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In the third module of the course we will become familiar with operating systems. We discuss the operating systems that are most widely used today and learn how an operating system interacts with computer hardware. We will learn about the startup process of an operating system and show you how to install the Windows, Linux and Mac OS X operating systems from scratch. At the end of this module you will interact directly with the Windows and Linux operating systems via the Qwiklabs environment.

Learning Objectives

  • Know what the main components that make up an operating system are.
  • Understand the boot process of an operating system.
  • Be able to install an operating system.
  • Create a file using the Windows and Linux operating systems.

What’s an Operating System?

Video: Module Introduction

  • Introduction to the next lesson on operating systems.
  • Goal of the lesson: Understanding what an operating system is and its components.
  • Introduction of the instructor, Cindy Gouache, a Site Reliability Engineer at Google.
  • Cindy’s background, including her roles as a systems administrator, Operations Engineer, and IT support specialist.
  • Cindy’s personal journey into technology, starting in middle school.
  • Her experiences building computers and the challenges she faced.
  • Realization of a career in IT during college.
  • Emphasis on the importance of operating systems in IT support.
  • The role of operating systems in enabling users to perform various tasks on their computers.
  • The messy and challenging nature of IT support.
  • The lesson’s objective: To begin learning about operating systems.

Welcome back. You’ve learned about the basics
of computing with binary and the hardware layer of the computer architecture. Now, it’s time to move on to the next layer, the
operating system. By the end of this lesson, you’ll know what an
operating system is, and what makes up an
operating system. You also get some
hands-on experience with the three biggest operating
systems used today. Before we get deeper
into operating systems, I’d like to introduce
myself to you. My name is Cindy Gouache and I’m a Site Reliability
Engineer at Google. The team I work on
is responsible for the management and support of Google’s entire
internal mobile fleet. Android OS, IOS, and Chrome OS. Before focusing on mobile, I was a systems administrator
on the Linux team. Before that, I was an
Operations Engineer. But like a lot of the Googlers
you’ve met and will meet, I started my career as an
IT support specialist. I’ve been working in IT
for seven years now. The first time I can
remember interacting with computers was in
middle school when my teacher brought them into
our classroom so we could create fun video and
multimedia projects. It was my brother who brought
technology into our house. My parents were immigrants from Vietnam and we didn’t have
a lot of money growing up. We had to be creative
if we wanted to play with a computer at home. I can remember spending hours with my brother as he assembled a computer and I will just
ask a million questions. Eventually, I wanted to try
and build my own computer, so I gathered up some old parts and save money to
buy new components. I finally put all
the parts together from what I remembered
my brother doing, but it just didn’t work. It turns out that I use
some incompatible parts. But through a lot of trial
and error, troubleshooting, and long search sessions
on the Internet, I finally got it to work. The feeling I got when
I heard my computer boot up for the first
time was amazing. Before I knew it, I also
worked on computers. I really enjoyed the
intense concentration and problem-solving
required in IT. But I didn’t think
a career in tech was even possible back then. Once I got to college, I had to find a job to
help pay for tuition and that job was an IT
support specialist on campus. That’s when I
realized that take is actually something I
could pursue as a career. Operating systems aren’t
essential part of IT support. Everyone uses their computer
to accomplish something. Whether that’s browsing the web, writing a novel,
making graphics, playing video games, etc. Whatever the case may be, they need to interact with their operating system to do it. IT support, it’s essential to understand how
operating systems work, so you can help
someone accomplish the task they set out to do. Whether that’s figuring out why an application won’t start, why the graphics look funny on their video games
or anything else. Things can get really
messy and challenging, and that’s part of
the fun. Let’s begin.

Video: Components of an Operating System

Operating systems are made up of two main parts: the kernel and the user space. The kernel is the core of the operating system and manages the system’s resources, such as the CPU, memory, and storage. The user space is everything outside of the kernel, and it contains the programs and interfaces that we interact with directly.

The kernel has four main functions:

  • File management: The kernel stores and manages files on the system’s storage devices. It uses a file system to organize files into folders and directories, and it provides functions for reading, writing, and deleting files.
  • Process management: The kernel manages the processes that are running on the system. It creates and destroys processes, and it schedules them to run on the CPU.
  • Memory management: The kernel manages the system’s memory. It allocates memory to processes and ensures that they do not interfere with each other’s memory.
  • Input/output (IO) management: The kernel manages the system’s input and output devices. It provides functions for reading from and writing to devices, such as the keyboard, mouse, and display.

The user space contains the programs and interfaces that we interact with directly, such as text editors, web browsers, and games. The user space also contains system programs, such as the login screen and the command prompt.

The kernel and the user space communicate with each other through system calls. System calls are special functions that allow user-space programs to request services from the kernel. For example, a user-space program might make a system call to read a file from the disk or to create a new process.

The kernel is a complex piece of software, but it is essential for the operation of any computer system. By understanding the basic functions of the kernel, you can better understand how operating systems work and how to troubleshoot problems.

An operating system (OS) is software that manages computer hardware and software resources and provides common services for computer programs. It is the most important software on a computer, and it is responsible for everything from starting up the computer to running applications.

The main components of an operating system are:

  • Kernel: The kernel is the core of the operating system and it interacts directly with the hardware. It is responsible for tasks such as file management, process management, memory management, and I/O management.
  • User space: The user space is everything outside the kernel and it is where user programs run. It includes applications, utilities, and system services.
  • File system: The file system is a way of organizing files and directories on a storage device. It allows users to store and retrieve files easily.
  • Process management: Process management is the task of creating, running, and terminating processes. A process is a program that is currently running.
  • Memory management: Memory management is the task of allocating and de-allocating memory to processes. It ensures that all processes have enough memory to run.
  • I/O management: I/O management is the task of managing input and output devices. It allows processes to access I/O devices, such as disks, keyboards, and printers.
  • Device drivers: Device drivers are software that allows the operating system to communicate with hardware devices.
  • Utilities: Utilities are small programs that perform common tasks, such as formatting disks, compressing files, and viewing images.
  • System services: System services are programs that provide essential services to the operating system, such as file sharing and printing.

These are just some of the main components of an operating system. The specific components and their functionality may vary depending on the operating system.

Here are some of the most important functions of an operating system:

  • Resource management: The operating system manages computer resources, such as memory, CPU time, and I/O devices. This ensures that all processes have access to the resources they need.
  • Scheduling: The operating system schedules the execution of processes. This ensures that processes are executed fairly and that no one process hogs all the resources.
  • Security: The operating system provides security features to protect data and resources from unauthorized access.
  • Interfacing with users: The operating system provides a user interface that allows users to interact with the computer.
  • Hardware abstraction: The operating system provides a layer of abstraction between the hardware and the user. This allows users to work with the computer without having to worry about the underlying hardware.

Operating systems are essential for the efficient and reliable operation of computers. They provide a variety of services that make it possible for users to run applications, access data, and manage resources.

A lot of us hear the term operating
system and think of the interfaces of our desktops and phones, like the menus,
buttons and backgrounds. Technically these are part
of the operating system but it’s a little more complex than that. An operating system is the whole package
that manages our computers resources and lets us interact with it. There are two main parts to an operating
system, the kernel and the user space. The kernel is the main core
of an operating system. It talks directly to our hardware and
manages our system’s resources. As users we don’t interact
with the kernel directly. Instead, we interact with the second part
of an operating system, the user space. The user space is basically made up
of everything outside the kernel. These are things that we interact
with directly like system programs, user interfaces, etcetera. When we say operating system,
we’re talking about both the kernel and the user space. There are hundreds of operating
systems out there, but we’ll focus on the major ones used in IT,
Windows, Mac and Linux. Windows OS is developed by Microsoft and
used widely in the business and consumer space. Most pcs you buy come with Windows
as the default operating system. PC means personal computer, which technically means
a computer that one person uses. But in today’s world, PC is more commonly
referred to as a Windows computer. So we’ll just referred to a PC
as a Windows computer from here. Mac OS by Apple is mainly
used in the consumer space. If you buy an Apple computer,
it’ll come with Mac OS preloaded. The last operating system will dive
into as the Linux operating system. Linux is an open source operating system
which means its software is free to share, modify and distribute. Linux is used heavily in business
infrastructure and in the consumer space. Linux itself is actually a kernel
developed by Linus Torvalds. Because of the way it evolved, we call
the kernel the Linux operating system. Today, Linux has become a huge community
effort with developers all over the world contributing to its success. Because Linux is open source lots of
different organizations package their own version of it. Operating systems like Windows or
Macintosh, on the other hand, are solely developed by
the respective companies. We call these different
Linux OSs distributions. Some common Linux distributions
are ubuntu, debian and red hat. Another operating system that has started
to gain popularity is chrome OS but we won’t go into detail on that one. Mobile phone usage around the world is
more prevalent than desktop computers. One cool thing to call
out is that chrome OS and android OS both run the Linux
kernel underneath the hood. So there’s a chance you’ve already worked
with Linux and didn’t even know it. There are lots of operating
systems out there and they all share common characteristics. If you’re able to understand
the basic building blocks of one OS, you can apply that to any operating
system and understand how it works. In IT support It’s super common to work
with many different operating systems, desktop OSs, to smartphone OSs and more. Before we get there let’s
do a rundown of the basics. The kernel does file storage and
file management. You can compare it to a physical office
file where we store data in paper form. A computer file is just data that we
store and a file can be anything, a word document, a picture of song,
literally anything. A file system is how
we manage these files, just like in an office we use
a system to store our files. We don’t just put all our files in one
cabinet that would be seriously messy. Instead we organize those
files in folders or directories to make them easier to find. There are lots of different types of file
systems which will cover more in depth in future videos. Another important function of
the kernel is process management. We have many programs that we
want to run on our system. To run them we manage the order they run
in, how many resources they take up, how long they run etcetera. Our kernel helps us do this with its
process management capabilities. For example, you’ve probably used your
computer to do several tasks at once. Maybe you writing a text document while
listening to music or playing a video. The process scheduler is part
of the kernel that makes this multitasking possible. It switches the execution of each
different process on the CPU faster than you can blink and it gives you the illusion that
things are happening simultaneously. Next up is memory management. Our kernel optimizes memory usage and make sure our applications
have enough memory to run. The last important function that
a kernel performs is input, output or IO management. This is how our kernel talks to external
devices, like disks, keyboards, networks, connections, audio devices and more. IO management is anything that can
give us input or that we can use for output of data. If you’ve ever saved a file to disk,
click the mouse button or used a microphone when video
chatting with a friend, you’ve got the kernel’s
ability to manage IO to think. And that’s the basic rundown of the main
functions of the kernel file management, process management,
memory management and IO management. Finally, we’ll talk about the other
component of an operating system, the user space. The user space is everything
outside the kernel. These are the things that we interact
with directly, like programs such as text editors, music players, system
settings, user interfaces, etcetera. By the end of this module, you’ll
hopefully have a solid understanding of all these functions
of an operating system. Let’s start by taking a deeper dive
into the kernel’s file management

Reading: Supplemental Reading for Chrome OS


Video: Files and File Systems

The kernel handles file storage and file systems on our machines. It does this by using three main components:

  1. File system: The file system is a way of organizing files on a storage device. It tracks where files are stored on the device and provides functions for reading, writing, and deleting files.
  2. File data: The file data is the actual contents of the file. It is stored on the storage device in the form of data blocks.
  3. Metadata: The metadata is information about the file, such as its name, size, creation date, and permissions.

The kernel uses the file system to locate the file data on the storage device and to read and write the data. It uses the metadata to determine the file’s type, permissions, and other attributes.

The kernel also manages the different file systems that are used on the system. It creates and destroys file systems, and it mounts and unmounts file systems.

Our knowledge of file systems and the differences between them is a great skill to have in our IT support specialist toolbox. It can be useful when we need to do things like recover data from damaged disks or explore ways to boot from two different kinds of operating systems on the same computer.


A file is a named collection of data that is stored on a computer. Files can contain text, images, audio, video, and other types of data.

A file system is a way of organizing files on a storage device, such as a hard drive or SSD. The file system keeps track of the location of each file and its properties, such as its name, size, and creation date.

Types of File Systems

There are many different types of file systems, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Some of the most common file systems include:

  • FAT: The File Allocation Table (FAT) is a simple file system that is used by many older operating systems, such as DOS and Windows.
  • NTFS: The New Technology File System (NTFS) is a more advanced file system that is used by modern versions of Windows.
  • EXT: The Extended File System (EXT) is a popular file system that is used by Linux and other Unix-like operating systems.
  • APFS: The Apple File System (APFS) is a new file system that is used by macOS and iOS.

File Hierarchy

A file system organizes files in a hierarchical structure, with each file being contained in a directory. The root directory is the top-level directory, and it contains all of the other directories and files on the storage device.

Directories can be nested, so a directory can contain other directories. This allows for a complex and organized way to store files.

File Permissions

File permissions control who can access a file and what they can do with it. The most common file permissions are read, write, and execute.

  • Read: The read permission allows users to open and read the contents of a file.
  • Write: The write permission allows users to modify the contents of a file.
  • Execute: The execute permission allows users to run a file as a program.

File permissions can be set for individual users or groups of users.

File Management

File management is the process of creating, deleting, renaming, moving, and copying files. File management can be done using a file manager, which is a software application that provides a graphical interface for interacting with the file system.


Files and file systems are essential parts of any computer system. They provide a way to store and organize data in a way that is efficient and easy to access. By understanding how files and file systems work, IT professionals can manage and troubleshoot problems with files and file systems.

Here are some additional tips for managing files and file systems:

  • Use descriptive file names that make it easy to identify the contents of a file.
  • Organize files in a logical way that makes sense for your needs.
  • Back up your files regularly to protect them from loss or damage.
  • Use file permissions to control who has access to your files.
  • Keep your file system up to date by running regular disk defragmentation and optimization tools.

Imagine if you had to store a single file in a cabinet.
That sounds so bad. What if instead of one file
you had to store 100,000? Can you see a problem here? Well, on our computers
we can easily store hundreds of
thousands of files, if not more, problem-solved. Not quite. We have to be able to keep track
of all these files. The kernel handles file storage and file systems
on our machines. In this lesson, we’re
going to dig a little deeper on how it does that. There are three main components to handling files handlers, the file data, metadata,
and file system. Let’s start with
the file system. Well, we have a brand new hard disks that we want
to store data on. We need to erase and
configure the disk. This way operating system can
read and write data to it. This is important since it’s how our operating system
keeps tracks of files. We must know what kind
of file system is used. There are lots of file systems and are used for
different purposes. Some file systems
support the storage of large amounts of data others
only support small amounts. They can operate in
different speeds and have varying resiliency towards
file corruption and so on. We won’t get into
which file system is best. That’s for you to decide. But the major OS
manufacturers have their own unique file
systems that they recommend, for Windows, the major file
system that’s used is NTFS. It was introduced in the
previous version of Windows OS, Windows NT, and includes many
features like encryption, faster access speeds,
security, and more. Microsoft is developing another
file system called ReFS, but it isn’t quite ready
for consumer use just yet. For Linux, different
distributions will use different
file system types. A standard for file systems
for Linux is EX T4, which is compatible with
older EXT file systems. In general, different
file system types don’t play nicely
with each other. You might not be able to
easily move files across different file systems depending
on the file system type. A good guideline to
use is just to use the file system that your
operating system recommends. Another important part
of file management is the storage of
actual file data. We write data to our hard drive in the form of data blocks. When we say something
to our hard disks, it doesn’t always
sit in one piece. It can be broken down into many pieces and written to
different parts of the disk. Block storage improves
faster handling of data, because the data isn’t
stored on one long piece, and it can be accessed quicker. It’s also better for
utilizing storage space. Lastly, we need to
keep the metadata that contains the
information about our file. There’s a lot of information about our file that
we want to know, who created it, when
it was last modified, who has access to it, and so on. The file metadata tells us everything we need to
know about our file. It also tells us what
type of file it is. A file extension is the appended
part of a filename that tells us what type of file it is in certain operating systems. Take cool_image.jpg. JPG is a file extension
associated with image files. You’ll see different types of
file extensions like this. When you’re working with
your operating system, your working knowledge
of file systems and the differences
between them is a great skill to have in your IT support
specialist toolbox. It can be super
useful when you need to do things like
recovered data from damaged discs or explore ways to boot from two different
kinds of operating systems, like Windows and Linux
on the same computer.

Video: Process Management

The kernel manages processes by creating them, scheduling them, and terminating them.

When we want to run a program, the kernel creates a process for it. This process needs to have hardware resources like RAM and CPU. The kernel then schedules time for the CPU to execute the instructions in the process.

The CPU can only execute one process at a time, so the kernel uses a time slice to give each process a short amount of time to run. The CPU then switches to the next process, and so on. This happens so quickly that it seems like all of the processes are running simultaneously.

When a process is finished running, the kernel terminates it and releases the resources that it was using.

The kernel’s process management is important because it allows us to run multiple programs at the same time without running out of resources. It also ensures that all of the programs are able to run fairly and efficiently.

Here are some of the benefits of the kernel’s process management:

  • Efficiency: The kernel can schedule processes efficiently so that all of the programs we want to use can be run.
  • Fairness: The kernel ensures that all of the processes are able to run fairly and efficiently.
  • Reliability: The kernel manages resources carefully to prevent programs from interfering with each other.
  • Security: The kernel separates processes from each other to protect them from malware and other security threats.

The kernel’s process management is a complex task, but it is essential for the operation of any modern operating system.

One of the most
important tasks that our kernel performs is
process management. A process is a program
that’s executing, like our Internet
browser or text editor. A program is an application that we can run, like Chrome. Take note of the difference. We can have many processes of the same program running
at the same time. Think of how many Chrome
windows you can open. These are all different
processes for the same program. When we want to
run our programs, we have to dedicate
computer resources to them, like RAM and CPU. We only have a finite
amount of resources, and we want to be able to
run multiple programs. Our kernel has to
manage our resources efficiently so that
all the programs we want to use can be run. Our kernel doesn’t just dedicate all of our computers
resources to one process. Our system is actually
constantly running multiple processes that are
necessary for it to function. Our kernel has to
worry about all of these processes at once. What a program wants to run, a process needs to
be created for it. This process needs to have hardware resources
like RAM and CPU. The kernel has to schedule
time for the CPU to execute the instructions
in the process, but there’s only one
CPU and many processes. How is the CPU able to execute multiple processes at
once? It actually doesn’t. It executes processes one-by-one through something
known as a time slice. A time slice is a very
short interval of time that gets allocated to a
process for CPU execution. It’s so short that you
don’t even notice it. It’s super short. The CPU executes one
process in milliseconds, then executes another
process, then another. To the human eye,
everything looks like it runs simultaneously. That’s how fast the CPU works. If your computer
is running slowly, and your CPU resources
are being maxed out, there can be many
factors at play. It’s possible that
one process is taking up more time
slices than it should. This means that the next
process can’t be executed. Another possibility is that there are too many
processes that want CPU time and the CPU
can’t keep up with them. Whatever the case may be, even though the
kernel does its best to manage processes for us, we might need to step in
manually from time-to-time. The kernel creates processes, efficiently schedules them, and manages how processes
are terminated. This is important since
we need a way to collect all the previously
used resources that active processes were taking up and reallocate them
to another process.

What is process management?

Process management is the set of activities that an operating system performs to create, execute, and terminate processes. It is responsible for allocating resources to processes, scheduling their execution, and ensuring that they do not interfere with each other.

Why is process management important?

Process management is essential for the efficient operation of any computer system. It allows multiple programs to run simultaneously and ensures that each process has the resources it needs to run correctly. Process management also helps to prevent deadlocks and other problems that can occur when multiple processes are competing for resources.

How does process management work?

The operating system typically uses a kernel module to manage processes. The kernel module keeps track of all the processes that are running on the system and allocates resources to them as needed. The kernel module also schedules the execution of processes, ensuring that each process gets a fair share of CPU time.

Different process management techniques

There are many different process management techniques that can be used. Some of the most common techniques include:

  • Round-robin scheduling: This is the simplest process scheduling technique. It works by giving each process a fixed amount of time to run, called a time slice. When the time slice expires, the process is preempted and another process is given a chance to run.
  • Priority scheduling: This technique gives higher priority to processes that are more important or urgent. Processes with higher priority are given more CPU time than processes with lower priority.
  • Preemptive scheduling: This technique allows the operating system to preempt a running process and give its time slice to another process. This is typically done when a higher priority process needs to run.
  • Non-preemptive scheduling: This technique does not allow the operating system to preempt a running process. This means that a process will continue to run until it is finished or until it voluntarily gives up the CPU.

The importance of process management in IT

Process management is an essential part of IT operations. It is used to ensure that applications and services run smoothly and efficiently. Process management is also used to troubleshoot problems and identify bottlenecks.

Some of the benefits of process management

  • Improved performance: Process management can help to improve the performance of applications and services by ensuring that they have the resources they need to run efficiently.
  • Increased reliability: Process management can help to increase the reliability of applications and services by preventing them from crashing or interfering with each other.
  • Reduced costs: Process management can help to reduce costs by optimizing the use of resources and preventing problems that can lead to downtime.


Process management is a critical part of IT operations. It is used to ensure that applications and services run smoothly and efficiently. By understanding the different process management techniques and their benefits, IT professionals can improve the performance, reliability, and cost-effectiveness of their systems.

Video: Memory Management and Virtual Memory

Virtual memory is a combination of hard drive space and RAM that acts like memory that our processes can use. It works by storing pages of data on the hard drive when they are not needed in RAM. When a process needs to access a page of data that is not in RAM, the kernel swaps it in from the hard drive.

Virtual memory is useful because it allows us to run programs that are larger than the amount of physical memory we have. It is also more efficient than storing the entire program in RAM, because we only need to load the pages of data that we are currently using.

Why don’t we just store the entire program in RAM so we can execute it quickly?

We could store the entire program in RAM, but it would be wasteful for large applications. For example, a word processor may have many features that we don’t use very often. If we loaded the entire word processor into RAM, even when we were only using a few features, we would be wasting RAM.

How does virtual memory work?

When we execute a process, the kernel takes the data of the program in chunks we call pages. It stores these pages in virtual memory. If we want to read and execute these pages, they have to be sent to physical memory or RAM.

The kernel keeps track of which pages are in RAM and which pages are on the hard drive. When a process needs to access a page of data that is not in RAM, the kernel swaps it in from the hard drive. This process is called paging.

The kernel also keeps track of which pages of data are being used by which processes. When a process is finished using a page of data, the kernel can swap it out to the hard drive. This process is called swapping out.

Benefits of virtual memory:

  • Allows us to run programs that are larger than the amount of physical memory we have.
  • More efficient than storing the entire program in RAM, because we only need to load the pages of data that we are currently using.


Virtual memory is an important part of modern operating systems. It allows us to run large and complex programs on computers with limited amounts of physical memory.

Remember that when a process runs, it
needs CPU time, but it also needs memory. When processes are run,
they have to take up space in memory, so that the computer can read and
load them quickly. However, compared to our hard disk drives,
memory comes in smaller quantities. So to give us more memory
than we physically have, we use something called virtual memory. Virtual memory is the combination
of hard drive space and RAM that acts like memory
that our processes can use. When we execute a process, we take the data of the program
in chunks we call pages. We store these pages in virtual memory. If we want to read and
execute these pages, they have to be sent to physical memory or
RAM. Why don’t we just store the entire program
in RAM so we can execute it quickly? Well you could,
if it was small enough, but for large applications it would be wasteful. Have you ever worked in a word processor
and then gone to a menu don’t normally use and noticed the application
slow down a little? It’s because your computer
had to load the page for that menu from virtual memory into RAM. We don’t use all the features
of our application at once. So why load it up at once? It’s similar to cooking
a recipe from a cookbook. You don’t need to read the whole
book just to make one recipe. You only need to read the pages of
the recipe you’re currently using. When we store our virtual
memory on our hard drive, we call the allocated space swap space. When we get into practical
applications of disk partitioning, we’ll allocate space for swap. The kernel takes care of all of this for
us of course. It handles the process of taking pages of
data and swapping them between RAM and virtual memory. But, the kernel isn’t
the only hard worker around. You’ve done great getting
through the lessons so far. Nice work.

What is memory management?

Memory management is the process of allocating and de-allocating memory to programs and other processes running on a computer. It is a critical function of the operating system, as it ensures that programs have access to the memory they need to run, while also preventing them from overwriting each other’s data.

What is virtual memory?

Virtual memory is a technique that allows a computer to use more memory than it physically has. It does this by storing parts of a program in the hard drive and swapping them into RAM as needed. This allows programs to run even if they are larger than the amount of physical RAM available.

How does memory management work?

The operating system uses a variety of techniques to manage memory. One common technique is called segmentation. Segmentation divides memory into blocks called segments. Each segment can be allocated to a different program or process.

Another common technique is called paging. Paging divides memory into smaller blocks called pages. Pages are swapped between RAM and the hard drive as needed.

The operating system also uses a variety of algorithms to decide which pages should be stored in RAM and which pages should be stored on the hard drive. These algorithms typically take into account the following factors:

  • The age of the page: Pages that have not been accessed recently are more likely to be swapped out of RAM.
  • The importance of the page: Pages that contain critical data are less likely to be swapped out of RAM.
  • The availability of free space in RAM: If there is not enough free space in RAM, the operating system may have to swap out pages even if they are recently accessed or important.

The importance of memory management

Memory management is a critical function of the operating system. Without it, programs would not be able to run properly and the computer would eventually crash. Memory management is also important for performance. By managing memory effectively, the operating system can ensure that programs have access to the memory they need when they need it, which can improve the performance of the computer.


Memory management is a complex but essential part of modern operating systems. By understanding how memory management works, you can better understand how your computer works and how to optimize its performance.

Here are some additional points about memory management and virtual memory:

  • Memory management is a dynamic process. The operating system must constantly be monitoring the memory usage of programs and processes and adjusting the allocation of memory as needed.
  • Virtual memory can help to improve the performance of programs by allowing them to run even if they are larger than the amount of physical RAM available.
  • However, virtual memory can also introduce some performance overhead. This is because the operating system must swap pages between RAM and the hard drive, which can take some time.
  • There are a number of different techniques that can be used to manage memory. The best technique for a particular system will depend on the specific hardware and software configuration.

Video: I/O Management

The kernel is responsible for managing input and output (I/O) devices. This includes loading drivers for the devices, communicating with the devices, and transferring data between the devices and the CPU.

The kernel also handles the inter-communication between devices. It figures out the most efficient method of transfer and tries to ensure that data is transferred without errors.

When troubleshooting a slow machine, it is important to consider hardware resource deficiencies. If there is not enough RAM, CPU, or I/O bandwidth, this can lead to performance problems.

Troubleshooting is an important part of any IT support role. By understanding the potential sources of slowness, IT support professionals can narrow down the cause of the problem and resolve it more quickly.

Additional notes:

  • I/O devices are devices that allow us to interact with our computers and the outside world. They include input devices (such as keyboards and mice) and output devices (such as monitors and speakers).
  • Drivers are software programs that allow the kernel to communicate with specific I/O devices.
  • The kernel uses a variety of techniques to improve the efficiency of I/O operations. For example, it uses caching to store frequently accessed data in memory, and it uses interrupts to allow the CPU to continue processing other tasks while waiting for I/O operations to complete.
  • Troubleshooting slow machines can be challenging, but it is an important skill for IT support professionals. By understanding the potential sources of slowness and the various troubleshooting techniques available, IT support professionals can help their users get the most out of their computers.

So far we’ve learned how hard our kernel
works by handling files, managing file storage, juggling all the different
processes running on our computer, and allocating memory. Another important task that our kernel
handles is managing input and output. We refer to devices that perform input and
output as I/O devices. These include our monitors,
keyboards, mice, hard disk drives, speakers, Bluetooth headsets,
webcams and network adapters. These I/O devices are all
managed by our kernel, the kernel needs to be able to
load up drivers that are used so that we can recognize and speak to
these different types of hardware. When the kernel is able to start
the drivers to communicate with hardware, it also manages the transfer of
data in and out of the devices. I/O doesn’t just mean the transfer
of data between us and our devices. The devices also need to be
able to talk to each other. Our kernel handles all the inter
communication between devices. It also figures out what the most
efficient method of transfer is and it tries its best to make sure our data
doesn’t have errors during process. When you’re troubleshooting or
solving a problem with a slow machine it’s usually some sort
of hardware resource deficiency. If you don’t have enough RAM you
can’t load up as many processes. If you don’t have enough CPU you
can’t execute programs fast enough. If you have too much input coming into the
device or too much output going somewhere you’ll also block other data
from being sent or received. It’s slow is one of the most
common problems you’ll solve in an IT support role. Knowing the potential sources of that
slowness is a big help when you’re trying to narrow down the cause of the latency. Troubleshooting is such an important
part of any IT support role. Beyond desktop support, identifying
the source of a resource bottleneck and a server or large IT system like a Web
application can unlock performance gains and new heights of responsiveness for
your users.

  • Introduction

Input/output (I/O) management is the process of managing the flow of data between a computer and its peripheral devices. This includes devices such as hard drives, keyboards, mice, and printers.

I/O management is an important part of any operating system. It ensures that data is transferred between devices in a timely and efficient manner.

  • Types of I/O

There are two main types of I/O:

* **Block I/O:** This is the transfer of data between a device and the computer in blocks. This is typically used for devices such as hard drives and solid-state drives.
* **Character I/O:** This is the transfer of data between a device and the computer one character at a time. This is typically used for devices such as keyboards and printers.
  • I/O Management Techniques

There are a number of techniques that can be used to manage I/O. These include:

* **Direct memory access (DMA):** This allows devices to access memory directly, bypassing the CPU. This can improve the performance of I/O operations.
* **Interrupts:** This allows devices to notify the CPU when they need attention. This allows the CPU to multitask and handle multiple I/O requests at the same time.
* **Buffering:** This involves storing data in a buffer before it is transferred to or from a device. This can help to improve the performance of I/O operations by reducing the number of times that the CPU needs to access the device.
  • I/O Management in Operating Systems

Most operating systems provide a number of features to help with I/O management. These features include:

* Device drivers:** These are software programs that allow the operating system to communicate with devices.
* File systems:** These are used to organize and manage files on storage devices.
* I/O schedulers:** These are used to determine the order in which I/O requests are processed.
  • I/O Management in Cloud Computing

I/O management is also important in cloud computing. Cloud computing providers need to ensure that I/O operations are performed efficiently and effectively in order to provide a good user experience.

There are a number of challenges that need to be addressed in I/O management in cloud computing. These challenges include:

* The need to support a large number of concurrent I/O requests.
* The need to ensure that I/O operations are performed in a secure manner.
* The need to optimize I/O operations for different types of workloads.
  • Conclusion

I/O management is an important part of any IT infrastructure. It ensures that data is transferred between devices in a timely and efficient manner. I/O management techniques are constantly evolving to meet the demands of new technologies and workloads.

Video: Interacting with the OS: User Space

The user space is the part of the operating system that users interact with directly. It includes the shell, the graphical user interface (GUI), and other programs and applications.

The shell is a program that interprets text commands and sends them to the operating system to execute. It is a powerful tool that can be used to perform a wide range of tasks, including creating and managing files, running programs, and configuring the system.

The GUI is a visual way to interact with the computer. It uses icons, menus, and windows to allow users to perform tasks without having to type commands.

Most operating systems include both a shell and a GUI. However, the shell is still commonly used by power users, especially in IT support roles. This is because the shell can be used to perform tasks more quickly and efficiently than the GUI, and it can be used to manage systems remotely.

Why is it important to learn how to use a shell in an IT support role?

There are a number of reasons why it is important to learn how to use a shell in an IT support role:

  • Some tasks can only be completed through commands. For example, you may need to use a shell command to troubleshoot a problem with a network connection or to install a software update.
  • Managing thousands of machines can be more efficient using commands. Rather than having to click a button or drag a window on every machine, you can run a single command to perform the task on all machines simultaneously.
  • Using a shell can help you to better understand how the operating system works. This knowledge can be invaluable when troubleshooting problems or configuring systems.

If you are interested in a career in IT support, I highly recommend that you learn how to use a shell. It is a valuable skill that will make you more marketable to potential employers and more effective in your job.

  • Introduction

The userspace is the part of the operating system that interacts with humans. It is responsible for providing a way for users to interact with the computer, such as through a graphical user interface (GUI) or a command-line interface (CLI).

  • Graphical User Interface (GUI)

A GUI is a visual way to interact with the computer. It uses windows, icons, menus, and other graphical elements to allow users to interact with the computer. GUIs are more user-friendly than CLIs, but they can be less powerful.

  • Command-Line Interface (CLI)

A CLI is a text-based interface where commands are typed in. CLIs are more powerful than GUIs, but they can be more difficult to use.

  • The Shell

The shell is a program that interprets text commands and sends them to the operating system to execute. The shell is what allows users to interact with the CLI.

  • Bash

Bash is the most common shell. It is a powerful and flexible shell that can be used to perform a variety of tasks.

  • Why is it important for IT support professionals to know how to use the userspace?

IT support professionals need to be able to interact with the userspace in order to troubleshoot problems and manage systems. They need to be able to use both GUIs and CLIs, depending on the situation.

  • How to learn how to use the userspace

There are many resources available to help IT support professionals learn how to use the userspace. Books, online tutorials, and training courses are all available.

  • Conclusion

The userspace is an important part of the operating system. IT support professionals need to be able to interact with the userspace in order to troubleshoot problems and manage systems. There are many resources available to help IT support professionals learn how to use the userspace.

Here are some additional tips for IT support professionals who want to learn how to use the userspace:

  • Start by learning the basics of the GUI. This will give you a good foundation for understanding how the userspace works.
  • Once you understand the basics of the GUI, you can start learning about the CLI. The CLI can be more difficult to learn, but it is also more powerful.
  • There are many online tutorials and training courses available to help you learn how to use the userspace.
  • Practice using the userspace as often as you can. The more you use it, the better you will become at using it.

We’ve covered the kernel’s
major responsibilities. Now, let’s discuss the final major aspect
of an operating system, how humans interact with it. This is what we
call the userspace. When we interact with
an operating system, we want to do certain functions like creating files and folders, open applications, and deleting
items, you get the idea. There are two ways that we
can interact with our OS. With a shell or graphical
user interface. There are also some shells that use graphical user interfaces, but we’ll work with a
Command Line Interface or CLI shell. For the most part, this just means that we’ll
use text commands. A Graphical User Interface or GUI is a visual way to
interact with the computer. We use our mouse
to click and drag, to open folders, etc. We can see everything
we do with it. You probably use a GUI every day without realizing
you’re using one. To watch this video,
you probably used GUI clicking icons and navigating menus to open your web browser and
navigate to the website. People usually
recognize a device or product based on its GUI. You might be able to
spot the difference between a computer running Microsoft Windows or Mac OS based on the design
of the windows, menus, and icons, you’ve probably seen GUI’s and other places too, like mobile phones and tablets, ATM machines, and
airport kiosks. A shell is basically a
program that interprets text commands and sends
them to the OS to execute. Before we had fancy
visual interfaces, commands like create a
file had to be typed out. While we have GUI is today, the shell is still commonly
used to run commands, especially by power users. Power users are above
average computer users. Linux, especially, it’s
essential that you actually know commands,
not just a GUI. This is because most of them
Linux machines you interact with in IT support will
be accessed remotely. Most of the time, you
won’t be given a GUI. There are lots of different
types of shells. Some have different features, some handled performance
differently. It’s the same concept behind
different operating systems. For our purposes,
we’ll just be using the most common shell,
Bash or bourne. Again, shell in Linux,
you might be thinking, but it’s easier for me
to navigate a GUI than it is to use commands
to do the same thing. Why would I want to learn both? I can’t stress this enough. It’s vital for you
to know how to use a shell in an IT support role. Some tests can only be
completed through commands. In more advanced IT roles, you might have to manage
thousands of machines. You don’t want to have to click
a button or drag a window on every machine when you
can just run a command once.

Video: Logs

Computer logs are files that record system events on a computer. They are useful for troubleshooting problems and finding out what happened on a computer. However, logs can be difficult to read and understand.

By learning how to navigate and read logs, IT support professionals can more effectively troubleshoot problems and help their users.

Here are some tips for reading and understanding computer logs:

  • Identify the different types of logs. There are many different types of computer logs, such as system logs, application logs, and security logs. Each type of log contains different information.
  • Learn the format of the logs. Logs are typically written in plain text, but they can also be in a binary format. The format of the logs will vary depending on the operating system and the program that generated the logs.
  • Use log analysis tools. There are a number of log analysis tools available that can help you to parse and analyze logs. These tools can be helpful for identifying errors and trends in the logs.

If you are interested in learning more about how to read and understand computer logs, there are a number of resources available online and in libraries. You can also find many helpful tutorials and articles on the websites of operating system vendors and software developers.

Imagine this scenario. You’re playing your favorite video game
and you finally get to the big boss. You spent countless
hours finding this boss, neglecting all other responsibilities,
like your job, school, even hygiene. That’s pretty gross, but I get it. So you’re right about to kill the big boss
when suddenly your game console shuts off completely. You probably freak out for a second. But then you remember it’s okay, you saved
the game before the boss came along. So now you can turn it back on and
you’ll be at the same spot. But then your console shuts off again. This happens over and over. You like most people are devastated. You into a fit of rage, but then just
before you toss your console out, you make one last dish effort and
yell, tell me what’s wrong with you. Suddenly you hear a faint voice
telling you what you want to hear. Wouldn’t that be amazing? Sure, that scenario was a bit exaggerated. But my point is that our computers
actually can talk to us and tell us what’s wrong. Maybe they won’t whisper answers to us,
but they speak to us in the form of logs. Logs or files that record system events on
our computer, just like a system’s diary. A computer will record events like when it
was turned on, when a driver was loaded. And even when something isn’t working
in the form of error messages. In all operating systems, logs are kept so we can refer back to them when we need
to find out something that happened. But logs can be hard to navigate because
our computer will essentially record everything. Here’s what a log looks like. As you can see, it can be tough
to make your way through a log. But with a little bit of elbow grease, we can figure out what happened on our
computer and piece together a solution. Unfortunately, our computers, cars and
machines don’t have a little voice that tells us what’s wrong
when there’s a problem. But by the end of this program, you’ll
be able to navigate and read logs so you won’t even need it.


In IT, logs are files that record events that occur on a computer system. They can be used to troubleshoot problems, identify security threats, and monitor system performance.

Types of logs

There are many different types of logs, each of which records different types of events. Some common types of logs include:

  • System logs: These logs record events that occur at the operating system level, such as boot-up and shutdown.
  • Application logs: These logs record events that occur within applications, such as errors and warnings.
  • Security logs: These logs record events that could potentially pose a security threat, such as failed login attempts and unauthorized access.
  • Performance logs: These logs record performance data, such as CPU usage and memory usage.

How to read logs

Logs can be difficult to read and interpret, but there are a few things you can do to make it easier:

  • Use a log viewer: A log viewer is a software application that can help you view and analyze logs.
  • Understand the log format: Each type of log has its own format. It is important to understand the format of the logs you are working with in order to interpret them correctly.
  • Search for keywords: If you are looking for a specific event, you can search the logs for keywords related to that event.
  • Use filters: You can use filters to narrow down the scope of the logs you are viewing.

Using logs to troubleshoot problems

Logs can be a valuable tool for troubleshooting problems. By understanding the events that led up to the problem, you can often identify the cause of the problem and find a solution.

To troubleshoot a problem using logs, you can follow these steps:

  1. Gather the relevant logs. This may include system logs, application logs, and security logs.
  2. Identify the events that led up to the problem. This may involve searching the logs for keywords related to the problem.
  3. Analyze the events to determine the cause of the problem.
  4. Implement a solution to the problem.

Using logs to identify security threats

Logs can also be used to identify security threats. By monitoring security logs, you can detect unauthorized access attempts, malware infections, and other security incidents.

To identify security threats using logs, you can follow these steps:

  1. Monitor security logs for suspicious activity. This may include failed login attempts, unauthorized access, and malware infections.
  2. Investigate any suspicious activity to determine if it is a security threat.
  3. Take steps to mitigate the threat, such as blocking the attacker or removing the malware.

Using logs to monitor system performance

Logs can also be used to monitor system performance. By tracking performance metrics over time, you can identify trends and potential problems.

To monitor system performance using logs, you can follow these steps:

  1. Identify the performance metrics you want to track. This may include CPU usage, memory usage, and disk I/O.
  2. Collect the performance metrics from the logs.
  3. Analyze the performance metrics to identify trends and potential problems.
  4. Take steps to improve system performance, such as adding more memory or upgrading the CPU.


Logs are a valuable tool for IT professionals. By understanding how to read and interpret logs, you can use them to troubleshoot problems, identify security threats, and monitor system performance.

____ are files that record system events on our computer just like a system's diary. Check all that apply.


Yep! Logs are our computer’s system diary.

Video: The Boot Process

The boot process is the process of starting up a computer. It is a complex process that involves several different steps, but it can be summarized into the following key points:

  1. The computer is powered on.
  2. The BIOS/UEFI is initialized.
  3. The BIOS/UEFI runs a power-on self-test (POST) to check that the hardware is working properly.
  4. The boot device is selected.
  5. The bootloader is loaded.
  6. The bootloader loads the operating system kernel.
  7. The kernel loads essential system processes and user space items.
  8. The user logs in and the desktop environment is launched.

As an IT support specialist, it is important to understand the boot process so that you can diagnose and troubleshoot problems that may occur. For example, if a computer is not booting up properly, you can check the BIOS/UEFI configuration, make sure that the boot device is selected correctly, and test the bootloader and kernel.

Here are some additional tips for troubleshooting boot problems:

  • Try booting the computer from a different boot device, such as a USB drive or CD-ROM. This can help you to determine if the problem is with the boot device or with the computer itself.
  • Try disabling unnecessary hardware devices. This can help to eliminate any conflicts that may be preventing the computer from booting up.
  • Try resetting the BIOS/UEFI to its default settings. This can sometimes fix boot problems caused by incorrect configuration settings.
  • If you are still unable to resolve the boot problem, you may need to reinstall the operating system.

If you are unsure how to troubleshoot a boot problem, it is best to contact a qualified IT professional for assistance.

In this lesson,
we’re going to learn how our operating
system starts up. As an IT support specialist, you’ll probably work on lots of computers that won’t start. It’s important to know the steps and operating system takes, so you can help
diagnose the issue. Booting a computer or starting
a computer comes from the phrase to pull oneself
up by one’s bootstraps. Basically, it means to start
from nothing and follow a series of steps to arrive at a fully
operational system. When we start up with computer, will use the term boot. For most operating systems, the boot process follows
a general pattern, much like how we
have different cars startup in the same way. Put in the key, turn
on the ignition, etc. Here’s a rundown of
the boot process. First, the computer
is powered on. The BIOS/UEFI is a
low-level software that initializes our
computer’s hardware to make sure everything
is good to go. Next, the bios UEFI runs
a process called the power-on self-test, or post. The post performs a series
of diagnostic tests to make sure that the computer
is in proper working order. Next, depending on the bios or UEFI configuration of boot
device will be selected. Devices that are attached to our system, like hard drives, USB drives, CD drives, etc, are configured in
a certain boot order. The devices will be
checked in this order and the computer will search for what’s known as a bootloader. The bootloader is
a small program that loads the operating system. Once our computer finds a bootloader on a device
in the listed order, it will start to
execute this program. This will then start to load a larger and more
complex program and eventually loads
our operating system. Once the bootloader loads
up our operating system, our kernel gets loaded. The kernel controls access
to our computer’s resources. It also loads up
drivers and more so that our hardware can
talk to our software. Next, essential system processes and user space
items are launched. These include processes
like user login, spinning up a
desktop environment, and more which basically allows us to interact
with our system. And that’s it. After
these simple steps, you’ll be able to get to work.


The boot process is the sequence of steps that a computer takes to start up and become operational. The boot process for most operating systems follows a general pattern:

  1. The computer is powered on.
  2. The BIOS/UEFI (Basic Input/Output System or Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) is loaded.
  3. The BIOS/UEFI performs a power-on self-test (POST) to check the health of the computer’s hardware.
  4. The BIOS/UEFI loads the bootloader.
  5. The bootloader loads the operating system kernel.
  6. The kernel loads device drivers and other essential system components.
  7. The user interface is loaded and the user is allowed to log in.


The BIOS/UEFI is a firmware program that is stored on a chip on the motherboard. It is responsible for initializing the computer’s hardware and loading the operating system. The BIOS is older and is replaced by UEFI in modern computers.

The bootloader

The bootloader is a small program that is stored on the hard drive or other bootable device. It is responsible for loading the operating system kernel. The bootloader is typically stored in the Master Boot Record (MBR) or the GUID Partition Table (GPT).

The operating system kernel

The kernel is the core of the operating system and is responsible for managing the computer’s resources. The kernel loads device drivers and other essential system components.

Device drivers

Device drivers are software programs that allow the operating system to communicate with the computer’s hardware. Device drivers are typically loaded by the kernel during the boot process.

The user interface

The user interface is the graphical or text-based environment that allows the user to interact with the operating system. The user interface is typically loaded by the kernel after all of the other essential system components have been loaded.

Troubleshooting the boot process

If the computer fails to boot up, it is important to troubleshoot the problem to determine the cause. The following are some common troubleshooting steps:

  1. Check the power connections: Make sure that the power cord is plugged in and that the power supply is turned on.
  2. Clear the CMOS: The CMOS is a small chip on the motherboard that stores the BIOS settings. Clearing the CMOS can sometimes fix problems with the boot process.
  3. Reinstall the operating system: If the operating system is corrupt, it may need to be reinstalled.

By following these steps, you can troubleshoot most problems with the boot process.


The boot process is a complex process that is essential for the computer to start up and become operational. By understanding the boot process, you can troubleshoot problems and keep your computer running smoothly.

Reading: Boot Methods


Reading: Boot Methods Best Practices


Video: Mobile Operating Systems

Mobile operating systems are different from the operating systems they are based on in the following ways:

  • Optimized for power consumption: Mobile devices run on batteries, so mobile operating systems are optimized to use as little power as possible. This is achieved by removing unnecessary features and applications, and by using more power-efficient hardware components.
  • Support for touch, voice, and motion input: Mobile devices are interacted with using touch, voice, and motion input, so mobile operating systems need to support these input methods. This requires adding device drivers and support to the operating system.
  • Specialized for specific devices: More specialized mobile devices, such as fitness trackers, e-readers, and GPS devices, often use custom operating systems that are optimized for the specific tasks that the device is designed to do. These operating systems are even more slimmed down than general-purpose mobile operating systems, and they may be designed to run on specialized hardware and peripherals.

Overall, mobile operating systems are designed to be more efficient and power-friendly than desktop and server operating systems, and to support the unique input and output methods of mobile devices.

Some mobile devices are general-purpose
computing devices like tablets or smartphones. Other mobile devices like
fitness monitors, e-readers, and smartwatches, are designed to do a smaller set of tasks. General-purpose mobile
devices generally use a mobile operating system that’s derived from other
operating systems. For example Android
is derived from Linux and iOS shares a lot of
core components with MacOS. So how are mobile
operating systems different from the OSs
that they’re based on? Mobile devices run
on batteries that have to be recharged
or replaced on a regular basis and
you want the device to last as long as
possible between charges. So mobile operating systems are optimized to use as
little power as possible, for example, by removing OS features and applications that the mobile
device doesn’t need. We also use motion, touch, and voice to interact
with mobile devices in very different ways from
desktop or server computers. This requires adding
device drivers and support to the
mobile operating system. More specialized mobile devices like fitness
trackers, e-readers, and GPS devices,
often use custom OSs that are optimized for what the device
is designed to do. These devices are even
more slimmed down to run on very minimal hardware with
very minimal battery power. They might also be built using specialized chips
and peripherals, which more general-purpose
operating systems don’t know how to run on.

What is a mobile operating system?

A mobile operating system (OS) is a software platform that manages the hardware and software resources of a mobile device. It allows users to run applications, manage files, and connect to the internet.

Types of mobile operating systems

There are many different mobile operating systems available, but the most popular ones are:

  • Android: Android is a Linux-based operating system developed by Google. It is the most popular mobile operating system in the world, with over 2 billion active users.
  • iOS: iOS is a Unix-based operating system developed by Apple. It is the second most popular mobile operating system in the world, with over 1 billion active users.
  • Windows Phone: Windows Phone is a Windows-based operating system developed by Microsoft. It is the third most popular mobile operating system in the world, with over 100 million active users.
  • BlackBerry OS: BlackBerry OS is a proprietary operating system developed by BlackBerry Limited. It is designed for smartphones and tablets.
  • Tizen: Tizen is an open-source operating system developed by the Linux Foundation. It is designed for smartphones, tablets, and wearable devices.

How do mobile operating systems work?

Mobile operating systems work by managing the hardware and software resources of a mobile device. They allow users to run applications, manage files, and connect to the internet.

Mobile operating systems are typically divided into two layers: the kernel and the user interface.

  • The kernel is the core of the operating system. It manages the hardware resources of the device, such as the CPU, memory, and storage.
  • The user interface is the layer that users interact with. It allows users to run applications, manage files, and connect to the internet.

Features of mobile operating systems

Mobile operating systems typically have the following features:

  • Multitasking: Mobile operating systems allow users to run multiple applications at the same time.
  • File management: Mobile operating systems allow users to manage files on their devices, such as creating, deleting, and moving files.
  • Networking: Mobile operating systems allow users to connect to the internet and other devices.
  • Security: Mobile operating systems have security features to protect users’ data and privacy.
  • Localization: Mobile operating systems can be localized for different languages and regions.

How to choose a mobile operating system

The best mobile operating system for you will depend on your needs and preferences. Here are some factors to consider when choosing a mobile operating system:

  • The type of device you have: Some mobile operating systems are only available for certain types of devices, such as Android and iOS.
  • The features you need: Consider the features that are important to you, such as multitasking, file management, and networking.
  • The apps you want to use: Make sure the mobile operating system you choose supports the apps you want to use.
  • Your budget: Mobile operating systems can vary in price, so consider your budget when making your decision.


Mobile operating systems are essential for the smooth functioning of mobile devices. They provide users with a variety of features and functionalities, making it possible to use their devices for a variety of tasks. When choosing a mobile operating system, it is important to consider your needs and preferences.

Video: Cindy: Drive and career path

IT is a diverse field with many different job opportunities, including sys admin, IT support, networks, databases, and reliability engineering. Anyone can pursue a career in IT, regardless of their gender, academic background, or previous experience.

The author’s personal experience shows that it is possible to learn the skills needed for a career in IT without a traditional education. There are many learning resources available online and in libraries, and people with all sorts of backgrounds can find success in IT.

The author concludes by saying that technology is a great equalizer for people who don’t have the traditional educational background for a career in IT. They encourage people who are interested in IT to pursue their learning and take advantage of the many resources that are available.

Additional thoughts:

The author’s message is important because it challenges the stereotype that IT is a field that is only accessible to men with technical degrees. In reality, IT is a diverse and inclusive field with many opportunities for people with all sorts of backgrounds and skills.

If you are interested in a career in IT, there are many ways to get started. You can take online courses, attend bootcamps, or learn from self-paced tutorials. There are also many resources available to help you find an internship or entry-level job in IT.

Don’t be afraid to start small. You don’t need to have all the answers before you get started in IT. The important thing is to be willing to learn and to be proactive in your career development.

[MUSIC] I’d say when I first started I thought
there were two jobs you could do, you could be a sys admin or
you could be IT support. But that’s completely false. There’s like a huge amount
of opportunity in IT. You could be specialized in networks. You could be specialized in databases or
like reliability engineering. I’d say it doesn’t matter if you’re a guy
a girl an alien ideas for everyone. It’s just problem solving with
technology and anyone can do it. I know people who are in IT that degrees
in liberal arts or like cooking and all these other things. People come from IT from
all sorts of backgrounds. I’ve always drive to be different. And for me I think that was just learning
skills like growing up girls didn’t use computers. I was like Igirl relly use a computer? Girls didn’t know how
to drive manual cars. I’m going to go learn how
to drive a manual car. They don’t know how to ride motorcycles. I can do that too. And I enjoy learning I enjoy
learning a lot of things. I enjoy picking up new skills. Technology is a real equalizer for
people who don’t have the current educational
like background. You can load up a website. All these learning websites. There’s so much information on
the Internet and I think that technology really equalizes that for people who
want to get into certain careers. They want to learn something. I think what’s available
now is amazing and I think I wish I’d had that
ten years ago when I started.

Practice Quiz: What is an Operating System?

What are the two main parts that make up an operating system?

What are the main components of file management? Check all that apply.

Which of these are true? Check all that apply.

What are the characteristics of virtual memory? Check all that apply.

Which of these is a GUI? Check all that apply.

Which of these are considered I/O devices? Check all that apply.

What is the last step in booting a computer?

Installing an Operating System

Video: Choosing an Operating System

There are a few things to consider when choosing an operating system to install in a business setting:

  • Has the decision already been made? Organizations often have standardized on a particular operating system, so if there is already a decision in place, that’s the one you need to use.
  • What software will need to be run on this device? Some software is only compatible with certain operating systems, so you need to make sure that the operating system you choose is compatible with the software that needs to be used.
  • What hardware will be used? Modern operating systems support most common hardware, but there are some exceptions. For example, some manufacturers only allow their operating system to be installed on their hardware.
  • What is the CPU architecture? Operating systems are optimized for different CPU architectures, so you need to make sure that the CPU and operating system are compatible.

Once you have chosen an operating system, you need to install it on your hardware. Most computers come with an operating system pre-installed, but you can also install an operating system from scratch.

If you are installing an operating system from scratch, you can use different installation media, such as a disk, USB drive, or over the internet. As an IT support specialist, you will often need to install operating systems on multiple computers, so it is important to use a scalable method.

Using a USB drive to install an operating system is a good option for most cases. Most manufacturers have their own special USB drives with the installation image, but you can also load up an operating system onto any USB drive for Linux.

Additional notes:

  • When installing an operating system from scratch, you will typically need to create a bootable USB drive. This can be done using a variety of tools, such as Rufus or Etcher.
  • Once you have a bootable USB drive, you can insert it into your computer and boot from it. This may require you to change the boot order in your BIOS or UEFI settings.
  • The operating system installation process will vary depending on the operating system you are installing. However, most installation processes are relatively straightforward. You will typically be asked to choose a language, keyboard layout, time zone, and other settings.
  • Once the operating system has been installed, you will need to configure it to your liking. This may include creating user accounts, installing software, and connecting to the internet.

If you have any problems installing an operating system, there are many resources available online and in libraries. You can also contact the manufacturer of your computer or operating system for assistance.

In the last lesson, you learned how an operating
system boots up. It’s an important concept to understand since you’ll be faced with troubleshooting boot
up issues in IT support. Now, we’re going to walk
through the steps to select and install
an operating system. We’re going to focus
on operating systems in the IT space. First, we’ll talk about deciding which operating system to
install in a business setting. Second, we’ll dive into the overall process of
installing an operating system. How do you decide which
operating system to install? Well, you need to ask yourself
a couple of questions. Has the decision
already been made? The operating systems in
use by an organization have a lot to do with
the applications and systems that
they need to run. Are you working with an
organization or service that requires the use of a
specific operating system? If so, you’re done.
That was easy. If a decision hasn’t been
made on what OS to use or if you’re looking for an operating system
for personal use, then you need to
ask yourself what software will need to be run on this device and lots of cases the software will
be designed to run on a specific operating system. It’s also possible that the
software is cross-platform, meaning it can run on more
than one operating system. Another question to ask, is what hardware will be used? Modern operating systems do a pretty good job of
supporting common hardware. You should keep in mind that
some manufacturers allow their operating system to be only installed on
their hardware. There’s one more thing
I should call out. Remember that we have
different CPU architectures, 32-bit and 64-bit. Our operating systems will also be optimized for
this architecture. Make sure that the CPU
and OS are compatible. If you have a 64-bit CPU, you should also install
the 64-bit version of the operating
system you choose. Okay, now that you’ve chosen an operating system
that you want to use, let’s work on getting it
installed on our hardware. Many computers come with an operating system
pre-installed. If you boot the computer
in this condition, the operating system
will continue from whatever point
the vendor left it at. You’ll need to do
a couple of things to finish the installation, like choosing a computer
name or host name, or configuring the
network for the device. If you’re going to be installing an operating system
from scratch, you can use different
installation media. Some operating system
manufacturers sell their operating system in
disk form or USB form. Some let you do reinstalls
directly over the Internet. As an IT support specialist, you will install an
operating system many times, so using one single disk won’t be time-efficient
or scalable. Scalability is an important concept
that we’ll cover later. If you want to scale
or accommodate multiple computers
the added support is something you need
to keep in mind. For now you’re only
working with one computer, so let’s focus on that. Let’s just use a USB drive to install your
operating system. Most manufacturers have
their own special USB drives with the installation
image like Windows. For Linux, we can load up
an OS onto any USB drive.


An operating system (OS) is software that manages the computer’s hardware and software resources and provides a platform for running applications. When choosing an operating system for IT, there are a few factors to consider, such as the applications that will be used, the hardware that is available, and the security requirements.

Factors to consider

  • Applications: The first factor to consider is the applications that will be used. Some operating systems are better suited for certain applications than others. For example, Windows is a good choice for businesses that use Microsoft Office, while Linux is a good choice for businesses that need a secure and reliable operating system.
  • Hardware: The second factor to consider is the hardware that is available. Some operating systems have higher hardware requirements than others. For example, Windows 11 requires a 64-bit processor and 4GB of RAM, while Linux can run on a wider range of hardware.
  • Security: The third factor to consider is the security requirements. Some operating systems are more secure than others. For example, Linux is known for its security features, while Windows has been criticized for its security vulnerabilities.

Choosing an operating system

Once you have considered the factors above, you can start to narrow down your choices. Here are a few of the most popular operating systems for IT:

  • Windows: Windows is the most popular operating system in the world. It is a good choice for businesses that use Microsoft Office and other Windows applications.
  • Linux: Linux is a free and open-source operating system. It is a good choice for businesses that need a secure and reliable operating system.
  • macOS: macOS is the operating system for Apple computers. It is a good choice for businesses that use Apple products and applications.
  • Chrome OS: Chrome OS is a lightweight operating system that is based on the Chrome web browser. It is a good choice for businesses that need an affordable and easy-to-use operating system.


The best operating system for IT will vary depending on the specific needs of the organization. By considering the factors above, you can choose an operating system that meets your needs and requirements.

Video: Virtual Machines

Virtual machines (VMs) are software programs that create a simulated computer environment. They can be used to run multiple operating systems on a single physical computer, or to create isolated environments for testing or development.

VMs are useful for IT support specialists because they allow them to create new virtual machines on demand, and to reclaim resources when they are no longer needed. This can be useful for testing software that is only available on a specific operating system, or for isolating problems with a particular machine.

In this program, you will be using VMs to perform hands-on exercises. You will be working on the Quick Labs platform, where you will be presented with tasks to complete from within a lab setting.

Additional notes:

VMs can be created using a variety of software programs, such as VirtualBox, VMware Workstation, and Parallels Desktop. Once a VM has been created, it can be installed with an operating system and software applications, just like a physical computer.

VMs can be run on any physical computer that has enough resources to support them. The amount of resources required will vary depending on the operating system and software applications that are being run in the VM.

VMs can be used for a variety of purposes, including:

  • Running multiple operating systems on a single physical computer
  • Testing software that is only available on a specific operating system
  • Isolating problems with a particular machine
  • Creating development environments
  • Deploying servers

VMs are an important tool for IT support specialists, and they can be used to solve a variety of problems.

Before we start installing
our operating system, we need to be familiar
with the concept of virtual machines, or VMs. A virtual machine is just
a copy of a real machine. Why would you want that? We’ve been working with
physical machines so far, but there are cases in
IT support where we need access to a machine that isn’t
physically in front of us. Let’s say I have a
Windows machine, and I want to learn another
operating system like Linux. I don’t want to buy
another computer, or have two separate
operating systems on my disk. Instead, I can use
an application like Virtual Box
to install Linux, and have it completely
isolated from my machine. Virtual machines use physical
resources like memory, CPU, and storage, but they offer the added benefit of running multiple operating
systems at once. They’re also easier to
maintain and provision. Virtual machines
have become a staple in many IT departments since they allow IT support
specialist to create new virtual
computers on-demand. They can also reclaim the resources they use when
they’re no longer needed. If you wanted to use
software that’s only available on one specific OS, it’s easier to create
a new virtual machine. Use the software and then delete the virtual
machines once you’re done. Throughout this program,
you’ll actually be using VMs to perform
hands-on exercises. You’ll be working on our
Quick Labs platform, where you’ll be
presented tasks to complete from within
a lab setting. We list out the specific
tasks you’ll need to complete and once you
complete the tasks, you’ll get the
credit for the lab. Now that we know what
a virtual machine is, you can see how they can
be extremely useful.


A virtual machine (VM) is a software emulation of a physical computer. It can run its own operating system and applications, just like a physical computer. VMs are useful for IT support professionals because they allow you to run multiple operating systems on a single physical machine. This can be helpful for troubleshooting problems, testing software, and learning new operating systems.

Benefits of using virtual machines

There are many benefits to using virtual machines in IT, including:

  • Isolation: VMs can be isolated from each other, which means that problems in one VM will not affect other VMs. This can help to prevent the spread of malware and other security threats.
  • Resource sharing: VMs can share the resources of a single physical machine, which can help to save space and money.
  • Flexibility: VMs can be easily created and destroyed, which makes them a flexible tool for IT professionals.
  • Cost-effectiveness: VMs can be a cost-effective way to test new software and operating systems.
  • Learning: VMs can be a great way to learn about new operating systems and software.

Types of virtual machines

There are two main types of virtual machines:

  • Hosted VMs: Hosted VMs are created and run on top of a hypervisor, which is a software layer that allows multiple VMs to run on a single physical machine. Hosted VMs are the most common type of VM and are available for a variety of platforms, including Windows, macOS, and Linux.
  • Native VMs: Native VMs are created and run directly on the hardware of a physical machine. Native VMs are more efficient than hosted VMs, but they are also more difficult to set up and manage.

How to create a virtual machine

To create a virtual machine, you will need a hypervisor and a virtual machine software application. There are many different hypervisors and virtual machine software applications available, so you will need to choose one that is compatible with your operating system and needs.

Once you have chosen a hypervisor and a virtual machine software application, you can follow these steps to create a virtual machine:

  1. Install the hypervisor on your physical machine.
  2. Install the virtual machine software application.
  3. Create a new virtual machine.
  4. Select the operating system that you want to install on the virtual machine.
  5. Allocate resources to the virtual machine, such as memory, CPU, and storage.
  6. Start the virtual machine.


Virtual machines are a powerful tool that can be used for a variety of tasks in IT. By understanding how virtual machines work, you can use them to improve your IT skills and knowledge.

Video: Installing Windows 10

The video demonstrates how to install Windows 10 on a computer. The following steps are involved:

  1. Make sure the BIOS or UEFI boot order is set to boot from the USB drive.
  2. Boot the computer from the USB drive.
  3. Select the language, time and keyboard preferences, and click the Install now button.
  4. Accept the software license terms.
  5. Select the type of installation (Custom or Upgrade).
  6. Select the drive to install Windows on.
  7. Configure updates.
  8. Create an account for the computer.
  9. Use Express settings for now.
  10. Set up the computer.

Once the installation is complete, you will be inside the Windows 10 operating system. You can check out the user space, desktop environment, taskbar, and system settings. You can also create a file in the operating system by right-clicking on the desktop and selecting New > Text Document.

The first operating
system we’re going to install is Windows 10 OS. This is the latest iteration of the windows family
operating system. If you buy the
software and stores, it comes in a nifty USB drive. I have Windows loaded
on a USB drive. I’m going to go ahead and start the drive and boot
it in a minute. But first, let’s make
sure we have our BIOS or UEFI boot order set to
boot from the USB drive. Depending on what the manufacturer
of your computer uses, you’ll either hit “F12” or some other key to access
the BIOS settings. It looks good. Let’s just let it
run and we’ll see it booting from the USB drive. Take note that your
installation process might be slightly different depending
on the version of Windows. I’m just going to
click “Next” here. I’s just asking for my
language preference, my time and keyboard and I’m going to click
the Install now button. It’s asking for product key. I’m just going to go
ahead and skip this, do that later and just asking me to agree to a
software license term, so I’m just going to accept. Next. Now it’s asking which type of installation
I want to do. I’m just going to
click on “Custom” because I just want
to install Windows. I select the drive I
want to install it on. It looks like the computer restarted, now it’s just
configuring updates. Once it’s done updating, it’s going to restart one more time. Now we’re launched into the screen here that’s asking us to enter in the product key. We’re just going to go
ahead and skip to this. For now, we’ll do this later. I’m going to I click “Do this later” and now it’s asking me what settings
we want to use. We’re just going to click “Use
Express” settings for now. I just want to start using our machine as
quickly as possible. It’s asking us to create
an account for this PC. The first field is the username. A username is unique
identifier for a user account. I’m just going to
go ahead and use my first name as my username. Next, I’ll enter a password. Once that’s done, we’ll go
ahead and finish our setup. It’s starting to set
up everything for us. Perfect. Now here we are inside the Windows
10 operating system. Let’s check it out.
This is our user space. We have our desktop
environment here where we can navigate our files,
folders, and applications. The main screen here
is called a desktop. In the bottom-right corner
here we have a task bar. This gives us quick options and shows us information like
network connectivity, date, system
notifications, sound, etc. In the bottom
left-hand corner here, we can access the applications, files, folders, and settings. You can also shut down, restart and power off
your computer from here. Let’s move on to our
system settings. In the main menu go ahead and
navigate to the settings. From here, you can change any of your system settings
like display resolution, user accounts,
network, devices, etc. Now, we’re going to
create a file in our operating system
with our GUI. Let’s create a file
here on our desktop. All you need to do is right-click and you’ll see
some options available. Then select “New”,
then “Text Document”. Bam. Now we have a text
file on our desktop. We just need to give it a name. How about my super cool file? That’s it. You just
created a file on Windows. It wasn’t so bad, was it?


  • A computer with a blank hard drive or a hard drive with an existing operating system that you want to replace.
  • A USB drive or DVD with the Windows 10 installation media.
  • A product key for Windows 10 (optional).


  1. Boot your computer from the Windows 10 installation media. This may require you to press a certain key during startup, such as F12.
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions to install Windows 10.
  3. When prompted, enter your product key for Windows 10 (if you have one).
  4. Select the drive you want to install Windows on.
  5. Click “Next” and wait for Windows to install.
  6. Once Windows is installed, create a user account and finish setting up Windows.


  • Make sure that your computer meets the minimum requirements for Windows 10. You can find the minimum requirements on the Microsoft website.
  • Back up your data before installing Windows 10. This is in case something goes wrong during the installation process.
  • If you are installing Windows 10 on a new computer, you may need to install drivers for your hardware. You can find the drivers on the manufacturer’s website.


  • If you encounter any problems during the installation process, consult the Windows 10 installation guide.
  • You can also search for help online or contact Microsoft support.

Reading: Windows 10 & 11 Feature Matrix


Video: Installing Linux

This video tutorial shows how to install and use the Linux operating system, Ubuntu. The instructor first explains how to download and create a bootable USB drive with the Ubuntu installer. Then, they show how to boot from the USB drive and install Ubuntu on a computer. Once Ubuntu is installed, the instructor shows how to open the Terminal application and use the Bash shell to create a file.

The instructor emphasizes that it is important to learn Linux shell commands, even if you are primarily using the graphical user interface (GUI). This is because shell commands are essential for working with Linux machines in a more advanced way.

Overall, this video tutorial is a good introduction to the Linux operating system and Ubuntu. It is well-paced and easy to follow. The instructor provides clear explanations of the steps involved in installing and using Ubuntu, and they also offer helpful tips and advice.

Now that we’ve seen how
Windows is installed, let’s go ahead and install
the Linux operating system. Remember how I said
that Linux has many different versions of their operating system
called distributions? There are countless articles
that highlights the pros and cons of the hundreds of
distributions out there. We’ll go with the most popular consumer distribution, Ubuntu. I’ve already loaded Ubuntu on
a plain USB drive pro tip. Since the Ubuntu is open source, you can download the free operating system installed image directly from their website and install it using
whatever media you like. I’ve included a link to it in the next
supplemental reading. I should also call out
that you can’t just copy the install file to a USB
drive and expect it to work. It has to be copied
in a way that makes a USB device bootable
from our bios. To load the image onto your USB device and
make it bootable, you can use a tool
like Go power on. Remember
we’re going to make sure that we want to boot
from the USB device. Now that it’s loaded, you’ll see an option if you
want to try using the operating system first or just install the
operating system, we’re going to do a fresh
install the operating system. The Ubuntu logo will pop up and then we’re going
to have to go through a couple of loading screens while the system is installing. We’re just going to go ahead
and skip through all of these and just pick
the defaults for now. Now, it asks us for our name, a computer name or host
name then a username. The host name is
used to identify the computer when
it needs to talk to other computers or
personal computer it’s common to just use our own
names for our computer’s name. But an IT organization, we want to choose a
good host name that follows a certain
standardization. We’ll go over that
in a later lesson. But for now, let’s just use an industry standard for hosting like username
dash location. I’m going to go and
enter in my name, Cindy. Then for the host name field, I’m going to type Cindy- NYC. Then for the password, we’re
just going to password here. Then we’re going to confirm. Then we’re going to
hit Next. Then it’ll ask us to re-start
once it’s done. Also now that’s restarted. Let’s go ahead and login. Great. Now we’re in the
Ubuntu desktop environment. Here you can see where
applications are laid out. On the left-hand side here we have a doc that we
can add shortcuts to. This layout may change
since the Ubuntu is changing their desktop
environment in the near future. On the top right-hand bar here, you’ll see quick settings
for your computer, like network connectivity, Bluetooth connectivity,
sound and volume. There’s also the time, a menu to power off, restart, sleep, and log
out of your machine. Let’s click on this menu
and select system settings. From here, you can change your system settings
like your screensaver, resolution, hardware
settings and more. Let’s go back to our desktop and select this icon here for files. This opens up a window so
we can view our files. You can see the different
files and folders here. If I click on computer, I’m taken to the main
directory of my system. We’re going to get to this
in depth in a later course. For now, I’m just going to
head back to my desktop. Now, let’s do the
exact same thing we did with our Windows
machine and create a file. This time, let’s just use
commands in the shell. Because we’re a GUI, we don’t have a program called bash that we run
our commands in. Instead we open up
the search utility here and search for an
application called Terminal. When you open up the Terminal, you will see your
username and add symbol, the host name, colon, Tilda, and then slash desktop
as your command prompt. This is used to show who’s
running the command. This will be more important in another course as
you switch users. The last portion of the prompt shows you where you
are on the computer, we’ll learn more about
this in a later lesson 2. But you can see that we’re
currently in our desktop. You can verify that we’re using the Bash shell with
a simple command, echo, dollar sign shell. The echo command just prints out texts options
to the display. In this case, the argument
dollar sign shell is the current shell/
bin/bash or Bash. You could even do echo hello. It will display hello,
which isn’t as useful. Let’s create a
file in our shell. Could you use the touch command? Touch my super cool file. Here you can see it made
a file on our desktop. There are many different
commands you can use to make a file with the touch command
is one of the simpler ones. Right now, it might be hard to understand why you
have to memorize Linux shell commands when it’s easier to use
a Windows GUI. If you’ll be working
with any Linux machines, it’s essential that you
know these commands.

Tutorial: Installing Linux in IT

Linux is a popular operating system for IT professionals because it is free, open source, and highly customizable. It is also a good choice for servers and other mission-critical systems.

This tutorial will show you how to install Linux on a computer for IT use.


  • A computer with at least 2GB of RAM and 20GB of free disk space.
  • A USB drive with at least 4GB of free space.
  • An Internet connection.


  1. Download the Linux distribution of your choice.
  2. Create a bootable USB drive with the Linux installer.
  3. Boot from the USB drive and start the installation process.
  4. Choose your installation options.
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.


  1. Download the Linux distribution of your choice. There are many different Linux distributions available, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Some popular distributions for IT use include Ubuntu, CentOS, and Debian.
  2. Create a bootable USB drive with the Linux installer. There are many different tools available to create a bootable USB drive. One popular tool is
  3. Boot from the USB drive and start the installation process. To boot from the USB drive, you may need to change the boot order in your computer’s BIOS or UEFI settings.
  4. Choose your installation options. During the installation process, you will be asked to choose your installation options, such as your language, time zone, and user account information.
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. The installation process will vary depending on the Linux distribution you are installing.

Once the installation is complete, you will have a Linux operating system installed on your computer. You can then start using Linux for IT tasks such as server administration, web development, and software development.

Here are some additional tips for installing Linux in IT:

  • Choose a Linux distribution that is well-suited for your IT needs. For example, if you are planning on using Linux for server administration, you may want to choose a distribution such as CentOS or Debian.
  • Make sure that your computer meets the minimum hardware requirements for the Linux distribution you are installing.
  • Be sure to back up your data before installing Linux.
  • If you are unsure about any of the installation steps, consult the documentation for your Linux distribution.

With a little planning and preparation, you can easily install Linux on your computer for IT use.

Reading: Supplemental Reading for Ubuntu


Video: What is Chrome OS?

ChromeOS is an operating system designed for simplicity and security. It is based on the Chrome web browser and can run Android and Linux applications. ChromeOS machines come pre-installed with the operating system and users do not have administrator rights. This makes it difficult for users to meddle with the system configuration and ensures that the operating system is always up to date and secure.

Here are some of the key features of ChromeOS:

  • Simple to use: ChromeOS is designed to be easy to use, even for non-technical users. The user interface is clean and straightforward, and there are no unnecessary features or customization options.
  • Secure: ChromeOS is designed with security in mind. It uses sandboxing to isolate applications and prevent malware from spreading. It also has automatic updates that help to keep the operating system up to date with the latest security patches.
  • Cloud-based: Most of the data on ChromeOS machines is stored in the cloud, not locally. This makes it easy to access your files from any device.
  • Affordable: ChromeOS machines are typically more affordable than other operating systems.

If you are looking for a simple, secure, and affordable operating system, ChromeOS is a good option. It is a good choice for students, businesses, and anyone who wants a hassle-free computing experience.

Here are some additional points from the text:

  • ChromeOS machines are interchangeable because most data is stored in the Cloud, not locally.
  • ChromeOS has an automatic update mechanism that includes a fail-safe in case anything goes wrong.
  • ChromeOS allows users to browse the web without worrying about malware and to share machines while keeping their data private.
  • ChromeOS ensures that data won’t be compromised if the machine is stolen.

Unlike other operating systems, ChromeOS has one
main purpose to be a secure and simple way for the user to
interact with the web. Not so long ago,
the idea of having an operating system dedicated to running a web browser
would have seemed weird, like it was underusing
the computer. But today, you can do so much just through
your web browser. You can communicate
through email, create and share documents, edit photos, and even connect remotely to
another computer, and the list continues to grow. The development of
new web applications increases the number of things users can do all
within the web browser. This means that for
a lot of people, most of their daily computer use happens inside the browser. Having an operating
system built around a web browser makes
a lot of sense. That said, ChromeOS is more than just a web browsing
operating system. It can also run Android and Linux applications
inside containers. The user interface in
ChromeOS is customized, so you can only see
the Chrome interface. Process management, memory and
input and output are still happening behind the scenes but you don’t need to
deal with any of that. You only need to deal
with the browser. ChromeOS machines
come pre-installed with the operating system. There’s nothing
for us to install. When you log into a
ChromeOS machine, you’re also signing into the Chrome browser.
Let’s do that now. I’ve logged into my
ChromeOS machine. It’s pulling up my
Chrome settings and extensions from
the configuration stored in external servers provided by the Chrome
infrastructure. This means that ChromeOS
machines are interchangeable because most data is stored
in the Cloud, not locally. Two other characteristics of ChromeOS are that it’s extremely simple to use and very hard
for users to meddle with. Since users don’t have administrator rights on
their ChromeOS machines, they won’t be able to alter
the system configuration. Also, ChromeOS has an automatic update
mechanism that includes a fail-safe in
case anything goes wrong. This means that the user doesn’t need to worry
about problems or hacks in the system because it’s designed to
stay up and running. Finally, ChromeOS
has strong security, which we’ll learn about
in an upcoming course. For now, you just need to know that ChromeOS
allows users to browse the web without
worrying about malware and to share machines while keeping
their data private. It also ensures
that data won’t be compromised if the
machine is stolen. In short, there’s no need to worry about harmful
software that might be out there because ChromeOS defense
against these threats. As an IT support specialist, you may find that
some of the users in your organization will choose ChromeOS for their daily work. Since it’s so easy to
use and rarely breaks, we won’t cover daily
support in further detail.

Chrome OS is a Linux-based operating system developed by Google. It is designed to be simple, secure, and cloud-based. Chrome OS is based on the Chrome web browser and can run Android and Linux applications.

Here are some of the key features of Chrome OS:

  • Simple to use: Chrome OS is designed to be easy to use, even for non-technical users. The user interface is clean and straightforward, and there are no unnecessary features or customization options.
  • Secure: Chrome OS is designed with security in mind. It uses sandboxing to isolate applications and prevent malware from spreading. It also has automatic updates that help to keep the operating system up to date with the latest security patches.
  • Cloud-based: Most of the data on Chrome OS machines is stored in the cloud, not locally. This makes it easy to access your files from any device.
  • Affordable: Chrome OS machines are typically more affordable than other operating systems.

Here are some of the things you can do with Chrome OS:

  • Browse the web
  • Use productivity apps like Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides
  • Run Android apps
  • Access files stored in the cloud
  • Connect to peripherals like printers and scanners

If you are looking for a simple, secure, and affordable operating system, Chrome OS is a good option. It is a good choice for students, businesses, and anyone who wants a hassle-free computing experience.

Here are some of the benefits of using Chrome OS:

  • Security: Chrome OS is designed with security in mind. It uses sandboxing to isolate applications and prevent malware from spreading. It also has automatic updates that help to keep the operating system up to date with the latest security patches.
  • Simplicity: Chrome OS is designed to be easy to use, even for non-technical users. The user interface is clean and straightforward, and there are no unnecessary features or customization options.
  • Cloud-based: Most of the data on Chrome OS machines is stored in the cloud, not locally. This makes it easy to access your files from any device.
  • Affordability: Chrome OS machines are typically more affordable than other operating systems.

If you are considering using Chrome OS, here are some of the things you should keep in mind:

  • Not all apps are available: Not all apps are available for Chrome OS. However, you can still access many popular apps through the web or by using Android apps.
  • Limited customization: Chrome OS is not as customizable as other operating systems. However, you can still change the wallpaper, themes, and extensions.
  • Not ideal for gaming: Chrome OS is not ideal for gaming. However, you can still play some games, such as those that are available in the Chrome Web Store.

Overall, Chrome OS is a good option for people who are looking for a simple, secure, and affordable operating system. It is a good choice for students, businesses, and anyone who wants a hassle-free computing experience.

Video: Mac OS

Summary: Mac OS is the operating system that comes pre-installed on all Apple computers. It has a similar desktop environment to Windows and Linux, with a dock at the bottom for shortcuts to applications, a system information bar at the top right, and an Apple menu at the top left.

To access system settings in Mac OS, you click on the Apple menu and then select System Preferences. In System Preferences, you can change any of your computer settings, such as setting the orientation of your mouse scroll, adding and removing users, setting up printers, changing your screensavers, and adding Bluetooth devices.

Finder is the file manager for all Macs. To open a new Finder window, you click on the Finder icon in the dock. In Finder, you can navigate the files and folders on your Mac.

Even though Mac OS is a completely different operating system from Windows and Linux, it operates in a very similar way with similar menu options.

Knowing the ins and outs of operating systems is important in any IT role because you will be interacting with them every single day. Installing, managing, and navigating operating systems are all tasks that you will have to do daily as an IT support specialist.

Mac OS is a graphical operating system developed by Apple Inc. for Macintosh computers. It is based on the Unix operating system and is known for its ease of use, stability, and security.

Here are some of the key features of Mac OS:

  • Ease of use: Mac OS is designed to be easy to use, even for non-technical users. The user interface is clean and straightforward, and there are no unnecessary features or customization options.
  • Stability: Mac OS is known for its stability. It is rare for Mac OS to crash or freeze, and it is not susceptible to many of the viruses and malware that plague other operating systems.
  • Security: Mac OS is also known for its security. It has a number of security features built in, such as sandboxing and Gatekeeper, which help to protect your computer from malware and other threats.
  • App Store: The Mac App Store is a centralized repository for Mac apps. It makes it easy to find and install apps, and it ensures that all apps are vetted by Apple for quality and security.
  • Customization: While Mac OS is not as customizable as some other operating systems, there are still a number of ways to customize the look and feel of your Mac. You can change the wallpaper, themes, and even the default apps.

Here are some of the things you can do with Mac OS:

  • Browse the web
  • Use productivity apps like Pages, Numbers, and Keynote
  • Create and edit photos and videos
  • Play games
  • Connect to peripherals like printers and scanners
  • Develop software

If you are looking for a user-friendly, stable, and secure operating system, Mac OS is a good option. It is a good choice for students, businesses, and creative professionals.

Here are some of the benefits of using Mac OS:

  • Ease of use: Mac OS is designed to be easy to use, even for non-technical users. The user interface is clean and straightforward, and there are no unnecessary features or customization options.
  • Stability: Mac OS is known for its stability. It is rare for Mac OS to crash or freeze, and it is not susceptible to many of the viruses and malware that plague other operating systems.
  • Security: Mac OS is also known for its security. It has a number of security features built in, such as sandboxing and Gatekeeper, which help to protect your computer from malware and other threats.
  • App Store: The Mac App Store is a centralized repository for Mac apps. It makes it easy to find and install apps, and it ensures that all apps are vetted by Apple for quality and security.
  • Design: Mac OS is known for its beautiful design. The user interface is clean and elegant, and the apps are well-designed and easy to use.

If you are considering using Mac OS, here are some of the things you should keep in mind:

  • Price: Mac computers are typically more expensive than Windows computers.
  • App compatibility: Not all apps are available for Mac OS. However, there are a wide variety of apps available, and most of the popular apps are available for Mac OS.
  • Learning curve: There is a bit of a learning curve when it comes to using Mac OS. However, the user interface is intuitive and easy to learn.

Overall, Mac OS is a good option for people who are looking for a user-friendly, stable, and secure operating system. It is a good choice for students, businesses, and creative professionals.

The last operating
system we’ll go over is Apple’s Mac OS. We won’t go into
too many details about how to use this OS. Instead, we’ll focus
on the ins and outs of Windows and Linux OS’s. But if you know one
operating system, you’ll be able to navigate
any operating system. Fortunately, all Apple computers come with Mac OS pre-installed. We’ll just go through
the important parts of the operating system. Here’s the desktop
environment for our Mac. At the bottom here, you’ll see a dock with shortcuts
to your applications. In the top right, you’ve got the system information
like the time and date, network connectivity,
battery life, if you have a laptop, and
some other quick settings. In the top left here, you can see the Apple icon. This bar will
change menu options depending on what
application is open. But if you click
on the Apple icon, you’ll see more options. You can tell your
computer to sleep, restart, and power
off from here. The most important thing
we want to look at is that the System
Preferences menu item. This launches our
system settings. From here, we can change any
of our computer settings, like setting the orientation
of our mouse scroll, adding and removing users,
setting up printers, changing our screensavers, adding Bluetooth
devices, and more. I’m going to click
on the desktop now. You’ll notice our
top-left setting changed from our System
Preferences to Finder. Finder is the file
manager for all Macs. If you open a new Finder window, you can navigate the files
and folders on your Mac. If you right-click on a file or if you’re using a Mac laptop, you can use a two-finger
click on a file to view more information and perform
lots of different tasks. The Mac, which is a completely different
operating system, the Windows or Linux, operates in a very similar way
with similar menu options. You’ve really come a long way. You’ve been introduced
to the major operating systems used today, gotten to play around
with the system and even perform some common
tasks. Nice work. It’s important in any IT role
to know the ins and outs of operating systems
because you’ll be interacting with them
every single day. Installing, managing, and navigating
operating systems are all tasks that you’ll have to do daily as an IT
support specialist. You may even find yourself
doing this for hundreds, if not thousands of machines
in your fleet one day.

Video: Tri Ngo: How to overcome obstacles and become successful in IT

The speaker is from an underprivileged family who immigrated to the US. They faced many obstacles, including a language barrier and lack of access to technology. However, they worked hard and were able to overcome these obstacles.

The speaker believes that everyone is fortunate to have access to the economic opportunities and technological resources that are available today. They encourage people to not give up, even if they make mistakes. The speaker shares an example of a time when they made mistakes in their code, but they were able to fix them and learn from the experience.

Overall message: The IT world is not that scary, and everyone has the opportunity to succeed. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, and learn from your failures.

[MUSIC] The IT world is not that scary. So let me give a little
example of where I’m from. So I’m from an underprivileged family
who immigrated here to the US. So I had a language barrier. Access to technology was also a barrier. I mean back in the day I
didn’t have access to it and I worked hard to deal
with all these obstacles. And right now I think people are quite
lucky because there are economic opportunities. There is technological resources out
there that are available on the internet. A lot of them are in formats that people
are more than willing to share their opinion and share their solutions and
share their knowledge. So I think everyone is fortunate to have
these resources available to them now. And I think that opens up
opportunities to all of you. I think that it’s okay to make mistakes. We’re all human, it’s okay to fail and then learn from those failures and
not to give up. For example,
when I launched a web page for my first job there were a lot of
errors that were showing up in the JavaScript that I had written and
everybody was able to see that. I fixed them very quickly and in the end
I was able to produce something good. And I was able to learn
about troubleshooting and how to fix bugs on the web page and
it was really quite beneficial. [MUSIC]

Practice Quiz: Installing an Operating System

True or false: If you have a 32-bit CPU architecture, it’s recommended to use a 64-bit operating system.

If you want to boot into a USB drive, how do you change your boot settings?

What is the file manager in macOS called?

What command can you use to create a file using bash?

A __ is an emulation of a physical machine.

Reading: Module 3 Glossary


Video: Introduction to Qwiklabs

Qwiklabs is an online learning platform that provides hands-on experience with real-world scenarios that IT support specialists may encounter. It uses virtual machines (VMs) that can be accessed over the internet from anywhere. Qwiklabs supports both Linux and Windows, so you can learn to work in either operating system regardless of which operating system you are running on your machine.

You will be using Qwiklabs in lots of courses for this program, so it is important to spend some time learning your way around it. If possible, you are also encouraged to try the exercises on a local machine.

The more you practice using Qwiklabs, the more comfortable and proficient you will become.

You’re about to do a few exercises using
the Qwiklabs online learning platform. Before we dive into that,
let’s learn a bit more about the platform. Qwiklabs is an online learning environment
that takes you through live real world scenarios you may encounter
as an IT support specialist. As we said earlier, a virtual machine or
VM, simulates computers using software. This virtual machine will be
running on either Linux or Windows depending on the exercise. Qwiklab supports both, this way you
can learn to work in either operating system regardless of which operating
system you are running on your machine. The Qwiklabs virtual
machines run in the cloud. So you can access them over
the internet from wherever you are. As we’ve shared before, when we say
that a service is running in the cloud, we mean that it’s running in a data
center or on other remote servers. After this video, we’ll give you
instructions on how to access and complete the labs. You’ll use Qwiklabs in lots of courses for
this program. So spend some time learning
your way around it. We still encourage you to try these
exercises on a local machine if that’s an option for you. Remember that practice makes perfect,
whether you’re learning something new or trying to improve your skills. So practice using Qwiklabs
as much as you can.