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Home » IBM » Generative AI Fundamentals Specialization » Generative AI: Foundation Models and Platforms » Week 2: Platforms for Generative AI

Week 2: Platforms for Generative AI

In this module, you will learn about pre-trained models and platforms for AI application development. You will explore the ability of foundation models to generate text, images, and code using pre-trained models. You will also learn about the features, capabilities, and applications of different platforms, including IBM watsonx and Hugging Face.

Learning Objectives

  • Explore the ability of foundation models to generate text, images, and code using pre-trained models.
  • Describe the features, capabilities, and applications of IBM watsonx.
  • Explain Hugging Face as a community for building AI models for everyone.

Video: Pre-trained Models: Text-to-Text Generation

What is Text-to-Text Generation?

  • A type of machine learning where models generate new text based on a given input.
  • Models are trained on large amounts of text data to learn language patterns and structures.

Types of Text-to-Text Generation Models

  • Statistical Models: Use statistical techniques (like Markov chains) for basic text generation.
  • Neural Network Models: More advanced, using artificial neural networks to understand complex patterns and produce more human-like text.

Key Model Architectures

  • Sequence-to-Sequence: Encodes input text, then decodes it into a new generated text. Used for tasks like summarization and translation.
  • Transformer: Directly maps input to output, leading to more fluent and natural-sounding output. Emphasizes relationships between words using the concept of ‘attention’.

Popular Text-to-Text Generation Models

  • GPT (OpenAI): A large language model skilled in generating various creative text formats.
  • T5 (Google AI): Versatile model for summarization, translation, and question answering. Excels due to its ‘text-to-text’ framework.
  • BART (Facebook AI): Combines aspects of BERT and GPT for tasks like sentiment analysis, question answering, language translation, and text generation.

Applications and Benefits

  • Text Summarization: Condensing text without losing meaning.
  • Conversational AI: Powering text-based chatbots and assistants.
  • Content Creation: Drafting product descriptions, emails, etc.
  • Productivity Enhancement: Automating tasks, reducing manual effort.
  • Accuracy Improvement: Minimizing human errors in tasks like translation.

[MUSIC] Welcome to Pre-Trained Models:
Text-to-Text Generation. After watching this video, you’ll be able
to explore the different models used for text-to-text generation in generative AI. You’ll also be able to describe
the uses and benefits of these models. Summarize, code, translate, create
content, these are just some of the things that text-to-text generation
models can do for you. But what exactly are text-to-text
generation models? Text-to-text generation models
are a type of machine learning model used to generate text from a given input. They are trained on
a large corpus of text. These language models are trained to learn
patterns, grammar, and casual information. Using this input,
the models generate the new text and can generate a variety of text formats,
including code, scripts, musical pieces, emails,
letters, and so on. There are two main text-to-text
generation models, statistical and neural network models. Statistical models use statistical
techniques to generate text. One common statistical
model is the Markov chain. A Markov chain generates text by
starting with a seed state and then generating the next state
based on the previous state. For example, it can predict and generate the next character based on
previously observed language patterns. Markov chains can generate text for
several purposes, like speech recognition and journalism. Neural network models use artificial
neural networks to generate text. These models can represent complex
relationships between data. Neural network models are typically
trained on a large text corpus. They can then generate text similar
to the text they were trained on. Text-to-text generation models use
either sequence-to-sequence or transformer type of models. Sequence-to-sequence models first encode
the input text into a sequence of numbers, then decode the sequence into a new
one representing the generated text. Some examples of these tasks
are summarization, speech recognition, and machine translation. Transformer models directly map
the input text to the generated text, allowing the models to
generate more fluent and natural-sounding text than
sequence-to-sequence models. A key feature of transformer models is
how they leverage an AI concept called attention to emphasize
the weight of related words. This can help provide the context for
a specific word or token describing some other type of data,
for example, a section of an image. Let’s explore some of the most popular
text-to-text generation models. First, you have the GPT created by OpenAI. It is a substantial language model. Its development involved training
on an extensive corpus of text and code, equipping it with
the capability to produce text, perform language translation, generate
diverse forms of creative content, and provide informative
responses to user inquiries. Then there is T5. T5 is a text-to-text transfer transformer
model developed by Google AI. This model is also trained on
a substantial data set of code and text. It can be used for various tasks,
including summarization, translation, and question answering. What makes T5 popular? Generating text requires capabilities
accomplished using deep learning models based on natural language
processing, also called NLP. However, you need one model for
language translation and another for language auto-completion,
making the approach inefficient. It gives rise to the need for a unified
model capable of producing coherent and contextually appropriate text. This requires an architecture
that can convert all input and output data into text. The model can then learn
from diverse examples and apply the learning to a wide
range of tasks in NLP. T5 is the answer to this need. It is a universal model that uses
a standard encoder-decoder architecture to perform various tasks like
transformations and classifications. It also leverages transfer
learning capabilities. The model trained on the data for one
task can be fine-tuned to perform another downstream task in the same domain. Finally, you have BART. BART is a bidirectional autoregressive
transformer model developed by Facebook AI. BART is a deep neural network with
a sequence-to-sequence translation architecture with bidirectional
encoder representation like BERT and a left-to-right decoder like GPT. BERT stands for bidirectional encoder
representations from transformers. It refers to a family of language models
by Google that uses pretraining and fine-tuning to create models that
can accomplish several tasks. BART’s bidirectional nature
processes text forward and backward. This BERT and GPT decoder
combination allows BART to perform tasks like analyzing sentiment,
answering questions, NLP tasks like language translation,
and generating human-like text. Further, its autoregression nature
allows it to generate contextual text, taking feedback from previously
generated tokens to generate new ones. The BART capability also applies
to computer vision tasks. The versatility of the model makes
it useful across industries. I’m sure by now you can see how
text-to-text generation models can be powerful tools for task completion. Let’s look at some examples. There is text summarization, where these
models can process the input text to generate the summarized text without
changing the original text’s meaning. Text-to-text models can support
conversational intelligence by providing personalized assistance through
text-based query responses. Finally, did you know that text-to-text
models can produce digital text that helps create product descriptions,
write emails, create resumes, and so on? Now that’s something. Because of these versatile applications, text-to-text models
offer several benefits. They increase productivity
through automation. For example, they can generate marketing
copies or even create social media posts. They improve the accuracy of
tasks prone to human error. For example, a text-to-text generation
model can translate documents in context without mistakes. In this video, you learned the meaning of text-to-text
generation models in generative AI. You learned the two types of
text-to-text generation models, statistical and neural networks. Text-to-text generation models use
either sequence-to-sequence or transformer type of models. You also explored the most popular
text-to-text generation models, GPT, T5, and BART. Finally, you learned the several uses and
benefits of these models. [MUSIC]

Hands-on Lab: Develop AI Applications with the Foundation Models

Develop AI Applications with Foundation Models

How can you develop AI applications with generative AI foundation models?

Before you begin prompting

How gpt-3.5-turbo can help develop AI applications

Exercise 1: Learn a language and expand your vocabulary

Exercise 2: Learn a foreign language using foundation model

Exercise 3: Translate text using a foundational model

Video: Pre-trained Models: Text-to-Image Generation

What are Text-to-Image Generation Models?

  • Machine learning models that create images based on text descriptions.
  • Powered by generative AI, which interprets your words to build unique visuals.

Types of Models

  • Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs):
    • Use a generator (creates images) and a discriminator (distinguishes real from fake) in competition to improve image realism.
  • Diffusion Models:
    • Start with random noise and gradually add detail to match the text description.
    • Often more creative and abstract than GAN-generated images.

Popular Diffusion Models

  • DALL-E (OpenAI):
    • Known for photorealism and ability to follow complex instructions.
    • Incorporates inpainting (seamless image editing based on text descriptions).
    • Valuable for understanding how AI interprets language and the world.
  • Imagen (Google AI):
    • Emphasizes unmatched photorealism.
    • Leverages large language models for advanced text understanding, leading to high-quality images.

Benefits of Text-to-Image Models

  • Creativity: Generate unique and novel images.
  • Understanding AI: Help researchers understand how AI makes sense of text and visuals.
  • Diverse Applications: Potential uses in design, art, education, and more.

Welcome to Pre-trained Models: Text-to-Image Generation. After watching this video, you’ll be able to explore the
different models used for text-to-image generation
in generative AI. You will also be
able to describe the uses and benefits
of these models. Text-to-image
generation models are a type of machine
learning model. They are used to generate
images from text descriptions. They use generative AI
to make meaning out of your words and turn
them into unique images. Text-to-image
generation models are trained on a large data set of text and images
and can be used to generate various
types of images. These can be realistic images, abstract images, or even images that do not exist
in the real world. There are two types of
text-to-image generation models, generative adversarial networks, also called GANs, and
diffusion models. Let’s look at each. GANs are a type of
machine-learning model that can be used to
generate realistic images. They work by training two
models against each other. A generator model that
generates images, and a discriminator model that distinguishes between
real and fake images. The generator model is gradually
improved over time until it can generate images that are indistinguishable
from real images. Diffusion models are also a type of machine
learning model. They are used to generate
images from text descriptions. They work by starting with a
random image and gradually adding detail to the image until it matches the
text description. Diffusion models are typically more efficient than GANs and can be used to generate more creative and
abstract images. Let’s explore the most popular text-to-image generation
diffusion models, DALL-E and Imagen. DALL-E is a text-to-image
generation model developed by OpenAI. DALL-E is trained on a massive data set of
texts and images, and can be used to generate realistic images from
various text descriptions. It also incorporates an
evaluation mechanism to determine whether the
final picture is accurate. To achieve this, DALL-E uses a combination of
its core elements, natural language
processing, also known as NLP, machine learning, and computer vision,
for example, it can take a
simple description, like a panda juggling a ball, and turn it into a
photo-realistic image that hasn’t been created before. Not only that, but DALL-E can also edit photographs based on a simple text description
such that the edit blends in seamlessly with the original image. It’s
called inpainting. DALL-E is special because
deep learning allows it to understand individual objects
such as pandas and balls, and how things are related. The latest version of
DALL-E is a large model, but not nearly as large as GPT-3 and interestingly, smaller
than its predecessor. Despite its size, this
newer version generates four times better
resolution images than the former
version of DALL-E. So, what are the benefits of DALL-E? An image generated
by DALL-E tells us if the system understands
what we’ve communicated, or merely repeats what
it has been taught. Further, DALL-E plays a
crucial role in developing useful and safe AI
by enabling us to understand how AI makes
sense of our world. The second popular
model is Imagen. Imagen is a text to image generation model
developed by Google AI. Just like DALL-E, Imagen is also trained on a massive data
set of text and images. Imagen is used to generate realistic images from a wide variety of
text descriptions. Imagen leverages the power of large transformer models and deep language understanding to generate high-fidelity images. An important discovery has been that large language models, like T-5 pre-trained on text, are pretty effective at encoding text to
generate images. Hence, it would follow that increasing the language model size
in Imagen would also augment image
fidelity rather than increasing the size of the
image diffusion model. Imagen claims to
be able to produce an unprecedented degree
of photorealism, which is one of its
key advantages. This is how it works,
the model picks up texts such as “two white umbrellas
rising into the sky. Clouds are moving,
it is raining,” and converts it into an
image depicting just that. The image could be either photo realistic or an artistic
interpretation. In this video, you learned how text-to-image
generation models work. These models are
classified into two types, GANs and diffusion models. Within diffusion
models, you explored the most popular text to image generation models,
DALL-E and Imagen. Finally, you learned
the benefits of each of these models.

Video: Pre-trained Models: Text-to-Code Generation

What are Text-to-Code Generation Models?

  • Machine learning models that translate natural language descriptions into computer code.
  • Powered by generative AI and neural code generation, which is loosely modeled on how the human brain processes information.

Types of Models

  • Seq2seq: Translates between domains (natural language to code).
  • Transformer: Learns complex relationships between words, better for code generation tasks.

Popular Models

  • CodeT5 (Google AI): Versatile, supporting code understanding and generation tasks across multiple programming languages.
  • code2seq (OpenAI): Leverages code structure, useful for code summarization, documentation, and retrieval.
  • PanGu-Coder (Microsoft): Decoder-only model focused on natural language descriptions to generate code.

Uses and Benefits

  • Auto-completion: Suggests code snippets, improving efficiency.
  • Code Generation: Creates code from natural language descriptions.
  • Debugging: Helps identify and fix errors, potentially offering solutions.
  • Code Translation: Converts code between programming languages.
  • Code Refactoring: Suggests optimizations and modernizations to code.
  • Library Recommendations: Provides suggestions based on project needs.
  • Test Data Generation: Automates creating realistic test cases.
  • Code Documentation: Creates explanations for code, making it easier to understand and maintain.

Key Takeaway: Text-to-code generation models streamline development processes, saving time, reducing errors, and making coding more accessible.

Welcome to Pre-trained Models:
Text-to-Code Generation. After watching this video, you’ll be able to explain how text-to-code generation
models work in generative AI. You’ll also be able to
identify the different text-to-code models and describe
their uses and benefits. Text-to-code generation
models are a type of machine learning model
used to generate code from natural
language descriptions. The models use generative AI to write code through
neural code generation. Neural code generation
is a process that uses artificial neural
networks loosely based on neural networks
in the human brain. These neural networks are trained on a
substantial data set of code examples and
then fine-tuned to generate code snippets, functions, and
complete applications. The generated code is
similar in structure and function to the examples
it has been trained on. There are two main text-to-code
generation models, seq2seq and transformer. Seq2seq models are a type of machine learning model that can translate from one
domain to another. In the case of
text-to-code generation, the model can translate natural language descriptions
into a code sequence. Transformer models
are also a type of machine learning
model that can learn long-range dependencies
between words. In the case of
text-to-code generation, the model is trained to understand the
relationships between the words in a natural
language description and the corresponding code. Several popular
text-to-code generation models exist within the seq2seq and transformer
model classifications. Let’s look at some of them. The first model is CodeT5, a seq2seq model
developed by Google AI. CodeT5 is the first pre-trained programming
language model that is code-aware and
encoder-decoder-based. Like most models, CodeT5 is trained on a large
data set of text and code. It can enable a wide range of code intelligence
applications. These include code understanding
and generation tasks. Some examples of these tasks
are text summarization, question answering, and
language translation. The second popular
model is code2seq. Code2seq is a seq2seq
model developed by OpenAI. It is an alternative
approach that leverages the syntactic structure of programming languages to encode
source code even better. Having been trained on a substantial text
and code data set, code2seq can generate
code for several tasks such as code summarization,
documentation, and retrieval. For example, the
code-to-sequence approach can caption
code snippets. That is, it can assign a
natural language caption to the task performed
by the snippet. Finally, you have
the PanGu-Coder. PanGu-Coder is a
transformer model developed by Microsoft Research. PanGu-Coder is a pre-trained
decoder-only language model that generates code from
natural language descriptions. It’s built on the PanGu
Alpha architecture, a large-scale neural
network used for natural language processing,
also called NLP. This model can generate code for tasks like
function definition, class definition, and
program synthesis. For example, PanGu-Coder
can successfully synthesize running code to solve a problem based on a natural
language description. In addition, several other general-purpose
foundation models can be used for
text-to-code generation, such as OpenAI’s GPT
and code Llama by Meta. GPT excels in human-like
text generation and demonstrates impressive
capabilities in code creation. Code Llama can
generate and explain code in natural language,
specifically English. Similarly, some universal
generative AI tools for text-to-code generation
are GitHub Copilot and IBM Watson Code Assistant. GitHub Copilot, powered
by OpenAI Codex, can generate code based on various programming
languages and frameworks. IBM Watson Code Assistant
is built on IBM and enables developers
to write code accurately and efficiently with real-time recommendations, auto-complete features, and code restructuring
assistants. There are several
uses and benefits of text-to-code generation
models and tools. Let’s look at some of them. Text-to-code generation plays a crucial role in
auto-completion, helping developers
by suggesting and completing code snippets or
statements as they type. For example, as a
developer types a code comment in Python or
any programming language, auto-completion suggests
relevant keywords, variable names,
or function names based on the context
of the comment. This helps the developer quickly reference and document
parts of the code, improving code documentation
and readability. Text-to-code generation
models can automatically generate code based on natural
language descriptions. Here’s an example
to illustrate how. The task is, generating Python code from natural
language description. The natural language
description is, create a Python
function that can calculate the factorial
of a given integer. Here, you can see the
generated Python code. Furthermore, the stable
underlying architecture of text-to-code generation
tools reduces the time spent on debugging. Debugging is when errors in software programs and systems
are identified and fixed. For example, suppose a developer working on a chatbot using a generative AI model
encounters a problem where the chatbot generates irrelevant responses
to user queries. The developer states
the chatbot gives irrelevant responses
to user queries and need to fine-tune the model. The text-to-code generation model generates the code
snippet shown here. In this case, the text-to-code
generation model suggests the code snippet for fine-tuning the chatbot model using
user feedback data. This snippet assists
the developer in quickly addressing
the issue of irrelevant responses
and improving the chatbot’s performance.
That’s not all. Text-to-code generation
models can also facilitate code translation
by automatically translating code between
different programming languages, facilitating cross-platform
compatibility, and migration. They assist with
code refactoring and application modernization
by automating the identification of outdated or inefficient code segments and suggesting
optimized replacements, streamlining the
modernization process. Text-to-code generation
models can even provide recommendations
for libraries and frameworks based on
project requirements, helping developers
make informed choices. Text-to-code generation
models can generate test data by automatically
creating code snippets that populate databases
or data structures with diverse and realistic test cases saving time in the
testing process. Finally, text-to-code
models can automatically generate code documentation
by generating comments, function descriptions,
and documentation based on code functionality, making codebases more
understandable and maintainable. In this video, you explored the various
text-to-code generation models and learned
how they work. There are two types of
text-to-code generation models, seq2seq, and transformer. You also learned about
the most popular text-to-code generation models, CodeT5, code2seq, and PanGu-Coder and their uses. Finally, you learned the
various uses and benefits of text-to-code
generation models and tools for auto-completion,
debugging, code translation,
code refactoring, and application modernization, providing recommendations for
libraries and frameworks, test data generation,
and code documentation.

Hands-on Lab: Develop AI Applications for Code Generation

Develop AI Applications for Code Generation

Exercise: Generate code using the foundation model to develop a simple AI app

Video: IBM

What is IBM

  • An integrated platform within the larger IBM watsonx family, designed to help businesses build and manage AI applications responsibly.
  • Focused on AI creators, offering tools for working with AI models, especially large language models and generative AI.

Key Capabilities of

  • Foundation Models: Provides access to pre-trained foundation models (both open-source and IBM-developed) that can be adapted and customized.
  • Experimentation with Prompts: The Prompt Lab enables users to experiment with different prompts to guide foundation models for tasks like question answering, text generation, and more.
  • Model Customization: The Tuning Studio allows users to fine-tune models with their own data for better performance on business-specific use cases.
  • Model Deployment and Management: The Pipeline tool helps automate model deployment processes and management, streamlining the path to production.
  • Security: Emphasizes security and privacy, keeping your data and models encrypted and accessible only to you.

Common Tools in

  • Prompt Lab: For building and refining prompts to interact with AI models effectively.
  • Tuning Studio: For customizing and fine-tuning models with your own data.
  • Pipeline Tool: For automating model lifecycle management and deployment.

Overall Goals Helps Achieve:

  • Efficiently building machine learning models
  • Experimenting with and customizing foundation models
  • Streamlining the entire AI lifecycle (data preparation, training, deployment, management)

[MUSIC] Welcome to IBM After watching this video, you’ll be
able to explain the capabilities and features of IBM, and identify
the common tools available in Generating poem, art, or
a song through AI is fun, but when AI is applied to business,
you need to think bigger. AI for businesses need to be
built based on requirements, based on higher standards. When you build AI in the core of your
business, it needs to be trusted, secured, scalable, and adaptable. Here is a platform that helps
businesses leverage AI IBM watsonx. IBM watsonx is an integrated AI and
data platform for AI builders. The watsonx platform
comprises three products. The first product is,
a studio for new foundation models,
generative AI, and machine learning. The second product is,
which is a data store. And the third product is
watsonx.governance, which is a toolkit for monitoring and governance. In this video, we’ll focus on is a studio of integrated
tools powered by foundation models for working with generative AI and
building machine learning models. With, you can train,
tune, deploy, and manage foundation models easily. This helps you build AI applications
in a fraction of the time and with a fraction of the data. With, these are some
prominent goals you can achieve, build machine learning models,
experiment with foundation models, and manage the AI lifecycle. Based on your goal, you can select
the tasks offered by These tasks can be performed using
the tools provided on the platform. The tasks and tools in align
with the AI lifecycle of a model. You prepare your data,
build an experiment, and train models and solutions. Then you deploy your models and
start building your applications. Subsequently, you manage these models and
repetitive processes. offers access to IBM’s selected
open-source models from Hugging Face, as well as a family of IBM-trained
foundation models of different sizes and architectures. As an AI value creator, you can also
bring your models and data to With tools like Prompt Lab, AI builders
can experiment with foundation models and build prompts that meet their needs. Prompt Lab enables users to experiment
with prompts to support a range of natural language processing or
NLP tasks, including question answering, content generation, and summarization,
text classification and extraction. As an AI creator, you may also want to
customize models based on your data and for your business use cases. enables you to do so
using the Tuning Studio tool. With this tool, subsequent versions of will include tuning methods and examples for prompt tuning and
fine-tuning foundation models for better performance and accuracy. Putting a model into a product
is a multistep process. For managing and
automating a model lifecycle, provides the Pipeline tool. The Pipeline tool can be used to automate
the steps involved in loading data, training models, deploying models and
evaluating models. This can reduce the time to get
a model into production and improve the accuracy and
reliability of models. Let’s learn from this video from IBM how
different tools in help to create a collaborative environment to
streamline workflow for AI models. Until recently, AI models had to be trained to
perform a very specific task. But now, with the power of foundation
models, you can build powerful AI applications in a fraction of
the time with a fraction of the data. In our Prompt Laboratory, you can guide
models to meet your needs with easy to use tools for building and refining performant
prompts to achieve your desired result. [MUSIC] If you want to further customize, you can tailor models to be even more
accurate for your business’s use case. In our tuning studio,
bring in datasets and tune your model with as
few as 100 examples. We provide state of the art tuning methods that you can set up
with just a few clicks. Now it’s time to put your model to work, create an enterprise grade deployment,
and start building your application. That’s it. With,
your team is empowered by a collaborative environment that streamlines workflows
throughout the AI lifecycle. Multiply the power of AI for
your enterprise. Practical, efficient and easy to use. IBM ensures the security
of the data and models you work on. Your data and the models you
create are accessible only to you. Your data is stored in
an encrypted format. The models that you create
are also private to your account. IBM does not have access to your data or
models, and they will never be used by IBM or any other person
or organization without your permission. In this video, you learned
about IBM, an AI and data platform that helps businesses create
AI responsibly and with transparency. One of the products of
watsonx is is a studio of integrated
tools to train, tune, and deploy generative AI models. Prominent tools offered in
include Prompt Lab, tuning studio, and Pipeline tool. [MUSIC]

Reading: IBM and watsonx.governance


Video: Hugging Face

What is Hugging Face?

  • A central platform where AI developers, scientists, and businesses collaborate to build and share machine learning models, datasets, and tools.
  • Focused on democratizing AI, making it accessible even without huge budgets or in-house developer teams.
  • Originally known for Natural Language Processing (NLP) models, now offers image, audio, video, and more.

Key Features

  • Massive Library: 250K+ open-source models, 50K+ datasets, 1 million+ demos.
  • Transformers Library: Pretrained models for PyTorch, TensorFlow, Google Jax, etc.
  • Spaces: A place to host interactive demos of AI applications.

How Businesses Benefit

  • Reduce Development Cost: Access pre-trained models and datasets instead of starting from scratch.
  • Customize & Fine-Tune: Adapt models to specific business needs and data.
  • Create Multimodal Apps: Combine capabilities (like text + image generation)
  • Enterprise Support: Hugging Face helps businesses with model optimization and addressing bias.

Hugging Face + IBM Partnership

  • IBM’s AI studio incorporates select Hugging Face models.
  • Hugging Face: Provides open-source versions of IBM’s Large Language Models (LLMs).
  • Synergy: Combines the vast community and libraries of Hugging Face with IBM’s enterprise focus.

Why Hugging Face is Important:

  • Collaborative innovation within the open-source AI community can be a powerful force.
  • Smaller businesses and organizations can leverage powerful AI capabilities without the overhead of the tech giants.

Welcome to Hugging Face. After watching this video, you’ll be able to explain the purpose of the
Hugging Face platform, list the tools and capabilities it offers, and understand how Hugging Face and
jointly help businesses. Hugging Face is an open source artificial intelligence
platform where scientists, developers and
businesses collaborate to build personalized
machine learning tools. The platform was built with the purpose of
creating a hub for the open source AI community to share models, data sets
and applications. This way AI becomes accessible
to all types of users, even those who do not have
the budget or bandwidth to build machine learning
applications independently. Hugging Face is
therefore credited with democratizing AI
as everyone comes together to benefit from
smaller, curated models. Challenging the general one
model to rule assumption. At first the hugging
phase community focused on creating transformer-based models to leverage the capabilities of natural
language processing, or NLP. However, today the
platform offers various machine learning
tools for generating text, images, audio, and video. Currently, the Hugging
Face platform hosts over 250,000 open models, 50,000 data sets, and one
million open demos. This list keeps growing. Scientists and developers
use Hugging Face to build, train and deploy
their AI models. They have access
to the platform’s open source transformer library, which has over 25,000
pretrained models for PyTorch, Tensorflow, and Google Jax. PyTorch is a deep
learning library. Tensorflow is a machine
learning platform and Google Jax is a machine
learning framework. The models in the library
perform varied tasks, such as text generation,
question answering, summarization, automatic
speech recognition, and image segmentation, just to name a few. Users can filter these
models by name to find an existing model or share their own model
with the library. Developers can
also host demos of generative AI applications
on the Spaces tab, allowing users to interact
and validate them. How do businesses benefit
from the platform? Hugging Face offers
businesses the enterprise hub from where they can access pre trained models and data sets. This allows businesses
to leverage existing infrastructure
rather than build models from scratch. Not only does this reduce
their carbon footprint, time, and cost to scale, it also allows
businesses to train the models on proprietary
data and relevant use cases. Additionally, Hugging
Face helps businesses A, add or remove features to improve the efficiency
of their models. B, evaluate their
generative AI models to filter biased data. C, create multimodal
applications with text, image, audio, and video
generation capabilities. More than 50,000 large and small companies actively
use Hugging Face. For example, Writer, a
generative AI solution provider, hosts its Palmera
Large Language Models or LLMs on Hugging Face. Intel has officially joined Hugging Face Hardware
Partner program and is collaborating with Hugging Face to build state-
of-the-art machine learning hardware and end-to-end
machine learning workflows. Even universities
and non-profits are part of Hugging Face. Among other services. Hugging Face offers an expert
acceleration program to guide non-developers on
machine learning models. HuggingChat is the first
open source alternative to ChatGPT. To protect its users, Hugging Face complies with service organization
control type 2 regulation. This means ensuring
user data security, availability,
processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy. Taking its collaborative
efforts one step further, Hugging Face has entered into a unique partnership
with, IBM’s next generation enterprise
studio for AI builders. offers
select Hugging Face models in its studio to help its community
of builders train, test and deploy all types of machine learning and
generative AI applications. This way, the studio
leverages the diversity of data community strength and open source libraries that
Hugging Face provides. On its end, Hugging Face
creates open source versions of IBM’s LLMs and makes
them available on a hub. Both entities believe in
open source technology, both bet on the community to create value in the AI space. As proprietary AI models can
quickly become obsolete, Hugging Face may develop an
edge over the big five in AI, namely, Google, Open AI, Meta, IBM, and Microsoft. This is because it supports
and is supported by the open source AI community
that keeps innovating. In this video, you learned
all about Hugging Face. This AI platform demonstrates the collaborative power of
the open-source AI community. It creates space for
businesses to build customized proprietary models at a reduced cost in an
accelerated timeframe, incurring a lower
carbon footprint. Organizations, universities, and non-profits leverage
the platform’s tools and services to benefit from natural
language processing. In short, you do not have to be a big business to benefit
from generative AI.

Reading: Lesson Summary


Practice Assignment: Practice Quiz: Pre-trained Models and Platforms for AI Applications Development

Which type of text-to-text generation model directly maps input text to the generated text?

To generate code from natural language descriptions, text-to-code generation models use a process known as _____________.

Which IBM tool can help automate the steps for training, deploying, and evaluating models?

Graded Assignment: Graded Quiz: Platforms for Generative AI

__________________ are able to generate a random image based on a text prompt and then add details to the image until it matches the text description.

Text-to-text generation models can be used successfully to _____________.

Which one aspect of Hugging Face’s AI platform differentiates it from other machine learning platforms? It’s ability to ______________.

Which of the following is the correct benefit of IBM