uncontrolled
components are those in which the form data is
handled by the DOM itself. To gain more insight into creating form
components in React, you will now examine the code
of a basic form example. I am going to demonstrate the
creation of form components in React using an app I
constructed previously. In this example, the
project has been created with Create React app. The return method of this
functional component essentially has a form that
contains two elements, a text input to type a
username and a submit button. This form resembles a
classic HTML version, so it’ll work the same way, whether you’re
using React or not. To test the application, I type John as the name and
click on the Submit button. By doing so, the default
action of the form kicks in, which is a get request to
the root and a page refresh. In React, this current
implementation is considered an
uncontrolled form, having all the states
living in the DOM. Let’s work through the
necessary steps to transform this form into
a controlled version. First, I need to create some local state
for the text input, which I’m going to call name. Secondly, I need to
hook up that stage to my text input via two props, the value prop to
turn the input into a controlled one and onChange to receive all the changes per keystroke and thus update
the state of my input. Last, to control the
submission of the form, I have to use the onSubmit
prop in the form tag. For now, I’ll log
a basic message stating that the submission was successful to the console. Now, let’s check if the
form still works as before. I’ll type a name and click
Submit. And it’s working. My message was logged
to the console and the default behavior of
the form has continued on. Although this is great, I’d actually like to have more control on the
submission of the form. In particular, I’m not interested
in the default behavior of calling the root of the server and
refreshing the page. You may be wondering how I can prevent that from happening. In traditional forms, you will do this by returning false from the
onSubmit attribute. However, in React, the way to do it is by using the event property you
get as a parameter in the onSubmit callback and
calling prevent default on it. Now, when I submit
my form again, no refresh happens and no
server is hit with a request. Let’s go one step further and clear out the input
after submission. For that, I call the
state setter with an empty string inside
the onSubmit callback. Great. My form is taking shape. To demonstrate
even more benefits of controlled components, let’s perform an additional
improvement by only allowing the user to submit the form when the text input is not empty. Disabling the button is as easy as using the
disabled attribute. In this case, if name
is an empty string, this expression would
be evaluated as true and the button
would be disabled. So in the app, I can’t click on the button
if there’s no name provided. Finally, for best
accessibility practices, let’s connect the
label with the input. I set an ID for my input called name and now we will
connect the label. In traditional HTML forms, you would have to use
the for property. But in React, for is a reserved
word so you must use HTMLFor and pass the
ID of the input. Now, if I click on the label, its corresponding
input is focused. That’s it regarding the basics of controlled forums and react. You have learned how to transform an
uncontrolled form into a controlled version using local state and the
onChange event, as well as the onSubmit prop, and some of the
benefits of doing so. In terms of form submission, you also learned how to
avoid default behavior and disable the Submit button
when the form is invalid. Well done, you’re
making great progress.

To create a form component in React, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a new React component file.
  2. Import the necessary React hooks, such as useState and useEffect.
  3. Declare a state variable for each form input.
  4. Create a function to handle form submission.
  5. Render the form component, using the value and onChange props to bind the state variables to the form inputs.
  6. Use the onSubmit prop to handle form submission.

Here is an example of a simple form component in React:


import React, { useState } from 'react';

const Form = () => {
  const [name, setName] = useState('');

  const handleSubmit = (event) => {

    // TODO: Submit the form data to your backend server

  return (
    <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
        onChange={(event) => setName(}
      <button type="submit">Submit</button>

export default Form;

This component uses the useState hook to manage the state of the form input. The handleSubmit function is called when the form is submitted. You can implement this function to submit the form data to your backend server.

To use this component, you can simply import it into your React app and render it like any other component:


import Form from './Form';

const App = () => {
  return (
      <Form />

export default App;

This will render a simple form with a text input and a submit button. When the user submits the form, the handleSubmit function will be called.

You can customize this form component to meet your specific needs. For example, you can add additional form inputs, validation logic, and styling.

Here are some tips for creating form components in React:

  • Use controlled components. This means that the component state should manage the values of the form inputs.
  • Use validation to ensure that the form data is valid before submitting it.
  • Use accessibility features to make your forms accessible to all users.

I hope this tutorial has helped you learn how to create form components in React.

Imagine you’d like to better control the submission of a form you’re creating for an app. 

Which prop is required to prevent the default behavior of the form submit event in React? 


That’s correct. To avoid the default form behavior of submitting in React, you must use the event property and call preventDefault.

Video: Create a Controlled Form Component

The tutorial on building a feedback form with React using controlled components and custom validation covers the following steps:

  1. Create a controlled component for the score using a range input.
  2. Add a text area for the comment.
  3. Implement validation to ensure that the comment is required when the score is equal to or lower than five, and that it should have at least 10 characters.
  4. Reset the form values after submission.

Here is a summary of the key points:

  • Controlled components allow you to manage the state of form elements in React.
  • You can use custom validation to ensure that user input meets certain requirements.
  • It is a good practice to reset the form values after submission.

This tutorial provides a good foundation for building feedback forms with React. You can customize the form to meet your specific needs, such as adding additional fields or changing the validation rules.

Have you recently bought
a product through an ecommerce sites or maybe you booked a table at your
favorite restaurant? Well, if so, you may have received
a friendly email afterwards providing a link to a specific page to provide feedback
about the experience. This is an example
of a feedback form. Now that you’re familiar with controlled components in React, I’m going to
demonstrate how you can build this
functionality yourself. You will also be using
a range input and custom validation as part of
building a feedback form. Imagine little lemon, one of the best restaurants in town, would like to send their
customers a feedback form. Let’s go ahead and implement
a feedback form with React. Note that in this example, the project has been created
with Create React app. I’ve also added some
initial code that is a form with just a header
and a submit button. The requirements for
this example are an interface that allows
users to provide a score from 0-10 and then
additional comment to tell the chef how delicious the food they enjoyed a few days ago was. The first step is to implement
a control for the score. There are different
ways you can do this, but I’m going to go and choose a range input for this use case, as it provides the user
with a simple slider. To do this, let’s go ahead and create a new div to
wrap the component. This will consist of a label
that I will name score, as well as an input whose
type is going to be range. Range inputs offered
two prompts to define the range, min and max. For this example, I will set the minimum to 0 and
the maximum to 10. The application
is now displaying a user-friendly slider
to provide the score. To wrap up the range component, I need to do two more things. Turn the input into a
controlled components and visually show the numeric value that represents the
slider selection. For that, I will
define a new piece of state called score that I will initialize to 10 because I know the chef’s recipe is
usually unbeatable, enabling the user to
reduce the score down from 10 when they interact with the slider if they want to. Now in the range input, I have to use the value prop
to hook the state up and use onchange to receive the changes and update the
state accordingly. Since I also want
the numerical score to be displayed with a slider, I’m going to add
that information to the scored label
along with a star, so the user interface or
UI is clean and concise. Great, the feedback form
is starting to take shape. Now let’s implement the
second element from the form a widget to provide an
additional comment. Although I could use
a text input here, a comment could be very large. So a more suitable
choice is a text area. For that, I will declare another state variable
named comments that will be initialized
to an empty string. For the UI, I will create
a new div with a label and a text area component
for any additional feedback. Now that that is rendered well, I need to hook up the
state to the value prop and update the
changes via onchange. With that, the UI for the
feedback form is finished. The last thing I’d
like to implement is some validation to
ensure a comment is required when the score is equal to or lower than five, and that it should have
at least 10 characters. The chef receives
honest feedback from users that can be used
to improve his recipe. For that, I’m going to use the onsubmit callback
on the form component. I will call prevent
default first to avoid the default HTML form behavior
then I’m going to write an if statement to check if
the score is equal to or less than five and the comment has less
than 10 characters. If that’s the case, I will
show an alert to inform the user about the requirement and return from the function. Otherwise, the user is
good to go and I will log a message to confirm the successful submission
of the feedback. It’s also a good
practice to reset the form values
after submission. I’ll set both pieces of state to their initial values.
There you go. Everything is working well and the submission message is
logged into the console. You have learned how to build a feedback form with React using controlled components
and custom validation to make sure users have
a seamless experience.

To create a controlled form component in React, you need to:

  1. Define a state variable for each form field.
  2. Bind the state variables to the form fields using the value prop.
  3. Handle changes to the form fields using the onChange event.
  4. Update the state variables when the form fields change.

Here is a simple example of a controlled form component:


import React, { useState } from "react";

const Form = () => {
  const [name, setName] = useState("");
  const [email, setEmail] = useState("");

  const handleSubmit = (event) => {

    // Submit the form data to your backend API

  return (
    <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
        placeholder="Enter your name"
        onChange={(event) => setName(}
        placeholder="Enter your email"
        onChange={(event) => setEmail(}
      <button type="submit">Submit</button>

export default Form;

In this example, we are using the useState hook to define two state variables, name and email. We are then binding these state variables to the name and email form fields using the value prop.

When the user changes the value of either form field, the onChange event is triggered. In the onChange event handler, we update the corresponding state variable with the new value.

When the user clicks the submit button, the handleSubmit function is called. In this function, we can submit the form data to our backend API.

You can use this same approach to create controlled form components for any type of form field, such as text inputs, select inputs, and checkboxes.

Here are some tips for creating controlled form components:

  • Always bind the state variables to the form fields using the value prop.
  • Handle changes to the form fields using the onChange event.
  • Update the state variables when the form fields change.
  • Validate the form data before submitting it.
  • Reset the form values after submitting it.

Controlled form components are a powerful way to manage form data in React. They give you complete control over the state of the form and allow you to implement custom validation.

What are the two props you need to add when creating a controlled range component? 

value and onChange

That’s correct. The value prop is used to hook the local state up and onChange prop is used to receive the changes and update the state accordingly

Lab: Exercise: Create a registration form

Reading: Solution: Create a registration form



Practice Quiz: Self-review: Create a registration form

When setting a new value for the password state, that is represented by an object with two properties, value and isTouched, what’s the correct call to the setPassword state setter inside the onChange event handler? Select all that apply.

What’s the correct event prop you should use to determine when an input has been interacted with at least once? Select all that apply.

How do you prevent the default behavior of the form HTML tag in React when a submission event occurs?

Practice Quiz: Knowledge check: Forms in React

What of the next input types doesn’t have a controlled version when they are used in React?

What are some of the features of controlled components? Select all that apply

How do you get the value of an input when its state is handled by the DOM (Uncontrolled)? Select all that apply.

What happens when you click on the submit button in the below code snippet?
<form onSubmit={() => alert(“Submitting”)}>
<input type=”text” value={text} onChange={e => setText(} />
<input type=”button” value=”Submit” />

What is missing in the below code for the select component to work properly?
<select onChange={handleChange}>
<option value=”grapefruit”>Grapefruit</option>
<option value=”lime”>Lime</option>
<option value=”coconut”>Coconut</option>
<option value=”mango”>Mango</option>

Reading: Additional resources


React Context

Video: What you know about Props and State

React components are like blueprints for the user interface. They define the different elements that will be displayed on the page and how they are arranged. Props and state are the two types of data that React uses to build applications.

Props are immutable, meaning that they cannot be changed by the component that receives them. They are used to pass data from a parent component to a child component.

State is mutable, meaning that it can be changed by the component that owns it. It is used to store data that changes over time, such as the value of an input field or the results of a network request.

Here are some rules of thumb for deciding whether something should be a prop or state:

  • If the data is passed from a parent component to a child component, it should be a prop.
  • If the data needs to be changed by the component, it should be state.
  • If the data is only used for rendering, it can be either a prop or state.

Stateless components are components that do not have any state. They are very simple and easy to understand. Stateful components are components that have state. They are more complex, but they allow you to create more dynamic and interactive user interfaces.

Here are some tips for designing React components:

  • Avoid having too many components with state. State increases complexity and reduces predictability.
  • Encapsulate client-server communication, data processing, and user event handling in stateful components.
  • Move visualization and formatting logic into stateless components.

By following these tips, you can create React components that are efficient, maintainable, and easy to test.

imagine that little lemon has been such
a success that the restaurant will be expanding to other locations as
a part of the construction project. The architects have created
blueprints with the kitchen and dining areas set to be identical in size. Although the blueprints have been defined,
it will still be up to each restaurant manager to decide various things such as
the size, shape and number of tables, type of chairs, kitchen crockery and
utensils and wall collars. In this analogy, the blueprints for
the new locations are react components, whereas the specific configurations for
each location or what react props and state represent. So what are props and state props and state are both plain javascript or
Js objects. The react uses to hold information as you
progress through this video, you will discover the differences and similarities
between props and state and react. You’ll also learn how to identify
whether something falls into props or state and when state is needed as well as
how to differentiate between different react components based on props and state. While both props and
state influence the render output, they are different in one important
way props get passed to the component like parameters in a function where
state is managed within the component like variables declared within a function. So even though props and
state are inherently different, there are areas where they overlap,
notably when designing a component. Its main responsibility is to
translate raw data into rich html in the react ecosystem. The props and the state together
constitute the raw data that the html output derives from both props and
states are plain Js objects and are deterministic. This means your component always
generates the same output for the same combination of props and state. Another similarity is that props and
state changes. Both trigger a render update now. How do you know if something
goes inside props or state? The rule of thumb is that if a component
needs to alter one of its attributes at some point in time, that attributes
should be part of its state. Otherwise it should just be a prop for
that component. Let’s explore this in greater detail
props which is a shorthand for properties are a components configuration. They are received from
parents in the tree and are immutable as far as the component
receiving them is concerned. A component cannot change its props but
it is responsible for putting together the props
of its child components. In addition to prop react components have
another built in object named state. This object is a way to allow react to
determine when it should re render. A component react is set up so that any
change to the value served in the state, object will trigger a rear ender
of a given component states. Life cycle starts with a default
value when a component mount and then modifications of that
value happen over time. Mostly generated from user events. So state is a serialize double
representation of one point in time or in other words a snapshot A component
manages its own state internally, You could also say the state is private. Now another question you may ask when
designing a component is whether it should have any state at all. Well the answer is that state is optional
since state increases complexity and reduces predictability. A component without state is preferable. Although you can’t avoid having some
sort of state in an interactive app, you should avoid having too
many components with state. Finally, let’s examine one of the main
ways of differentiating types of react components based on props and state
components can be stateless or stateful. Stateless components have only props and
no state there’s not much going on besides the render function and all their logic
revolves around the props they receive. This makes them very easy to follow and
test on the other hand, stateful components have both props and
state. They’re in charge of client server,
communication, processing data and responding to user events. These sorts of logistics should be
encapsulated in a moderate number of state. Full components while all visualization
and formatting logic should move downstream into as many stateless
components as possible. Well done, you have completed this
lesson on the two types of data react users to build applications,
props and state going forward. You’ll be introduced to an additional
approach to managing information called context

What you know about Props and State in React

Props and state are two fundamental concepts in React. Props are immutable data that is passed from a parent component to a child component. State is mutable data that is managed by the component itself.


Props are a way to pass data from a parent component to a child component. They are immutable, meaning that they cannot be changed by the child component.

To pass props to a child component, you use the props attribute. For example:


function ParentComponent() {
  const name = "Bard";
  return (
    <ChildComponent name={name} />

function ChildComponent(props) {
  return (
      <h1>Hello, {}!</h1>

In this example, the ParentComponent passes the name prop to the ChildComponent. The ChildComponent then uses the name prop to render a greeting to the user.


State is mutable data that is managed by the component itself. It is used to store data that changes over time, such as the value of an input field or the results of a network request.

To create state in a component, you use the useState hook. For example:


import React, { useState } from "react";

function CounterComponent() {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(0);

  function handleClick() {
    setCount(count + 1);

  return (
      <h1>Count: {count}</h1>
      <button onClick={handleClick}>Increment</button>

In this example, the CounterComponent uses the useState hook to create a state variable called count. The count variable is initialized to 0.

The handleClick function increments the count variable. When the Increment button is clicked, the handleClick function is called and the count variable is incremented. This causes the CounterComponent to re-render and display the updated count.

When to use props and state

Props are used to pass data from a parent component to a child component. State is used to store data that changes over time.

Here are some general guidelines for when to use props and state:

  • Use props to pass data from a parent component to a child component that is not going to change.
  • Use state to store data that changes over time.
  • Use state to create interactive components.
  • Avoid having too many components with state. State increases complexity and reduces predictability.


Props and state are two fundamental concepts in React. By understanding how to use them, you can create reusable and maintainable components.

Which of the following statements are true about state in React? Select all that apply.

State is managed within the component.

That’s correct. State is managed within the component, whereas props get passed to the component.

State is a plain JavaScript object that React uses to hold information.

That’s correct. State and props are both plain JavaScript or JS objects that React uses to hold information.

Attributes a component needs to change at some point in time shouldbe part of its state.

That’s correct. If a component needs to alter one of its attributes at somepoint in time, that attribute should be part of its state, otherwise, it should be a prop for that component.

Video: What is Context, and why is it used?

React Context API is a way to pass data through the component tree without having to pass props down manually at every level. This is useful for global state, such as the authenticated user or the current locale.

To use Context API, you first need to create a context object using the createContext() function. This function takes a default value as an argument, which will be used if no provider is found.

Next, you need to create a provider component. This component wraps the UserContext.Provider component and provides the context value to its descendants.

To consume the context, you can use the useContext() hook. This hook takes the context object as an argument and returns the current context value.

In the example video, the author uses Context API to pass the authenticated user to the header and page components. This avoids having to pass the user prop down through multiple levels of the component tree.

Context API is a powerful tool for managing global state in React applications, but it is important to use it sparingly. Props and state should still be used for most data flow in your app.

In a typical React app, data is passed from parents to children via props in
a top-down fashion. However, there are certain
types of data that may be needed by many
components within an app. In these scenarios, using props, which is what React offers
us to pass data down, is not always effective. In this video, you’ll
be introduced to an alternative way of
passing data called context. You will learn more
about what it is and why it was introduced and
explore it in action. Let’s imagine
Little Lemon’s food ordering app offers a light or dark theme that changes the background and text
colors of all elements, or some general preferences
like a specific locale, depending on the
visitors’ geolocation that multiple components
should be aware of. What do these pieces of
data have in common? Well, they represent a global state for your
entire application. Now as your app grows in size, the same will happen
with a tree of components your app
is composed of. As mentioned earlier,
props is what React offers you
to pass data down. But in this scenario they can be cumbersome since
you will have to explicitly pass that data through every level of the tree, having intermediary
components that don’t really need the data and
just act as a proxy. This issue is commonly referred to as the props
drilling problem. The name says everything you need to know about the problem. Parent components
have to drill down props all the way to the children that
need to consume them. The way React has solved this
problem is by introducing the context application
programming interface or API. Context provides an alternative
way to pass data through the component tree
without having to pass props down manually
at every level. It is the right tool when you
need to share data that can be considered global for a
tree of React components. Let’s take some time to
examine context API in action. In this demonstration,
I am going to use a simple app I
created previously, which has been bootstrapped with Create React app and represents a simple blogging platform
that Little Lemon has to publish new innovative
recipes to their subscribers. It consists of a header
that contains a title and the current user that is authenticated on the top right. The rest is rendered
by the page component, which itself consists of
the user blog entries, each one with a title, content, and author name. Note that there are two
components that need to know the authenticated user; the logged in user component inside the header and
the page component. Because an authenticated user
falls into the nature of global data that needs to be shared across
several components, this is a clear example where context is the perfect
tool for the job. Let’s go ahead and create
the needed context, which I’m going to
call user context. Now, within the
user context file, you must follow the next steps. First, you need to import
createContext from React. This is the function
that gives you a new context object back. The function argument is the default value,
which in this case, I will declare as
undefined since the app doesn’t know beforehand who
the logged in user will be. Second, you need to create
a provider component. To do so, I will
call it UserProvider and render the
UserContext.Provider component. The UserContext.Provider
component is what allows consuming components to subscribe to context changes. This component
accepts a value prop, which is what will be
passed to consuming components that are
descendants of this provider. Now for this application, the value prop should be
the authenticated user, so I am going to define a
new piece of state for it. Note that this is an oversimplification
that already assumes a specific user, as in a real-world scenario, you will have to fetch
the authenticated user first and then set
it as a state. So now that the
state is defined, I will hook it to
the value prop. Next, it’s necessary
to provide a way for components to
subscribe to the context. For that, I am going to create a custom hook that wraps
the use context hook, which is the way to
consume a context value. This external function is
created just for convenience, so there’s no need to export the user context to
external components. As a side note, don’t worry if you’re not very
familiar with hooks yet, they will be covered in
depth in future lessons. The user context is now defined, but the app is still
not aware of it. For that, the provider
component is needed, so I’ll go ahead and wrap
the whole app with it. The last step is to consume the user context in the places where the username
has to be displayed, which are in the logged in user component and
the page component. I’ll go ahead and use the
custom hook defined earlier. Use user and destructure the authenticated
user from there. Finally, that information can be embedded in both render methods. The app now successfully
displays the name of the authenticated
user. Great work. You’ve learned about
context and why it’s used and worked through a practical
example of how to use it. But keep in mind that although context is useful
for global state, it’s still recommended
that you stick to props and state as
much as possible. That way your app data flow
will be easier to follow.

What is Context, and why is it used? in React

Context is a way to pass data through the component tree without having to pass props down manually at every level. This is useful for global state, such as the authenticated user or the current locale.

Why use Context?

There are a few reasons why you might want to use Context in your React application:

  • To avoid prop drilling. Prop drilling is when you have to pass a prop down through multiple levels of the component tree. This can make your code difficult to read and maintain.
  • To share global state. Context is a good way to share global state between components that are not directly related to each other.
  • To create a more reusable component library. If you create components that use Context, you can make them more reusable by decoupling them from their specific context providers.

How to use Context

To use Context, you first need to create a context object using the createContext() function. This function takes a default value as an argument, which will be used if no provider is found.

Next, you need to create a provider component. This component wraps the UserContext.Provider component and provides the context value to its descendants.

To consume the context, you can use the useContext() hook. This hook takes the context object as an argument and returns the current context value.

Here is a simple example of how to use Context:


// Create a context object.
const UserContext = createContext(null);

// Create a provider component.
function UserProvider({ children }) {
  const [user, setUser] = useState(null);

  return (
    <UserContext.Provider value={user}>

// Consume the context.
function Header() {
  const user = useContext(UserContext);

  return (
      <h1>Hello, {}!</h1>

// Wrap the app with the provider component.
function App() {
  return (
      <Header />

In this example, the UserProvider component provides the current user to its descendants. The Header component can then consume the context and display the user’s name.

Tips for using Context

Here are a few tips for using Context effectively:

  • Use Context sparingly. Context should only be used for global state that needs to be shared between components that are not directly related to each other.
  • Use clear and descriptive names for your context objects. This will make your code more readable and maintainable.
  • Document your context providers and consumers. This will help other developers understand how to use your context.


Context is a powerful tool for managing global state in React applications. However, it is important to use it sparingly and carefully. By following the tips above, you can avoid the potential pitfalls of using Context and write better code.vv

Which of the following is true about the Context API? Select all that apply.

Context was introduced by React as a way to resolve the props drillingproblem.

That’s correct. React solved the problem of parent components having to drilldown props all the way to the children that need to consume them byintroducing the Context API.

Context should be used when you need to share global data. 

That’s true. Context is useful for global state. It is the right tool when you needto share data that can be considered global for a tree of React components.

Lab: Exercise: Create a light-dark theme switcher

Reading: Solution: Create a light-dark theme switcher


Practice Quiz: Self-review: Create a light-dark theme switcher

When creating a Provider component, what should you do with the children prop that it receives?

Assuming that the default theme for the application is ‘light’, what should be the default value passed to the createContext call? Select all that apply. 1 point undefined null The string “light”

One of the parts of the context injected into the application is a function called toggleTheme. Assuming that the theme is held in some local state as a string that can be either ‘light’ or ‘dark’. What should be the exact implementation of the toggleTheme function?

Reading: How re-rendering works with Context


Practice Quiz: Knowledge check: React Context

What of the below scenarios are valid for choosing context instead of local state? Select all that apply.

What is the problem of props drilling? Select all that apply.

When creating a new piece of application state, what is the bare minimum of React APIs you would need to define it?

What happens when the value prop of the Context Provider changes?

What happens when you wrap a component with the React.memo API, such as React.memo(Component). Select all that apply.

Video: Module summary: Components

In this module on React components, you learned the following:

  • How to render lists with React, using the map() method and JSX.
  • The concept of keys, and how to choose the right key for your use case.
  • How to use controlled components to manage the state of form elements.
  • The difference between props and state, and when to use each one.
  • How to use the Context API to avoid props drilling.

This is a great start to mastering React components. Keep up the good work!

Well done. You’ve reached the end of this module
on react components. Let’s take a few minutes to review what you have
learned so far. You began the module with
a comprehensive lesson on how to render
lists with react. You were introduced to the
map method in JavaScript, which can be used with a race to perform transformation
operations. Is a useful tool when
dealing with data from an external provider
that you’d like to display differently
in your app. You also learned how to
transform any list of items in JavaScript using the
map method first hand. Next, you discovered how to use that map method
function along with JSX to render a
list of components and transform a collection
of elements with react. Finally, you gained an understanding of
the concept of keys, followed by a practical set
of guidelines that help you choose the right key
depending on your use case. You learned that keys are
identifier’s that help react to determine which items have changed or added or are removed, as well as instruct react how to treat a
specific element when an update occurs
and whether it’s internal state should
be preserved or not. You’ve also discovered
the keys can be used when you need to
provide explicit information that tells react how
to behave when your UI changes when dealing
with a list of items. You learned that the general
rule with keys is to use a stable identifier that is
unique among its siblings, which is why the key used most often is a unique
ID from your data. You then learned that
it is possible to use indexes as keys
as a last resort, but that this can negatively
impact performance if the order of your list
items is likely to change. Next, you move down to our
lesson on forums and how react treats them differently compared to traditional HTML versions. You were first introduced
to controlled components, which are a set of
components that offer a declarative
API to enable full control of the
state of form elements at any point and time
using react state. You learned how to convert any traditional HTML form into a react form using a set
of controlled components. In other words, you learned how to transform an
uncontrolled form into a controlled version using local state and the
on change event, as well as the on submit prop. You also discovered some
of the advantages of controlled components compared to uncontrolled
components. For example, it makes
it possible for you to have more control
over form submission, such as disabling
the submit button when the form is invalid. Last, you were taught
how to implement a feedback form and
in relation to this, how to perform any
custom validation logic before the submission
of the form occurs. The final lesson began with
a recap of props and state. You learn to clearly
differentiate between props and state and when to
use one or another. Recall that although
props and state have similarities, for example, they’re both plain
JavaScript objects that React uses to
hold information. Props get pass to the component where state is managed
within the component. Key takeaways included
that if a component needs to alter one of its
attributes at some point, then that attribute should
be part of its state. Otherwise, it should
just be a prompt for that component and that a component without
state is preferable. You also learned about stateless components,
which have props, but no state, and stateful
components which have both. After that, you cover the
problem of props drilling, and how it affects your
components modularity. As parent components
have to drill down props all the
way to the children, they need to consume them. You were introduced
to Context API as a solution to this problem
and discovered how to use it to encapsulate any
piece of global state and avoid manually passing props
down between components. The power of React Context was illustrated as a viable
alternative to local state. Well, I think that’s a fantastic start on your
journey to mastering react. Looking forward to working
with you in the next module.

Quiz: Module quiz: Components

When using a key for your list items, what’s the best general choice?

Imagine you have a specification for rendering the following list item:
Ice cream – 200 cal
, where the name and the number of calories are coming as dynamic data. Select all the options that would correctly render the desired output:

Let’s suppose you have a list of two items and a new item is added to the list. From the point of view of the React diffing algorithm, what’s the most optimal position for the new element added? Select all that apply

What are controlled components?

What are the features you can still achieve with uncontrolled components? Select all that apply

When creating an API for context consumers via useContext, what’s the argument you have to provide to the useContext call?

Imagine the below component structure, where all components ComponentA, ComponentB and ComponentC are simple presentational components that hold no props or state:
const App = () => {
<ComponentA />

const ComponentA = React.memo(() => <ComponentB />);
const ComponentB = () => <ComponentC />;
const ComponentC = () => null;
If the App component re-rendered for whatever reason, what would be the sequence of component re-renders that would take place?

Even though props and state are inherently different, what are areas where they overlap? Select all that apply.

When defining a JavaScript object as a piece of local React state that will be injected as context, what is the specific React hook that allows you to keep the same object reference in memory and prevent unnecessary re-renders if the object itself hasn’t changed any values?

What are some possible examples of application features that are well suited to be defined as React context? Select all that apply

Reading: Additional resources
