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Home » Google Career Certificates » Google IT Support Professional Certificate » The Bits and Bytes of Computer Networking » Module 5: Connecting to the Internet

Module 5: Connecting to the Internet

In the fifth module of this course, we’ll explore the history of the Internet, how it evolved, and how it works today. We’ll understand the different ways to connect to the Internet through cables, wireless and cellar connections, and even fiber connections. By the end of this module, you’ll be able to define the components of WANs and outline the basics of wireless and cellular networking.

Learning Objectives

  • Describe various Internet connectivity technologies.
  • Define components of WANs.
  • Outline the basics of wireless and cellular networking.

Introduction to Connecting to the Internet

Video: Introduction to Connecting to the Internet

Summary of Internet Connectivity Technologies:

Key Points:

  • The internet is vast and diverse, with a myriad of devices connecting with various functions.
  • Familiar devices like computers and routers share the network with tablets, ATMs, cars, and more.
  • While categorizing by physical and data link layers simplifies things, internet connectivity is more complex.
  • Various technologies, as diverse as the devices themselves, connect people and devices to the internet.
  • This module focuses on understanding these different connectivity technologies.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Ability to describe various internet connectivity technologies.
  • Definition of the components of wireless and cellular networking.
  • Understanding the basics of wireless and cellular networking.

Relevance to IT Support Specialists:

  • As IT support specialists, understanding these technologies is crucial for ensuring successful internet connectivity.
  • A large part of the job involves troubleshooting and solving connection issues across diverse devices and technologies.

Overall, this module highlights the importance of understanding the diverse landscape of internet connectivity for IT support professionals.

Tutorial: Understanding Internet Connectivity Technologies

Welcome to this tutorial on understanding internet connectivity technologies, a foundational skill for IT support specialists. Through this journey, we’ll explore the diverse landscape of technologies that connect devices and people to the vast network we call the internet.

1. The Big Picture:

  • Diversity of Devices: The internet isn’t just about computers and servers. It’s a melting pot of devices with varied functions, from tablets and smartphones to ATMs, industrial equipment, and even cars.
  • Beyond Cat 5 and Ethernet: While categorizing connections by physical and data link layers simplifies things, the reality is more intricate. Understanding specific technologies is crucial.

2. Wired Connections:

  • DSL (Digital Subscriber Line): A popular technology for home and business internet access, utilizing telephone lines to deliver data at high speeds.
  • Cable Internet: Utilizing cable TV infrastructure to deliver high-speed internet access, often bundled with TV and phone services.
  • Fiber Optic: The gold standard for wired connectivity, transmitting data through thin glass fibers at incredible speeds and with minimal interference.

3. Wireless Connections:

  • Wi-Fi: The ubiquitous wireless technology connecting laptops, smartphones, tablets, and more to the internet through access points. Different Wi-Fi standards like 802.11ac and 802.11ax offer varying speeds and capabilities.
  • Bluetooth: Used for short-range wireless communication between devices like headphones, keyboards, and smartphones for data transfer or hands-free communication.
  • Cellular: The technology behind mobile internet access on smartphones and tablets, utilizing cellular towers to provide coverage across broad areas. Different generations like 4G and 5G offer varying speeds and capabilities.

4. Deeper Dive:

  • Network Components: Explore the building blocks of networks, including routers, switches, modems, and firewalls, and their roles in directing traffic and ensuring secure connections.
  • Troubleshooting: Learn how to diagnose and troubleshoot common connectivity issues related to cables, Wi-Fi signals, and equipment configurations.
  • Emerging Technologies: Stay updated on cutting-edge technologies like satellite internet, mesh networking, and low-power wide-area networks (LPWAN) that are shaping the future of internet connectivity.

5. Practice Makes Perfect:

  • Hands-on experience is key! Set up various network configurations, test different connectivity technologies, and troubleshoot simulated connection issues to solidify your understanding.
  • Utilize online resources and tutorials to further explore specific technologies and deepen your knowledge.


  • The internet is constantly evolving, and so are its connectivity technologies. Staying informed and adaptable is crucial for IT support specialists.
  • Understanding the diverse devices and technologies powering internet access empowers you to provide effective support and ensure seamless connectivity for everyone.

By embarking on this exploration of internet connectivity technologies, you’ll equip yourself with valuable knowledge and skills, making you a confident and competent IT support specialist in the ever-connected world.

This is just a starting point, feel free to expand on specific topics, add visuals, and personalize the tutorial to fit your audience and learning objectives. Good luck on your journey!

The internet is a vast and diverse place. Not only is it huge, the number of
different devices connected to it, can be just as staggering. And if we were to actually
describe all these devices, they’d have an almost
endless number of functions. The devices that connect to
the internet fall into familiar silos. Desktop and laptop computers,
servers and data centers, routers and switches that direct network traffic, etc. But this list also includes things like
tablets and cell phones, ATM’s, industrial equipment, medical devices, and even some
cars are now connected to the internet. The list could go on and on. It’s nice and simple to discuss everything
in terms of a basic physical layer made up of Cat five, or Cat six cables, and a
data link layer made entirely of Ethernet. But that’s not exactly how things
work when they actually connect to the internet. The technologies used to get people and devices connected are as different as
the people and devices themselves. By the end of this module, you’ll be able to describe various
internet connectivity technologies. You’ll also be able to define
the components of what and outline the basics of wireless and
cellular networking. These are the skills important
as an IT support specialist, because a big part of your job will
be making sure people can get online.

POTS and Dial-up

Video: Dial-up and Modems

Summary: History of Early Networking and Dial-Up

This passage dives into the early days of computer networking, before familiar technologies like Ethernet, TCP, and IP. It focuses on:

Precursors to Modern Networking:

  • Prior to the late 1970s, primitive networks connected devices locally.
  • Duke University students devised a bulletin board system using the existing Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN).
  • This system, Usenet, is a precursor to dial-up networks and still exists today.

Dial-Up Connections:

  • Dial-up utilized PSTN, establishing connections by dialing phone numbers.
  • Data transfer occurred via modems, converting computer data into audible signals for phone lines.
  • Baud rates, measured in bits per second, were initially very low (110 bps in the 1950s).
  • Dial-up reached peak speeds of 56 kbps in the 1990s before being superseded by broadband technologies.

Significance of Dial-Up:

  • For decades, dial-up was the primary method for long-distance computer communication.
  • While rare today, dial-up remains an option in some rural areas.
  • Understanding dial-up history is crucial for IT professionals.

Modern Convenience:

  • The passage concludes with appreciation for the convenience of separating phone and internet usage.

Tutorial: Exploring the Birthplace of the Internet: Early Networking and Dial-Up

This tutorial transports you back in time, uncovering the fascinating story of how computers began to talk to each other before the sleek world of Ethernet and broadband. Brace yourself for a nostalgic journey into the era of primitive connections and ear-splitting dial-up tones!

Chapter 1: Before the Big Bang:

  • A Fragmented Landscape: Imagine a world where computers existed in isolation, unable to share information and collaborate. In the early days, networks were local affairs, connecting nearby devices through wires and clunky protocols.
  • Pioneering Solutions: Meet the trailblazers! Researchers and universities developed ingenious, yet rudimentary, networking systems using teletype machines and dedicated cables. These early networks laid the groundwork for future innovations.

Chapter 2: Enter the Phone Lines:

  • Eureka! A Familiar Backbone: In the late 1970s, a light bulb moment struck two Duke University students. They realized the existing telephone network, the PSTN, could be harnessed for long-distance data transfer. Thus, Usenet, a bulletin board system precursor to dial-up, was born.
  • Dialing Up Connections: No fancy routers or cables here! Usenet relied on dialing phone numbers like making a regular call. The connection, however, transmitted not voices but data, converted into audible tones by trusty modems.

Chapter 3: The Slow Climb of Speed:

  • Bits and Bauds: Imagine data trickling at a snail’s pace. Early modems could only manage a measly 110 bits per second in the 1950s! With time, technology marched on, increasing speeds to a blazing 300 bps by the Usenet era.
  • Dial-Up Takes Flight: By the 1990s, the internet boom propelled dial-up into homes and businesses. Speeds reached a peak of 56 kbps, offering a taste of online exploration, albeit with ear-splitting dial tones and agonizing download times.

Chapter 4: The Rise and Fall of a Giant:

  • Broadband Revolution: The late 1990s witnessed the dawn of broadband technologies like DSL and cable internet. Offering lightning-fast speeds compared to dial-up, they quickly gained dominance, relegating dial-up to a relic of the past.
  • A Legacy Endures: While its reign is over, dial-up left its mark. Understanding its principles equips IT professionals with an appreciation for the evolution of networking and prepares them for future technologies.

Chapter 5: Hands-On Exploration:

  • Simulate Dial-Up: Recreate the dial-up experience using online emulators and experience the slow grind of downloading a single image.
  • Compare the Speeds: Measure the difference in download times between dial-up and contemporary broadband connections.
  • Research Early Networks: Investigate historical projects like ARPANET and explore their contributions to the internet’s development.


  • The history of early networking is a story of ingenuity and adaptation. Understanding this journey helps us appreciate the incredible speed and connectivity we enjoy today.
  • By exploring hands-on activities and research, you gain a deeper understanding of the fundamental principles that paved the way for the modern internet.

This tutorial serves as a starting point. Feel free to add visuals, videos, and interactive elements to enhance your learning experience. As you embark on this historical adventure, remember, the internet we know today wouldn’t exist without the humble beginnings of early networking and the ear-splitting symphony of dial-up connections!

As computer use grew over the
course of the 20th century, it became obvious that
there was a big need to connect computers to each other so that they
could share data. For years before Ethernet, TCP, or IP, were ever invented, there were computer networks
made up of technologies way more primitive than the
model we’ve been discussing. These early networking
technologies mostly focused on connecting devices within close physical proximity
to each other. In the late 1970s, two graduate students at Duke University
were trying to come up with a better way to connect computers at further distances. They wanted to share what was
essentially bulletin board material then a light
bulb moment went off. They realized the
basic infrastructure for this already existed, the public telephone network. The Public Switched
Telephone Network, or PSTN, is also sometimes referred to as the Plain Old Telephone
Service or POTS. It was already a pretty
global and powerful system by the late 1970s, more than 100 years after the
invention of the telephone. These Duke grad students
weren’t the first ones to think about using a phone
line to transmit data. But they were the first to
do it in a way that became somewhat permanent precursor to the dial-up networks to follow. The system they
built is known as Usenet and a form of it
is still in use today. At the time, different locations like colleges and
universities used a very primitive form of a dial-up connection to exchange a series of
messages with each other. A dial-up connection uses POTS
for data transfer and gets its name because
the connection is established by actually
dialing a phone number. If you used dial-up
back in the day, this noise might sound
familiar to you. For some of us, it
was like nails on a chalkboard as we waited to get connected
to the Internet. Transferring data across
a dial-up connection is done through
devices called modems. Modem stands for
modulator demodulator and they take data
that computers can understand and
turn them into audible wavelengths that can
be transmitted over POTS. After all, the telephone system
was developed to transmit voice messages or sounds
from one place to another. This is conceptually similar to how line coding is
used to turn ones and zeros into modulating electrical charges
across Ethernet cables. Early modems had
very low baud rates. A baud rate is a measurement of how many bits could be passed across a phone
line in a second. By the late 1950s, computers could generally only send each other data across a phone line at about
110 bits per second. By the time Usenet
was being developed, this rate had increased to
around 300 bits per second. By the time dial-up access
to the Internet became a household commodity
in the early 1990s, this rate had increased to
14.4 kilo bits per seconds. Improvements
continued to be made, but widespread adoption of
broadband technologies, dial-up Internet connectivity
is pretty rare today, but it hasn’t
completely gone away. In some rural areas, it might be the only
option still available. You might never run into a dial-up Internet connection
during your IT career, but it’s still important to know that for several decades, this technology represented
the main way computers communicated with each
other over long distances. I’m just glad we don’t
have to choose between using the phone or using
the Internet anymore.

Practice Quiz: POTS and Dial-up

Another term for POTS, or the Plain Old Telephone System, is _______________.

A baud rate is a measurement of the number of ______________________.

Broadband Connections

Video: What is broadband?

Broadband: The Internet Revolution You Probably Take For Granted

Imagine a world where downloading a cat picture took 20 minutes! Before broadband, that was reality. Now, blazing-fast connections deliver the internet experience we know and love.

Before broadband:

  • Dial-up was king, painfully slow even for basic browsing.
  • Businesses relied on expensive dedicated lines for internet access.
  • Streaming, sharing photos, and online courses? Forget it!

Broadband changed everything:

  • Always-on connections provided a massive speed boost.
  • Complex websites and data-hungry applications became possible.
  • Businesses and homes alike embraced the internet revolution.

Today, broadband shapes our lives:

  • Streaming media, online learning, and social sharing thrive.
  • Businesses operate globally with seamless communication.
  • The internet plays a central role in work, entertainment, and education.

Broadband isn’t just technology; it’s a fundamental shift in how we connect and interact with the world. So next time you laugh at a meme in seconds, remember – broadband made it possible!

Broadband: The Internet Revolution You Probably Take For Granted: A Guided Exploration

Welcome to the world of broadband, the invisible force powering your online adventures!

This tutorial takes you on a journey to understand broadband, its impact, and why it matters so much.

Part 1: The Dial-Up Days (A Slow Trip Down Memory Lane)

  • Remember the ear-splitting screech of a dial-up modem connecting? We’ll revisit the frustratingly slow, pixelated internet of the past.
  • Discover how businesses scrambled to keep up with limited bandwidth using dedicated lines.
  • Imagine a world where streaming a movie was a pipe dream and downloading a song took minutes. We’ll appreciate the patience people had!

Part 2: The Broadband Boom (From Snail’s Pace to Sonic Speed)

  • Witness the arrival of broadband technologies like DSL, cable, and fiber optic, ushering in an era of lightning-fast internet speeds.
  • Explore how broadband transformed websites from static pages to interactive portals, paving the way for social media, streaming services, and online learning.
  • Dive into the impact on businesses, from global communication to remote work, showcasing how broadband revolutionized operations.

Part 3: Broadband in the Now (Your Daily Dose of Internet Goodness)

  • Appreciate the diverse applications of broadband in our daily lives, from entertainment to education to shopping.
  • Understand the role of broadband in connecting communities, bridging geographical gaps, and promoting global collaboration.
  • Discuss the challenges of digital disparities and explore initiatives to ensure everyone has access to this essential tool.

Part 4: The Future of Broadband (Faster, Further, More?)

  • Look ahead to emerging technologies like 5G and beyond, promising even faster speeds and wider connectivity.
  • Explore the potential implications of the “Internet of Things” (IoT) where every device is connected, and the role broadband plays in making it a reality.
  • Discuss ethical considerations and potential challenges arising from an ever-connected world.

Interactive Activities:

  • Compare internet speeds using interactive tools to visualize the difference between dial-up and broadband.
  • Design your own future-proof broadband network, considering needs and capabilities.
  • Research global broadband access disparity and brainstorm solutions for bridging the digital divide.

By the end of this tutorial, you’ll:

  • Have a deeper understanding of broadband technology and its historical significance.
  • Appreciate the immense impact it has had on our lives, businesses, and communities.
  • Be able to explain the importance of equitable access to broadband for future development.
  • Look forward to the exciting possibilities of a hyper-connected future powered by advanced broadband technologies.

This is just a roadmap, feel free to add your own unique flair and personalize the activities to create an engaging and insightful learning experience for everyone!

Let’s dive into the fascinating world of broadband and discover why it deserves more than just a passing thought!

The term broadband has a few definitions,
in terms of internet connectivity, it’s used to refer to any connectivity
technology that isn’t dial-up internet. Broadband internet is almost always much
faster than even the fastest dial-up connections, and
refers to connections that are always on. This means that there are long lasting
connections that don’t need to be established with each use, they’re
essentially links that are always present. Broadband shaped today’s world. While the internet itself is
a totally amazing invention, it wasn’t until the advent of broadband
technologies, that its true potential for business and home users was realized. Long before people had broadband
connections at home, businesses, spent a lot of resources on them. Usually out of necessity, if you had
an office with more than a few employees, the bandwidth available by
a single dialogue connection would quickly be over
saturated by just a few users. By the mid 1990s, it had become pretty
common for businesses that needed internet access for their employees to use
various T-carrier technologies. T-carrier technologies were originally
invented by AT&T in order to transmit multiple phone
calls over a single link. Eventually, they also became common
transmission systems to transfer data much faster than any
dial-up connection could handle. After businesses got into the broadband
game, home use became more prevalent. As different aspects of the internet like
the World wide Web became more complex, they also required ever
increasing data transfer rates. In the days of dial-up, even a single image on a web page could
take many seconds to download and display. High resolution photos that you
can now take on a cellphone, would have required a long time to
download, and a lot of your patience. A single picture taken on a smartphone
today can easily be several megabytes in size. Two megabytes would
translate to 16,777,216 bits at a baud rate of
14.4 kilobits per second. That many bits would take
nearly 20 minutes to download. No one would have had time to download all
the hilarious cat images on the Internet back then. What a travesty! Without broadband Internet
connection technologies, the Internet as we know it today,
wouldn’t exist. We wouldn’t be able to stream music or
movies, or easily share photos. You definitely couldn’t be taking
an online course like this. T-carrier technologies require dedicated
lines which makes them more expensive. For this reason you usually only
see them in use by businesses. But other broadband solutions also exist
for both businesses and consumers.

Video: T-Carrier Technologies

T-carriers: Phone Lines Turned Data Speed Demons

Remember dial-up internet? Before broadband, businesses relied on T-carriers, an AT&T invention that squeezed 24 phone calls into one cable. Each call channel became a 64 kbps data lane, creating a 1.544 Mbps “T1” connection.


  • Originally for connecting phone companies.
  • Became popular business internet option in the 90s.
  • Faster than dial-up, but expensive and limited.


  • Multiple T1s combined for higher speeds (e.g., 28 T1s in an “AT3” for 44.7 Mbps).


  • T-carriers mostly replaced by cheaper, faster:
    • Cable broadband for businesses.
    • Fiber for internal network connections.

T-carriers: a key piece of internet history, even if they’re fading into the background now.

This summary captures the essence of T-carriers: their origin, function, evolution, and decline. It uses concise language and highlights key points like speed and cost comparisons. It also avoids overly technical jargon for a broader audience.

T-carriers: Phone Lines Turned Data Speed Demons – A Guided Tour

Get ready to zoom back in time, before cat videos and endless scrolling! We’re revisiting a hidden hero of the internet: T-carriers, the technology that transformed clunky phone lines into blazing-fast data highways.

Part 1: From Chattering Calls to Digital Data:

  • Meet AT&T, the mastermind behind T-carriers. Imagine them whispering, “What if we crammed 24 phone calls into one cable?” And voila, the T1 was born!
  • Say goodbye to individual copper wires for each call. T1 bundled them like spaghetti, making calls dance together on a single strand.
  • But wait, there’s more! Each phone channel transformed into a 64-kilobit-per-second data lane. Not the fastest today, but a rocket compared to dial-up’s snail pace!

Part 2: T-carriers Take Flight: Business Takes Off:

  • The 90s internet boomed, and businesses craved speed. Enter T1, the office hero! Faster than dial-up, it let downloads fly and emails zip.
  • But hold on, T1 wasn’t cheap. Imagine paying for 24 phone lines at once! So, it became a VIP option for companies needing serious internet muscle.

Part 3: The Need for Speed: T-carriers Evolve:

  • Businesses craved even more speed. AT&T answered with the T3: 28 T1s joined forces, creating a data monster with a 44.7 Mbps appetite!
  • Imagine downloading an entire song in seconds! That was the T3’s magic.

Part 4: The Rise of the New Wave: T-carriers Fade But Don’t Forget:

  • Today, faster, cheaper options like cable and fiber dominate. But remember, T-carriers paved the way! They were the stepping stones to our hyper-connected world.
  • You might still find them lurking in some corners, but mostly as silent veterans, watching the new generation take over.

Interactive Activities:

  • Compare data speeds: Simulate the difference between dial-up, T1, and fiber optic using online tools.
  • Build your own T-carrier network: Design a basic network using T1 lines and explore potential limitations.
  • Research T-carriers’ impact: Investigate how they revolutionized business communication in the 90s.

By the end of this tutorial, you’ll:

  • Appreciate the ingenuity of T-carriers, the unsung heroes of early internet speed.
  • Understand their historical significance and impact on business communication.
  • Recognize the constant evolution of technology and the need for adaptation.

So, the next time you stream a movie in seconds, take a moment to remember the T-carriers, the phone lines that dared to dream of data and paved the way for our high-speed world!

This tutorial uses a conversational tone, interactive activities, and historical context to make learning about T-carriers engaging and informative. It caters to a general audience while maintaining technical accuracy.

Feel free to adjust the depth, complexity, and activities to suit your specific audience and desired learning outcomes.

T-carrier technologies were
first invented by AT&T, in order to provision
a system that allowed lots of phone calls to travel
across a single cable. Every individual phone
call was made over individual pairs of copper wire before Transmission System 1, the first T-carrier specification
called T1 for short. With the T1 specification, AT&T invented a way to carry up to 24 simultaneous
phone calls across a single piece
of twisted pair copper. Years later, the same technology was repurposed for
data transfers. Each of the 24
phone channels was capable of transmitting data
at 64 kilobits per second, making a single T1 line
capable of transmitting data at 1.544
megabits per second. Over the years, the phrase
T1 has come to mean any twisted pair copper
connection capable of speeds of 1.544
megabits per second. Even if it doesn’t
strictly follow the original Transmission
System 1 specification. Originally, T1 technology
was only used to connect different telecom company
sites to each other and to connect these companies to other telecom companies. But with the rise
of the internet as a useful business
tool in the 1990s, more and more businesses
started to pay to have T1 lines installed at their offices to have faster Internet
connectivity. More improvements
to the T1 line, were made by developing
a way of multiple T1s, to act as a single link. AT3 line is 28 T1s
all multiplexed, achieving a total
throughput speed of 44.736 megabits per second. You’ll still find T-carrier
technologies in use today, but they’ve usually been surpassed by other
broadband technologies. For small business offices, cable broadband or
fiber connections are now way more common, since they’re much
cheaper to operate. For inner ISP communications, different fiber
technologies have all replaced older
copper based ones.

Video: Digital Subscriber Lines

DSL: Breathing New Life into Phone Lines for Faster Internet

Before fiber and cable, DSL reigned king. Utilizing existing phone lines and their unused data capacity, DSL transformed slow dial-up into a faster, always-on internet experience.

Key facts:

  • Leveraged phone lines: No need for new infrastructure, making it readily available.
  • Faster than dial-up: Provided a significant speed boost, enabling smoother browsing and downloads.
  • Always-on connection: No more dial-up tones, just constant internet access.
  • Coexistence with phone calls: Shared the same line without interference, allowing simultaneous calls and internet use.

Types of DSL:

  • ADSL (Asymmetric): Most common, offering faster downloads (ideal for home users) and slower uploads.
  • SDSL (Symmetric): Equal upload and download speeds, used by businesses needing consistent data transfer.
  • Other variations: HDSL offers higher speeds, while others cater to specific distances or bandwidth needs.

Today’s landscape:

  • While still present, DSL has been surpassed by technologies like fiber and cable in terms of speed and availability.
  • However, DSL remains a good option in areas lacking alternative high-speed connections.


  • Contact your ISP for specific details about available DSL options and speeds in your area.

This summary highlights the key points about DSL: its origins, advantages, different types, and current place in the internet landscape. It simplifies technical terms and focuses on the user experience, making it understandable for a general audience.

DSL: From Chattering Cords to Streaming Speed Demons – A Guided Tour

Remember the agonizing screech of a dial-up modem? Yep, those were the days! But before fiber and cable swooped in, there was a hero lurking in the background: DSL, the technology that breathed new life into your trusty phone lines, transforming them into blazing-fast data highways.

Part 1: Phone Lines Get Smart – Enter DSL:

  • Imagine phone lines like chatty friends, carrying only voice calls. Then comes DSL, whispering, “Hey, they can carry way more data!”
  • By using a different frequency range, DSL piggybacks on phone lines without interrupting your calls. It’s like having two conversations on the same line, but in different languages!
  • Say goodbye to dial-up’s snail pace! DSL unleashes downloads and streaming without those agonizing pauses and pixelated nightmares.

Part 2: DSL in Action – Always On, Always Fast:

  • No more waiting for that dial-up screech! DSL is an always-on connection, ready to serve up the internet whenever you need it.
  • Movies, music, browsing – go wild! DSL empowers you to do more online, faster and smoother.

Part 3: Family of DSL Technologies:

  • Just like families, DSL comes in different flavors:
    • ADSL (Asymmetric): The cool older sibling, perfect for home users. Downloads fly while uploads chug along (think downloading movies vs. sharing vacation photos).
    • SDSL (Symmetric): The even-steven sibling, offering equal upload and download speeds, ideal for businesses that send and receive lots of data.
    • Other Variations: DSL has a quirky aunt named HDSL for super-fast speeds, and distant cousins that reach further or handle specific needs.

Part 4: DSL Today: A Legacy Hero:

  • While fiber and cable are the new rockstars, DSL remains a reliable option, especially in areas where the flashy newcomers haven’t arrived.
  • Think of DSL as the trusty steed that got you started on your internet adventures. It may not be the fastest anymore, but it paved the way and deserves a big thank you!

Interactive Activities:

  • Compare internet speeds: Simulate dial-up vs. DSL vs. fiber connection speeds using online tools.
  • Design your own DSL network: Choose an ADSL or SDSL connection based on your needs and research its capabilities.
  • Explore DSL’s impact: Research how DSL transformed businesses and home internet experiences in the early 2000s.

By the end of this tutorial, you’ll:

  • Appreciate the ingenuity of DSL, the technology that gave phone lines a digital makeover.
  • Understand the different types of DSL and their applications.
  • Recognize the evolution of internet technologies and their historical significance.

So, the next time you stream a movie without a hitch, remember the unsung hero, DSL! It may not be the flashiest anymore, but it’s a reminder that even the most familiar things can hold hidden potential for speed and progress.

Feel free to adjust the depth, complexity, and activities to suit your specific audience and desired learning outcomes. Happy exploring the world of DSL!

The public telephone network was a great option for getting people connected to
the Internet since it already had
infrastructure everywhere. For a long time, dial-up
connections were the main way that people connected to the
Internet from home. As people wanted faster and
faster Internet access, telephone companies
began to wonder if they could use the
same infrastructure, but in a different way. The research showed that
twisted pair copper used by modern telephone lines was
capable of transmitting way more data than what was needed
for voice to voice calls. By operating at a
frequency range that didn’t interfere
with normal phone calls, a technology known as digital
subscriber line or DSL, was able to send much
more data across the wire than traditional
dial-up technologies, and to top it all off, this allowed for normal
voice phone calls and data transfer to occur at the
same time on the same line. Like how dial-up uses modems, DSL technologies also
use their own modems. But more accurately
they’re known as DSLAMs or digital subscriber
line access multiplexers. Just like dial-up modems, these devices establish data connections
across phone lines, but unlike dial-up connections, they’re usually long running. This means that
the connection is generally established
when the DSLAM is powered on and isn’t torn down until the DSLAM
is powered off. There are lots of
different DSL available, but they all vary in
a pretty minor way. For a long time, the two
most common types of DSL were ADSL and SDSL. ADSL stands for Asymmetric
Digital Subscriber Line. ADSL connections feature
different speeds for outbound and incoming data. Generally, this means faster download speeds
and slower upload speeds. Home users rarely need to upload as much data
as they download, since home users are
mostly just clients. For example, when you open a
web page in a web browser, the upload or outbound
data is pretty small. You’re just asking for a certain webpage from
the web server. The download or inbound
data tends to be much larger since it will
contain the entire webpage, including all images
and other media. For this reason,
asymmetric lines often provide a similar
user experience for a typical home user, but at a lower cost. SDSL as you might
be able to guess, stands for Symmetric
Digital Subscriber Line. SDSL technology is
basically the same as ADSL, except the upload and
download speeds are the same. At one point, SDSL
was mainly used by businesses that hosted servers that needed to send
data to clients. As the general bandwidth
available on the Internet has expanded and as the cost of operation have come
down over the years, SDSL is now more common for both businesses
and home users. Most SDSL technologies
have an upper cap of 1.544 megabits a second
or the same as a T1 line. Further developments
in SDSL technology have yielded things like HDSL or High bit-rate
Digital Subscriber Lines. These are DSL technologies
that provision speeds above 1.544 megabits per second. There are lots of
other minor variations in DSL technology out in the wild offering different bandwidth options
and operating distances. These variations can be
so numerous and minor. It’s not really practical
to try to cover them here. If you ever need to know more
about a specific DSL line, you should contact the ISP that provides it
for more details.

Video: Cable Broadband

Summary of Cable Internet vs. Wireless Technologies:

Historical Shifts:

  • Telephones & Computers: Wired communication evolving towards wireless (e.g., cell phones).
  • Television: Wireless broadcasts (towers) transitioning to wired cable networks.

Cable TV’s Rise:

  • Initially for remote areas lacking TV tower reception.
  • Boosted by Cable Communications Policy Act (1984) deregulation.
  • Grew to match public telephone system size by early 1990s.

Birth of Cable Internet:

  • Leveraging existing cable infrastructure for data transmission.
  • Utilizing different frequencies to coexist with TV signals.
  • Offering “cable broadband” as high-speed internet access.

Shared Bandwidth vs. Dedicated Connections:

  • Cable internet shares bandwidth among users in a specific area.
  • DSL and dial-up offer dedicated connections from home/business to a central office.
  • Sharing can lead to slower speeds during peak usage times on cable networks.

Cable Internet Components:

  • Cable modem: Connects consumer network to the cable system.
  • Cable modem termination system (CMTS): Links multiple cable connections to the ISP’s core network.

Key Takeaways:

  • Cable internet utilizes existing cable TV infrastructure with shared bandwidth.
  • Compared to dedicated connections like DSL, cable speeds may fluctuate during peak usage.
  • Cable modems and CMTS manage the connection between homes and the ISP’s network.

Cable Internet vs. Wireless Technologies: A Beginner’s Guide

Have you ever wondered how the internet reaches your home? Is it magically beamed through the air, or does it travel through hidden wires like electricity? The answer depends on your chosen technology: cable internet or wireless technologies. Both options offer internet access, but they differ in their infrastructure, performance, and user experience. This tutorial will explore these differences and help you decide which option is best for you.

Wired Wonder: Cable Internet

Imagine your internet flowing through the same kind of cable that brings you the latest TV shows. That’s essentially how cable internet works. It utilizes the existing coaxial cables installed for cable TV, transmitting data alongside video signals. Here’s how it breaks down:

  • Shared bandwidth: Multiple users in your neighborhood share the same cable line, like splitting lanes on a highway. This can lead to slower speeds during peak usage times (think evenings and weekends), but overall, cable internet offers high and reliable speeds.
  • Dedicated modem: A cable modem at your home connects to the cable line and translates the data into signals your devices can understand.
  • Constant connection: Unlike most wireless options, cable internet provides a reliable and consistent connection, making it ideal for activities like video conferencing, online gaming, and streaming HD content.

Airwaves Ahoy: Wireless Technologies

While cables offer stability, wireless technologies provide the freedom to connect from anywhere. Here are the two main wireless options:

  • Cellular Network: Your trusty phone and data plan come into play here. Cellular networks use radio waves to transmit data, offering good speeds but often with data caps and limited coverage in rural areas.
  • Satellite Internet: For those beyond the reach of traditional networks, satellite internet beams data from orbiting satellites. It offers widespread coverage, but suffers from high latency (slower response times) and can be affected by weather conditions.

Choosing Your Champion: Which Technology Reigns Supreme?

The best technology for you depends on your priorities and needs:

  • For speed and reliability: If you crave consistent high speeds for streaming, gaming, and downloading, cable internet reigns supreme.
  • For mobility and flexibility: If you prioritize connecting from anywhere, cellular networks or satellite internet might be your best bet, despite limitations.
  • For cost-consciousness: While cable internet generally offers the best value for speed, budget-minded users might find cellular plans or satellite internet packages more affordable.

Beyond the Basics: Advanced Considerations

This tutorial is just the tip of the iceberg. Here are some additional factors to ponder:

  • Data caps: Wireless plans often have data caps, which can lead to overage charges if exceeded.
  • Security: Public Wi-Fi networks raise security concerns, while cable and satellite internet offer private connections.
  • Future-proofing: Consider potential technology advancements and infrastructure upgrades in your area.

Remember, the perfect internet connection is a personal choice. Weigh your needs against the strengths and weaknesses of each technology, and make an informed decision to connect to the world exactly how you want.

This tutorial provides a basic framework for understanding cable internet and wireless technologies. Feel free to explore further to discover more advanced features, compare specific service providers, and ultimately choose the best option for your digital lifestyle.

The history of both the telephone
and computer networking tells a story that started with all communications
being wired. But the recent trend
is moving towards more and more of this
traffic becoming wireless. The history of television
follows the opposite path. Originally, all
television broadcasts were wireless transmissions sent out by giant
television towers and received by smaller
antennas in people’s homes. This meant you had
to be within a range of one of these television
towers to watch TV, just like you have to
be within range of a cell phone tower to use
your cell phone today. Starting in the late 1940s
in the United States, the first cable television
technologies were developed. At the time, they
mainly wanted to provide television
access to remote towns and rural homes that
were out of range of capabilities of television
towers at the time. Cable television continued to expand slowly over the decades. But in 1984, the Cable Communications Policy
Act was passed. This deregulated the cable
television business in the United States and caused a massive boom in
growth and adoption. Other countries all over
the globe soon followed. By the early 1990s, cable television
infrastructure in the United States was about the size of the public
telephone system. Not too long after that, cable providers
started trying to figure out if they
could join in on the massive spike in Internet growth that was
happening at the same time. Much like how DSL was developed cable companies quickly realized
that the coaxial cables, generally used by cable
television delivery into a person’s home were capable of transmitting
much more data than what was required
for TV viewing. By using frequencies that don’t interfere with
television broadcast, cable-based internet
access technologies were able to deliver high speed Internet access
across these same cables. This is the technology
we refer to when we say cable broadband. One of the main differences in how cable internet access
works when compared to other broadband solutions
is that cable is generally what’s known as a
shared bandwidth technology. With technologies like
DSL or even dial up, the connection from your home or business goes directly
to what’s known as a central office or
CO. A long time ago, the COs were actually offices staffed with
telephone operators who used a switchboard
to manually connect the caller
with a callee. As technology improved, the
COs became smaller pieces of automated hardware that handled these functions for the
telephone companies, but the name stayed the same. Technologies that connect
directly to a CO can guarantee a certain amount of
bandwidth available over that connection since
it’s point to point. On the flip side of this, are cable Internet
technologies which employ a shared bandwidth model. With this model in place, many users share a certain
amount of bandwidth until the transmissions
reach the ISPs core network. This could be anywhere from a single city block to entire subdivisions
in the suburbs. It just depends on how that area was originally wired for cable. Today, most cable operators have tried to upgrade
their networks to the point that end users might not always notice
this shared bandwidth. But it’s also still
common to see cable internet connections slow down during periods
of heavy use, like when lots of people
in the same region are using their Internet
connection at the same time. Cable Internet
connections are usually managed by what’s known
as a cable modem. This is a device that sits at the edge of a
consumer’s network and connects it to the cable
modem termination system or CMTS. The CMTS is what
connects lots of different cable connections
to an ISP’s core network.

Video: Fiber Connections

Summary of Fiber Internet and FTTX Options:

Key Points:

  • Fiber optic cables are increasingly used for internet connections due to their high speeds and long transmission distances compared to copper cables.
  • FTTX: Fiber To The X (where X can be various points) represents different configurations for bringing fiber optic connections closer to end users.
  • FTTN: Fiber To The Neighborhood – Fiber reaches a central cabinet, then copper/coax connects individual homes.
  • FTTB/FTTB/FTTP: Fiber To The Building/Business/Premises – Fiber reaches the building, then copper connects individual units.
  • FTTH: Fiber To The Home – Fiber directly reaches individual homes/apartments.
  • ONT: Optical Network Terminator – Converts data between fiber and copper networks.

Benefits of Fiber:

  • High speeds: Ideal for bandwidth-intensive activities like streaming, gaming, and video conferencing.
  • Long distances: Transmission over miles with minimal signal degradation.
  • Reliability: Less susceptible to interference and signal loss compared to copper.


  • Cost: Installation and maintenance of fiber infrastructure are higher than copper.
  • Availability: Not all areas have access to fiber optic networks yet.

Overall, FTTX technologies offer faster, more reliable internet access compared to traditional copper-based connections. The specific version (FTTN, FTTB, FTTH) deployed depends on cost, infrastructure, and target user density.

Fiber Internet and FTTX Options: A Beginner’s Guide

Tired of lagging downloads and choppy video calls? Enter fiber internet, the champion of speed and reliability in the internet world. But wait, there’s more! Fiber isn’t just one choice, it’s a family of options called FTTX, each delivering fiber closer to your doorstep. Let’s explore this fiber-tastic world!

Why the Fiber Frenzy?

Imagine data zipping through your internet connection like a bullet train, not a crawling snail. That’s the magic of fiber optic cables. Unlike copper wires, they use light pulses to transmit data, resulting in:

  • Blazing speeds: Download movies in seconds, stream 4K content effortlessly, and conquer online gaming with minimal lag.
  • Long-distance champion: Say goodbye to signal degradation! Data travels miles on fiber without needing boosters, making it ideal for rural areas.
  • Reliable rockstar: No more dropouts or interference. Fiber is immune to electromagnetic noise and weather fluctuations, offering rock-solid connectivity.

FTTX: Fiber Reaching for Your Home

But fiber doesn’t just stop at the ISP’s headquarters. FTTX, or Fiber To The X, brings the fiber love closer to your home in various ways:

  • FTTN (Fiber To The Neighborhood): Fiber reaches a central hub serving an entire neighborhood. From there, traditional copper or coax cables handle the final leg to your home. Think of it as a high-speed highway leading to your local street.
  • FTTB/FTTB/FTTP (Fiber To The Building/Business/Premises): Fiber gets even closer, reaching your apartment building or office complex. Inside the building, copper takes over to connect individual units. Imagine the highway reaching your building but not quite your apartment door.
  • FTTH (Fiber To The Home): The holy grail of FTTX! Fiber runs directly to your house or apartment, offering the ultimate speed and reliability experience. It’s like having a private bullet train delivering data straight to your living room.

Choosing Your Fiber Champion:

So, which FTTX option is the right fit for you? Here’s a quick guide:

  • Speed demon: FTTH reigns supreme, but FTTB/FTTP is also a strong contender.
  • Cost-conscious: FTTN might be the most affordable, but expect slightly slower speeds.
  • Availability: Check with your local ISPs to see which options are available in your area.

The Fiber Finale:

Beyond speed, fiber unlocks a world of possibilities, from smart homes to virtual reality. While cost and availability might still be hurdles, FTTX represents the future of internet connectivity. So, keep an eye out for the fiber revolution coming to your neighborhood!

Bonus Tip: Remember, the point where fiber hands off to copper is called the Optical Network Terminator (ONT). Think of it as the translator between the fiber language and the copper lingo your devices understand.

This tutorial provides a basic understanding of fiber internet and FTTX options. Feel free to explore further to compare specific ISP offerings, weigh cost vs. speed, and ultimately choose the fiber path that takes your internet experience to the next level!

The core of the Internet has long used fiber for
its connections, both due to higher speeds
and because fiber allows for transmission to travel much further without
degradation of the signal. Remember that fiber
connections use light for data transmission instead
of electrical currents. The absolute maximum distance an electrical signal
can travel across a copper cable before it
degrades too much and requires a repeater
is thousands of feet. But certain implementations
of fiber connections can travel many miles
before signal degrades. Producing and laying fiber is a lot more expensive than
using copper cables. For a long time, it was a technology
you only saw in use by ISPs within their
core networks, or maybe for use
within data centers. But in recent years, it’s become popular to
use fiber to deliver data closer and closer
to the end-user. Exactly how close
to the end-user can vary a ton across
implementations, which is why the phrase
FTTX was developed. FTTX stands for fiber to the x, where the x can be
one of many things. We’ll cover a few of
these possibilities. The first term you
might hear is FTTN, which means fiber to
the neighborhood. This means that
fiber technologies are used to deliver data to a single physical cabinet that serves a certain amount
of the population. From this cabinet,
twisted pair copper or coax might be used for the
last length of distance. The next version you might
come across is FTTB. This stands for fiber
to the building, fiber to the business, or even fiber to the basement. Since this is generally where cables to buildings
physically enter. FTTB is a setup where fiber technologies are used for data delivery to an
individual building. After that, twisted pair
copper is typically used to actually connect
those inside of the building. A third version you
might hear is FTTH, which stands for
fiber to the home. This is used in instances
where fiber is actually run to each individual residence in a neighborhood or
apartment building. FTTH and FTTB may both also
be referred to as FTTP, fiber to the premises. Instead of a modem, the demarcation point for
fiber technologies is known as optical network
terminator or ONT. ONT converts data from protocols the fiber
network can understand to those that more traditional twisted pair copper
networks can understand.

Reading: Supplemental Reading for Broadband Protocols


Practice Quiz: Broadband Internet

T1 is short for __________.

How fast is a T1 line?

Select all statements that are true of cable internet connections.


Video: Wide Area Network Technologies

Setting up a small company network:

  • Non-writable IP address space chosen for internal network due to limited resources.
  • Router configured with NAT for internet access.
  • Local DNS and DHCP servers set up for easier configuration.
  • VPN server established for remote access by mobile employees.

Company growth and WAN implementation:

  • New office opened in another city, requiring wider network reach.
  • WAN technology used to connect both offices transparently (like one LAN).
  • ISP provides connectivity between offices through the internet.
  • WAN protocols transport data between sites similar to internet core protocols.

Key points:

  • WANs connect geographically dispersed LANs into a single network.
  • ISPs provide data links for WAN communication.
  • WAN protocols handle data transportation at the data link layer.

Let’s say that you’re in charge of the
network as the sole IT support specialist at a small company. At first, the business only has a few employees
with a few computers in a single office. You decide to use nonwritable
address space for the internal IPS because IP
addresses are scarce and expensive. You set up a router and
configure it to perform NAT. You can figure a local DNS server and a DHCP server to make
network configuration easier. And of course for all of this to really
work, you sign a contract with an ISP to deliver a link to the Internet to this
office, so your users can access the web. Now imagine the company grows. You’re using nonwritable address space for
your internal IPs, so you have plenty of space to grow there. Maybe some sales people need to connect to
resources on the land you’ve set up while they’re on the road. So you configure a VPN server and make sure the VPN server is
accessible via port forwarding. Now, you can have employees from all over
the world connect to the office LAN. Business is good and
the company keeps growing. The CEO decides that it’s time to open
a new office in another city across the country. Suddenly, instead of a handful of
salespeople requiring remote access to the resources on your network, you have
an entire second office that needs it. This is where Wide Area Networks or
WAN technologies come into play. Unlike a LAN or a Local Area Network,
WAN stands for Wide Area Network. A Wide Area Network acts
like a single network, but spans across multiple physical locations. WAN technologies usually require that
you contract a link across the Internet with your ISP. This ISP handle sending your
data from one site to the other. So it could be like all of your computers
are in the same physical location. A typical LAN setup has a few sections. Imagine one network of computers
on one side of the country and another network of computers on the other. Each of those networks ends at
a demarcation point which is where the ISPs Network takes over. The area between each
demarcation point and the ISP’s actual core network
is called a local loop. This local loop would be
something like a T carrier line or a high speed optical connection to
the provider’s local regional office. From there, it would connect out
to the ISP’s core network and the Internet at large. WANs work by using a number of different
protocols at the data link layer to transport your data from
one site to another. In fact, these same protocols
are what are sometimes at work at the core of the Internet itself
instead of our more familiar ethernet. Covering all the details of these
protocols is out of the scope of this course.

Reading: Supplemental Reading for WAN Protocols


Video: Point-to-Point VPNs

WAN vs. Point-to-Point VPNs:

  • WANs: Ideal for transporting large amounts of data across many sites, offering high speed but at a higher cost.
  • Point-to-Point VPNs: More cost-effective alternative for companies with cloud-based services and fewer data transfer needs.
  • Cloud services: Reduce dependency on internal infrastructure, making high-speed WAN connections less necessary.
  • Point-to-Point VPNs: Create secure tunnels between sites, similar to individual VPNs but managed by network devices.

Key points:

  • Consider business needs and data transfer requirements when choosing between WANs and Point-to-Point VPNs.
  • Cloud solutions can reduce network infrastructure dependency and cost.
  • Point-to-Point VPNs offer secure site-to-site communication without individual user connections.

A popular alternative to WAN
technologies are point to point VPNS. WAN technologies are great for when you
need to transport large amounts of data across lots of sites because WAN
technologies are built to be super fast business cable or
DSL line might be way cheaper. But it just can’t handle the load
required in some of these situations. But over the last few years,
companies have been moving more and more of their internal
services into the cloud. We’ll cover exactly what this means later. But for now it’s enough to know that
the cloud lets companies outsource all or part of their different pieces of
infrastructure to other companies to manage. Let’s take the concept of email. In the past, a company would have to run
their own email server if they wanted an email presence at all. Today, you could just have a cloud hosting
provider host your email server for you. You could even go a step further and
use an email as a service provider, then you wouldn’t have an email
server at all anymore. You just have to pay another company to
handle everything about your email service with these types of cloud
solutions in place. Lots of businesses no
longer require extreme, high speed connections
between their sites. This makes the expense of a WAN
technology totally unnecessary. Instead, companies can use point to
point VPNS to make sure that they’re different sites can still
communicate with each other. A point to point VPN also called
a site to site VPN establishes a VPN tunnel between two sites. This operates a lot like the way that
a traditional VPN setup lets individual users act as if they’re on
the network they’re connecting to. It’s just that the VPN tunneling logic
is handled by network devices at either side so that users don’t all have
to establish their own connections.

Practice Quiz: WANs

WAN stands for ______________.

In a WAN, the area between a demarcation point and the ISP’s core network is known as ___________.

A point-to-point VPN is also known as a ______________.

Wireless Networking

Video: Introduction to Wireless Networking Technologies

Wireless Networking Basics: Dive into Wi-Fi and Beyond

Tired of cables? Wireless networking lets your devices connect like magic. This lesson dives into the basics:

  • How it works: Radio waves carry data between devices and access points.
  • Standards: 802.11 defines Wi-Fi specifications (b, g, n, ac are common ones). Each version improves speed or capacity.
  • Network types: Infrastructure uses access points, ad hoc connects devices directly.
  • Channels: Like radio stations, networks operate on specific frequencies (2.4 GHz, 5 GHz).
  • Frame structure: Think of it as a data packet with addresses, control info, and the actual data.

By the end, you’ll understand the core principles of wireless communication and be ready to explore Wi-Fi in more detail.

Key takeaways:

  • Wireless networks use radio waves for data transfer.
  • Different 802.11 standards offer varying speeds and capabilities.
  • Access points connect devices to wired networks in infrastructure mode.
  • Wireless networks operate on specific frequency bands.
  • 802.11 frames contain information for routing and error checking.

Ready to ditch the cables and go wireless? This lesson is your starting point!

Wireless Networking Basics: Dive into Wi-Fi and Beyond

Welcome to the fascinating world of wireless networking! In this tutorial, we’ll ditch the cables and explore the magic behind connecting devices without a single wire. Get ready to understand how signals dance through the air, how devices talk to each other, and how Wi-Fi makes it all happen.

Let’s start with the basics:

  • Wireless Communication: Imagine tiny radio waves carrying whispers of data between your phone and the internet. That’s wireless communication in a nutshell! No more tangled cables, just invisible waves carrying information between devices and access points, which act as bridges to the wired world.
  • Meet the Standards: Just like languages need rules, wireless networks have protocols. The most common set is called 802.11, with different versions like b, g, n, and ac. Each version improves on speed, capacity, and efficiency. Think of them as different Wi-Fi “dialects” with varying capabilities.
  • Network Types: There are two main ways devices connect wirelessly: infrastructure and ad hoc. In infrastructure mode, devices talk to each other through access points (think Wi-Fi hotspots). In ad hoc mode, devices connect directly to each other, creating a temporary network without needing an access point.
  • Channel Surfing: Just like radio stations, wireless networks operate on specific frequency bands like 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. These are like highways for data, with multiple channels within each band to avoid traffic jams. Choosing the right channel is crucial for good performance and avoiding interference.
  • Frame by Frame: Picture data traveling in tiny containers called frames. These frames have specific fields for addresses, control information, and the actual data itself. It’s like a tiny envelope with everything needed to get the information to the right place.

Now, let’s get hands-on!

  1. Identify your Wi-Fi network: Look for the network name (SSID) on your devices. It’s often named after the location or owner.
  2. Connect to the internet: Enter the password for your chosen network and enjoy wireless freedom!
  3. Explore advanced features: Many devices offer settings for network selection, channel choice, and even prioritizing specific devices for better performance.
  4. Troubleshooting tips: Can’t connect? Check for signal strength, try restarting your devices, or consult your router’s manual for troubleshooting steps.

Bonus learning:

  • Security matters! Understand WPA2 encryption to protect your wireless network from unauthorized access.
  • Go beyond Wi-Fi: Explore other wireless technologies like Bluetooth and cellular networks to understand how connectivity extends beyond just Wi-Fi.

Remember, wireless networking is a vast and exciting world. This tutorial is just the beginning! Use it as a springboard to explore, experiment, and unlock the full potential of connecting devices without wires. Get ready to say goodbye to cable mess and hello to a world of seamless wireless communication!

Additional resources:

In today’s world, fewer and
fewer devices are weighed down by physical cables in order to connect
to computer networks. With so many portable
computing devices in use, from laptops to tablets
to smartphones. We’ve also seen the rise
of wireless networking. Wireless networking is
exactly what it sounds like a way to network
without wires. By the end of this lesson, you’ll be able to describe the basics of how wireless
communication works. You’ll know how to
tell the difference between infrastructure
networks and ad hoc networks. You’ll be able to explain
how wireless channels, how wireless networks operate, and you’ll understand the basics of wireless security protocols. The most common specifications for how wireless
networking devices should communicate are defined by
the IEEE 802.11 standards. This set of specifications, also called the 802.11 family make-up the set of
technologies we call Wi-Fi. Wireless networking
devices communicate with each other
through radio waves. Different 802.11
standards generally use the same basic protocol, but might operate at
different frequency bands. A frequency band is
a certain section of the radio spectrum
that’s been agreed upon to be used for
certain communications. In North America, FM
radio transmissions operate between 88
and 108 megahertz. This specific frequency band is called the FM broadcast band. Wi-Fi networks operate on a few different frequency bands, most commonly the 2.4 gigahertz
and 5 gigahertz bands. There are lots of
802.11 specifications, including some that exists just experimentally or for testing. The most common
specifications you might run into are 802.11b, 802.11a, 802.11g,
802.11n and 802.11ac. We won’t go into detail
about each one here. For now, just know that we’ve listed these in the
order they were adopted. Each newer version of the 802.11 specifications has generally
seen some improvement, whether it’s higher
access speeds or the ability for more devices to use the network
simultaneously. In terms of our
networking model, you should think of 802.11
protocols as defining how we operate at both the physical and the
data link layers. An 802.11 frame has
a number of fields. The first is called the
frame control field. This field is 16 bits long
and contains a number of sub-fields that are
used to describe how the frame itself
should be processed. This includes things like what version of the
802.11 was used. The next field is called
a duration field. It specifies how long
the total frame is. The receiver knows how long it should expect to have to
listen to the transmission. After this are four
address fields. Let’s take a moment to
talk about why there are four instead of the normal two. We’ll discuss different types of wireless network
architectures in more detail later
in this lesson. But the most common setup includes devices
called access points. A wireless access
point is a device that bridges the wireless and
wired portions of a network. A single wireless
network might have lots of different access
points to cover a large area. Devices on a wireless
network will associate with a
certain access point. This is usually the one
they’re physically closest to. But it can also be determined by all
sorts of other things like general signal strength
and wireless interference. Associations isn’t
just important for the wireless device to talk
to a specific access point. It also allows for
incoming transmissions to the wireless device to be sent
by the right access point. There are four address fields, because there needs to
be room to indicate which wireless access point should be processing the frame. So we’d have our normal
source address field, which would represent
the MAC address of the sending device. But we’d also have the intended destination
on the network, along with a receiving address
and a transmitter address. The receiver address would be the MAC address of the access point that
should receive the frame. The transmitter address would be the MAC address of whatever has just transmitted the frame. In lots of situations, the destination and receiver
address might be the same. Usually the source and transmitter addresses
are also the same, but depending on exactly how a specific wireless network
has been architected, this won’t always be the case. Sometimes wireless access points will relay these frames
from one another. Since all addresses in 802.11
frame are MAC addresses, each of those four fields
is six bytes long. In-between the third and
fourth address fields, you’ll find the
sequence control field. The sequence control
field is 16 bits long and mainly contains
a sequence number used to keep track of ordering the frames after this is
the data payload section, which has all of the data of the protocols further
up the stack. Finally, we have a frame
check sequence field, which contains a checksum used for a cyclical redundancy check, just like how Ethernet does it.

Reading: Wi-Fi 6


Reading: Supplemental Reading for Alphabet Soup


Reading: Supplemental Reading for IoT Data Transfer Protocols


Video: Wireless Network Configurations

Summary of Wireless Network Configurations:

3 main types:

  1. Ad-hoc Networks:
    • Simplest type, no central infrastructure.
    • Devices communicate directly within range.
    • Less common, but useful for:
      • Sharing files between nearby devices.
      • Industrial/warehouse communication.
      • Disaster response communication.
  2. Wireless LANs (WLANs):
    • Most common in businesses.
    • Access points bridge wireless and wired networks.
    • Devices communicate with access points for internet access.
  3. Mesh Networks:
    • Hybrid of ad-hoc and WLANs.
    • Devices communicate directly and with access points.
    • More access points without wired connections.
    • Increased performance and range.

Key takeaways:

  • Each type has its own advantages and applications.
  • WLANs are dominant in business settings.
  • Mesh networks offer improved performance and reach.

Tutorial: Wireless Network Configurations


Wireless networks have become ubiquitous, providing internet access and connectivity to our devices without the constraints of cables. Understanding the different types of wireless network configurations is crucial for setting up and managing efficient networks. This tutorial will explore three main types of wireless networks: ad-hoc, wireless LANs (WLANs), and mesh networks.

1. Ad-hoc Networks:

  • Concept: Imagine a group of friends playing games on their laptops in a park. They can establish an ad-hoc network where devices communicate directly with each other within range. No central infrastructure like routers or access points is involved.
  • Advantages:
    • Simple to set up.
    • Useful for temporary file sharing, gaming, or communication in disaster situations.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Limited range and scalability.
    • Security concerns as all devices are directly exposed.
  • Applications:
    • Sharing files between nearby devices.
    • Industrial/warehouse communication.
    • Disaster response communication.

2. Wireless LANs (WLANs):

  • Concept: WLANs are the most common type of wireless network found in homes, businesses, and public spaces. They involve one or more access points (APs) acting as bridges between wireless and wired networks. Devices connect to the APs for internet access and communication.
  • Components:
    • Access Points (APs): Wireless devices that broadcast a signal and manage communication between wireless and wired networks.
    • Wireless Devices: Laptops, smartphones, tablets, etc., that connect to the APs for internet access and network resources.
    • Wired Network: Provides internet connection and connects to the APs.
    • Gateway Router: Routes traffic between the wireless and wired networks, usually connected to the main AP.
  • Advantages:
    • Wider range and higher performance compared to ad-hoc networks.
    • Centralized management and security features.
    • Scalable to accommodate more devices.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Requires infrastructure (APs, routers) and setup.
    • May have coverage limitations or interference issues.
  • Applications:
    • Home and office networks.
    • Public Wi-Fi hotspots in cafes, airports, etc.
    • Educational institutions and businesses.

3. Mesh Networks:

  • Concept: Mesh networks blend the characteristics of ad-hoc and WLANs. Devices not only communicate with an AP but also directly with each other, forming a “mesh” of interconnected nodes. This provides additional redundancy and coverage.
  • Components:
    • Mesh Nodes: Wireless devices that act as both APs and clients, relaying signals and expanding the network coverage.
    • Wired Backhaul (optional): Some mesh networks utilize a wired connection to certain nodes for improved backhaul communication.
  • Advantages:
    • Wider coverage and better signal strength compared to WLANs.
    • Self-healing capabilities as devices automatically adjust to maintain connectivity.
    • Scalable and flexible for various environments.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Higher cost due to multiple mesh nodes.
    • More complex configuration compared to WLANs.
  • Applications:
    • Large homes and outdoor spaces.
    • Businesses with extensive areas to cover.
    • Smart home and IoT deployments.


Choosing the right wireless network configuration depends on your specific needs and requirements. Ad-hoc networks offer simplicity for temporary setups, while WLANs provide a balanced solution for most residential and business scenarios. Mesh networks excel in extending coverage and offering self-healing capabilities for larger areas or challenging environments. Understanding the advantages and limitations of each type will help you make informed decisions when designing and managing your wireless network.


  • Additional resources and tools for configuring and managing different types of wireless networks.
  • Troubleshooting tips for common wireless network issues.
  • Security considerations for securing your wireless network.

There are a few main ways that a wireless network
can be configured. There are ad-hoc networks where nodes all speak
directly to each other. There are wireless
LANS or WLANS, where one or more
access points act as a bridge between a wireless
and a wired network, and there are mesh networks which are a hybrid of the two. Ad-hoc networks are the
simplest of the three. In an ad-hoc network, there isn’t really any supporting
network infrastructure. Every device involved
with the network communicates with every
other device within range, and all nodes help
pass along messages. Even though they’re
the most simple, ad-hoc networks aren’t the most common type
of wireless network, but they do have some
practical applications. Some smartphones can establish
ad-hoc networks with other smartphones in the area so that people can
exchange photos, video, or contact information. You’ll also sometimes see
ad-hoc networks used in industrial or warehouse
settings where individual pieces of equipment might need to communicate
with each other, but not with anything else. Finally, ad-hoc networks can be powerful tools during
disaster situations. If a natural disaster
like an earthquake or hurricane knocks out all of the existing
infrastructure in an area, disaster relief
professionals can use an ad-hoc network to communicate with
each other while they perform search
and rescue efforts. The most common type of wireless network
you’ll run into in the business world is a
wireless LAN, or WLAN. A wireless LAN consists of
one or more access points which act as bridges between the wireless and wired networks. The wired network
operates as a normal LAN, like the types we’ve
already discussed. The wired LAN contains the
outbound Internet link. In order to access resources
outside of the WLAN, wireless devices would
communicate with access points. They then forward
traffic along to the gateway router where
everything proceeds like normal. Finally, we have what’s
known as mesh networks. Mesh networks are
like ad-hoc networks, since lots of the devices
communicate with each other wirelessly,
forming a mesh. If you were to draw lines for all the links between
all the nodes, most mesh networks
you’ll run into are made up of only
wireless access points, and will still be connected
to a wired network. This network lets you
deploy more access points to the mesh without having to run a cable to each of them. With this setup, you can really increase the performance and range
of a wireless network.

Video: Wireless Channels

Summary: Wireless Network Channels Explained

Problem: Wireless networks lack wired switches, causing devices to potentially “talk over” each other, slowing down the network (collision domain).

Solution: Channels divide the frequency band into smaller sections, allowing devices to use specific frequencies and minimize interference.

Key points:

  • Channel width can vary based on standard (e.g., 22 MHz for 802.11b).
  • Channels overlap depending on their spacing and location within the band.
  • Only some channels in the 2.4 GHz band (e.g., 1, 6, 11) are completely isolated (no overlap).
  • Modern equipment often autosenses and switches channels to avoid congestion.
  • Understanding channel overlap helps troubleshoot wireless connectivity issues.

IT support takeaway: Optimize wireless network deployments by minimizing channel overlap with neighboring networks.

Remember: Specific channel numbers aren’t crucial, but understanding collision domains and channel overlap is key.

Tutorial: Wireless Network Channels Explained


Imagine a bustling highway filled with cars – that’s your wireless network. Just like cars need lanes to avoid chaos, wireless devices utilize “channels” to communicate without overlapping signals. Understanding these channels is crucial for optimal network performance and troubleshooting connectivity issues.

1. Collision Domains and the Channel Solution:

  • Collision domain: Remember those frustrating moments when two people try to talk at once? In wired networks, collisions occur when data packets from different devices overlap on the same cable, slowing everything down. This is known as a collision domain.
  • Wireless freedom, wired challenges: Wireless networks lack physical cables, leading to potential collisions like cars merging without lanes. Enter channels – dedicated segments within the overall frequency band, acting like highway lanes for data packets.

2. Frequency Bands and Channel Width:

  • Frequency bands: Think of them as the highway itself. Common wireless bands include 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz, each offering a specific range of frequencies.
  • Channel width: Just like lanes vary in width, channels come in different sizes (measured in MHz). For example, 802.11b networks have 22 MHz wide channels, while newer standards like 802.11ac can use wider channels for faster speeds.

3. Channel Overlap and the Importance of Choosing Wisely:

  • Overlapping lanes: Imagine adjacent lanes merging – channels can overlap, causing interference when devices transmitting on different channels operate too close.
  • Choosing the right lane: Not all channels are created equal. In the 2.4 GHz band, channels 1, 6, and 11 are spaced far enough apart to avoid overlap, making them optimal choices for minimizing interference.

4. Modern Tech: Dynamic Channel Selection and Congestion Management:

  • Smart lanes: Thankfully, modern access points are equipped with “traffic cops” – algorithms that analyze channel congestion and automatically switch to less crowded lanes.
  • Manual override: While auto-selection usually works well, IT professionals can manually configure channels for specific situations.

5. Troubleshooting with Channel Knowledge:

  • Slowdowns and dropped connections: Understanding channel overlap and congestion helps diagnose wireless network issues. For example, a sudden performance drop could indicate interference from a neighboring network using the same channel.
  • Optimizing for performance: By strategically choosing channels and minimizing overlap, you can significantly improve network stability and speed.


  • Explore advanced channel concepts like channel bonding and mesh networks for further performance enhancements.
  • Learn about tools and resources for analyzing channel congestion and optimizing wireless networks.


Wireless network channels may seem like technical jargon, but understanding their role is key to building and maintaining efficient, trouble-free networks. By applying the knowledge in this tutorial, you can navigate the wireless highway with confidence, ensuring smooth data flow and optimal network performance.

Remember, this is a basic framework. Feel free to delve deeper into specific aspects of wireless channels based on your needs and interests. Don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions or want to explore further!

The concept of channels is one
of the most important things to understand about wireless networking. Channels are individual, smaller sections of the overall frequency
band used by a wireless network. Channels are super important because they help address a very old networking
concern, collision domains. You might remember that a collision domain
is anyone network segment where one computer can interrupt another. Communications that overlap each
other can’t be properly understood by the receiving end. So when two or more transmissions occur at
the same time, also called a collision, all devices in question have
to stop their transmissions. They wait a random amount of time and
try again when things quiet down. This really slows things down. The problem caused by collision
domains has been mostly reduced on wired networks through
devices called switches. Switches, remember which computers
live on which physical interfaces? So traffic is only sent to the node
it’s intended for.W ireless networking doesn’t have cables. So there aren’t physical interfaces for
a wireless device to connect to. That means we can have something
that works like a wireless switch. Wireless devices are doomed
to talk over each other, channels help fix this
problem to a certain extent. When we were talking about the concept
of frequency bands, we mentioned that FM radio in North America operates between
88 megahertz and 188 megahertz. But when we discussed the frequency
bands we used by wifi, we just mentioned 2.4 gigahertz and
five gigahertz. This is because that’s really just
shorthand for where these frequency bands actually begin for wireless networks
that operate on the 2.4 gigahertz band. What we really mean is that they operate
on roughly the band from 2.4 gigahertz to 2.5 gigahertz between these two
frequencies are a number of channels, each with a width of a certain megahertz. Since different countries and regions
have different regulatory committees for what radio frequencies might be used for
what. Exactly how many channels
are available for use depends on where in the world you are. For example,
dealing with an 802.11 B network, channel 1 operates at 24 12 megahertz. But since the channel with is 22
megahertz, the signal really lives on the frequencies between 2.401
megahertz and 2.423 megahertz. This is because radio waves are imprecise
things so you need some buffer around what exact frequencies a transmission
might actually arrive on. Some channels overlap, but
some are far enough apart so they won’t interfere
with each other at all. Let’s look again at an 802.11
B network running on the 2.4 gigahertz band because it’s
really the simplest and the concepts translate to all
other 802.11 specifications. With a channel width of 22 megahertz, Channel 1 with its midpoint at 2.412
megahertz is always completely isolated from channel 6with its
midpoint at 2.437 megahertz. For an 802.11 B network this
means that channels 1 and 6 and 11 are the only ones
that never overlap at all. That’s not all that matters though. Today, most wireless networking
equipment is built to auto sense what channels are most congested. Some access points will only perform
this analysis when they start up. Others will dynamically change
their channel as needed. Between those two scenarios and
manually specified channels you can still run into situations where
you experience heavy channel congestion. This is especially true in dense urban
areas with lots of wireless networks in close proximity. So why is this important
in the world of IT support? Well, understanding how
these channels overlap for all of the 802.11 specifications is
a way you can help troubleshoot bad wireless connectivity problems or
slowdowns in the network. You want to avoid collision
domains wherever you can. I should call out that it’s not important
to memorize all of the individual numbers we’ve talked about. The point is to understand how collision
domains are a necessary problem with all wireless networks and how you
can use your knowledge in this space to optimize wireless network deployments. You want to make sure that both
your own access points and those of neighboring businesses overlap
channels as little as possible.

Video: Wireless Security

Summary: Wireless Network Security

Problem: Wireless signals are broadcast through the air, making them vulnerable to eavesdropping.

Solution: Encryption protocols like WEP, WPA, and WPA2 secure wireless data by scrambling it with keys.

Key points:

  • WEP: First attempt at encryption, but weak (40-bit keys, easily cracked).
  • WPA: Significant improvement over WEP with 128-bit keys and more robust algorithm.
  • WPA2: Current standard, highly secure with 256-bit keys.
  • MAC filtering: Additional layer of security by allowing connections only from authorized devices (based on MAC addresses).


  • Use strong encryption (WPA2) for optimal wireless security.
  • MAC filtering adds another layer of protection, but doesn’t encrypt data.

Remember, strong passwords and regular security updates are also crucial for securing your wireless network.

Tutorial: Wireless Network Security


In today’s connected world, Wi-Fi has become synonymous with convenience and accessibility. However, this ease of use comes at a cost – security concerns. Unlike wired networks confined within cables, wireless signals travel through the air, making them vulnerable to interception. To address this vulnerability, various security protocols have been developed. This tutorial will delve into the key aspects of securing your wireless network.

1. Understanding the Threats:

Before addressing solutions, it’s crucial to understand the potential threats lurking in the airwaves:

  • Eavesdropping: Malicious actors can intercept data transmissions, potentially stealing sensitive information like passwords, financial data, or personal documents.
  • Man-in-the-middle attacks: Attackers can intercept and manipulate communication between devices, potentially injecting malware or stealing data.
  • Denial-of-service attacks: By flooding the network with traffic, attackers can disrupt connectivity and prevent legitimate users from accessing the network.

2. Encryption: The Core of Wireless Security:

Encryption scrambles data into an unreadable format, making it inaccessible to anyone without the decryption key. Different encryption protocols offer varying levels of security:

  • WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy): Outdated and considered insecure due to its weak 40-bit keys and vulnerabilities in its algorithm.
  • WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access): A significant improvement over WEP, utilizing stronger 128-bit keys and more robust protocols.
  • WPA2: The current gold standard for wireless security. Offers stronger 256-bit encryption and advanced features like AES and CCMP protocols.

3. Securing Your Network with WPA2:

WPA2 is the recommended encryption protocol for optimal wireless security. Here’s how to ensure your network is secured with WPA2:

  • Configure your router/access point: Access your router’s settings and activate WPA2 encryption. Choose AES as the encryption algorithm and a strong passphrase (ideally at least 12 characters with a mix of uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and symbols).
  • Disable SSID broadcast: Hiding your network name (SSID) from public view makes it harder for attackers to detect and target.
  • Regularly update firmware: Manufacturers release firmware updates to patch vulnerabilities. Keep your router/access point firmware up-to-date for optimal security.

4. Additional Security Measures:

While WPA2 encryption is essential, consider these additional measures for stronger protection:

  • Change the default administrator password: Routers come with preset admin passwords. Change this to a unique and strong password to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Enable guest network with limited access: If you need to offer temporary access to guests, create a separate guest network with limited privileges and WPA2 encryption.
  • Disable remote management: Unless absolutely necessary, disable remote management features on your router to minimize potential attack vectors.
  • Use a firewall: A firewall acts as a barrier, controlling incoming and outgoing traffic. Enable your router’s firewall and consider using additional software firewalls on your devices.

5. Vigilance is Key:

Wireless security is not a one-time setup. Remain vigilant and stay updated on emerging threats and security best practices. Regularly re-evaluate your security settings, monitor your network for suspicious activity, and consider consulting a security professional for advanced measures if needed.


By understanding the threats and implementing the recommended security measures, you can significantly enhance the security of your wireless network. Remember, a secure network protects your privacy, online activities, and valuable data from prying eyes. Don’t let convenience compromise your security – take control and secure your wireless network today!


  • Explore advanced security concepts like VPNs and intrusion detection systems for further protection.
  • Learn about tools and resources for monitoring your network and identifying potential security risks.

When you’re sending
data over a wired link, your communication has a certain
amount of inherent privacy. The only devices that really know what
data is being transmitted are the two nodes on either end of the link. Someone or some device that happens to be in close
proximity can’t just read the data. With wireless networking this
isn’t really the case since there aren’t cables just radio transmissions
being broadcast through the air. Anyone within range could hypothetically
intercept any transmissions whether they were intended for
them or not. To solve this problem, WEP was invented. WEP stands for
Wired Equivalent Privacy and it’s an encryption technology that
provides a very low level of privacy. Actually it’s really right there in
the name Wired Equivalent Privacy. Using WEP protects your data a little,
but it should really only be seen as being as safe as sending
unencrypted data over a wired connection. The WEP standard is a really
weak encryption algorithm. It doesn’t take very long for a bad actor to be able to break through
this encryption and read your data. You’ll learn more about key lengths and
encryption in a future course but for now it’s important to know that the number
of bits in an encryption key corresponds to how secure it is. The more bits in a key the longer it takes
for someone to crack the encryption. WEP only uses 40 bits for its encryption
keys and with the speed of modern computers this can usually be
cracked in just a few minutes. WEP was quickly replaced in most places
with WPA or Wifi Protected Access. WPA by default uses a 128-bit key, making it a whole lot more
difficult to crack than WEP. Today the most commonly used
encryption algorithm for wireless networks is WPA2,
an update to the original WPA. WPA2 uses a 256 bit key,
make it even harder to crack. Another common way to help secure wireless
networks is through MAC filtering. With MAC filtering, you configure
your access points to only allow for connections from a specific set of MAC
addresses belonging to devices you trust. This doesn’t do anything more to help
encrypt wireless traffic being sent through the air, but it does provide an
additional barrier preventing unauthorized devices from connecting to
the wireless network itself.

Reading: Protocols & Encryption


Video: Cellular Networking

Cellular Networking Summary:

Key Points:

  • Widespread network for wireless communication, often the primary internet access method in some areas.
  • Similar to Wi-Fi in using radio waves and having dedicated frequency bands, but with longer range (kilometers/miles).
  • Structured around cells with assigned frequencies, similar to Wi-Fi access points but covering larger areas.
  • Used by various devices beyond phones, including tablets, laptops, and even high-end cars.

In essence, cellular networking provides wide-area wireless connectivity like Wi-Fi on steroids, enabling mobile communication for diverse devices.

Additional Notes:

  • Different cellular network generations (e.g., 4G, 5G) offer varying speeds and capabilities.
  • Similar considerations for optimal coverage and interference exist as with Wi-Fi, but on a larger scale.

Another super popular form of wireless networking is
cellular networking, also called mobile networking. Cellular networks are now
common all over the world. In some places, using
a cellular network for Internet access is the most
common way of connecting. At a high level, cellular
networks have a lot in common with the 802.11 networks we’ve
already talked about. Just like there are many different 802.11 specifications, there are lots of different
cellular specifications. Just like Wi-Fi,
cellular networking operates over radio waves and there are specific
frequency bands specifically reserved for
cellular transmissions. One of the biggest
differences is that these frequencies
can travel over longer distances more easily, usually over many
kilometers or miles. Cellular networks are built
around the concept of cells. Each cell is assigned a specific
frequency band for use. Neighboring cells are set up to use bands
that don’t overlap. Just like how we discussed
the optimal setup for a WLAN with
multiple access points. In fact, the cell towers
that broadcasts and receives cellular
transmissions can be thought of like
access points, just with a much larger range. Lots of devices today use cellular networks
for communication, and not just phones, also tablets and some laptops also have
cellular antennas. It’s become more
and more common for high-end automobiles to have built-in cellular access too.

Video: Mobile Device Networks

Mobile Device Network Connectivity Summary:

Key Points:

  • Mobile devices use various wireless networks: cellular, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and potentially others.
  • IT support specialists help troubleshoot connectivity issues.
  • Common issues:
    • Disabled radios: Check and toggle Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, cellular, and airplane mode.
    • Metered data: Devices prioritize Wi-Fi over cellular to save data usage.
    • Unreliable connections: Distance, interference, device position can affect signal strength.
    • Peripheral pairing: Troubleshoot pairing for Bluetooth devices like headphones or keyboards.


  • Check radio status (including airplane mode) first.
  • Understand metered data and Wi-Fi prioritization.
  • Consider physical factors like distance and interference.
  • Reset pairing for Bluetooth peripherals if needed.

Mobile devices use wireless networks
to communicate with the internet and with other devices. Depending on the device it might
use cellular networks, wifi, Bluetooth and or one of several internet
of things or IOT network protocols. As an IT support specialist, you’ll often
have to help troubleshoot networking or connectivity issues for end users. You’ll need to figure out what network
the device should be connecting to and then make sure the device
is configured to do that. For example turning individual components
and systems on and off is a common feature in mobile devices which can
sometimes be confusing for the end users. Battery life is precious and people switch off these network radios
to save battery life if someone brings the device to you because it
won’t connect to a wireless network. The first thing you should check is
whether the wireless radio has been disabled. Yep sometimes the solution
is really that simple. You can toggle the wifi Bluetooth and
cellular networks on or off in the devices settings. Lots of mobile devices will also have an
airplane mode that disables all wireless networking at once. It is also pretty common for a mobile device to have multiple
network connections at the same time. Both wifi and cellular data for example,
mobile devices will try to connect to the internet using the most reliable and
least expensive connection available. That’s right, I said least expensive. Many mobile operating systems understand
the concept of metered connections. Does your cell phone plan have a limit on
how much data you can use in a month or charge you based on how much data you use? Then you have immediate connection
through that cell phone plan. Mobile devices will use other non metered
connections like wi-fi if they’re available so that you don’t use
up your limited data connection. Here’s another example of how you might
help as an IT support specialist. Let’s say you have a remote employee that
works from a coffee shop sometimes, but the wi-fi network in the coffee shop
restricts access to some websites. The employee might choose to
disconnect from the wifi network and use the sale network even though
it might be more expensive. So that they can access the websites
they need, by toggling the wi-fi and cellular data connections. You can force the device to use the
network connection that you want to use, if you’re troubleshooting an unreliable
wireless network connection. Keep in mind that wireless networking
works by sending a radio signal between two antennas. What?
You don’t see an antenna? Well surprise your device has one,
it might be printed on a circuit board or it might have a wire or
ribbon that runs through your device. The radio signal will get weaker the
farther it has to travel, especially if it passes through or reflects off of
things between the two antennas. Mobile devices can go with you to places
where there’s too much distance or interference for
the wireless signal to be reliable. Even the way the mobile device is held or worn can impact
the strength of the signal. So wi-fi and cellular data networks are used to connect
your mobile devices to the Internet. But there’s one other type of wireless
network to talk about, mobile devices connect to their peripherals
using short range wireless networks. The most common short range wireless
network is called Bluetooth. You might have used Bluetooth headphones,
keyboards or mice before. When you connect a wireless
peripheral to a mobile device, we call that pairing the devices. The two devices exchange information,
sometimes including a pin or password so
that they can remember each other. From then on the devices will
automatically connect to each other when they’re both powered on and in range. Pairing devices like this
can sometimes fail and you might need to make your device forget
the peripheral so it can be paired again. Remember Bluetooth can be turned off
very easily when you’re troubleshooting a Bluetooth peripheral,
always make sure that Bluetooth is on.

Reading: Supplemental Reading for Mobile Device Networks


Practice Quiz: Wireless Networking

How many address fields does an 802.11 header have?

A wireless channel is ____________.

Choose all of the frequencies that wireless networks typically operate on.

Graded Assessments

Reading: Module 5 Glossary

New terms and their definitions: Course 2 Module 5

Quiz: Limitations of the Internet

A modulator/demodulator is better known as a _____.

A T3 consists of _____ T1 lines.

FTTP stands for _______.

The first field in an 802.11 header is known as a ________.

WPA stands for _______.

Modems communicate data by using which method?

Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) is the only Internet connection option available for a small office in the middle of nowhere. Which type will provide speeds above 1.544 megabits per second?

Fiber optic cable from a service provider can be delivered directly to the end user. Which implementation delivers data to a cabinet for distribution?

An 802.11 frame contains a number of fields. Which field describes the version of 802.11 that is being used?

Which configuration is considered to be a common way to increase security in a wireless network?

How many simultaneous phone conversations can a T1 line carry?

Which of the following is NOT a Wide Area Network (WAN) connection type?

What are two characteristics of a 5Ghz band wireless network? Check all that apply.

When it comes to wireless channels, which channels never overlap? Check all that apply.

Cat5 and Cat6 cabling refer to which reference model layer?

What two benefits are a result of configuring a wireless mesh network? Check all that apply.