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Home » Google Career Certificates » Google Project Management: Professional Certificate » Foundations of Project Management » Week 1: Embarking on a career in project management

Week 1: Embarking on a career in project management

You will learn how the program is structured, what project management is and what a project manager does, how to apply your skills from previous work experience to project management roles, what types of project management roles you could pursue after completing this certificate, and how to search for those positions.

Learning Objectives

  • Relate the skills and responsibilities of a project manager necessary to achieve success on the job.
  • Define project management and describe what constitutes a project.
  • Explain project management roles and responsibilities across a variety of industries.
  • Detail and relate project management skills to project management and its value to business.
  • Determine how this program will help prepare you for a career in project management.
  • Explain the Project Management certificate program structure and course functionality.

Getting started with the program

Video: Welcome to the Google Project Management Certificate


  • Emilio, Program Manager of the Responsible Innovation team, welcomes you to the program.
  • He emphasizes the value of everyday tasks as skill development for project management.

Your Motivation:

  • Emilio shares his own career journey from Spanish teacher to project manager.
  • He highlights the excitement and demand for skilled project managers.

What is Project Management?

  • The application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to achieve project goals.
  • You’ve likely been managing projects without even realizing it.

Program Benefits:

  • Suitable for any industry or company type without deep technical knowledge.
  • Hands-on learning with project plans, budgets, tools, and methodologies.
  • Soft skill development and resume-worthy work examples.
  • Opportunities to showcase your work to top employers.

Meet Your Instructors:

  • Google employees share their own stories and insights from diverse project management roles.

The Courses:

  • Course 1: Project Management Fundamentals
  • Course 2: Setting the Stage for Success
  • Course 3: Project Planning: Putting It All Together
  • Course 4: Project Execution: Running a Project
  • Course 5: Agile Project Management
  • Course 6: Applying Project Management in the Real World

Ready to Begin?

  • The program is self-paced, allowing you to customize your learning journey.


This program offers a comprehensive and practical approach to launching your career in project management, with guidance from experienced professionals and valuable project experience.

Hi! We’re so excited
that you’re here. I’m Emilio, and I’m a
Program Manager on the Responsible Innovation
team here at Google, and I’d like to officially
welcome you to Google’s Certificate Program
in Project Management. Let’s start with a
simple exercise. Take a moment and
think about some of the different tasks that
you’ve completed in your life. Maybe you planned your wedding or a birthday party, or you filed your
annual tax returns. Maybe you moved from
one state to another, or maybe you’re the
family member who, somehow, every year, is tasked with organizing the annual
family reunion. Believe it or not,
you’ve been developing all kinds of skills through
these tasks that’ll help you become a successful
project manager for any organization or
your own business. With this program in project
management by Google, we’ve put together a set of
courses, activities, quizzes, and exercises that’ll teach you the fundamentals of project
management, and of course, help you get a job or
advance in your career. Wondering how I started
my own career in project management?
Well, in college, I always gravitated towards
things that were more hands-on and action-oriented
and less theoretical. I wanted to make an impact in
whichever career I took on. My first job out
of college was as a Spanish and leadership teacher in Los Angeles, California. My main objective in guiding the student leadership team at the school was to identify, mobilize, and inspire
the student leaders. After two years of teaching, I realized that
the moments when I felt the most energized were when I was
building a vision for how to get a big project done or when I was working to
bring different groups together around a common goal. That’s when I realized
I had a lot of core project management
skills, and I could focus on growing and developing them in
the business world. I’m grateful that I get to be here for the start
of your journey. When I was first starting
to think about my career, project management
wasn’t even on my radar. It was one of those
professions that I didn’t even know existed until I entered the business
world and experienced how great of a need there is for
folks who are organized, action-oriented,
diligent, and strategic. I hope that by the
end of this program, you’ll be as excited
as I am about the prospects of a career
in project management. Let’s get into it. We’ll start with an important question. What exactly is
project management? Project management
is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to meet the project requirements and
achieve the desired outcome. It’s possible that you’ve
been project managing every day on some level
without even knowing it. In this course, you’ll learn
how to hone those skills to become a truly
great project manager. The awesome thing about project management
is that it spans a lot of industries
and company types, and it doesn’t require
deep, technical knowledge. This means that any job or life experience
you’ve gained so far will help you in building
those skills to become successful in a project
management career. There are a lot of people
around the world like you who are hoping to
learn the skills to get a project management role. Whatever your reason
for being here, we’re glad you’ve joined us. This program is rooted in a belief that a
strong foundation in project management
can help anyone start a great career
as a project manager. This program includes six industry-relevant
courses that focus on topics like project
management fundamentals; goals, objectives, and deliverables; risk
management; team dynamics; project management methodologies; data-driven decision
making; and more. Each course is made up of personal anecdotes, reading
materials, quizzes, and case studies, and you can go through the
program at your own pace, skip the sections that
you might already know, and review the videos again if you need a refresher. You will be doing a lot
of hands-on learning. You’ll build project
plans and timelines. You’ll learn how
to manage budgets and meet the needs of
the people involved in the project, and you’ll learn different project
methodologies like Agile, Scrum, and Waterfall. You’ll use tools like Kanban and learn about project management
software like Asana. You also develop
your soft skills, some of which you
likely already have. Don’t worry, even if you aren’t quite sure how
to tap into them yet, we’ll explore which skills are transferable to a
project management role. Above all, this program will help get you
ready for a new job. But we’re taking it
one step further. When you complete this program, you’ll have the
opportunity to share your work with Google and other top employers aiming to hire project management
professionals, and the best part is, you’ll have professional
work examples you can share with them to
showcase what you’ve learned. Along the way, you’ll hear
from Google employees like me. We’ll share personal
stories about how we became project managers and how our foundations in project management
launched our careers. We’ll also share what
we do at work every day and give you tips
for job interviews. We’ve got a truly
amazing group of course instructors
for you to learn from. Ready to meet them? Hi, I’m JuAnne, a Senior Program Manager on Cloud
Security Programs. I’m your instructor for Course 2, where we’ll learn more
about what’s needed to set the stage for a
successful project. Hey there. My name’s Rowena, a Senior Program Manager
in Google Cloud. I’m your instructor for Course 3, Project Planning,
Putting It All Together, where we’ll learn about the importance of thorough
project planning, identifying key milestones
and dependencies, documenting project
plans, scheduling, budgeting, and risk management. I’m Elita, a Senior Engineering Program
Manager at Google, and I’m your instructor for
Course 4, Project Execution: Running a Project.
Where we’ll learn about communicating effectively,
managing risks, understanding team
dynamics, using data to inform decision-making,
and tracking progress. Hi, I’m Sue. I’m a Technical Program Manager for Google Support Platform. I’m your instructor for Course 5, Agile Project Management.
Where we’ll gain a deeper understanding of
Agile project management, including principles
and practices, the benefits and costs of
Agile transformations, the dynamics of Agile teams, and the process of running
Sprints and Releases. And I’m Dan, a Program Manager
in Google Research. I’m really excited to be your
instructor for Course 6, Applying Project Management
in the Real World, where we’ll take all
the knowledge, skills, and understanding you’ve
built up throughout this certificate and apply it to an advanced project scenario. Ready to get started? Let’s go.

Reading: Program and course overview

Video: Introduction to Course 1

  • Focus: Deep dive into the course content and career opportunities.
  • Key topics:
    • Project management terms and roles.
    • Entry-level project manager responsibilities.
    • Job options after completing the program.
    • Alternative roles using project management skills.
    • Project definition, phases, tasks, and methodologies.
    • Organizational structures and their impact on project management.
  • Emphasis:
    • Connecting with existing skills for project management success.
    • Learning from real-life Google project managers.
    • Understanding the project life cycle and choosing effective methodologies.
  • Next steps: Exploring the concept of a project and the overall project management field.

Overall message: This video provides a more detailed glimpse into the course content and prepares you for the broader world of project management, including jobs, skills, and methodologies.

So far, we’ve previewed what you can expect
throughout this program. In this video, we’ll discuss
the details of this course. And you’ll have a greater understanding
for which types of jobs are suitable for
learners like you. We’ll cover some key project management terms and the roles and responsibilities of any
entry level project manager. Plus, we’ll discuss
the kinds of jobs you can pursue after you
complete this program. One thing you’ll learn
soon is that there are other roles and jobs, outside of project manager, that this program will
prepare you for. Later in this course, we’ll have a video
on how to search for those roles and how to view project management as both
a position and a skill. For now, we’ll start by going even deeper into
what a project is, what a project manager is, and what kinds of
skills they have. We’ll provide real
life examples to help illustrate that you probably already have learned
some of the skills required to become a
successful project manager. Then you’ll learn
more about adding value to projects
and tips on being a successful project
manager from real life Googlers. Pretty exciting, right? We’ll also cover the
project’s life cycle. You’ll learn all about a
project’s different phases, the corresponding
tasks in each phase, different methodologies
for completing tasks and which is effective
for a given project. Finally, you will learn
about different types of organizational
structures and cultures and how they impact
project management. Coming up, we’ll start
exploring the concept of a project and the project
management field as a whole. Are you ready to crank things
up a notch? See you soon.

Understanding the basics of project management

Video: What is project management?

Key Points:

  • Projects: Defined as unique endeavors with a defined beginning and end, delivering specific outcomes.
  • Project Management: Applying knowledge, skills, and tools to achieve project goals within budget and timeframes.
  • Value of Project Management:
    • Ensures delivery of expected outcomes on time and within budget.
    • Example: Implementing telehealth service in schools – requires planning, training, budgeting, communication, etc.
    • Prevents wasted resources: Poor project management costs organizations trillions globally.
  • Google’s Approach: Utilizes program managers to oversee multiple projects for specific products/programs.
  • Personal Example: Speaker’s role as a responsible innovation program manager, ensuring adherence to AI principles through planning, reviewing processes, and suggesting responsible innovation strategies.


Project management plays a crucial role in organizational success by ensuring project goals are met efficiently and effectively. Understanding its definition, value, and implementation helps navigate project complexities and maximize outcomes.

Mastering the Maze: A Comprehensive Guide to Project Management

Building a house, launching a product, tackling a research study – these are just a few examples of projects that shape our world. But achieving successful outcomes doesn’t happen by magic. It requires a guiding hand, a master navigator in the maze of tasks, deadlines, and resources – a project manager.

This tutorial delves into the fascinating realm of project management, equipping you with the knowledge and skills to navigate and conquer any project challenge.

Step 1: Demystifying the Project:

  • What is a project? It’s a unique, temporary endeavor with a specific goal and deliverable, like developing a new app or organizing a charity event. It has a defined beginning and end, unlike ongoing processes.
  • Project vs. Process: Think of building a bridge versus maintaining roads. The bridge is a project, a temporary undertaking with a definitive outcome, while road maintenance is an ongoing process.

Step 2: Enter the Project Manager:

  • Who is a project manager? They are the captains of the project ship, steering it towards success. They wear many hats, planning tasks, allocating resources, monitoring progress, and keeping everyone informed.
  • Why are they important? Without a project manager, chaos ensues. Tasks stall, budgets crumble, and deadlines become distant dreams.

Step 3: The Five Phases of Project Mastery:

  • Initiation: Defining the project’s purpose, scope, and feasibility. Think of laying the foundation for your project house.
  • Planning: Mapping out the journey, detailing tasks, timelines, resources, and budgets. This is like drawing the blueprint for your project house.
  • Execution: Bringing the plan to life, assigning tasks, coordinating teams, and monitoring progress. Imagine building the walls and putting on the roof of your project house.
  • Monitoring and Control: Keeping an eye on progress, identifying risks, and making adjustments to stay on track. This is like inspecting the construction of your project house and fixing any flaws.
  • Closure: Completing the project, evaluating its success, and documenting lessons learned. It’s like moving into your beautifully built project house and celebrating your achievement.

Step 4: The Tools of the Trade:

  • Project management methodologies: Agile, Waterfall, Scrum – each offers different approaches to navigating the project maze. Choose the one that best suits your needs.
  • Project management software: Tools like Asana, Trello, and Jira become your virtual assistants, helping you plan, track, and collaborate with ease.

Step 5: Embrace the Journey:

  • Communication is key: Keep stakeholders informed, foster teamwork, and resolve conflicts through open and honest communication.
  • Adaptability is crucial: Projects rarely go exactly as planned. Be prepared to adapt, be flexible, and embrace unexpected turns in the road.
  • Continuous learning: The world of project management is constantly evolving. Stay updated on new trends, methodologies, and tools to become the ultimate project navigator.

By understanding the core principles, phases, and tools of project management, you can unlock the secrets to conquering any project challenge. Remember, it’s not just about reaching the finish line; it’s about navigating the maze with skill, resilience, and a spirit of collaboration. So, grab your compass, chart your course, and embark on your project management journey!

This tutorial is just the beginning. As you explore further, you’ll delve deeper into each phase, master the tools, and develop your own unique project management style. Remember, the possibilities are endless, and with the right skills and mindset, you can transform any project into a resounding success.

Hey, again, let’s get back into it. In this video, we’ll define a project,
define project management, and explain its value to an organization. Let’s start by defining
exactly what a project is. A project is a unique endeavor, and usually includes a set
of unique deliverables. It’s also a temporary pursuit,
it has a defined beginning and an end. To put it another way, a project is
a series of tasks that need to be completed to reach a desired outcome. Reaching that desired outcome takes
collaboration and careful planning that keeps the project on track and on budget,
that’s where project management comes in. Project management is critical to the
success of projects both big and small. So, let’s break it down into the what,
the why, and the how. So, what is project management? Why is project management an important
part of an organization, and how is it vital to a project’s success? As I mentioned, project management
is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to
meet the project requirements and achieve the desired outcome. Project management is valuable to
businesses because it helps ensure that a project delivers the expected outcomes
both on time and within budget. To demonstrate what I mean, I’ll take you through a real life
example of project management. Imagine a school district signs a deal
with a telehealth company to make sure students don’t have to miss school, the deal will be completed by
the end of the school year. The students can now interact with the
doctor through a tablet, smartphone, or computer while they’re at school. Implementing this technology into
the school’s procedures is the project, it’s got a clear outcome and
start and end date. So, how is that project managed? Well, this project has several tasks,
and each one has to be carefully planned out and tracked or managed in
order for the project to be completed. For example, to start you can
organize training sessions for faculty to get them better acquainted with
the technology, policies, and procedures. You can budget for tablets, computers, and other vital equipment to
facilitate the virtual checkups. And you can maintain strong communication
with doctors, the telehealth company and school staff members, and so much more. To successfully launch
the product in the schools, all of those things need to get done,
and that is project management. Seems pretty important to
an organization’s success, right? More and more companies are starting to
understand how project management can save them lots of money and time. Poor project management can lead to
trillions of wasted dollars every year for organizations around the world. More specifically, poor project management can lead to 48%
of projects missing delivery dates, 43% missing budget targets, and 31%
failing to meet an organization’s goals. As a company that serves so
many different purposes and communities, it’s no surprise that project
management’s a huge part of Google. But here, many of our project managers
are described as program managers because they manage multiple projects for
specific products, teams, or programs. There’s thousands of people here
with the job of keeping projects and programs running smoothly. People like me, I’m a responsible
innovation program manager. My team is responsible for
ensuring that the technology we produce, the research we pursue, and the
publications we put out are all done with Google’s artificial intelligence
principles in mind. I review the processes for each of these
types of technologies, and I give ideas for how to continue innovating responsibly
to meet our organizational goals. So, my job adds value to Google through
the core aspects of project management we’ve mentioned, planning and organizing, managing tasks and
budgeting and controlling costs. Hopefully, you have a better sense of what
a project is, what project management is, and why project management is
an important part of every company, and how it’s vital to a project success. Next up, we’ll learn more about
what a project manager does.

Video: What does a project manager do?

Project Manager’s Day-to-Day: Bringing Value Through Organized Chaos

Key Points:

  • Project manager’s role: Planning, organizing, managing tasks, budgeting, controlling costs, ensuring value creation.
  • Adding value: Creating new services, tailoring existing ones, ensuring successful projects bring value to the company.
  • Daily responsibilities:
    • Planning and organizing: Gather requirements, create project plans, communicate goals.
    • Managing tasks: Assign tasks, monitor progress, update team/customers.
    • Budgeting and cost control: Manage budget, adapt to unexpected changes.
  • Variety and satisfaction: Diverse daily tasks, witness project growth from start to finish.
  • Required skills: A blend of existing and new skills (discussed in a future video).


Being a project manager involves navigating daily tasks like planning, managing, budgeting, and ensuring value creation. It’s a dynamic role offering variety, satisfaction in seeing projects come to life, and utilizing a versatile skillset. Stay tuned for more on the skills needed for this exciting career path!

Demystifying the Mastermind: What Does a Project Manager Do?

Project managers are the silent heroes of the business world, orchestrating the chaos of tasks, deadlines, and resources to bring projects to life. But what exactly does a project manager do all day?

Imagine juggling multiple balls in the air – deadlines, budgets, team needs, client expectations – while keeping everyone informed and on track. That’s essentially the daily juggling act of a project manager.

The Core Responsibilities:

  • Planning and Organizing:
    • Setting the project’s roadmap, defining goals, and outlining tasks.
    • Identifying resources, assigning roles, and creating timelines.
    • This is like laying the foundation and drawing the blueprint for your project house.
  • Managing Tasks:
    • Monitoring progress, ensuring tasks are completed on time and within budget.
    • Communicating updates to stakeholders, resolving issues, and keeping everyone aligned.
    • Think of this as being the air traffic controller, guiding each task to its smooth landing.
  • Budgeting and Cost Control:
    • Allocating resources, tracking expenses, and identifying potential cost overruns.
    • Making adjustments to the budget as needed and ensuring financial stability for the project.
    • This is like being the financial wizard, keeping the project on track without breaking the bank.
  • Risk Management:
    • Proactively identifying potential risks and developing mitigation strategies.
    • Adapting to unforeseen challenges and ensuring the project stays on course.
    • Think of this as being the superhero with a contingency plan for every disaster.
  • Communication and Collaboration:
    • Keeping stakeholders informed, fostering teamwork, and resolving conflicts.
    • Building strong relationships and ensuring everyone is on the same page.
    • This is like being the team cheerleader and diplomat, keeping everyone motivated and working together.

Beyond the Checklist:

While these core responsibilities form the backbone of a project manager’s role, their true value lies in their ability to:

  • Think strategically: They see the big picture, aligning the project with the organization’s goals and objectives.
  • Lead and inspire: They motivate teams, build trust, and create a positive working environment.
  • Solve problems: They think creatively, find solutions to challenges, and adapt to changing circumstances.
  • Be detail-oriented: They pay close attention to deadlines, budgets, and quality standards.

A Day in the Life:

A project manager’s day can vary greatly depending on the project, industry, and company. But here’s a glimpse into a typical day:

  • Morning: Checking emails and project management software, attending meetings to discuss progress and address any issues.
  • Mid-day: Allocating tasks, resolving team conflicts, and updating stakeholders on the project’s status.
  • Afternoon: Reviewing budgets, identifying potential risks, and making adjustments to the project plan.
  • Evening: Following up on outstanding tasks, preparing for upcoming meetings, and catching up on emails.

The Rewards:

While demanding, being a project manager is a rewarding career. You get to:

  • See projects come to life: Witnessing the fruits of your labor and the impact your work has on the organization is truly satisfying.
  • Develop diverse skills: You’ll hone your planning, leadership, communication, and problem-solving skills.
  • Work in different environments: From startups to large corporations, the project management field offers a variety of opportunities.
  • Make a real difference: Your work can have a significant impact on the success of an organization and the lives of its employees.

If you’re a natural organizer, enjoy challenges, and thrive in fast-paced environments, then project management might be the perfect career path for you. So, grab your metaphorical juggling balls, embrace the chaos, and get ready to make a difference as a project manager!

Remember: This is just a starting point. As you delve deeper into the world of project management, you’ll discover a myriad of methodologies, tools, and best practices to equip you for success in this dynamic and ever-evolving field.

Hey, so we’ve covered what
project management is and why it’s important to organizations. Now, let’s learn more about what project
managers do on a day-to-day basis. Project managers usually follow a process
that involves planning and organizing, managing tasks, budgeting,
controlling costs and other factors. Everything they do helps make sure
the project can be completed on time and on budget. In broad terms, a project manager
also needs to make sure that the project outcome is
bringing value to the company. A project manager can add
value in many different ways. Whether that’s creating a new service for
customers or modifying an old service so it’s more tailored to
the customer’s needs. No matter what the task is, a successful
project will always add value. And it’s the project manager’s job to make
sure that project is both valuable and successful. You may be asking yourself, well, if I’m a project manager, how do I
add value to an organization every day? What does the day-to-day life
of a project manager look like? Well, a project manager’s responsibilities
can vary, depending on the project, the industry, and
the company they’re working in. Are you constructing a new building? Are you project managing a renewable
energy product in a startup? Or are you setting up your
own event management company? Your tasks will be
different in each scenario, but here’s a general overview of
what a typical day might look like. A project manager’s daily responsibilities
always include some version of the following, planning and organizing. An example of that might be gathering
requirements from teammates or customers. This means figuring out what exactly
your project’s trying to accomplish. You might have a kickoff meeting or
send a survey. From here you may also work
on creating project plans. Creating project plans is a key
part of project management. It helps set the tone of the project,
keeps everyone on pace and aligned, and helps move tasks along. Which leads me to my second point,
managing tasks. Once the project is underway, the project
manager helps manage tasks for the team members and communicates key milestones
to the larger team or customers. This helps keep team members, and customers updated on how
the project is progressing. The third piece is budgeting and
controlling costs and other factors. Managing the budget and controlling costs
is a common responsibility that project managers have to understand to keep
the project on track and within budget. This is a full-time job because
the plan you’ve created and managed may change causing
unexpected costs to come up. And that’s just to name a few. I could go on for days. But the most important thing to know
about the day to day of a project manager is this: You’ll use different tools, techniques and
methodologies every single day. There’s never a dull moment. Personally, my favorite part about being
a project manager is that I get to watch the project’s growth from start to finish. It’s really special to create something
from nothing, working from the ground up. It’s a really satisfying feeling. As a project manager, you’ll use a variety
of skills every day, and a lot of these skills you might already have, and
we’ll discuss this more coming up. See you there.

Video: Transferable project management skills

Key Points:

  • Everyday experiences like planning parties, managing work schedules, or organizing a move provide valuable project management skills.
  • Skills used include planning, organizing, budgeting, cost control, managing tasks, team coordination, time management, and leadership.
  • Highlight these skills in job interviews by providing concrete examples from your life and previous work.
  • These skills serve as a strong foundation for building a successful career in project management.


Don’t underestimate the project management potential hidden within your everyday experiences. Recognizing and leveraging these existing skills will give you a head start in the field and help you confidently showcase your capabilities in job interviews.

Unleash Your Hidden Power: Transferable Project Management Skills

Think project management is just for fancy corporate jobs? Think again! The skills you hone in this field go far beyond specific tasks and industries, becoming valuable assets in virtually any walk of life. Let’s explore the hidden gems of transferable project management skills you might already possess!

Planning and Organizing Masters:

  • Party Planner Extraordinaire: From crafting a surprise bash to budgeting for catering, those birthday party plans reveal your prowess in scheduling, resource allocation, and staying on track – vital project management skills!
  • Shift Scheduling Superstar: Ever manage employee schedules to ensure seamless service? You’ve mastered team coordination, workload distribution, and prioritizing tasks – hallmarks of a successful project manager.
  • Moving Maestro: Orchestrated a cross-country move with friends and family? Coordinating helpers, budgeting for expenses, and packing strategically demonstrate your ability to manage multiple tasks, delegate effectively, and adapt to unforeseen situations – key project management attributes.

Communication Champions:

  • Meeting Magician: Aced that group presentation in college? You know how to collaborate, delegate tasks, and clearly communicate your vision – essential for leading and motivating project teams.
  • Customer Concierge: Remember that time you calmed a grumpy customer in retail? Your conflict resolution skills and ability to understand diverse perspectives are crucial for navigating stakeholder relationships in project management.
  • Motivational Mentor: Helped a friend achieve their personal goals? You understand the power of encouragement and feedback, a vital skill for empowering and guiding project teams to success.

Problem-Solving Prodigies:

  • Budgeting Brain: Balanced your college budget while juggling expenses and social life? You’ve mastered resource allocation, cost control, and adapting to financial surprises – skills that project managers face daily.
  • Puzzle Pioneer: Cracked that cryptic crossword in record time? Your analytical thinking and ability to solve complex problems under pressure are invaluable for troubleshooting project challenges.
  • Unexpected Event Expert: Remember that power outage that nearly derailed your camping trip? Your quick thinking and adaptability in the face of unforeseen circumstances are hallmarks of a resourceful project manager.


  • These are just a few examples – look for the project management skills hidden within your own unique experiences.
  • Highlight these transferable skills in job interviews and resumes to showcase your potential as a project manager.
  • Continuous learning and development will further refine your skills and open doors to exciting project management opportunities.

Embrace the transferable power of project management skills! From party planning to problem-solving, you possess untapped potential waiting to be unleashed. So, go forth, conquer projects, and remember – the skills you already have are your secret weapon for success!

Welcome back. Let’s
get right into it and explore the variety
of skills you’ll use. Have you ever been tasked with planning a loved one’s
surprise birthday party? There’s usually a
lot of pressure and responsibility, but when you get it right, it feels amazing. That’s still true even if
there were a couple of issues. Maybe the guest of honor arrived home earlier than expected and nearly ruined the surprise. But if you made
someone feel special on their birthday you probably planned a
successful project. As you chose a venue,
sent out invitations, and calculated your budget
based on your number of guests, you were using several
project management skills, like planning and
organizing, managing tasks, budgeting, and controlling
costs, and more. Or maybe you’ve never
planned a party. Have you ever worked
in the retail space, or in the service industry? Then you might have
experience that’ll translate into the project
management field, too. For example, you
might have been in charge of managing several
employees’ schedules. To do that, you had to plan and organize which
employees’ work styles would complement each
other in a productive way. You also had to make sure that all duties and responsibilities would be covered
during each shift. Plus, you had to be aware of
all employees’ availability. Doesn’t sound familiar? Well, have you ever had to
relocate for a new job and planned a big move? To successfully move
all of your belongings, you may have coordinated
friends and family to help. You would have had to budget and control costs for
moving companies, boxes, and
miscellaneous expenses. You probably packed your
boxes one room at a time and clearly labeled the boxes so that you knew
what each box was when you arrived at the new place. You had to manage all of
these tasks simultaneously. You’ve likely handled
several tasks like these in your lifetime. In studying project management, you’ll learn to further advance and sharpen these skills so that you’ll be
equipped to manage even bigger, more daunting tasks. The abilities that helped you complete these past projects are a great selling point for yourself as a future
project manager. So be sure to bring
up these examples in job interviews to
demonstrate your skills. For instance, if you’re
asked questions like, “Tell me about a
time when you had to juggle several tasks at once”, or “Tell me about a time when you had to influence a
customer or a teammate.” It’s good to have
examples that demonstrate your skills with
time management and leadership in both
your everyday life and previous workplaces. Are you thinking about all of the skills that you already have and can use in your future
project management role? Perfect. Up next, we’ll learn more about the types
of project management roles that you’ll be qualified
for after this program. We’ll also discuss how
to start exploring the various job opportunities out there for you. See you soon.

Video: X: Path to becoming a project manager

X’s Path to Program Management: From GED to Google

Key Points:

  • Non-traditional Journey: Dropped out of high school and college, found success through self-taught coding and military experience.
  • Finding the Right Fit: Transitioned from technical roles to program management for variety and personal growth.
  • Program Management at Google: Diverse roles across teams like Google Cloud and YouTube.
  • Key Skills for Success:
    • Personal Accountability: Taking initiative and managing personal goals.
    • Active Learning: Seeking mentorship and understanding the “why” behind decisions.
    • Collaboration: Bringing people together and aligning towards shared goals.
    • Transferable Skills: Everyday task management translates to project management with intention and structure.


X’s story proves that success in program management transcends formal education. By leveraging self-taught skills, personal growth initiatives, and a passion for collaboration, anyone can find their path in this field. Remember, everyday experience holds valuable skills waiting to be applied with intention.

Hey everyone, my name is X. Yes, just the letter. At Google, I’m a
Program Manager for a department called
Responsible Innovation. Most of us, in our everyday
life, use program management. When you have only a couple hours left in a day and you
have to figure out, well, do I clean my house or do I go to the grocery store? How long will each
of those task takes? Those are just
different elements or variations of program management
and project management. My path to program management
is pretty non-traditional. I didn’t go graduate
from a great college. In fact, I dropped out of high school and I
dropped out of college. So a GED is the highest
credential that I have. After I dropped out
of high school, I taught myself how to code. I built a whole
bunch of websites, but realized, like, I didn’t have the responsible skills to
make me a “mature adult.” So I ended up joining
the military. After spending eight
years in the Army, I traveled the world
building apps for really big companies and
governments around the world. When I came into Google, I realized I could
still be technical, but then I’m just using
the skills I already have. So how can I grow myself as a person by learning new skills? That’s when I heard about
the program manager role. The program manager role
at Google is super cool because it varies depending
on which team you’re on. If you’re a program
manager on Google Cloud, that could look
very different than being a program
manager in YouTube. That switch up and that change from coding all day long in
front of a computer screen was something that was really, really attractive to me. Some of the biggest
skills from my past and my history that helped me become a program manager and make
that transition from somebody who was managed by
program and project managers, to actually becoming one myself, was taking a little bit more accountability in
my personal life. There’s lots of things I
want to learn in life. I started doing things
like making schedules to practice, like,
different instruments, like the bass guitar. Each of my roles, whenever I worked with a
project or program manager, I also made sure to
check in with them about why they were doing
what they were doing. I’m someone who doesn’t
really learn from books if you can’t tell by
me dropping out of school. So I always found somebody
who was willing to teach me why they were doing what they were doing,
because that’s how I learn. I tend to be more kinetic. I learn as I go.
Program management to me was a natural calling. Not because I like to run around and tell everybody what to do, but because I have a real personal passion
for bringing people together and getting everybody on the same page to move
towards the same goal. Whether that’s convincing
all my friends to go to my favorite vegan
spot in downtown LA, like four times a week, or whether that’s getting
us all together to resolve conflict or to work on an idea and collaborate on
projects on the side together. Those skills that you use in your everyday life
to keep your task together can apply to program and project management very easily. You just have to be a
little bit more intentional around them and there’s a
lot more paperwork involved.

Learning about careers in project management

Video: From certificate to career success

Summary of Project Management Career Opportunities:

High Demand: Millions of project management jobs expected by 2027. Industries with highest growth include:

  • Manufacturing & construction
  • Information services & publishing
  • Management & professional services
  • Finance & insurance
  • Utilities & oil & gas

Types of Roles:

  • General Project Manager: Versatile, can work in various industries.
  • Industry-Specific: Construction, IT, engineering, etc. (Skills transferrable across industries).
  • Program/Operations Manager: Manage ongoing projects/operations (not always in title).
  • Support Roles: Assistant, coordinator, etc.

Job Duties: Vary depending on company size and industry.

Additional Paths:

  • Internships: Gain experience, network, build resume.
  • Contract Work: Project-by-project basis, flexibility, portfolio building.

Finding Jobs:

  • Next video covers identifying and searching for relevant job titles.

Key Takeaway:

  • Project management offers diverse career opportunities and flexibility.
  • This program equips you with skills for a variety of roles and industries.

This summary captures the key points while remaining concise and engaging. It highlights the high demand for project managers, different types of roles, additional career paths, and the next step in job search guidance.

  1. Get certified. A project management certification is a great way to demonstrate your skills and knowledge to potential employers. There are many different certifications available, so choose one that is relevant to your career goals.
  2. Gain experience. The best way to learn project management is by doing it. Get involved in projects at work, volunteer your time to a nonprofit organization, or start your own project.
  3. Network with other project managers. Attend industry events, join online forums, and connect with project managers on LinkedIn. Networking is a great way to learn about new opportunities and get your foot in the door.
  4. Stay up-to-date on the latest trends. The project management field is constantly evolving, so it is important to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and best practices. Read industry publications, attend conferences, and take online courses.
  5. Become a lifelong learner. The best project managers are always learning and growing. Continue to develop your skills and knowledge throughout your career.

Here are some additional tips for achieving career success in project management:

  • Be a good communicator. Project managers need to be able to communicate effectively with a variety of people, including team members, stakeholders, and clients.
  • Be organized and efficient. Project managers need to be able to manage multiple tasks and deadlines simultaneously.
  • Be able to solve problems. Project managers will inevitably encounter problems during the course of a project. They need to be able to identify and solve problems quickly and efficiently.
  • Be flexible and adaptable. The project management environment is constantly changing, so project managers need to be able to adapt to change.
  • Be a leader. Project managers need to be able to motivate and lead teams to success.

If you are willing to put in the hard work and dedication, you can achieve a successful career in project management. Just remember to get certified, gain experience, network with other project managers, stay up-to-date on the latest trends, and be a lifelong learner.

Welcome back. Now that you have a general understanding of
what a project manager does, let’s focus on the types
of jobs that you may be qualified for after
completing this program. To start, I’ve got
a question for you. How many open roles do you think are out there for
project managers? Hint: The answer is
a very big number. Project managers
are in high demand. In 2017, a study by the Project Management Institute found that by the year 2027, employers will need 87.7 million people filling project
management-aligned roles. According to that same study, the industries with
the most growth are manufacturing
and construction, information services
and publishing, management and
professional services, finance and insurance, utilities, and oil and gas. Project management
plays a big part in helping all of these
industries grow. In some industries, you will find the term “project manager” grouped with a more industry-specific qualifying word. For example: “construction
project manager” or “IT project manager,” or “engineering project manager.” Don’t worry. These are all
still project manager roles—they’re just specific
to an industry. And it’s important to keep in mind that the skills you learn in one industry can be applied
to another industry. New projects are popping
up every single day. Across all industries, we noticed that new technology
is introduced, which leads to processes changing and a need to
manage those processes. So all kinds of companies need people
like you who can tackle a variety of projects
from start to finish, to help them navigate
these changes. By now, you might have noticed that you already have
some of those skills, like organizing or planning
an event, problem-solving, or even managing a budget, and you use them effectively
in your everyday life. Reflect on some of those skills we mentioned
earlier and ask yourself, what are some of the parts of project management
that you’re drawn to? While you may not have
the answer just yet, thinking about these
things can help you find suitable roles later. As you keep going
in this program, try to keep track of the lessons and activities you prefer and the ones you
didn’t like as much. This will help you
narrow your choices as you search through
job boards later. The beauty of project management is that you don’t need to be an expert on a focused
technical topic— you just need to be able
to manage projects. You could be a construction or technology project manager, or you could enter the healthcare industry and
work in patient management. You could also enter
the energy sector and act as an environmental
project manager. The possibilities
are almost endless. What’s equally exciting
is that you could even end up with a completely
different title altogether. For instance, there are roles
that entail a sequence of ongoing projects that are considered programs or
operations in the industry. In this case, the role may not be described as a project manager, but instead something a
little more evergreen, like “operations manager”
or “program manager.” Other titles that might
make sense for you can include “operations assistant,” “project assistant,” “project coordinator,”
and “program assistant.” When it comes to job duties, your responsibilities
might change depending on the type
of company you choose. For example, the workload and specific tasks at a small agency will be different
from those at Google. It’s also important
to keep in mind that as the world continues
to change and evolve, so do industries and the job opportunities
you’ll find there. So be sure to cast a wide net. You’ll be able to find
more and more jobs you’re qualified for. In addition to
being qualified for project management-related jobs, there’s plenty of other roles or paths that may interest you. Internships can sometimes
be a good place to start. An internship is a
short-term way to get hands-on experience
in an industry. Plus, internships are a
great way to help boost your resume and set yourself
apart from other candidates. One of the key benefits
of internships is that you get real
work experience while simultaneously
networking with people in that industry. It’s a win-win. Now some internships
in your field might not technically be
project manager roles, but a lot of roles are
easily transferable. For example, something like an “events manager
intern” role can become a full-time project
manager position later on. Internships aren’t great
for everyone’s lifestyle, but if you can make them work, they’re a fantastic option. Another path you can
take is contract work. Working for companies on
a contract means you’ll work with them on a
project-by-project basis, but you won’t be a
full-time employee. This kind of work is a great
way to get your foot in the door and build
your portfolio. Plus, it gives you the
flexibility to try your hand at a few
different projects at once, depending on the commitment
level required for that. Another benefit of contracting
is that it lets you explore different kinds of companies
and project types. Since it’s a temporary position, you can explore what type of company is the best fit for you. Maybe you find you
like working with a large or a small team, or you find you enjoy
specific types of projects. And if you find a
situation that suits you and the organization, your contract position might just lead to a
full-time position. As you keep charging forward, try thinking about the
type of job you might be interested in going after
when we’re done here. Every new topic you
discover brings you one step closer to your first
role in project management, and one step closer to
where you want to be. In the next video, we’ll learn how to identify
and search for job titles best-suited for a project manager.
We’ll see you there.

Which of the following is true for project managers that work in a specific industry?

They can learn skills in one industry and apply them in another.

Project managers work in many industries. The skills project managers learn in one industry can be applied in others. Project managers tackle a variety of projects from start to finish.

Reading: Explore project management roles


Video: Finding the perfect role

Summary of Job Searching Tips for Project Management:

Key Challenges:

  • Decoding buzzwords in job descriptions.
  • Recognizing “project management” as a skill, not just a title.
  • Exploring diverse roles beyond “Project Manager.”

Job Hunting Strategies:

  • Consider titles like Operations Manager, Program Manager, Project Assistant, etc.
  • Read job descriptions carefully to identify skill matches.
  • Don’t limit yourself to solely “Project Management” roles.
  • Leverage your experience in other fields – even teaching!


  • Connect with professionals in your field to expand your reach.
  • Learn and share knowledge to create career opportunities.

Overall Takeaways:

  • Project management skills are versatile and apply to various roles.
  • Effective job searching opens doors to diverse career paths.
  • Networking builds valuable connections and boosts job prospects.

  1. Define your ideal role. What are your interests and skills? What kind of work environment do you want? What are your salary expectations? Once you know what you’re looking for, you can start to narrow down your search.
  2. Research different project management roles. There are many different types of project management roles, each with its own set of responsibilities and requirements. Do some research to learn about the different roles available and find the ones that are a good fit for you.
  3. Network with people in the project management field. Attend industry events, connect with people on LinkedIn, and reach out to friends and family who work in project management. Networking is a great way to learn about job openings and get your foot in the door.
  4. Tailor your resume and cover letter to each job you apply for. Highlight your skills and experience that are relevant to the specific role. Be sure to proofread your resume and cover letter carefully before submitting them.
  5. Practice your interviewing skills. The more you practice, the more confident you’ll feel during your interviews. Be prepared to answer questions about your project management skills and experience.
  6. Don’t give up! Job searching can be a long and challenging process, but it’s important to stay positive and persistent. The perfect role is out there for you, so don’t give up until you find it.

Here are some additional tips for finding the perfect role in project management:

  • Be flexible with your location. If you’re willing to relocate, you’ll have a wider range of opportunities.
  • Consider working for a consulting firm. Consulting firms often offer a variety of project management roles, so you can gain experience in different industries.
  • Don’t be afraid to start small. If you don’t have a lot of experience, you can start with an entry-level project management role. Once you have some experience, you can move on to more senior roles.
  • Be willing to learn new things. The project management field is constantly evolving, so you need to be willing to learn new skills and adapt to change.

Hi again! Let’s
discuss how to search for a job in the project
management field. It’s no secret that job
searching can be a challenge. Even the most detailed, specific job listings
can leave you wondering what the company is really seeking in a candidate. Don’t worry, we’ve all been
there, and we’re here to help you sort through the
lingo and the confusion. The more job listings you find, the more buzzwords you’ll
likely notice, too— words like “data-driven,”
“team player,” “self-starter.” Understanding all
the buzzwords in job listings will help figure out if a job
is right for you. Up to now, we’ve discussed
project management as a role, but many companies
actually list it as a skill. Here’s some
more good news. You’ll soon be qualified for a position as a project manager, and a position that lists
project management as a skill. Here’s the even better news. If you have the skills
to manage projects, you’ll be qualified for program manager or
operational roles that require you to
manage an end-to-end system or department, too, which asks for the
same skill set. Now, let’s check out
different types of jobs that use your project
management skills. When job hunting, keep
your options open. As I just mentioned, you don’t have to
limit yourself to just project manager titles. There’s lots of other titles
you’re qualified for, too. You’ll know what’s
a good fit for you by reading the job descriptions, so cast a wide net. Depending on the
field you choose, you might find roles
like Operations Manager, Program Manager, Operations Associate,
or Project Assistant. All of these could be a
great fit for your skills. For example, let’s say you’re searching a job board for
project management roles when you notice a Community
Operations Manager role for a small city open up. The job title isn’t
project manager, but you’ll notice that the job
functions match your skill set, and your years of experience also match
the job requirements. The job description
may include a list of required skills like
organizational management, strong planning and
communication skills, budget preparation
and monitoring. Sound familiar? Maybe you’ll
even start to notice that the job’s responsibilities seem like tasks you’ve
covered in this course, like creating monthly
status reports, helping to implement new
and necessary technologies, tracking work plans and
performance metrics, assisting other members of the operations team
on given projects, and ensuring timely responses to requests for information. These duties are
nearly a perfect match for your project
management skills, and there are plenty more
listings like these, too. How great is that? The skills that go into
project management are used in all kinds of
roles and professions. Believe it or not, we’ve
all worked with or learned from a project manager at
some point in the past. Can you guess who that is? It’s your teachers!
Think about it. Everything that goes into being a teacher takes project
management skills: Designing a curriculum
that’s accessible to students with unique
needs; managing a budget; communicating with
others like parents, department heads,
or school admins; developing processes
to make things run efficiently in the
classroom; and so on. For example, when I went for my first
interview at Google, I highlighted my experience as the founder and advisor to
a student leadership group. I told them about how I
assembled and led a team of 20 students to plan and execute
events like fundraisers, community gatherings, and
academic assemblies for over 300 students during
the academic year. I even kind of surprised myself, looking back at how much relevant project management
experience I had. Now, I’m sure you’ll think back on your own experiences and
feel the same thing. One more thing to call
out is networking. Networking is when you
meet other people in a professional setting
with the goal of learning, sharing knowledge, and creating
new business connections. This plays a big
role in job hunting, so it is a great tool to start
learning and perfecting. The skills you learn
here will prepare you for all kinds of project
management jobs. Knowing how to search for jobs will make it even easier to match those skills with the
best opportunities for you.

Video: Gilbert: Project management skills in my role

Summary of Gilbert’s Interview Process Experience at Google:

Role: Talent Outreach Specialist, identifying and supporting diverse candidates for roles at Google.

Key Skills:

  • Project Management: Planning, budgeting, executing, and communicating about projects (e.g., organizing events for students).
  • Transferable Skills: Communication, negotiation, resource management, time management (learned in retail job).
  • Practice Makes Perfect: Applying project management frameworks even in small personal projects for future benefit.
  • Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: Practice, confidence building through small wins, and reaching out for help.

Advice for Success:

  • Take the First Step: Joining this course shows initiative and overcomes fear of failure.
  • Seek Support: Ask for help, advice, and informational interviews from people in your desired field.
  • Be Curious and Eager to Learn: People connect with those who are open and willing to grow.

Overall Message:

Google values diverse talent and offers opportunities for learning and growth. Practice, confidence, and proactive networking are key to success in your career journey.

[MUSIC] My name is Gilbert, and I’m a talent
outreach specialist here at Google. Talent can mean many things; it can mean folks that have never
envisioned themselves at Google. And so part of our team’s remit is
to identify talent that Google or other companies may not necessarily
reach out to, or consider for roles in the past and helping them
navigate the interview process. That could also mean candidates
that are already interested or have expressed interest in opportunities
at Google in the past, and engaging them to support them
through the interview process today. At Google you have to wear the program and project management hat,
regardless of what role you’re in. And that’s definitely been the case for
me. So in my role I’ve had to practice skills
such as: communicating to stakeholders, managing a budget, managing a project timeline in many
different projects within my role. An example of this could
be organizing events for university students that
come to Google’s campus. And hear from guest speakers about
the projects we work on, the roles and their career journeys. And so as you can imagine this
can be a complex project. My first job out of college was completely
unrelated to what I’m doing now. I was an assistant manager
at a big box retailer. And so a lot of the skills that I
actually learned in that role have translated to support me in my
role and allowed me to have success. So some of these skills are being able to
talk to and have difficult conversations, being able to manage a budget, managing
resources, and managing your time. These are especially important
in the retail setting. I started applying a lot of these project
management frameworks or practices, even into the smallest projects. Maybe it’s related to my goals for
the next three months, setting up project plan based around that,
right? I was the only stakeholder, I was the only
one reviewing this documentation. But the practice of being able
to do this really helped me so that when I had to do it for a project
at Google with multiple stakeholders, with multiple timelines,
competing priorities. It was already second nature to me, because I even applied it
just in my day to day. So I think one of the biggest support
that I had as far as working through imposter syndrome, or lack of confidence as I stepped into a lot
of these skills is really just practice. And you can practice it in many
different ways, in your personal life, in your professional life,
and anything in between. So that was really important for
me as I’ve gone through this journey of up-skilling as a program and
project manager. I’d say that by joining this course and
stepping into this, you’re already taking the first step. And I think that’s just as important,
right? Not letting fear, or fear of failure get
in the way of new opportunities for you. And the second piece is don’t
be afraid to ask for help. I think that folks are generally
willing to help and support you. So the biggest thing that
you can do is reach out, and not be afraid to ask questions. Not be afraid to do an informational
interview, to ask for resume tips, to ask for advice from people that
are maybe already in the role that you’re hoping to step into, or in the field
that you’re looking to work in. Just reach out to them,
ask them questions. I think people like to connect with folks
that are intuitive, that are curious and are just eager to learn. And so if you can leverage those two pieces, I think that you’re going to
have success in whatever you do.


Practice Quiz: Test your knowledge: Learning about careers in project management

When you review a job listing, which section offers the most insight when deciding if the role is well-suited for you?

Which of the following might be part of a job description for an entry-level project manager role?

Which of the following best exemplifies the progression of a project management career?

What three types of information can be helpful to include in your search for project management roles?

Review: Embarking on a career in project management

Video: Wrap-up

Summary of Module 1 Completion:

Congratulations! You’ve finished the first module and are well on your way to becoming a project management rockstar.

Key Takeaways:

  • Project management explained: Applying knowledge, skills, and tools to achieve project goals, relevant across various industries.
  • Understanding projects: Unique endeavours with defined time, cost, scope, and resources.
  • Preparing for the future: Exploring job search strategies and translating past experiences for project management roles.
  • Transferable skills: Recognizing how existing skills, even personal ones, can benefit your project management career.
  • Building confidence: No prior experience needed, the course equips you with skills and knowledge for diverse roles (contract work, internships, general positions).
  • High demand: Thriving field with increasing need for project managers.

Looking forward:

  • First graded assignment awaits (ace it!)
  • More engaging content and learning opportunities.


  • Take your time, relax, and trust yourself.
  • Utilize resources like notes, readings, and videos for support.

Overall Message:

Feel proud of your progress, stay excited about the journey, and trust your ability to succeed in the world of project management.

And just like that, you’re done
with the first module. Congrats on hitting this
exciting milestone. You’re one step closer to becoming a rockstar in
project management. Let’s revisit the concepts
we’ve learned so far. We started by discussing
how project management is the application of
knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to meet the project requirements and
achieve the desired outcome. Then we learned that
project management is alive in nearly every
industry and company. So you’re working on an incredibly useful and versatile
certification. We also learned
what a project is: A unique endeavor and
temporary pursuit, carefully planned out to
achieve a particular goal. Hopefully by now, you’re
familiar with the idea that every project has
a defined time frame, cost, scope, and
dedicated resources. We’ve covered some
broad concepts and key terms that will help you become a successful
project manager, and we’ve gone over how to search for jobs when that time comes. We’ve also discussed how
to effectively translate your past experiences
into talking points for why you’ll be a
successful project manager. We talked about how you
can transfer skills from your previous job into your
new project management role, and how that’ll
really set you apart. Everything from juggling
a to-do list to budgeting for a loved
one’s birthday party demonstrates that you
probably already have some of the skills to be a
phenomenal project manager. But no worries if you don’t. We’re starting from scratch here. By the end of this course, you’ll have the skills, but also the experience, and knowledge to find
the role you want. Whether that’s contract work, internships, or general
project management positions, you’ll be able to figure out
what’s the best fit for you. And as we go forward, I want to encourage you
to keep thinking about what kind of work you might
like to do in the future. And let’s not forget the
most exciting news we learned about
project management: just about everyone
needs a project manager. This position’s in high demand, and that demand
just keeps growing. Wow, okay. That’s a lot of
ground we covered, and we’ve just barely
scratched the surface. I hope you’ve enjoyed
the course so far because it’s about
to get even more fun. Coming up, we have your
first graded assignment, and I know you’ll ace it. Remember, take your
time and relax. Trust yourself. You’ve got this. Don’t forget, you can always review your
notes and readings or go back and rewatch some of the videos if you’re
unsure about an answer. Good luck, and I’ll
see you again soon.

Quiz: Module 1 Challenge

Which of the following are benefits of an internship? Select all that apply.

Fill in the blank: According to a 2017 Project Management Institute study, industries like manufacturing, construction, information technology, publishing, finance, and oil and gas are experiencing _ with project management jobs.

Which of the following are benefits of a contracting job in project management? Select all that apply.

Throughout a project, project managers have to keep project expenses within an expected range. What is this project management responsibility called?

Fill in the blank: _ is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to meet the project requirements and achieve the desired outcome.

What does it take for a project manager to ensure a project stays on-track and on-budget? Select all that apply.

Which of the following explains how a project manager best accomplishes their responsibilities? Select all that apply.

Fill in the blank: A project is a temporary pursuit, and usually includes a set of _.

Fill in the blank: It’s likely that you have used project management skills in the past, and these skills are _ in professional project management.

As someone moving to a new location, you have several tasks. You have to plan for the various expenses like boxes and movers. You also have to clearly label the boxes, and manage all of the tasks leading up to and during the move. Which project management skills does the move require? Select all that apply.