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Home » Google Career Certificates » Google Advanced Data Analytics Professional Certificate » Foundations of Data Science » Week 5: Course 1 end-of-course project

Week 5: Course 1 end-of-course project

You’ll complete an end-of-course project, gaining an opportunity to apply your new data skills and knowledge from Course 1 to a workplace scenario, and practice solving a business problem.

Learning Objectives

  • Describe key findings for a relevant audience member
  • Design a project plan for a data science project including questions, details and action items for each project stage
  • Apply the PACE workflow to a data science project

Begin building a portfolio to impress

Video: The value of a portfolio

Experiential learning is the best way to confirm that you understand what you have learned. It involves immersing yourself in a situation where you can practice what you have learned, further develop your skills, and reflect on your education.

In the context of this program, experiential learning will give you the opportunity to discover how organizations use data analysis everyday. You will also gain the confidence necessary to discuss them with potential employers.

Soon, you will put experiential learning into practice by working on a portfolio project. A portfolio is a collection of materials that can be shared with potential employers. Portfolios can be stored either on a public or personal website. They can be linked within your digital resume or any online professional presence you may have such as your LinkedIn.

Your portfolio project for this course will involve using the PACE model to set up tasks of a project. Creating a portfolio project is a useful opportunity since companies will often ask you to complete some type of project during the interview process. Employers commonly use this method to assess you as a candidate and gain insight into how you approach common business challenges. Completing this portfolio will prepare you if you encounter this situation when applying for data focus jobs.

Within each portfolio project, you’ll prepare a PACE strategy document. This will help you identify key points within each project to share with the hiring manager, such as the many transferable skills you’ve gained. A transferable skill is a capability or proficiency that can be applied from one job to another. Highlighting your transferable skills is especially important when changing jobs or industries.

The point is you’ve developed the ability to problem solve or keep things organized in one role. You can apply that knowledge anywhere. There are all kinds of transferable skills that you can add to your resume.

By the time you’re done, you’ll not only have a very useful data analysis process document, but also a comprehensive set of artifacts for your portfolio.

Attending a class watching
instructional video or reading information are all great
ways to gain new knowledge. However, there’s nothing like
applying that knowledge. When you actually do something, this really helps confirm that you
understand what you’ve learned. This concept is called experiential
learning which simply means understanding through doing. It involves immersing yourself in
a situation where you can practice what you’ve learned, further develop your
skills and reflect on your education. Experiential learning gives a broader view
of the world, provides valuable insights into your particular interests and
passions and helps build self-confidence. In the context of this program,
experiential learning will give you the opportunity to discover how
organizations use data analysis everyday. This type of activity can help you
identify the specific types of industries and projects that are most interesting and gain the confidence necessary to
discuss them with potential employers. This can really help you stand
out during a job search. Soon, you will put
experiential learning into practice by working on
a portfolio project. A portfolio is a collection of materials
that can be shared with potential employers. Portfolios can be stored either
on a public or personal website. They can be linked within
your digital resume or any online professional presence
you may have such as your LinkedIn. Your portfolio project for this course will involve using the pace
model to set up tasks of a project. Creating a portfolio project is a useful
opportunity since companies will often ask you to complete some type of
project during the interview process. Employers commonly use this method
to assess you as a candidate and gain insight into how you approach
common business challenges. Completing this portfolio will prepare
you if you encounter this situation when applying for data focus jobs. Coming up, you’ll be introduced to the specifics
involving your portfolio project. You’ll also receive clear
instructions to follow. As you begin working,
consider the knowledge and skills you’ve acquired in this course and
how they can be applied to your project. Within each portfolio project,
you’ll prepare a pace strategy document. This will help you identify key points
within each project to share with the hiring manager, such as the many
transferable skills you’ve gained. A transferable skill is a capability or proficiency that can be applied
from one job to another. Highlighting your transferable skills is
especially important when changing jobs or industries. For instance, if you learned how to solve
customer complaints while working as a host at a restaurant,
you could emphasize the transferable skill of problem solving when applying for
a job in the data field. Or maybe you learned how to
meet deadlines, take notes and follow instructions while working
in administration at a non profit organization. You could discuss how your organizational
skills are transferable to the data analysis field. The point is you’ve developed
the ability to problem solve or keep things organized in one role. You can apply that knowledge anywhere. There are all kinds of transferable
skills that you can add to your resume, reflecting on your transferable skills and
the notes you take in your pace strategy document will help you consider how
to convey technical concepts Clearly, this will also help you demonstrate how
you would apply your expertise across all kinds of tools and
scenarios in the data career space. And by the time you’re done, you’ll not
only have a very useful data analysis process document, but also a comprehensive
set of artifacts for your portfolio. Sounds exciting, doesn’t it? Let’s get going.

Video: Introduction to your Course 1 end-of-course portfolio project

Having a portfolio is incredibly common in the data field, and it can help you stand out from other candidates. Your portfolio can showcase your ability to understand business scenarios, communicate effectively, and use tools to solve complex problems.

In this course, you have gained the knowledge and skills to successfully complete your portfolio project. You have learned about the role of data professionals within an organization, typical career paths, core analysis practices and tools, and how data professionals use them to make a positive impact. You will also apply what you have learned about team members, stakeholders, and clients.

To begin, you will read the specific project you will be working on. This will describe the type of organization, the people involved, the business problem to be solved, and other key details. This will enable you to further define the project, understand the stakeholders, and consider key questions to answer in order to achieve a successful result.

Then, you will create a PACE strategy document, outlining the project’s purpose, stakeholders, deliverables, and much more. In this document, you will begin to integrate the PACE model to identify steps at each stage in the project.

For each portfolio project, you will continue to use the PACE model to guide you. By completing each PACE strategy document, you will be well on your way to developing your own data analytic workflow.

In later courses, you will continue working on your portfolio project and continue using the PACE model to guide your process. By the time you are done, you will have designed something that you can use to really impress hiring managers. Plus, you will have a dynamic example of your data analytic skills demonstrating your thought process, approach to the problems, the key skills you have gained, and lots more.

These are all great things to talk about during an interview.

When I interview people for
jobs here at Google, I love checking out
their online portfolios. I find that I feel more confident in
candidates who can demonstrate their knowledge in a clear and
compelling format. Having a portfolio has become
incredibly common in the data field. During a job hunt, it’s so valuable to showcase your ability
to understand business scenarios, communicate effectively and
use tools to solve complex problems. Your portfolio can really help you
stand out from other candidates. So far in this course,
you gain lots of knowledge and job ready skills to help you excel. You’ve discovered the role of data
professionals within an organization and typical career paths. You’ve explored core analysis
practices and tools and witnessed how data professionals
use them to make a positive impact. All of these things will help you
successfully complete your portfolio project. In addition, you will apply what you’ve
learned about team members, stakeholders, and clients, such as their
particular roles or priorities. You’ll begin by reading the specific
project, you’ll be working on. This reading will describe the type
of organization you’re working with, the people involved, the business problem
to be solved and other key details. This will enable you to further define the
project, understand the stakeholders, and consider key questions to answer in
order to achieve a successful result. Then you will create a PACE strategy
document, outlining the project’s purpose, stakeholders, deliverables, and much more. In this document, you will begin to
integrate the PACE model to identify steps at each stage in the project. For each portfolio project, you will continue to use
the PACE model to guide you. By completing each PACE strategy document, you will be well on your way to developing
your own data analytic workflow. Then in later courses, you will continue
working on your portfolio project and continue using the PACE
model to guide your process. And by the time you’re done, you have designed something that you can
use to really impress hiring managers. Plus you have a dynamic example of your
data analytic skills demonstrating your thought process, approach to the problems, the key skills you’ve gained,
and lots more. These are all great things to
talk about during an interview. All right, let’s get started. It’s time to discover how you will
help an organization advance through the exciting world of data.

Reading: End-of-course portfolio project introduction


Reading: Explore your Course 1 workplace scenarios


Automatidata scenario

Reading: Course 1 end-of-course portfolio project overview: Automatidata


Practice Quiz: Activity: Create your Course 1 Automatidata project

Reading: Activity Exemplar: Create your Course 1 Automatidata project


Tiktok scenario

Reading: Course 1 end-of-course portfolio project overview: TikTok


Practice Quiz: Activity: Create your Course 1 TikTok project

Reading: Activity Exemplar: Create your Course 1 TikTok project


Waze scenario

Reading: Course 1 end-of-course portfolio project overview: Waze


Practice Quiz: Activity: Create your Course 1 Waze project

Reading: Activity Exemplar: Create your Course 1 Waze project


End-of-course portfolio project wrap-up

Video: End-of-course project wrap-up and tips for ongoing career success

You have completed the first portfolio project, which is a great start to your journey as a data professional. The experience you have gained in planning and documenting your approach to the example situation will be valuable in your future job hunt. You will be able to impress hiring managers by discussing your data professional experience, including understanding stakeholder requests, establishing a clear and straightforward project plan, and completing an effective strategy document. You will also understand how to plan out and organize the necessary workflow, which is a big part of a data professional’s process.

It is also important to be able to communicate about your transferable skills with potential employers. The information you have added to your PACE strategy document will be valuable during job interviews.

There will be another opportunity to complete a portfolio project at the end of the next course. At that point, you will use the PACE strategy document that you started here to continue developing your skills as a data professional. Then, at the end of the program, you will bring everything together in order to finalize your unique approach to this example situation. The goal is to have a great example of your work that clearly demonstrates your skills to potential employers.

Congratulations on your progress, and I hope you continue to have a rewarding experience as you work on your portfolio project.

You’ve completed the first
portfolio project, congrats. Planning and documenting
your approach to the example situation is a useful experience as you begin thinking about your
future job hunt. Soon, you’ll be able
to impress hiring managers by discussing your
data professional experience, including understanding
stakeholder requests, establishing a clear and
straightforward project plan, and completing an effective
strategy document. In addition, you’ll
understand how to plan out and organize the
necessary workflow. This is a big part of a
data professionals process. Also, as you’ve learned, it’s helpful to
communicate about your transferable skills
with potential employers. The information you’ve added to your PACE strategy document will be valuable during
job interviews. There will be another
opportunity to complete a portfolio project at the
end of the next course. At that point, you will use the PACE strategy document
that you started here to continue developing your skills as a
data professional. Then at the end of the program, you’ll bring everything
together in order to finalize your unique reproach to
this example situation. The goal is to have a great
example of your work that clearly demonstrate your
skills to potential employers. Congratulations again,
and I hope you have a really rewarding
experience as you continue working on your portfolio project throughout this program.

Quiz: Assess your Course 1 end-of-course project

The Course 1 PACE Strategy Document includes responses for all the questions provided under the Planning Stage section.

The task “Establish structure for project workflow (PACE)” is paired with the “Plan” stage of PACE.

The task “Write a project proposal” is paired with the “Plan” stage of PACE.

The task “Compile summary information about the data” is paired with the “Analyze” stage of PACE.

The task “Begin exploring the data” is paired with the “Analyze” stage of PACE.

The task “Data exploration and cleaning” is paired with the “Plan” and “Analyze” stages of PACE.

The task “Visualization building” is paired with the “Analyze” and “Construct” stages of PACE.

The task “Compute descriptive statistics” is paired with the “Analyze” stage of PACE.

The task “Conduct hypothesis testing” is paired with the “Analyze” and “Construct” stages of PACE.

The task “Build a regression model” is paired with the “Analyze” and “Construct” stages of PACE.

The task “Evaluate the model” is paired with the “Execute” stage of PACE.

If applicable to the project scenario, the task “Build a machine learning model” is paired with the “Construct” stage of PACE.

The task “Communicate final insights with stakeholders” is paired with the “Execute” stage of PACE.

Reading: Course 1 glossary

Course review: Foundations of Data Science

Video: Course wrap-up

Congratulations on finishing the first course! You’ve learned a lot and are now ready to move forward. Don’t forget that the resources from this course are still available if you need a refresher or extra practice.

The next course builds on what you’ve learned so far and will give you more insight into the Python programming language and how it can be used to enable data analytics. You’ll continue building your data professional skill set, and by the end of the course, you’ll be prepared to take the next step towards your portfolio project.

Thank you for joining the course and choosing to pursue this exciting learning opportunity. Education is a lifelong journey and all the time and effort you put into experiences like this one will better equip you for anything you choose to pursue.

Take a moment to celebrate everything that you’ve already accomplished, and then when you’re ready, head on over to the next course.

Congratulations on finishing
this first course. You’ve already learned so much and now you’re
ready to take your new knowledge
and skills and keep moving forward,
but remember, if one day you
feel like you need a refresher or just
some extra practice, these videos, readings,
and activities will still be here
whenever you need them. Now I’m excited for you to begin working with the instructor
for the next course. They’re ready to help you take your next step towards finishing this program and continuing your journey as a
data professional. This course builds directly on all the interesting topics
you’ve learned so far. It will give you
more insight into the Python programming
language and how it can be used to
enable data analytics. As you progress, you’ll continue building your data
professional skill set, and by the end of the course, you’ll be prepared to take the next step towards
your portfolio project. Before you get started though, I’d like to thank you for
joining me in this course and choosing to pursue this exciting
learning opportunity. I strongly believe
that education is a lifelong journey and I’ve no doubt that all the time and effort you put into
experiences like this one will better equip you for anything
you choose to pursue. You’ve come a long way, so take a moment to celebrate everything that you’ve
already accomplished, and then when you’re ready, head on over to the next course.

Reading: Get started on the next course
