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Week 4: Data applications and workflow

You’ll learn about the PACE (Plan, Analyze, Construct, Execute) project workflow and how to organize a data project. You’ll also learn how to communicate effectively with teammates and stakeholders.

Learning Objectives

  • Apply the principles of communication to data project scenarios
  • Analyze the importance of communication and how it drives the PACE workflow
  • Examine the PACE workflow and categorize tasks of a data project for each stage

The data project workflow

Video: Welcome to module 4

This section will cover the workflow within data-driven careers and introduce you to the PACE model, a helpful organizational tool. You will also learn about effective communication and best practices for sharing your ideas with others. All of these skills and tools will help you prepare for your upcoming portfolio project.

Key takeaways:

  • The PACE model is a helpful organizational tool that can provide structure while allowing great flexibility when working on projects.
  • Effective communication is essential for data professionals, as they need to be able to communicate their findings and ideas to a variety of audiences.
  • Best practices for sharing your ideas with others include being clear, concise, and persuasive.

By understanding the workflow within data-driven careers and learning about the PACE model, effective communication, and best practices for sharing ideas, you can prepare yourself for success in your portfolio project and beyond.

We began our journey
into the data professional world by covering the basics of data science, exploring careers, and discussing skills
needed to succeed. In this section,
we’ll investigate the workflow within
data-driven careers. You’ll be introduced to a
helpful organizational tool called the PACE model, that can provide
structure while allowing great flexibility when
working on projects. We’ll explore the elements of
effective communication and some best practices when
sharing your ideas with others. All of these skills and
tools will help you prepare for your upcoming
portfolio project. I know you’re
excited to continue. Let’s get started.

Video: Hautahi: Importance of communication in a data science career

Hautahi is a Senior Data Scientist at Google who works on equal treatment and algorithmic fairness in YouTube’s recommender systems. She believes that it is essential for data scientists to have strong communication skills, as they need to be able to communicate their findings and ideas to a variety of audiences.

Hautahi’s team works across product lines within YouTube, which requires them to be able to reformulate their work in terms of the language and concepts that are familiar to different teams. She emphasizes that the majority of data science work relies on good communication, whether it is within a small team or with a broader range of stakeholders.

Hautahi recommends that data scientists who are struggling with their communication skills can improve by:

  • Talking about specific examples of effective communication in interviews.
  • Observing people who are good at communicating, both in the workplace and in their personal lives.
  • Asking people whose communication skills they admire to be their mentors.

Key takeaways:

  • Effective communication is essential for data scientists.
  • Data scientists should be able to reformulate their work in terms of the language and concepts that are familiar to different audiences.
  • The majority of data science work relies on good communication.
  • Data scientists who are struggling with their communication skills can improve by talking about specific examples of effective communication in interviews, observing people who are good at communicating, and asking people whose communication skills they admire to be their mentors.

Hi. I’m Hautahi, I’m Senior Data
Scientist at Google. I work primarily on equal treatment and
algorithmic fairness in the YouTube
recommender systems. We try to make sure that
our systems are fair, and inclusive for both
users and creators. I don’t think it’s
possible to have a successful data science career relying only on
technical know-how. If you rely just on
technical know-how and not effective communication, then you’ll run a risk
of misunderstandings and frustrations amongst your colleagues
and stakeholders. My team tends to work across product lines
within YouTube. What that requires is reformulate
what you’re doing with Team A and terms of the type of language that Team B
is more familiar with, and the important differences between how they think
about their products. The majority of your work
relies on good communication, whether that’s
within a small team, that share technical
knowledge or sharing that information across the broader range
of stakeholders. A great way to show effective
communication skills and interview is by talking
about specific examples, whether they be from previous jobs or in
your personal life, they really illustrate
that you’ve considered the
question carefully. This definitely doesn’t need
to be in data analytics. It can be in any experience that you’ve had
previously in life. In fact, one of the
things I value about my data science colleagues is the broad range of backgrounds. From a personal perspective, I don’t think that my background
is traditional at all. I’m an immigrant to the USA. I was raised in rural New
Zealand on my tribal lands, on Maori, indigenous
New Zealander, and only spoke Maori till I was about seven
or eight years old. I think my Maori
background helped in my communication skills
because Maori culture places a large emphasis
on verbal communication. I also think that previous jobs that not at all related
to data analytics, for example, in college, I worked at a hotel and got to speak to people from a
wide range of backgrounds, and was able to learn communication skills
just by doing that. My advice to those who are maybe struggling a little
with workplace skills, and communication is to be asked to be
invited to meetings. We don’t need to contribute, but you can use it
as an opportunity to observe people who are
good at communicating. The other is to maybe
ask those people whose communication
skills you admire to perhaps be a mentor and teach you some
of those skills. In general, just observe people who are good
at communicating. It doesn’t just need to be
in a workplace environment, but can be elsewhere in
your personal life too.

Video: Introduction to PACE

The PACE framework is a structure for the data workflow that can help you solve problems and make judgments quickly and efficiently. It is designed to be flexible and adaptable to projects of all sizes.

The four stages of the PACE framework are:

  • Plan: Define the scope of your project and identify the informational needs of your organization.
  • Analyze: Prepare and examine the data, and conduct exploratory data analysis to find potential insights and directions.
  • Construct: Pursue a limited subset of the potential insights, and work with other data professionals to build and revise machine learning models, uncover relationships in the data, and perform statistical inference.
  • Execute: Share the results of your analysis and collaboration with your stakeholders, and present your findings and recommendations.

The PACE framework is a valuable tool for data professionals, and it can help you prepare for success in your career.

Key takeaways:

  • The PACE framework is a flexible and adaptable structure for the data workflow.
  • The four stages of the PACE framework are plan, analyze, construct, and execute.
  • Communication is essential at all stages of the PACE framework.
  • The PACE framework can help you solve problems and make judgments quickly and efficiently.
  • The PACE framework can help you prepare for success in your career as a data professional.

Introduction to PACE in Data Science

The PACE framework is a structured approach to data science projects that can help you solve problems and make judgments quickly and efficiently. It is designed to be flexible and adaptable to projects of all sizes.

What does PACE stand for?

  • Plan: Define the scope of your project and identify the informational needs of your organization.
  • Analyze: Prepare and examine the data, and conduct exploratory data analysis to find potential insights and directions.
  • Construct: Pursue a limited subset of the potential insights, and work with other data professionals to build and revise machine learning models, uncover relationships in the data, and perform statistical inference.
  • Execute: Share the results of your analysis and collaboration with your stakeholders, and present your findings and recommendations.

How to use the PACE framework

The PACE framework can be used to guide your work on any data science project, regardless of its size or complexity. Here is a brief overview of each stage:


The first step in any data science project is to define the scope of your work and identify the informational needs of your organization. What are the goals of the project? What questions are you trying to answer? What type of data do you need to collect and analyze?

Once you have a good understanding of the project, you can start to develop a plan. This plan should include a timeline, budget, and list of resources that you will need.


The next stage is to prepare and examine the data. This may involve cleaning the data, removing outliers, and transforming it into a format that is suitable for analysis.

Once the data is prepared, you can start to conduct exploratory data analysis (EDA). EDA is a process of using statistical and visualization techniques to explore the data and identify patterns and relationships.


Once you have completed your EDA, you can start to construct solutions to the problems that you identified in the planning stage. This may involve building machine learning models, developing algorithms, or creating data visualizations.

At this stage, it is important to work closely with your stakeholders to ensure that the solutions that you are developing are meeting their needs.


The final stage is to execute your solutions and share the results of your work with your stakeholders. This may involve writing reports, giving presentations, or deploying your solutions to production.

Benefits of using the PACE framework

The PACE framework offers a number of benefits, including:

  • Structure and organization: The PACE framework provides a clear structure and organization for your data science projects. This can help you to stay on track and avoid getting lost in the weeds.
  • Flexibility and adaptability: The PACE framework is flexible and adaptable to projects of all sizes. You can use it to guide your work on a simple one-off analysis or a complex enterprise-wide project.
  • Communication: The PACE framework encourages communication throughout the project lifecycle. This helps to ensure that everyone involved in the project is aligned on the goals and objectives, and that the solutions that are being developed are meeting the needs of the stakeholders.


The PACE framework is a valuable tool for data scientists of all levels of experience. It can help you to solve problems more efficiently and effectively, and to deliver high-quality results to your stakeholders.

Tips for using the PACE framework

Here are a few tips for using the PACE framework effectively:

  • Get buy-in from your stakeholders early on. It is important to make sure that everyone involved in the project understands the goals and objectives, and that they are aligned on the approach that you are taking.
  • Document your work at each stage of the project. This will help you to stay on track and avoid duplication of effort. It will also help to communicate your work to others more effectively.
  • Be flexible and adaptable. The PACE framework is a guide, not a set of rules. Be prepared to adjust your approach as needed.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help. There are many resources available to help data scientists, including online communities, mentors, and colleagues.

If you are looking for a way to improve your data science skills and deliver high-quality results to your stakeholders, I encourage you to learn more about the PACE framework and how you can use it in your work.

What does the acronym PACE stand for?

Plan, analyze, construct, and execute

PACE is an acronym that stands for plan, analyze, construct, and execute. Each element of the PACE framework represents an actionable stage in a project.

The most important part of
any project is preparation. That involves thinking through all the necessary steps
and anticipated tasks. Let’s say you were
planning a dinner party. You would start by
planning the theme, menu, the guest list, and all the other details. Next, you might check
the reservation list, dietary restrictions, or take a trip to the grocery
store for ingredients. Afterward, you would return
home to prepare your dishes, clean your space, set up
the table and get ready. Because you set up
so much beforehand, the evening will be awesome. While this scenario may
be fictional or not, it offers some wise advice. As a data professional, being able to visualize data, predict outcomes and quickly
pivot away from obstacles makes you a problem-solver and a great asset to any organization. Benjamin Franklin once said, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” After almost three centuries, it still applies to
something as simple as a dinner party or as complex
as a deep space mission. Regardless of the project, having a structural framework
in place for how to get that work done can be
immensely beneficial. I’ve done a lot of data
science consulting in my time. One of the most common problems I’ve seen is teams coming to me and thinking that
they need advice on which tool or equation to use, and all of us finding
out during the meeting that they’re solving
entirely the wrong problem. All the math in the
universe won’t help you if you don’t point it
in the right direction. But it’s easy to
get excited about those nitty-gritty details and rush headlong into
a waste of time. The best teams I’ve worked with have adopted a
framework to help them focus on the most
impactful actions in the most efficient order, and they’ve had the discipline
to use it to stay on track instead of running
off into the weeds. For those of you who completed the Google Data
Analytics certificate, you’ll recall a structure for the data workflow that was
divided into six phases, ask, prepare, process, analyze, share, and act. This framework is quite useful for a multitude of projects, but often with bigger data sets, you need more freedom
and flexibility. The PACE framework
designed for this program offers the same workflow and structure, but
in a simpler way. PACE is a framework
developed with input and feedback from our team
of data professionals. The intent of PACE is to provide an initial structure that will help guide you through projects. The goal is to lay a
foundation upon which you will develop your
own workflow practices. The PACE framework
helps you solve problems and make judgments
quickly and efficiently. PACE is an acronym. Each one of the
letters represents an actionable stage
in a project, plan, analyze,
construct, and execute. In the plan stage, you’ll define the
scope of your project. You’ll begin by identifying the informational needs
of your organization. This is where you’ll want to ask yourself questions
like the following. What are the goals
of the project? What strategies will be needed? What will be the business or operational impacts
of this plan? Taking inventory
of the project and the tasks required
will help you get a better understanding
of the context of your work and
prepare for success. During analyze, you
engage with the data. You’ll start by preparing
it for your project. Here, you’ll acquire the necessary data from
primary and secondary sources, and then you’ll clean it, reorganize it, and
transform it for analysis. Then you’ll conduct a methodological
examination of the data. You will also engage in exploratory data analysis
or EDA for short. This will involve converting the data into usable formats, assessing the
quality of the data, and then diving into
the data to find as many potentially useful insights and directions as possible. You’ll then work with
your stakeholders to see which of those areas are worth
pursuing in more detail. Which brings us to
the construct stage, where you’re going to
pursue a limited subset of all those potential
insights that looked interesting
to you in your EDA. Here is when you will work
with other data professionals, potentially statisticians
and machine-learning engineers to do things like building machine learning
models and revising those, uncovering relationships
within your data and doing statistical inference about those relationships. Finally, in the execute stage, you will share the result of your analysis and
your collaboration with your stakeholders, as well as the value that
you’ve unlocked from your data. Here you will
present findings to internal and external
stakeholders, answering questions and
considering different viewpoints. You’ll also have an
opportunity to present recommendations based on
what you found in the data. You may discover
that you revisit the planning and analysis stages as you refine models and
incorporate feedback. A good way to visualize the PACE framework is
as a completed circuit, each of the four stages must be engaged for it to
function correctly. The electricity or
flow of energy in the PACE circuit is the
communication between you, your team, and all the other stakeholders
and collaborators involved. When you look at the
stages in this manner, you might think that
communication only flows one way. Well, you always do
start with planning, but don’t be afraid to
go back and iterate. With PACE, new
information and feedback can be incorporated in
any part of the process. You might need to return to analyze to clarify some
aspect of the data, and then jump back to execute
to present this aspect to your stakeholders
without the need to construct new models
or dashboards. Along the way, you’ll see how the PACE framework
can be scaled to fit within the scope
of any project. The model’s adaptability will prepare you for a
dynamic profession that requires a high degree of professional flexibility
and communication. Regardless of where
your career takes you, the PACE framework
is a tool that provides a clear
foundation and structure. Through the continued application
of the PACE framework, you’ll prepare for each
courses portfolio project. Then you’ll have
the opportunity to practice your evolving skills. Each portfolio project
will introduce opportunities to develop and strengthen your
organizational methods. As you develop your own
intuitive workflow, the PACE framework can be a
great organizational tool. Next, we’ll look at how
communication is so crucial.

Reading: The PACE Stages


Practice Quiz: Test your knowledge: The data project workflow

In which PACE stage would a data professional ask, “What are the goals of the project?”

Fill in the blank: In the _ stage of the PACE model, a methodical examination of the data is conducted.

In the execute stage of the PACE model, what is shared with stakeholders?

Elements of communication

Video: Key elements of communication

The key elements of communication are purpose, receiver, and sender.

  • Purpose: The reason why the communication is taking place.
  • Receiver: The audience for the communication.
  • Sender: The person responsible for crafting the message.

The same message can be shared in dramatically different ways depending on the purpose and the receiver.

Best practices for communication as a data professional:

  • Consider the purpose of your communication. What do you want to achieve?
  • Identify your audience. Who are you talking to? What do they already know? What do they need to know?
  • Be mindful of your relationship to the receiver and your role in the exchange.
  • Consider your personal biases.
  • Craft your message accordingly.

For example, a data professional working on a complex project might communicate the project pitch, structure, research, models, and findings differently to a non-technical audience than to other colleagues. In both cases, the overall message would be the same, but the details included and the way the information is organized would be different.

Key elements of communication in Data Science

Data scientists play a critical role in communicating complex insights to a variety of stakeholders, including technical and non-technical audiences. To be effective communicators, data scientists need to understand the key elements of communication and how to apply them to different situations.

The three key elements of communication are:

  1. Purpose: What is the goal of your communication? Do you want to inform, persuade, or inspire your audience?
  2. Audience: Who are you communicating with? What is their level of technical expertise and what do they need to know?
  3. Message: What is the key message that you want to convey? How will you craft your message to be clear, concise, and engaging?

Here are some tips for communicating effectively as a data scientist:

  • Be clear and concise. Avoid using jargon and technical terms that your audience may not understand.
  • Use data storytelling to explain your findings. Stories are a powerful way to engage your audience and make your insights more memorable.
  • Visualize your data. Charts and graphs can help to illustrate complex concepts and make your data more accessible to your audience.
  • Be open and honest about your findings. Even if your findings are not what you or your audience were hoping for, it is important to be honest and transparent about your results.
  • Be prepared to answer questions. Be prepared to answer questions from your audience about your data, methodology, and findings.

Here are some specific examples of how to apply the key elements of communication to different data science scenarios:

Scenario 1: You are communicating your findings from a data analysis project to your manager.

  • Purpose: To inform your manager about the results of your analysis and make recommendations for next steps.
  • Audience: Your manager, who has a technical background but is not an expert in your specific field of data science.
  • Message: Craft a clear and concise message that summarizes the key findings of your analysis and your recommendations for next steps. Avoid using jargon and technical terms that your manager may not understand. Use data visualization to illustrate your findings and make your data more accessible.

Scenario 2: You are giving a presentation about your data science work to a group of non-technical stakeholders.

  • Purpose: To educate your audience about your work and its implications for their business.
  • Audience: A group of non-technical stakeholders, such as executives, board members, and investors.
  • Message: Craft a message that is tailored to your audience’s level of technical expertise. Avoid using jargon and technical terms that your audience may not understand. Use stories and analogies to explain complex concepts in a way that is easy to understand. Use data visualization to illustrate your findings and make your data more accessible.

Scenario 3: You are writing a blog post about your data science work.

  • Purpose: To share your findings with a wider audience and generate interest in your work.
  • Audience: A general audience with a variety of technical backgrounds.
  • Message: Craft a message that is clear, concise, and engaging. Avoid using jargon and technical terms that your audience may not understand. Use stories and analogies to explain complex concepts in a way that is easy to understand. Use data visualization to illustrate your findings and make your data more accessible.

By understanding the key elements of communication and how to apply them to different situations, data scientists can become more effective communicators and share their insights with a wider audience.

Which element of communicative exchange refers to crafting a message or communication?


The sender element of communicative exchange refers to crafting a message or communication. The data professional is the sender.

When I was a kid, I used to love to take
things apart so that I could see how everything came together on
the inside to make something work. I actually still love doing that today and
this is so much easier to do with tangible things
that you can hold and look at, like a pen, for example. I can twist the tip to
pull each section apart. From there, I can pull the ink cartridge out and
check out the way that the spring works in tandem with the top part of the pen
to make it click. Studying the way things work becomes much harder when we
start thinking about abstract concepts like communication and you’re probably
wondering why it’s important to talk about it in the first place. In your role
as a data professional, you are the direct connection between the information inside
the data and other projects stakeholders. So let’s take a closer look at some key
considerations when crafting a message. All the communicative exchanges
have three key elements that we need to keep in mind:
purpose, receiver and sender. When we think about purpose, I want you to think about the reason why
the communication is taking place. In analytically oriented settings, you might find yourself in situations
where technical pockets of information, require analysis or
reporting. On the other hand, there may be contexts that depend
on strategic insights which will be used to direct a company’s financial or
organizational efforts. The receiver is your audience. When you think about
the receivers of your messages, I want you to think about
who you are talking to. It’s helpful when crafting communications
to ask: what does my audience already know? What do they need to know? And it’s important to keep in mind that
every exchange can cause a rippled chain of events. As the data professional, you’re often working as part of
a distributed team across an organization and that’s why a message shared
with one receiver may be used for reporting with or to others. The sender is the person responsible for
crafting that message or communication. Yes, you, you’re the sender. The sender is a crucial part
of any communicative exchange. As the sender, I encourage you
to think about the following: what’s your relationship to the receivers?
What’s your role in this exchange? Are you reporting insights? Are you pitching ideas or are you
identifying potential data inputs. Also, what personal biases might affect
the message you’re trying to share. At the heart of the relationship between
purpose, receiver and sender, is the message or communication that you intend to share,
which is impacted by all three elements. For this reason the same message might be
shared in dramatically different ways. When the purpose and the receivers
change from scenario to scenario. For example, you might know a data
professional working on a complex project. They’ve been involved since the project
was sparked by an idea in a meeting. The way they articulate the project
pitch, structure, research, models and findings will change
depending on whom they’re talking to. With non technical audiences, they’re much
less likely to focus on details about the code used to program the model and
instead they’ll focus on the impact of the project. When the audience shifts to
other colleagues, your friend may instead choose to be very detailed about
the code and project logistics. In both cases,
the overall message exchanged, that is, information about the project
was the same. How it was crafted, the details included and
the way the information was organized, that’s what was different. Now that we’ve examined the key
elements of communication, we can really start to think about some of the
best practices that will set you up for success when you communicate
in your future job.

Reading: Best communication practices for data professionals


Practice Quiz: Activity: Communicate with stakeholders in different roles

Reading: Activity Exemplar: Communicate with stakeholders in different roles


Video: Communication drives PACE

The PACE framework is a flexible tool that can be used to manage data projects. It can be used in a linear progression, but it is also possible to iterate between stages. Communication is essential at all stages of the PACE framework, and data professionals should be prepared to adjust their plans as needed.

Here is an analogy to help you understand how to use the PACE framework in data projects:

Imagine that you are building a house. The PACE framework would be like the blueprint for the house. It would tell you what steps you need to take to build the house, and in what order.

First, you would need to plan the house. This would involve deciding on the size and style of the house, as well as the layout of the rooms. Once you have a plan, you can start to analyze the lot and consider other variables such as cost.

Next, you would need to construct the foundation. This is the foundation of the PACE framework, and it is important to make sure that it is strong and stable. Once the foundation is in place, you can start to build the frame of the house.

After the frame is in place, you can start to install the roof. This is the final step in the construction phase of the PACE framework. Once the roof is in place, the house is ready for windows, doors, and other finishes.

The PACE framework is a valuable tool for managing data projects. By following the PACE framework, you can ensure that your data projects are well-organized and efficient.

Here are some tips for using the PACE framework in data projects:

  • Be flexible. The PACE framework is flexible, so don’t be afraid to iterate between stages.
  • Communicate effectively. Communication is essential at all stages of the PACE framework. Be sure to keep your stakeholders informed of your progress and to respond to their questions in a timely manner.
  • Be adaptable. Things don’t always go according to plan, so be prepared to adjust your plans as needed.

The PACE framework is a powerful tool that can help you to be a more effective data professional. By following the PACE framework, you can ensure that your data projects are successful.

Communication drives PACE in Data Science

Communication is essential at all stages of the PACE framework, but it is especially important in the later stages of construct and execute. This is because it is at this stage that the data scientist is working with other stakeholders to implement the insights and recommendations that they have developed.

Here are some tips for communicating effectively in the later stages of PACE:

  • Be clear and concise. When communicating with stakeholders, be sure to use clear and concise language. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that they may not understand.
  • Be specific. Don’t just tell stakeholders that you have made a discovery or developed a recommendation. Be specific about what you have found and what you are recommending.
  • Be proactive. Don’t wait for stakeholders to come to you with questions. Be proactive and reach out to them to provide them with updates on your progress and to answer any questions they may have.
  • Be receptive to feedback. Be open to feedback from stakeholders and be willing to make changes to your work based on their feedback.

Here are some specific examples of how communication can drive PACE in data science:

  • Planning: A data scientist can communicate with stakeholders to understand their needs and goals. This information can then be used to develop a plan for the data science project.
  • Analyze: A data scientist can communicate with stakeholders to gather data and feedback. This information can then be used to analyze the data and identify insights.
  • Construct: A data scientist can communicate with stakeholders to develop and test solutions. This feedback can then be used to improve the solutions.
  • Execute: A data scientist can communicate with stakeholders to implement solutions and monitor their effectiveness. This feedback can then be used to make adjustments to the solutions as needed.

Here is an example of how communication can drive PACE in a data science project:

A data scientist is working on a project to develop a model to predict customer churn. In the planning stage, the data scientist communicates with stakeholders to understand their needs and goals. The stakeholders indicate that they are interested in a model that can predict customer churn with a high degree of accuracy.

In the analyze stage, the data scientist gathers data from a variety of sources, including customer surveys, support tickets, and purchase history. The data scientist then analyzes the data to identify patterns and trends.

In the construct stage, the data scientist develops a number of different models to predict customer churn. The data scientist then tests the models on a holdout dataset to evaluate their performance.

In the execute stage, the data scientist deploys the best-performing model to production. The data scientist then monitors the performance of the model and makes adjustments as needed.

Throughout the project, the data scientist communicates regularly with stakeholders to keep them updated on the progress of the project and to gather feedback. This communication helps to ensure that the project is meeting the needs of the stakeholders and that the model is being implemented effectively.

Communication is essential for the success of any data science project. By following the tips above, data scientists can communicate effectively with stakeholders and drive PACE throughout the project lifecycle.

Previously, you were introduced
to the PACE framework. As a reminder, PACE
has four stages, plan, analyze,
construct, and execute. We also examined
the rationale and key elements involved in
effective communication. Now, let’s investigate
how they can be integrated together
within data projects. At first glance, the
PACE framework easily enables a wide view of an
entire project’s workflow, that is, each stage
from planning to executing is logically
sequenced with the beginning, middle, and end of
a data project. As you may recall though, PACE is incredibly
flexible and it doesn’t need to be employed
in a linear progression. Often, iteration makes
sense in projects. Let’s unpack that
with an example. For reference, we can compare it to the construction
of a building. First, a blueprint is created. This is where the
planning happens. Next, we lay the foundation. We can do this once
we’ve analyzed the lot space and considered
other variables like cost. Then we add the frame. After that, the roof
can be installed. By the time the structure
is ready for moving, the builder will have progressed through the entire workflow, planning, analyzing, constructing, and executing
the client’s vision. In practice, the PACE workflow is meant to serve as
a navigational tool. We created it with the goal of helping you understand the data professional’s workflow and as an aid you can consult
in your future role. Now, let’s return
to the example. With the roof completed, that makes it possible to begin the inside construction
like installing drywall, electrical components,
and plumbing systems. Each of these jobs also has its own PACE workflow
demonstrated on its own planning document within the larger blueprint, each requiring planning, analyzing, constructing,
and executing. Just like the building example
we’ve been discussing, as data projects move
into the construct and execute stages
on the global level, you may need to return
to the earlier stages to incorporate additional data or feedback from other
stakeholders. Even while the global project is transitioning into a
new phase of PACE, there can still be
upcoming tasks that are just beginning
their PACE cycles. Regardless of where you might
be in the PACE workflow, communication is what drives the framework to the
realization of the project. At each stage within
the framework, there will always be a need for communication to
improve the workflow. This could be asking
questions about your data, gathering
additional sources, updating stakeholders
on progress, or presenting findings
and receiving feedback. One of the most
important considerations behind the development
of PACE was providing a flexible
structure that allows you to adjust to changes
within a project. Let’s return to our
building example. Let’s say that during
the installation of the electrical system, the property owner has communicated that
they wish to have an additional charging port for electrical vehicles
added to the plan. To facilitate the change, you would revisit the
PACE framework to plan, analyze, construct, and
execute this new request. Just like in this example, requests from other stakeholders
can come in at anytime. Regardless of the timing of an additional request or task, data professionals need
to be available and accessible throughout the
entire project cycle. Sometimes you may
need to speak at a meeting or participate
in a progress update. Additionally, you may update your progress within
a tracking system. Email conversations and chat
discussions will keep others involved and up-to-date with where you are in your workflow. I’m excited for you to develop
some hands-on experience, practicing different
communication strategies through each stage of PACE. You’ll have opportunities to do this later in the program. For now, I want you to remember that a good
data professional is a proactive communicator who responds to questions
in a timely fashion. Keeping other
stakeholders up-to-date with clear explanations can make you the most effective data professional that you can be.

Reading: Elements of successful communication


Practice Quiz: Test your knowledge: Elements of communication

Which element of communicative exchange involves thinking about the reason why the communication is taking place?

To work successfully, PACE must be employed in a linear progression.

Fill in the blank: Regardless of the PACE workflow stage, _ drives the framework through to project realization.

Communicate like a data professional

Video: Connect PACE with upcoming course themes

When using the PACE framework, it is important to remember that each stage of the workflow is not mutually exclusive. Different roles, teams, projects, and workflows may put emphasis on different stages of the PACE framework. Although you may be working on a task that is primarily focused on, for example, analyzing data, there will still be elements from the other stages of the PACE framework that will affect your work as well.

For example, if you are working on a project to predict customer churn, you will likely spend most of your time in the analyze stage. However, you will also need to plan the project, construct a data model, and execute the model to produce predictions. Additionally, you will need to communicate your findings to stakeholders, which involves elements of planning, analysis, and execution.

The PACE framework can be applied to each course in a data science program. For example, in a Python course, you may focus on learning the language and its capabilities for data analysis (planning stage). In the course’s portfolio project, you may shift into analysis, but there will also be elements of planning, constructing, and even execution as you create the final product.

In a data preparation course, you may focus on learning how to clean and prepare data for analysis (analysis stage). As you become familiar with the foundations of statistics, you will continue analyzing data and construct new tools for your toolbox that you will apply in your portfolio project.

In a regression modeling course, you may extend your experience in the analysis stage and put it into practice by constructing data models. You will also practice executing by summarizing the results and insights to provide value to your stakeholders.

In an advanced modeling course, you may further expand your analysis and construction skills within that particular portfolio project.

Even in a career resources course, you will be using the PACE framework. You will be planning by collecting information, analyzing the job market, and constructing your resume and portfolio.

In the capstone project, you will have the chance to use the entire PACE framework through scenarios and data provided by industry partners.

The PACE framework is an excellent way to help guide you as you gain knowledge and confidence. Understanding how to classify tasks and proactively interact with the PACE framework will help you develop good habits and eventually develop your own professional workflow.

Tutorial: Connect PACE with upcoming course themes in Data Science

The PACE framework is a data science workflow that consists of four stages: Planning, Analysis, Construction, and Execution. Each stage is important for the successful completion of a data science project.

How to connect PACE with upcoming course themes in Data Science:

  1. Identify the main themes of your upcoming course. What skills and concepts will you be learning?
  2. Map each theme to the PACE framework. How will you use the skills and concepts you learn in each stage of the PACE framework?
  3. Think about how you can apply the PACE framework to your course assignments and projects. For example, if you are working on a project to predict customer churn, you might use the PACE framework as follows:
    • Planning: Identify the business goals of the project, gather data, and develop a plan for analysis.
    • Analysis: Clean and prepare the data, explore the data to identify patterns, and build machine learning models.
    • Construction: Deploy the machine learning models to production so that they can be used to predict customer churn.
    • Execution: Monitor the performance of the models and make adjustments as needed.

Here are some specific examples of how you can connect PACE with upcoming course themes in Data Science:

Course theme: Python programming

PACE stage: Planning and analysis

How to connect: Python is a powerful language for data science tasks such as data cleaning, analysis, and visualization. In your Python course, you will learn how to use Python to perform these tasks. You can use the PACE framework to think about how you will use Python to plan and analyze data for your upcoming projects.

Course theme: Data preparation

PACE stage: Analysis

How to connect: Data preparation is an essential step in any data science project. In your data preparation course, you will learn how to clean and prepare data for analysis. You can use the PACE framework to think about how you will use data preparation tools and techniques to analyze data for your upcoming projects.

Course theme: Regression modeling

PACE stage: Analysis and construction

How to connect: Regression modeling is a popular technique for data science tasks such as prediction and forecasting. In your regression modeling course, you will learn how to build and evaluate regression models. You can use the PACE framework to think about how you will use regression modeling to analyze data and build predictive models for your upcoming projects.

Course theme: Capstone project

PACE stage: All stages

How to connect: The capstone project is an opportunity to apply the skills and concepts you have learned throughout your data science program. You will work on a real-world data science problem and produce a solution. You can use the PACE framework to plan, analyze, construct, and execute your capstone project.

By connecting PACE with upcoming course themes in Data Science, you can develop a deeper understanding of the data science workflow and learn how to apply the PACE framework to your own projects.

Fill in the blank: During the lessons involving career resources, you will be operating in the _____ stage as you collect information about your future as a data professional.


During the lessons involving career resources, you will be operating in the planning stage as you collect information. In the plan stage, you define the scope of your project and identify your organization’s informational needs.

You’re nearing the end
of your first course. We’ve discussed
some key concepts, especially in the
areas of communication and data workflow through
the PACE framework. As you’re preparing for your
first portfolio project, I’d like to point out
a vital consideration when using the PACE framework. Each stage of the workflow
is not mutually exclusive. Different roles,
teams, projects, and workflows may put emphasis on different stages of
the PACE framework. Although you may be working on a task that is
primarily focused on, for example, analyzing data, there will still be elements
from the other stages of the PACE framework that will
affect your work as well. Let’s take a look at the way this program applies
the PACE framework. We can take a global
perspective and say that the earlier courses
are heavier on planning and analysis and the later courses are for
construction and execution. But that’s a very wide view. If you take a closer look, you’ll discover
that each course is operating within its
own PACE framework. In your Python course, you’ll be acquiring
knowledge to enable you to use the language
for data analysis. Because you’re
acquiring new skills, much of the course may be classified in the
planning stage of PACE. As you move on to that
course’s portfolio project, you’ll shift into analysis. But this will have elements
of planning, constructing, and even execution as you
create the final product. Next, you’ll learn how to prepare data to reveal
the stories within. Here, you’ll lean into
the Analyze stage. As you become familiar with the foundations of statistics, you’ll continue analyzing
data and you’ll construct some new tools for your toolbox that you will apply in
your portfolio project. While you’re
exploring regression, you’ll extend your experience
in the analysis stage and put it into practice by
constructing data models. You’ll also practice
executing by summarizing the results and insights to provide value to
your stakeholders. Advanced modeling will further
expand your analysis and construction skills within that particular
portfolio project. Even while you’re expanding your knowledge of
career resources, you’ll be operating
in the planning stage as you collect information, the analysis stage, while
processing information about the job market and the constructing stage while assembling your
resume and portfolio. You’ll have an
opportunity to bring all your newly acquired
knowledge and skills together in the
capstone project. Here, you’ll have
the chance to use the entire PACE
framework through scenarios and data provided
by our industry partners. Even though some stages are more prominent than others
in each course, you’ll still see evidence of
all the stages throughout. You can look at PACE
as the scaffold that surrounds the
exterior of a building. With this scaffold in place, different tasks within
the building can use the same workflow structure without disrupting
the entire project. As you can see,
the PACE framework is an excellent way to help guide you as you gain
knowledge and confidence. Understanding how to classify tasks and proactively interact, will help you develop
good habits and eventually develop your
own professional workflow.

Reading: The value of the PACE strategy document


Reading: Communicate objectives with a project proposal


Reading: Connect PACE with executive summaries


Practice Quiz: Activity: Create a project proposal

Reading: Activity Exemplar: Create a project proposal


Practice Quiz: Test your knowledge: Communicate like a data professional

Which PACE stage involves acquiring new skills for data work?

Which PACE stage involves preparing data in order to reveal the stories data tells?

Review: Data applications and workflow

Video: Wrap-up

You have completed the data workflow overview, which covered a variety of important concepts, including:

  • The PACE framework, which can be used to structure and guide data projects
  • Effective communication, which is essential within the PACE framework
  • External factors that can impact data analysis, such as data quality and availability
  • Internal factors that can impact data analysis, such as bias within data

You are now prepared to begin working on your first portfolio project.

Tips for the weekly challenge:

  • Review the materials covered in the data workflow overview.
  • Use the PACE framework to structure your project.
  • Communicate effectively with your team members.
  • Be aware of the external and internal factors that can impact your analysis.

You’ve reached the end of
the data workflow overview. You’ve covered a lot of material and
concepts. Great job. You saw how the PACE framework
can be used to help structure and guide you through projects. Next, we learned about
effective communication and how it can be used within
the PACE framework. We looked at the external factors that
can have an impact on data analysis. We also looked at the internal factors
that can have an impact on data analysis, like bias within data. As you’re preparing for
the weekly challenge, don’t forget that you can review
any of the materials we covered. In the next section, you’ll begin
working on your first portfolio project. I wish you the best of luck.

Reading: Glossary terms from module 4

Terms and definitions from Course 1, Module 4

Quiz: Module 4 challenge

What stage of the PACE model begins with identifying the informational needs of the organization?

Fill in the blank: In the construct stage of the PACE model, data professionals build, interpret, and revise _ and machine learning algorithms in order to uncover relationships within the data and unlock related insights.

A data professional uses their communication skills to present findings from a data project to others. They also answer questions and consider different viewpoints. What stage of the PACE model does this scenario describe?

All communicative exchanges contain key elements. Which element involves considering how one’s personal biases might affect their communication?

Which of the following are best practices when communicating? Select all that apply.

Fill in the blank: Effective _ is used to improve the workflow in all PACE framework stages.

What are some strategies to use when practicing active listening? Select all that apply.

Which section of a project proposal includes groupings of tasks within the project, which break up the work into more manageable goals? 1 point Project objectives Deliverables Stakeholders Milestones