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Home » Week 4: Graded Assessment

Week 4: Graded Assessment

In this module, you will be assessed on the key skills covered in the Course.

Learning Objectives

Apply the skills and knowledge from this course on Version Control in a practical assessment

Graded Assessment

Video: Course recap: Version Control

Version Control Recap: Key Learnings

This course provided a comprehensive overview of version control practices and their vital role in software development.

Module 1: Collaboration and Order:

  • Version control systems enable collaborative software development by tracking changes, preventing conflicts, and maintaining project history.
  • Subversion (SVN) is a popular version control system that offers a structured approach to managing large software projects.

Module 2: Mastering the Command Line:

  • The command line allows you to interact with your computer’s operating system directly through text-based commands.
  • Basic commands enable file navigation, creation, renaming, and deletion.
  • Piping and redirection techniques enable complex workflows and automation, saving time and effort.

Module 3: Mastering Git:

  • Git is a widely used version control system known for its efficiency and flexibility.
  • You learned how to install Git, connect to GitHub (a popular Git hosting platform), and create a user account.
  • Hands-on exercises covered essential Git commands like creating repositories, cloning, adding, committing, pushing, pulling, and branching.

Additional Concepts:

  • Staging involves selecting specific changes to be included in a commit.
  • A staging environment should closely resemble the production environment to avoid unexpected issues when deploying code.
  • Branches allow developers to work on different versions of the codebase simultaneously.

Congratulations on completing the recap! Now, apply your newfound knowledge by practicing version control in real-world scenarios.

In this course, you were introduced to the practice
of version control. Let’s do a brief recap
of what you covered. In the first module, you learned about how different
version control systems and effective software
development workflows enable modern software
developers to collaborate across the world without messing up
each other’s code. You gained knowledge
about the history of version control and know
how version control or subversion is used
to bring order to the chaos of massive
software projects, they have the potential
for mistakes and bugs. Next, you learned more
about the various systems, tools and methodologies
that are leveraged by software developers
to collaborate successfully as part
of a global team. You’ve explored how to
resolve conflicts in Git, and that version control plays a crucial part in the
development of software. You then moved down
to investigate the difference between
staging and production, and that a staging
environment should mimic your production
environment. In Module 2, you learned
about how to use the command line to
execute commands in Linux. You were introduced to
what the command line is and learn to use
commands that traverse, create, rename, and delete
files on your hard drive. Then you learned how easy
it is to use piping and redirection to create
powerful workflows that will automate your work, saving you time and effort. Finally, you explored
the command line further, discovering
standard input, output streams,
flags that can be used to change the behavior
of a command and grab. In Module 3, you developed a strong conceptual
understanding of the Git technology
and how it is used in software development projects
to manage team files. First, you learned how to install Git on various
operating systems, and then how to
connect to Git Hub via HTTPS and SSH before
creating a GitHub account. Next, you gained a practical understanding
of how Git works, including creating and
cloning a repository, add, commit, push and pull. You also explored how to use a repository in some concepts associated with
workflows such as branches, blame, and forking. Finally, the ungraded lab is
an opportunity to complete a practical version
control exercise by forking a repository, creating a branch and
committing a change. It also includes staging
your changes and opening a pull request
with a source repo. Well done on
completing this recap. Now it’s time to put into practice all that
you’ve learned. Are you ready to
proceed? Good luck.

Lab: Exercise: Managing a project in GitHub

Reading: Solution: Managing a project in GitHub

Practice Quiz: Self review: Managing a project in GitHub

How does the diff command portray changes in a file?

What command did you use to change active directories?

In what order do you run the commands to commit your file?

Quiz: End-of-course graded assessment

What is Revision History in Version Control?

In Bash, which of the following commands will change the working directory?

In Bash, which of the following commands will create a file?

Which of the following can be used to search for text in a file?

Which Git command is used to upload the latest changes to a remote repository?

True or false. Changes must be added to the Git staging area before they are committed.

Which of the following Git commands can be used to create a local branch named test? Select all that apply.

Which of the following Git commands can be used to check local changes? Select all that apply.

In the following differential output, which is the first deleted line?

When cloning a forked repository, what does the origin refer to?

Course wrap up

Video: Congratulations, you have completed Version Control

Version Control Course Completion: Congratulations and Next Steps

Congratulations! You’ve successfully completed the introductory course on version control. Your hard work has equipped you with valuable skills for software development.

Key Learnings:

  • Version control systems: You’ve explored various systems and workflows for effective collaboration in software development.
  • Command line proficiency: You’ve mastered basic commands for file management and automation using the command line.
  • Git expertise: You’ve gained practical experience with Git, including installation, GitHub integration, and essential commands like creating, cloning, committing, pushing, pulling, and branching.

Demonstrated Skills:

  • Command line navigation: You can navigate directories and manage files using the command line.
  • Git workflow: You can create and manage Git repositories, including committing changes and pushing them to remote servers.
  • GitHub project management: You’ve successfully completed a project using GitHub, showcasing your ability to manage code revisions and collaborate on software development.

Looking Forward:

  • Continuous Learning: This course lays the groundwork for further exploration in version control. Continue practicing and expanding your knowledge in this crucial field.
  • Portfolio Building: The completed project serves as a valuable addition to your professional portfolio, demonstrating your technical skills, self-motivation, and initiative to potential employers.
  • Certification: Upon completing all courses in the Professional Certificate, you’ll earn a Coursera certification, a globally recognized testament to your mastery of technical skills.

Congratulations again! Celebrate your accomplishment and continue your journey of learning and professional development. Best of luck in your future endeavors!

Congratulations on
completing the introduction to version control course. You’ve worked hard
to get here and developed a lot of new
skills during the course. You should now have a
great foundation in the different version
control systems and how to create an effective software
development workflow. You’ve also demonstrated
your skill set by managing a project on GitHub
for the graded assessment. Following completion
of this course, you are now able to implement
version control systems, navigate and configure
documents, files, and directories using
the command line, create and manage a
GitHub repository, and manage code revisions. The key skills
measured in the labs showed your ability to determine the current working
directory and make and change directories and files
using the command line, create, clone, commit, and push to a repository, create a repository
with forking, and manage a project on GitHub. What are the next steps? You’ve established a
good foundation so far, but there’s always
more to learn. Whether you’re just
starting out as a technical professional
or a student, this project will enable you to prove your
knowledge and ability. Your project experience shows employers that you are
self-driven and innovative. It also speaks volumes
about you as an individual and your drive to continue
your educational progress. Once you’ve completed
all the courses in this Professional
Certificate, you’ll receive Coursera
certification. Certifications provide
globally recognized and industry endorsed evidence of
mastering technical skills. Congratulations once again on reaching the end of this course. It’s been a voyage of discovery. Best of luck and do
continue to pursue your own learning objectives
to their final goal.

Home » Week 4: Graded Assessment